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Education, culture & Sports

Music school

The music school of the city of Wolfsburg helps to discover, develop and individually promote musical abilities. Whether for children, young people or adults - whether classical, jazz, rock or pop: the music school of the city of Wolfsburg offers individual, qualified lessons.

Opening hours of the administration:

Monday to Friday 10:00-12:00
Monday and Thursday 14:00-16:00
Tuesday 14:00-17:00

Postal address: Goethestraße 10 A, 38440 Wolfsburg

The music school is closed during school vacations.

News from the music school

  • 24.04.2024
    Intensive course "Young Classic Masters" in September 2024

    Young Classic Masters
    with Prof. Dr. Elena Levit
    September 05 - 08 in Gifhorn
    September 12 - 15 in Wolfsburg

    The intensive course "Young Classic Masters" is aimed at children and young people from the age of 6 who receive regular piano lessons at the Gifhorn Music School or the Wolfsburg Music School and who are not yet enrolled at a university.

  • 05.02.2024
    Kita sings 2024

    For 14 years now, the City of Wolfsburg's music school has been using this project to encourage Wolfsburg's pre-school children to sing. Every year, the music school and the participating daycare centers motivate around 550 preschool children, teachers from around 28 daycare centers and, last but not least, the families to sing with Kita Singt.

  • Which instrument - trial lessons help

    New offers from the Music School of the City of Wolfsburg

    Anyone interested in learning a particular instrument can receive a free trial lesson for the subjects oboe, horn, transverse flute, bassoon, harp and recorder during a limited period of time at the Music School of the City of Wolfsburg.

    Those interested in trial lessons and the Musikgarten should register by calling 05361 2972-0 at the music school's office in Goethestraße.

  • Music School Grand Prix 2023

    The 19th Music School Grand Prix took place on September 23rd.

  • Music school teachers on CD!

    Sub5 - krismes and Ensemble Ciaconna

    This Corona winter, the pupils and teachers of the Wolfsburg City Music School will once again be singing and making music. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is not possible for them to present their skills live. This makes it all the nicer and more important that the music school's teachers are excellent musicians themselves and can present themselves on CDs.

    There have certainly been better times to release CDs. But precisely because 2020 can do with a bit of glitter and festive cheer, Juliette Jacobsen, vocal teacher at the music school, and her a capella formation Sub5 have released krismes for the first Advent: their first CD with Christmas and winter songs. In nine songs, the five singers from Hanover prove themselves to be first-class ambassadors in the Christmas field of tension between contemplation, traditions and Coca-Cola kitsch. Softly trickling snow, Mary walking through a mystical and magical thorn forest and meeting swinging Bing Crosby and Destiny's Child: a piece of Christmas in these turbulent times.

    They were able to win over the multi-award-winning a cappella specialist Joshua Bredemeier (Hörbänd) as producer. In a normal year, there would be dates for concerts here. But like many other players in the cultural sector, Sub5 have been hit particularly hard by the coronavirus crisis. The CD can be ordered by e-mail for 15.00 euros plus shipping. It has also been available to listen to on all popular streaming platforms since 27.11.2020.

    A real insider tip is the "Ensemble Ciaconna", to which three lecturers from the Wolfsburg City Music School have joined forces to devote themselves to their great passion - baroque music. The musicians Katrin Heidenreich (recorder/traverse flute), Negin Habibi (baroque guitar/keyboard guitar) and Charlotte Kiefer (baroque cello) have been inspiring audiences on national and international stages for many years and have used the Corona summer to record their debut album, which was released at the end of November.

    The album features works by well-known Baroque masters such as Bach, Telemann and Corelli, as well as musical gems by less famous composers. CD orders can be placed via the website www.ciaconna.de/kontakt for 15.00 euros plus shipping.

  • Cooperation with schools and daycare centers

    Currently, there are collaborations with the following schools:

    We are also happy to work hand in hand with your school! The music school has been cooperating with general education schools in various forms for many years.

    Contact: Matthias Klingebiel, Mobile: 0175 7214650

  • Partners and friends

    The Music School of the City of Wolfsburg maintains a close network of cooperation in the regional and national cultural scene. It can look back on many years of successful cooperation with a wide variety of cultural education institutions.

    In June 2002, the Kontaktstelle Musik in Wolfsburg was founded with the cooperation of the music school. With this initiative, the Music School of the City of Wolfsburg would like to promote the networking of local culture and act as a meeting point for music culture in Wolfsburg.

    Representative of the wealth of friends and partners, you can find out about the work of the following clubs and associations here.

  • Study preparation training (SVA)

    An important area of the Music School of the City of Wolfsburg is the Study Preparation Program (SVA).

    It is aimed at advanced instrumentalists who intend to study music later. However, high school students who want to improve their grade in the advanced music course are also welcome.

    SVA students receive instruction in their instrumental or vocal major, in a minor subject, and in music theory (harmony, ear training).

    Interested students age 13 and older may submit a written application for admission to SVA and must pass an aptitude test in their major subject.

    For more information, contact the music school.

    Matthias Klingebiel

    Contact person:

    Matthias Klingebiel, Mobile 0175 7214650

  • Projects and workshops
  • Kita sings

    For 13 years now, the music school of the city of Wolfsburg has been promoting the singing skills of Wolfsburg's pre-school children with this project.

    Read more information about "Kita sings" here

  • Immerse yourself in the world of our music school with these fascinating YouTube videos:

    "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen

    Pupil Liona Sophie Wolf from Anne Serger's harp class performs the song "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen.

    Cedrik Wagner - "The Cat And The Mouse" (Aaron Copland)

    Cedrik Wagner has been a pupil in Hung Do's piano class for several years. This year he won first prize in the Jugend musiziert competition at state level.

    Lotta Carbonnier

    Lotta Carbonnier is a student in Anne Serger's harp class.

    Sofia Helm

    Sofia Helm is a student in Luciana Matei's violin class. Sofia is accompanied by Matteo Guerra.

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