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Economy & Digital

City center and secondary centers

Blaue Grafik
As a place of urban coexistence, the sustainable enhancement and attractiveness of the city center and urban centers is of central importance to the city of Wolfsburg. Downtown and center development in Wolfsburg is being driven forward in an interdisciplinary manner by various departments and in close cooperation with Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH (WMG).

The common goal is for more people to spend more time in the city center and district centers. The increasing importance of and pressure for action in downtown areas and centers have been recognized by both the federal government and the state of Lower Saxony, and have been used as an opportunity to create a diverse funding framework. The city of Wolfsburg successfully applied for three funding programs for the development of the city center as well as the historic district centers of Fallersleben and Vorsfelde: "Perspektive Innenstadt!", "Resiliente Innenstädte" and "Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren". In addition to the various projects within the framework of the funding programs, central developments around the Nordkopf as well as in the middle Porschestraße and the upgrading of redevelopment areas are being pushed.

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Economy & Digital


Development concept, investor projects and funding programs
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Economy & Digital

Fallersleben and Vorsfelde

Sustainable city centers and downtown areas
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