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Building culture camp

August 2 to 7, 2025
Summer holiday camp all about architecture & Craft

Hard hat, hammer, plans
Hard hat, hammer, plans
Photo: Lars Landmann

How do architects design buildings? What is urban planning? And how do landscape architects ensure that our cities don't overheat? The camp in the summer vacations offers young people aged between 15 and 19 from all over Lower Saxony the opportunity to get to know various professions and topics from architecture to urban and open space planning to (building) trades. In addition to workshops, excursions and impulses from experts, the main focus of the program is on trying things out and discussing them together.

During the six-day camp, you will get to talk to representatives from a wide range of professions, visit exciting construction projects and, of course, get hands-on and creative yourself. In addition to getting a taste of different professions, the camp will also focus on the impact of the built environment on people and the climate and the contribution that planning and building can make to greater sustainability.

More information, registration and program soon here!

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The tents will be pitched on the outdoor area of the Jugendhaus Ost
(Walter-Flex-Weg 2, 38446 Wolfsburg).

80,- EUR per person

You will soon find the registration form here

Cooperation partners:
The camp is a joint initiative of the city of Wolfsburg, the Netzwerk Baukultur in Niedersachsen e.V. and the Lavesstiftung, Hanover.

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Das Logo der Lavesstiftung


City of Wolfsburg/Forum Architecture
Esther Orant
Phone: 05361 28-2814

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