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Von Wolfsburgern für Wolfsburg


Schloss Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg is very exciting!
Do you believe it or not?
Then come to our city,
We'll show you round a lot.
We shall begin with the phaeno,
The building that looks like a ship.
For years it has been in the centre
One of the greatest hits.

Phaeno is full of wonders
Of nature, of sciene, of Earth-
And you can spend many hours
Experimenting, of course.

Phaeno Wolfsburg
Phaeno Wolfsburg_Klemens Ortmeyer
Klemens Ortmeyer

The next day will be for museums:
Of history, culture and art-
We'll show you our castle
I'm sure, it will touch your heart.

The middle-ages historical building
Has got really much to say.

Later we'll sit in its garden 
Listening to the music to play.

One day we'll devote to the Autostadt -
So is our Car City called.
New cars are produced by Volkswagen plant,
one of the best in the world-

Jens L. Heinrich

If you are a careful driver
And interested in reliable cars,
Then visit our famous Car Towers
The plant, the City and us.
There's always a great selection 
Of personal cars and of trucks.
You'll admire the cars' perfection
And perhaps you'll buy one. Good luck!

If you decide to come in summer,
There will be much more to be done.
In the Allerpark, pools and in gardens
Everywhere you will have great fun.

Designer Outlets Wolfsburg
designer outlets Wolfsburg

You will see friendly people's faces
Walking slowly along Porsche Street.
Everything is here devoted 
To secure citizen's needs.

Our last day will be for the shopping.
You can not do without it!
And the really best places for it
Are the City Galerie and the wonderful Outlet.

In the evening we'll sit together in a restaurant,
Deliciuous food will be served to us
And by eating we'll discuss what is really good
In one of the German cities
Which is simply Wolfsburg called.
But this is my hometown
And, of course, the best in the world.

Irma Olheiser

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