Children and family centers
Family centers are places of meeting, education and counseling for families.

Wolfsburg's family centers are daycare centers that have opened up to the cultural and social environment and address all families in the area with their offerings. In addition to high-quality education, upbringing and care for children, families can find a wide range of family-supporting services close to home that address their individual needs and requirements and in whose development they are involved. A family center is part of a network that promotes children individually and advises, supports and accompanies families. In this way, the education, upbringing and care of children can be meaningfully linked with counseling and support services for families.
Offers of the family centers
The offers address the educational and personal resources of the families. In addition, professional and other competencies of the families can be strengthened. This is made possible within the framework of networks and cooperations and in the form of multidisciplinary teams.
Together with the parents
As experts of their children, parents are involved in the educational processes of their children within the framework of a joint responsibility for education and upbringing. This requires an open, inquiring and respectful attitude in the pedagogical work. Against this background, each family center is unique.
An open and inviting atmosphere is characteristic of family centers. Parents are involved in the planning of activities, goals, structures and rules in the family center - this creates transparency for everyone.
Basics of our work
The basis on which work is done in Wolfsburg family centers and how the development of the family centers is coordinated and controlled is written and defined in the framework concept for Wolfsburg family centers 2010. It also describes how funding is regulated and the criteria for expansion.
Uniform quality criteria
The "Forum Familienzentren" (Forum for Family Centers) brings together coordinators, management, representatives of the childcare providers and the childcare department of the City of Wolfsburg to form a working group. It meets at regular intervals and develops the content of the work. Here, quality criteria for Wolfsburg family centers are further developed together with professional and political committees, which apply to all family centers.
"Daycare centers provide care, education and upbringing for children. In family centers, parents also receive advice and support on issues relating to education and successful everyday family life - close to home."The Wolfsburg Family Centers Seal - A Sign of Good Quality
All Wolfsburg family centers are recognizable by the quality seal "We strengthen families". The seal stands for uniform quality criteria that are lived and implemented in the family centers.
Meeting the needs of parents and children
Parents are the first and most important caregivers for their children. Family centers assume that all parents want to offer their children the best development opportunities. However, today's social changes present families with major new challenges. Children need loving and strong parents who have a lot of confidence in themselves and their children. Family centers want to strengthen parents in their educational tasks. They develop open offers for parents and families in the immediate residential environment, both for the families of their own daycare center and for families from the neighborhood. Providers can be parents and other cooperation partners in addition to the family center.
Family centers network with other institutions that also offer services for parents. This gives parents a good overview of offers that are easy to reach. Every three years, the Wolfsburg family centers simultaneously conduct a parent survey. The results provide information about the needs of parents and children in the respective district. From this information, the coordinators of the family centers gain valuable approaches for the further development of their work. -
Guiding principles of the Wolfsburg family centers
- The family center sees itself as part of the social environment and continues to develop its work in this regard.
- The family is at the center of the work. Every child and his or her family are welcome.
- A culture of mutual respect between children, families, staff in the family centers and external cooperation partners is the basis of the joint work.
- Family centers invest in a suitable pedagogical concept, e.g. the "early excellence approach", in order to provide all children with optimal educational opportunities.
- The positive view: Family centers base their work on the strengths and competencies of children and families. Finding out, observing and promoting these is the central concern of the pedagogical work and methodical approaches in the family center.
- Parents are involved in the pedagogical work of the daycare center as experts of their children: Within the framework of the educational partnership, parents and the family center meet as partners who place the education of children as a joint task at the center of their relationship.
- A positive relationship between child and adult forms the basis for the child to discover the world with its innate curiosity.
- Children and parents are involved in shaping everyday life in the family center: At the same time, the staff at the family center ensure that everyday life at the facility becomes more transparent for families. A high flow of information, joint goal setting and attitudes promote a climate of mutual appreciation.
