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Politics & Administration

Data, Strategies, Urban Development Unit

Statistics and Urban Research (Statistics Office)

The tasks of the Statistical Office of the City of Wolfsburg include the analysis, processing and publication of statistical data. An important goal of the statistics office is to make the data accessible to all interested parties in an understandable form.

The publications of the Statistical Office provide an overview of the most important statistical information and key figures of the City of Wolfsburg. The main focus is on population and labor market statistics.

If you require further, more detailed information on statistical data, you can contact us personally.


  • Messages

    New publication "Stadtteilreports" published

    The statistics office of the city of Wolfsburg has published a new interactive HTML report on population trends in Wolfsburg's urban and rural districts in the form of the "District Reports".

    Brief overview of the population as of 30.09.2024 published

    The statistics office of the city of Wolfsburg has published a brief overview of the population as of 30.09.2024. The data sheet provides a brief overview of the current population status of the city and districts in Wolfsburg every quarter.

    Labor market report 2024 published

    The statistics office of the city of Wolfsburg has published the Labor Market Report 2024. The report provides a statistical overview of the labor market situation in the city of Wolfsburg in 2023.

    Facts and figures 2024 flyer published

    The statistics office has published the flyer "Wolfsburg Statistics - Data & Facts 2024". Further information can be found on this page under "Publications".

    Population report 2024 published

    The statistics office of the city of Wolfsburg has published the Population Report 2024. The report contains numerous statistics on population development as well as migration movements and household structures in Wolfsburg. In the current version, the report has been supplemented with data from 2023.

    Population data in WOKS updated to include the year 2023

    In the statistical information portal WOKS, a large number of evaluations in the topic area "Population" have been expanded to include the year 2023.

    Population forecast 2022 published

    The statistics office of the city of Wolfsburg has published the population forecast for 2022. Data and information on the forecast are available on this page under "Other topics".


Other topics

  • Population forecast

    Population forecasts have been calculated for the city of Wolfsburg since 2002. The population forecasts of the city of Wolfsburg show the development of the population and the age structure for the respective forecast period. The underlying assumptions are based on population movements (births, deaths, immigration and emigration) and residential construction projects. The forecast is based on the "if-then principle", i.e. the population will only develop as calculated if all assumptions are met. In Wolfsburg's city administration, the forecast is used as a strategic management and controlling tool and as a basis for investment and infrastructure planning in various business areas.

    The start date of the current "Population Forecast 2022" for the city of Wolfsburg is 31.12.2021. Forecast data was calculated for each year up to 2027 for the city as a whole. Methodologically, the population forecast can be described as a year-by-year, location-specific projection. It was prepared by the City of Wolfsburg's Data, Strategies and Urban Development department using the SIKURS program. Based on the population development of the past five years (2017-2021), the forecast extrapolates this development into the future with modified migration assumptions. Population movements, housing construction projects and, in particular, the influx of refugees from Ukraine were taken into account. The population forecast for the city of Wolfsburg focuses on the assumptions with the highest probability of occurrence."

  • Migration motive survey 2018

    Every year, a large number of people move to the city of Wolfsburg and just as many leave. Through population statistics, the city does know how many people move from A to B each year and also, for example, which age groups move. However, it knows little about their motives or why they migrate. Therefore, from October to December 2018, around 9,000 citizens were contacted who had moved to Wolfsburg in the past two years or who had left Wolfsburg for the surrounding area, the Hanover region or Berlin.

    The city's main aim in conducting the survey was to gain new insights into Wolfsburg's housing market. To this end, respondents were asked, among other things, about the reasons for their move, their housing preferences and living conditions, and how the search for housing had progressed. The good response rate of 24% shows that there is still a great deal of interest among households that have moved away in developments in Wolfsburg.


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