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Applications and permits related to building and housing

From the building application to the access permit - before the dream of owning your own four walls can come true, a number of applications have to be submitted and permits obtained.

  • Building application procedure

    Depending on the type and scope of your planned construction project, different approval processes are necessary. Enclosed you will find the most important forms and pre-printed forms for the building application process. If you have any further questions, please contact the Bau-Bürger office.

    Note on the processing of personal data at the City of Wolfsburg

    We would like to point out that you have various rights as a data subject pursuant to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Detailed information about which rights these are in detail and how your data is processed can be found under the following link:

  • Buildability of land

    A property owner has the possibility to divide the existing property in order to create a separate property which can be sold and built on. Since the end of 2008, such a land division is no longer subject to approval. Nevertheless, the division of the property must not result in conditions that are contrary to the building law, i.e. both properties must continue to comply with the regulations of the building law.

  • Certificate of seclusion (apartment division)

    If you want to divide your property or building into residential or partial ownership, you need a so-called certificate of seclusion in accordance with Section 7 of the Residential Property Act. Hereby, the lower building supervisory authority confirms that the property or the building has been structurally separated in such a way that independently usable residential units have been created. This certificate must first be presented to a notary and then to the land registry together with the relevant registration process.

  • Building file archive

    Building files are created in connection with the processing and approval of building applications. The construction file includes all documents and drawings that have arisen in connection with the projects on a building plot (for example, building applications, building permits, construction drawings, area calculations and so on). Building files of land owners and authorized representatives are to be inspected.

  • Property drainage

    In order for a house's sewage system to function, it must be connected to the existing sewer system. This ensures that both wastewater and rainwater can drain off in such a way that no damage is caused by flooding. All further information on property drainage also for the area of the joint municipality Boldecker Land can be found on the following pages.

  • Waste disposal

    Around 81,000 tons of waste are generated in the Wolfsburg city area every year. Wolfsburg's Waste Management and Street Cleaning is responsible for the disposal of private and commercial waste. As a homeowner or business owner, however, you have to take care of ordering waste containers in advance. You can conveniently register, deregister and reregister waste containers and change the container volume online.

  • Building encumbrances

    A building charge is a voluntarily assumed obligation of a property owner to accept an action, tolerance or omission on his or her property. This is made in writing to the building supervisory authority. The register of building encumbrances can be inspected on site for a fee. Alternatively, you can apply online to have the desired extract sent to you.

  • District heating connection and exemption

    Is your property located in the area covered by a district heating statute? If so, you are required to connect to and use the district heating network of Stadtwerke Wolfsburg AG. Would you like to heat your building with the help of a heat pump or use solar energy? Under certain conditions, it is possible for property owners or owners of land to be exempted from the obligation to connect to and use the district heating network of the municipal utility.

  • Approval property access road

    It may be necessary to lower the curb to create a new driveway or garage entrance. In principle, every property owner is entitled to a property access road so that the property can be connected to the public road space. However, this requires an application to be submitted to the Road Construction and Project Coordination Division to obtain the necessary access permit.

  • Break open permit

    Every break-up in the area of public traffic space affects the road traffic. For this reason, a so-called break-up permit is required if, for example, supply lines are to be laid or renewed and it is necessary to break up public areas for this purpose. Further information and advice on break-up permits can also be obtained in person from the Road Construction and Project Coordination Division.

  • Construction site access road

    A construction site access road is a temporary access road that is to be built to protect the public traffic area in the course of construction work. The construction of a construction site access road is subject to approval. This applies to both unpaved and paved roads.

  • Application for road closure in new urban development areas.

    If you intend to apply for a road closure in a new urban development area with previously undedicated roads (for example, installation of a crane as part of the construction of a prefabricated house), please use the form available via the link. Please refer to the form for more details on the required documents as well as the terms of the agreement. The application must be submitted at least ten working days before the planned measure.

  • Approval under redevelopment law

    Do you own real estate that is located in a so-called redevelopment area? Then it is necessary, in addition to the usual formalities of a planned construction project, to obtain a so-called redevelopment permit in accordance with Section 144 of the German Building Code.

  • Contact

  • Contact

    City of Wolfsburg
    Porschestrasse 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 28-1234
    Fax: 05361 28-1500
    E-mail to the Service Center

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