Information on the respective family centers in Wolfsburg:
St. Raphael Catholic Family Center
A place for meeting, enthusiasm and relationship
Our family center is a place where children feel comfortable with their families and experience that they are welcome and accepted with their joys and sorrows. Characterized by a family atmosphere, the focus of our family center is the upbringing, education and care of children aged 1 to 6 years. We see ourselves as a network where people of different cultures and generations in different phases of life and family can connect. Our family center enables families to experience support, to develop commitment, to create community and to live it. We invite all families from our district and beyond to participate in our open offers.
Small and large
In our multi-age groups, continuity is created in the relationships of the children with each other, the children with the educators and the educators with the parents. This is the basis for social learning and for the development of self-confidence.
Hand in hand
Singing and playing together, learning from each other, taking care of each other and shaping everyday life together. We experience this in the scientific, musical and religious education projects for which children of all ages and interested adults meet regularly throughout the year.
Family center, a place of encounter
As a family center, we give families the impetus to actively shape their lives together. Our large outdoor area, many adjoining and multi-purpose rooms in our center offer space for old and young to meet, for communities of interest to meet and for the exchange of different ideas and views. Our house is open to people of different religions and world views, whom we meet in an approaching and appreciative way.
"We perceive the child individually in his or her strengths and competencies and support and promote these in a targeted manner."Our offers
- Parent-Child Groups
- Growing Together Groups
- Midwifery courses
- Sewing workshops
- Music groups
Contact and further information
John-F.-Kennedy-Allee 7
38444 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 7 48 63
Fax: 05361 7 40 09
E-mail: orga@faz-st-raphael.deCare Offer:
- 6 groups
- Inter-age, 1 to 6 years
- Full day
- Three-quarter day
Opening hours: 06:45 - 16:45
DRK Children and Family Center Westhagen
The children are the focus
In our multicultural house, the focus is on children and their families: the children are encouraged to act independently. Their interest in learning is at the forefront of what we offer. Children are allowed to freely try out new things and gather their own experiences and are accompanied by our staff. In this way, their confidence in their own actions grows. We create meeting places for parents and support them with questions and challenges. In personal conversations, needs are clarified, possible help is offered and, if desired, contacts to counseling centers are arranged. Parents can contribute their ideas and interests.
The basis of this appreciative attitude towards children, parents and staff is the Early Excellence approach.Learning self-determined with fun
Children approach learning situations in a motivated and active manner. They curiously pursue their interests. In our open house, they find pedagogically designed rooms with different focuses, which they can use freely during the day. Through the cooperation with the music school and the soccer KIDZ, the team of the family center is complemented by further competent educational companions.
Language as the basis for good communication
The focus of our family center is the further development of children's language skills. Among other things, we participate in the federal program "Sprachkitas". The goal is to support all children in everyday group activities and also individually. Our employees take the time to listen and encourage children to speak.
The district as a learning field
Beyond our family center, it is important to us that children and parents get to know the offers in the district. We regularly use the gym of the Regenbogenschule and the Bauspielplatz, the library and the leisure and education center Westhagen with the children. Parents are always welcome to join us. In cooperation with the Mütterzentrum, we invite parents to international cooking events. For all parents in the district there is the family meeting every two weeks and in summer weekly the playground meeting Westhagen.
Growing Together
In our parent-child group for parents with children under the age of 3, the focus is on the parents' relationship with the child and on playing together. Parents become more confident in their role, encourage their children, but also learn to set limits. In order to give the parents additional space for exchange, the parents' breakfast takes place once a month.
Our offers
- Growing Together (U3)
- Parents' breakfast
- Family meeting
- Playground meeting
Contact and further information
Rostocker Street 15
38444 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 77 26 75
E-mail: or
E-mail: fz.kita.westhagen@drk-wolfsburg.deCare Offer:
- Kindergarten: 3 to 6 years
- Full day
- Three-quarter day
- Half day
- Joint education of children with and without handicap
Opening hours: 07:00 - 16:00
Ev. Paulus Child and Family Center
Child-oriented, family-oriented, district-oriented
Children are curious about the world from birth. They use all their senses to discover and explore themselves, others and their environment. These self-education processes are supported by parents at home and by us educators at the Paulus Child and Family Center.
