If you are interested in advertising your cultural event on one of these pillars, you can find out how to submit an application in the following section.">If you are interested in advertising your cultural event on one of these pillars, you can find out how to submit an application in the following section.">

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Education, culture & Sports

Cultural columns Wolfsburg

In the following section, you will learn more about the cultural pillars of the city of Wolfsburg and how to apply for a billboard for your cultural event.

The city of Wolfsburg has 9 culture pillars that offer free advertising space for Wolfsburg's cultural scene. Posters of several cultural events are displayed on the selected advertising pillars. The company Ströer Deutsche Städte Medien GmbH carries out the billposting on the culture pillars.

Culture column
  • Locations of the cultural columns
  • What is placarded?

    Cultural events in Wolfsburg that do not predominantly serve advertising and commercial objectives and have a special cultural value for the entire city of Wolfsburg. Suppliers who have used other offers from Ströer Deutsche Städte Medien GmbH within the last five years are excluded.

  • Period

    Billposting takes place at decade intervals (1 decade = 10 or 11 days) and can be booked for up to two consecutive decades. The event must be within the decade(s).

  • Poster size

    The common formats are DIN A2, DIN A1 and DIN A0. Posters in DIN A3 format are also possible in principle.

  • Paper quality

    For outdoor billposting, poster paper with a paper weight of at least 110 g/m² is recommended, which remains tear-resistant even when wet.

  • Number of posters

    All 9 cultural pillars will be placarded with your poster. Please submit 11 posters (9 2 spare posters).

  • Request for billposting

    Your application for billposting must be received by the Culture Office at least four weeks before the desired billposting period. You can use the online form to apply.

  • Delivery of the posters

    Please submit your posters to the Culture Office no later than three weeks before the billposting period. Posters cannot be guaranteed if they are submitted late.

  • Notes

    There is no entitlement to billposting. The Cultural Office of the City of Wolfsburg reserves the right to reject a poster application. No liability can be accepted for damage, theft or the pasting over of posters by third parties.

  • Contact for queries and drop-off point for posters

    City of Wolfsburg
    Culture Office
    Lisa Marie Steinbeck
    Alvar Aalto House of Culture
    Porschestrasse 51
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 28-1559
    E-mail: lisa-marie.steinbeck@stadt.wolfsburg.de

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