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Fire protection and bombing

The volunteer fire department in the "town of the KdF car near Fallersleben"

The importance of volunteer fire departments for fire and air protection during the Second World War can hardly be overestimated. In the newly founded "town of the KdF car", Mayor Werner Steinecke therefore tried to set up a volunteer fire department as early as December 1939. The Aller-Zeitung newspaper published an appeal by the mayor on December 2. The "progressive development of the town" and "-__-0000-__-above all the air raid protection and the increased dangers due to the current state of war", the mayor explained, would urge the "strengthening of fire protection".-__-0001-__- Until then, fire protection for the factory and town had been in the hands of the factory fire department of the Volkswagen plant and the fire department of the Count von der Schulenburg estate. These fire brigades would also "continue to provide fire-fighting assistance as far as possible", explained Steinecke, "-__-0002-__- but they now need to be supplemented by a municipal fire brigade". He therefore called on all "healthy members of the people" between the ages of 17 and 55, "who are unreservedly committed to the National Socialist state at all times", to join the volunteer fire department.

However, only 21 citizens responded to the call, which is why Steinecke made another attempt in May 1940. In the same month, on May 29, 1940, the volunteer fire department of the "town of the KdF car" was founded in the Schulz inn. Under the leadership of Dipl.-Ing. Schumann, 39 firefighters finally came together-__-0003-__-

However, some time passed before the fire department could take over the fire protection of the city. First, the fire department had to be equipped with the appropriate protective clothing and equipment. It was not until April 1, 1941 that it took over fire protection in the "city of the KdF car" and was thus responsible for around 3,000 homes. However, it was not responsible for the Volkswagenwerk and the communal camp administered by the Volkswagenwerk's social enterprises: These areas continued to be served by the factory fire department. Around the same time, work began on the construction of the main fire station on Fallerslebener Strasse, in the immediate vicinity of the municipal works. This was initially located in a makeshift building, which housed the fire alarm control center with day rooms and dormitories, as well as a storage room, a training room and several garages to accommodate the vehicles and other equipment. However, the appearance of the 18-meter-high fire tower was particularly striking.-__-0000-__-.

At this time, the fire department was divided into two fire department groups, which together formed a fire brigade platoon. An Opel Blitz crew car and a converted Horch passenger car crew car were available as vehicles.-__-0000-__- At the end of June 1941, the fire department moved into its accommodation in Fallerslebener Straße.

In the course of the war, the scope of the volunteer fire department expanded further. It was even deployed at major fires in the Hanover and Braunschweig area. However, the number of members had fallen due to conscription for military service. On November 9, 1942, the firefighters trained by the volunteer fire department were therefore conscripted into the Hitler Youth. At the beginning of December 1942, the fire department in the "City of the KdF-Wagen" was said to have 62 "firefighters" according to the Aller-Zeitung.__-0001-__- The official party daily newspaper Die Neue Zeit even saw the National Socialist ideal of a national community realized in their composition: "In the municipal fire department, the simple helper stands next to the skilled worker, the foreman and office clerk next to the master builder, the city inspector next to the janitor."-__-0002-__- In view of the difficult founding phase of the volunteer fire department and the increasing personnel problems resulting from the course of the war since 1943, this description of the situation hardly corresponded to reality - and was not achieved until the capitulation of the German Reich on May 8, 1945.

-__-0003-__- "Become fighters against the danger of fire - The mayor calls on people to join the volunteer fire department", in: Aller-Zeitung of December 2, 1939.
-__-0004-__- StadtA WOB, Druckschriftensammlung, Festschrift zum 25jährigen Bestehen der Feuerwehr Wolfsburg am 29. Mai 1965, p. 2 (unpaginated). See also "Freiwillige Feuerwehr wird gebildet", in: Aller-Zeitung of June 2, 1940.
-__-0005-__- "The main municipal fire station under construction", in: Aller-Zeitung of April 3, 1941.
-__-0006-__- StadtA WOB, HA 325, annual report on the completed tasks and special incidents in the Air and Fire Protection Department for the period from December 1, 1940 to April 1, 1941, dated April 3, 1941.
-__-0007-__- "Fire protection of the city ensured by the volunteer fire department", in: Aller-Zeitung of December 5/6, 1942.
-__-0008-__- "Swearing in of the volunteer fire department", in: Die Neue Zeit of February 4, 1942.

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