Our pedagogical concept - the Early Excellence approach
In the basis of our pedagogical work - the Early Excellence approach - we want to link our experiences with those of the parents. What is special about this holistic approach is a positive attitude towards children, parents and staff and an appreciative attitude that invites everyone involved to work together, thus creating the best possible conditions for children's development.
Invitation to the educational partnership
Parents are the first important attachment figures in their child's life. The experiences made in the family and the associated knowledge make them experts on their child. Together we have the opportunity to accompany each child comprehensively. Our concern is therefore to enter into an appreciative educational partnership with all parents.
Open for the district
As Wolfsburg's first family center, we have opened up to our neighborhood and are present in the district. Our services are aimed at all interested residents of the district.
"Welcome culture"
We experience the diversity of people in our district as a great enrichment. In our house, disabled and non-disabled people, people with different nationalities and religions play, learn and live together. Educational elements such as visits to the families' homes and joint celebrations such as the annual welcome party "Paulus says HELLO!" support this welcoming culture.
Networked work with cooperation partners
We work with a variety of cooperation partners. Examples of this are our cooperation with the Laagberg School and our collaboration with the Wolfsburg district mothers.
For us, acceptance and trust are the most important prerequisites for families to feel comfortable and for children to develop in the best possible way.Our offers
- Open parent-child meetings
- Backpack library
- Playground meeting
Contact and further information
Mecklenburger Str. 29
38440 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 3 13 18Care Offer:
- 7 groups
- 141 childcare places for children from 1 to 6 years old
- Crèche: 2 groups
- Kita: 3 groups
- Integrative Kita: 2 groups
- Full day
- Three-quarter day
- Half day
- Joint education of children with and without disabilities
Opening hours: 07:00 - 16:30
St. Joseph Catholic Family Center
We speak many languages
People from different cultures meet in our family center. We care for children from 14 different countries of origin. Over 70 percent of the families bring their own mother tongue with them and acquire German as a second language. We are able to absorb this through our staff, as we employ an international team. We can offer our families support in eight languages.
Living values in everyday life
Values such as trust, consideration, responsibility, solidarity, acceptance and forgiveness are integrated into our everyday life. In our center, every belief is valued. The Early Excellence approach forms the basis for our pedagogical work. We look at each child with a positive view and strengthen them in their abilities.
Our pedagogical focus
Mathematics, language and musical education have a special place in our pedagogical offers and in daily play. The children make their first basic mathematical experiences with building blocks and balls. Our language education concept supports the children in learning and using the German language. This makes it easier for them to express their feelings and wishes, which has a positive effect on the development of their personality. Singing and making music not only makes our children happy, it also inspires and encourages them.
Open for the district
As Wolfsburg's first family center, we have opened up to our neighborhood and are present in the district. Our services are aimed at all interested residents of the district.
Family center as a place of learning for children
In our partially open work, the children can use many other functional rooms in the house in addition to their own group room. Children can try things out and gather their own experiences. They can conduct experiments with colors, shapes, magnets and water in the experimentation areas at any time. In this way, they experience nature, technology and their environment from a new perspective.
"We look at each child with a positive eye and strengthen them in their abilities."Our offers
- Grandma Grandpa Day
- Father-child forest actions
- Language workshop for parents
- Parents meeting and breakfast
Contact and further information
Oppelner Street 17
38440 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 3 23 67
Fax: 05361 3 49 18
E-Mail: ochmann@kath-kita-st-joseph.deCare Offer:
- 5 groups
- Crèche: 2 groups
- Kindergarten: 3 groups
- Full day
- Joint education of children with and without handicap
Opening hours: 06:00 - 17:00
Ev. Martin Luther Children's and Family Center
In the heart of the city surrounded by culture and nature
Our family center is located in a green oasis in the city center of Wolfsburg. Thanks to a complete modernization of the outdoor area, there is a small amphitheater, a variety of equipment and a lot of space for romping, climbing and hiding. The central location offers us a lot of interesting excursion destinations. The music school, the phæno, the theater and the library are all nearby.
Our pedagogical understanding of the EEC approach Early Excellence Approach
In order to recognize what the individual child is engaged in, to discover how they learn, to record their individual development, targeted observation and exchange with parents is the basis of our pedagogical work. This appreciative observation focuses on the child with all its strengths and potentials.
