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Child protection/notification of risk to child welfare

The Child Protection Coordination Office is the point of contact for specialist child protection issues in Wolfsburg and is aimed at all people who are in contact with families, children and young people on a professional or voluntary basis. It does not provide assistance in individual cases, but does provide information on suitable services and facilities.

Child protection coordination has the following tasks:

  • Planning and implementing further education and training courses

  • Networking those involved in child protection and promoting the exchange of information

  • Further development of quality standards in child protection in educational institutions

  • Conceptual participation in cross-professional cooperation agreements

  • General information about child protection work and existing help and support services

Notification in the event of suspected child endangerment

If you have noticed significant indications that a child's welfare may be at risk, please seek professional advice from an experienced child protection specialist to assess the risk and decide on further steps. To notify the General Social Services / Youth Welfare Office, please use the child endangerment report form. You can find the contact details and further information about the General Social Service on the Social Service website.

  • Framework concepts
  • Advanced training and education

    The Child Protection Coordination Office offers training and continuing education to educational institutions and other interested groups in Wolfsburg on the protection mandate in the event of child welfare risks. Basic knowledge about child protection is imparted:

    • Legal basics
    • Forms and signs of endangerment
    • Procedures
    • Involvement of parents, children and adolescents
    • Cooperation with institutions and counseling centers
    • Overview of the most important assistance for families in Wolfsburg

    The aim of the events is to sensitize participants to child protection and to give them more confidence in taking action to fulfill their duty to protect. There is also an opportunity for participants to present their own case studies. The content and schedule of the training sessions are tailored to the needs of the individual facility.

  • Child Protection Network

    The Youth division founded the Child Protection Working Group in September 2010. It is an association of representatives from various fields of work and different professions who are in contact with children and young people and their families in their professional context.

    The aim is to create a close network of local stakeholders in child protection with a regular, intensive exchange of experiences. The aim is to promote understanding of other professional roles and provide qualified support in individual cases. Because only if all relevant agencies know who is responsible for what and where each other's boundaries lie can they cooperate effectively to protect children.

    The members of the Child Protection Working Group meet four times a year to discuss and exchange information on current developments in child protection.

    The institutions and services linked in the child protection network currently include

  • Expert advice on child protection

    The assessment of a risk to the well-being of a child is a complex process and can be emotionally very stressful. Professionals from educational, social and medical fields who are in professional contact with children, adolescents and their families have a legal right to advice from an "insofar experienced specialist". The legal basis is §§ 8a, b SGB VIII (Child and Youth Welfare Act) and § 4 KKG (Act on Cooperation and Information in Child Protection).

    "Insofar experienced professionals" have specific knowledge, methodological procedures and practical experience in the assessment of risk situations. They provide advice on all issues relating to the best interests of the child:

    • Assessment of the risk of endangerment after perception of (weighty) indications.
    • Exploration of resources and development potentials
    • Preparation and follow-up of meetings with guardians
    • Dealing with the child or adolescent at risk
    • Development of a concept for help and protection, if necessary with the involvement of other institutions
    • Involvement of the youth welfare office
    • Clarification of responsibilities, procedural issues
    • Weighing up the requirements of confidentiality and child protection.

    The case consultation can take place as an individual, team or management consultation. If necessary, a follow-up meeting is also possible. The consultation is free of charge and is conducted anonymously.

    The professionals with in-depth experience have formed a working group for the exchange of information and experience as well as anonymous case discussions. Further interested parties are welcome at any time. The members meet quarterly. Information on the current dates can be obtained from the Child Protection Coordination.

  • Further information
  • Contact

    City of Wolfsburg
    Child protection coordination
    Svenja Loock
    Youth Division, Prevention Department
    Braunschweiger Street 12
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 28-1480
    E-mail: svenja.loock@stadt.wolfsburg.de

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