With each other
Parents are and remain the most important caregivers for their child. Therefore, it is a special concern of ours that we offer conditions that ensure openness, tolerance and interest in each other. We would like to invite families to participate in the "daily life" of the facility, to participate where they want to and to be a competent contact person for them where they need it.
Music, movement and nature
Our offer starts with early musical education for children from the age of one. Movement is an integral part of our daily routine. The children experience nature on our large outdoor area, during forest days and projects. We work according to the specialist principle. This means that the staff members are deployed according to their competencies and strengths. In this way, the existing resources in the team complement each other and a high level of professionalism is created. We receive support from our cooperation partners, such as the music school, the VfL Wolfsburg and the phaeno, in the implementation of numerous educational programs.
Our offers in the family center, for interested people in the district, are currently published or/and are available as flyers at different contact points in the district.
"Our claim is the constant development of our daily work. The best for every child - that is what drives us."Our offers
- Early musical education
- Family and counseling services
- Everyday integrated language support (HIT)
- Movement and natural science offers
Contact and further information
Schachtweg 44
38440 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 1 43 80
E-Mail: kts.martin-luther.wolfsburg@evlka.deCare Offer:
- 5 groups
- Crèche: 1 group, 1 to 3 years old
- Kindergarten: 3 groups, 3 to 6 years old
- Inter-age: 1 group, 1 to 6 years
Opening hours: 07:00 - 17:00
Catholic Child and Family Center St. Christophorus House
The most important thing to give children: Roots and wings. (Goethe)
Our day begins with the children's morning parliament. Here, ideas are proposed, selected together and then worked out. Doing something, taking action, is very important to us. This concerns children, parents and also the staff - every day. In this way, everyone learns from each other on an equal footing and gets involved in new things together. We are always in exchange with the families, we have conversations with parents. The entire family is involved. We actively seek exchange and thus share different perspectives on the child. For these conversations, a common basis of trust is important, because only then is an open exchange possible.
Reggio Pedagogy means to act concretely
Each child is unique and brings with it competencies that we particularly promote. We act according to the principles of Reggio pedagogy, which focuses on the active self-education process of the child. Children can develop individually through their own actions and infect others with their enthusiasm.
Offers for parents
We offer various discussion groups and workshops for parents at the family center. Here parents can exchange ideas, strengthen each other and become active together. Likewise, women from different cultural backgrounds meet regularly in the Women's Forum to plan excursions and activities together.
Cooperation partners help us build networks
At cooking workshops, mother-child gymnastics or father-child workshops, families can actively use their time together. These regular events are well received. For young parents, for example, we offer the crèche discussion group, where they can make contacts with each other. In this work, we appreciate the cooperation with partners such as the Catholic Marriage and Family Counseling Service, the DLRG or the phaeno and many more, all within walking distance. Our offers are open to all families in the district and are publicized via our homepage, as well as press, notices and event flyers.
"We treat parents and children with appreciation. Every child is unique and brings competencies with them."Our offers
- Parent-child workshops
- Cooking workshops
- Parent-child group "Stella
- Nativity discussion group
Contact and further information
Ketteler Street 1
38440 Wolfsburg
Telephone: 05361 20 67 40 (Head Office)
Phone: 05361 20 67 47 (Family Center)
E-mail: kita@wolfsburg.deCare Offer:
- 9 groups
- Crèche: 3 full day groups
- Kindergarten: 6 groups
- Full day
- Three-quarter day
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 05:45 - 19:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:30 -
Protestant Child and Family Center St. Annen
The educational competence of parents is important to us
Our family center is located very close to the Hellwinkel School, the Reislinger Markt and our district café Anna. This central location is ideal for building family-friendly structures on site. Parents can take their older children to school, run errands at the market and meet other fathers and mothers at the café for an open parents' meeting. In this way, they make personal contacts across cultures. In our daily work, the children are at the center of our pedagogical activities.
The high quality of education, upbringing and care is the basis of our daily routine and creates the opportunity to involve all parents equally and to jointly perceive and develop the competencies of their children. As a Christian institution, we stand for the teaching of values such as tolerance and friendliness. With us, children and their families experience different religious traditions.Early Excellence Concept
We look at each child individually, recognizing strengths and promoting them in a targeted manner. The basis for this is the Early Excellence approach. In educational partnerships
with parents, we exchange information with them about their child's learning paths and development. Together, we design educational opportunities for the individual child.Partner* of the parents
We see not only the children, but also the parents with a positive eye and are interested in their strengths, competencies and concerns. Together we develop offers and activities in our child and family center that are open to all families in the district.
Focus on language education
We implement language education in everyday life with each individual child. All employees receive internal training with a focus on the topic of language. Our view of the children's interests and abilities helps us to recognize how we can optimally convey content. In order to expand our language program, we are in close contact with other institutions, including the Stephanus II speech therapy kindergarten.
"In educational partnerships with parents, we engage in dialogues about how they view their children."Our offers
- Parent-child group
- Games and books rental
- Play afternoon
- Parent-child pottery
- Information afternoons for parents
Contact and further information
Reislinger Street 28a
38446 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 8 90 59 55
Fax: 05361 8 67 08 12
E-Mail: kts.annen.wolfsburg@evlka.deCare Offer:
- 5 groups
- Crèche: 1 full day group
- Kindergarten: 4 groups
- Full day
- Three-quarter day
- Half day
Opening hours: 07:00 - 17:00
Municipal Child and Family Center Vorsfelde
We are there for all families in Vorsfelde and Wendschott
Our family center is open to all families from Vorsfelde and Wendschott. In a pleasant atmosphere, we offer parents with children and other family members various opportunities to meet and do things together. Our offers range from "open parent-child-meetings" to "grandparent-grandchild activities". Regular surveys show us what is needed and wanted. This helps us to expand our offerings accordingly.
We eat healthy!
Together with parents and children, we regularly cook and bake delicious meals. We use mainly organic ingredients for this. The offer for fathers with their children is also very popular. Together we grill, cook or bake bread on the fire.
We like to move!
In addition to a balanced diet, movement is another focus of our facility. In natural movement, children actively explore themselves and their environment. We support this with a variety of movement incentives. We have created many opportunities in our new building.
We discover strengths!
We work according to the Early Excellence concept. An important component is the positive view of the children. We pay special attention to the strengths and competencies of the individual child and promote these in a targeted manner. Parents are involved in the developmental processes of their child through regular discussions. Through this cooperation, children are accompanied on their way in the best possible way.
We and our cooperation partners
One of our cooperation partners from the surrounding area is the Vorsfelde district library. A librarian comes to our house on a regular basis and introduces books to the children in different ways. Together with VfL Wolfsburg e.V., we provide our children with playful experiences of movement. We regularly visit the Buntspecht adventure playground with our future school children.
Partnership between the families and the center
A good cooperation with the families is very important to us. The offers of the family center as well as the events and celebrations are planned and carried out together with the families. Parents financially support our circus project by initiating bazaars, the proceeds of which are used for this project. Our goal is to create the best environment for the children and their families and to strengthen connections with the families.
Our offers
- Parent-Child Cooking
- Fathers/men-child actions
- KiFa Mobile "Outdoor games
Contact and further information
Carl-Grete-Strasse 24
38448 Wolfsburg
Telephone: 05363 22 67 (KiFa care)
Phone: 05363 81 29 01 (KiFa offers)
E-mail: kifa-vorsfelde@stadt.wolfsburg.deCare Offer:
- 7 groups
- Crèche: 2 full day groups
- Kindergarten: 5 groups
- Full day
- Three-quarter day
- Half day
Opening hours: 07:00 - 17:00
Municipal Child and Family Center on the Ring, Westhagen
With us the "whole world comes together
Our family center is available to all families from Westhagen and the surrounding area. We offer children, parents and families opportunities to meet and get to know diverse cultures. Our offers are developed together by you and with you. In this way, our offers can expand piece by piece.
We eat multicultural
Together with parents and children, delicious dishes from many countries of the world are cooked together.
We learn for life through play
Play is the work children do to acquire the world. Through play, they acquire emotional, social and other important skills. In play, they try things out and process the many new experiences. Our task is to accompany the child, provide stimulation and create the framework that each child needs for his or her individual learning processes.
Our cooperation partners
One of our cooperation partners is the Protestant Family Education Center "FABI", which offers various activities in the house. Furthermore, we work together with the "reading mentors" and regularly visit the district library in Westhagen. We receive a lot of support in our start as a family center through the cooperation with the DRK family center in Westhagen. This has also made it possible for us to offer a "Growing Together Group" from the very beginning. This offer is aimed at parents with children aged 0 to 3 years. In regular group meetings, they learn in a playful way to observe the needs and abilities of their children more closely in order to be able to give them good offers for their further development.
We welcome all "Welcome
The diversity of people and their cultures enriches our district to a great extent. At our joint festivals, this diversity is reflected in all areas. Because we appreciate this, we welcome all residents of Westhagen.
Our offers
- Parent-Child Cooking
- Fathers/men-child actions
- KiFa Mobile "Outdoor games
Contact and further information
Stralsunder Ring 45A
38444 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 89 04 03 0 (Management)
Tel: 05361 89 04 03 12 (Coordination office)
E-mail: kifa-ring@stadt.wolfsburg.deCare Offer:
- 10 groups
- Crèche: 3 groups
- Kindergarten: 3 full day groups
- Integration: 4 places
Opening hours: 07:00 - 17:00
Johannes Protestant Children's and Family Center, Vorsfelde-Süd
Our family house offers meetings for young and old
Our facility was opened in February 1963 as the first kindergarten in Vorsfelde. In 2012 and 2013, the daycare center was rebuilt and expanded by 500 square meters on the upper floor. The additional space offers a variety of rooms for playing and learning. In addition to the generously designed group areas, other facilities include a movement room, a project room, Joki's bistro and the parent café.
The daycare center is surrounded by a natural and imaginatively designed outdoor area. We can also use the rooms of our community center at Schlesierstraße 3 for our activities. The facility is located in a quiet residential area of Vorsfeld Südstadt. We have been a child and family center since fall 2017.On the way to the Early Excellence approach
The positive attitude in the Early Excellence approach harmonizes with our Christian image of man. We meet the families at eye level and understand the parents and relatives as partners. We value the roots and experiences of the families and want to accompany the children on their way together.
Exercise, healthy eating, creativity and music
We cordially invite young and old to our offerings. In the parents' café, at the family kitchen and when making music, we create opportunities for meeting and exchange.
Cooperations and partners
- Elementary school Am Drömling, location Moorkämpe
- MTV Vorsfelde
- DRK Senior Center
"With us, everyone is welcome and finds their place. We live our Christian image of man and are partners with families."
Our offers
- Parents Café/Parents Breakfast
- Family kitchen
- Drum workshops
- Sewing
Contact and further information
Erlenweg 14
38448 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05363 7 37 78Care Offer:
- 4 groups
- Crèche: 2 groups
- Kindergarten: 2 groups
Opening hours: 07:00 - 16:30

Growing Together groups
All information about the GemeinsamWachsen groups in brief:
- Educationally supervised playgroup for parents with children aged 0 to 3 years
- consciously perceive and accompany the child's development
- Strengthen the parent-child relationship with fun and impulses for everyday life at home
- Guidance and support from a multi-professional team
- Exchange with other parents
- The weekly offer is free of charge
- registration is not required
- Of course, children can also come with their grandparents
The groups have an adapted concept due to the corona pandemic. Therefore, all interested families should register by telephone with the coordinator until further notice.
Latest videos
Wolfsburg Family Centers - More than a place to drop off a child
Wolfsburg Family Centers - Come in! The open arms of a family center
Wolfsburg Family Centers - We speak your language
Wolfsburg Family Centers - Educational Work / Early Excellence
Wolfsburg Family Centers - Social Space Orientation / Helping to Shape the City District
Wolfsburg Family Centers - Parents in the Family Center
Project of the month March 2017 - Growing together - Reportage