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Kitas and day nurseries

Childcare places in Wolfsburg: in institutional form via crèche, kindergarten or multi-age groups or in FAMILIENNEST/GROSSFAMILIENNEST (child daycare)

Financial relief for families with low and medium incomes

Two new laws - the "Gute-KiTa-Gesetz" and the "Starke-Familien-Gesetz" - aim to provide financial relief for families with low and medium incomes. The City of Wolfsburg would like to inform you about the possible positive consequences of these laws for your families.

Framework concept for media education in early childhood education centers

In Wolfsburg, you have a variety of options for having your child cared for.

For children under the age of three, you have a choice of four equivalent childcare options, from which you can select according to your current situation and the child's preferences.

  • Crib

    The best-known offering is the crèche, where up to 15 children are cared for by three professionals during fixed opening hours. The crèches have different educational focuses, for example creative design or scientific experiences. In the crèche, your child is cared for together with other children who are up to three years old.

  • Multi-age kindergarten groups

    In the cross-age kindergarten groups, children from zero to six years old are cared for in mixed groups, which benefits both the older and younger children: The younger children learn from the older ones. The latter, in turn, gain in self-confidence and deepen their own knowledge by playing with the younger ones. Another advantage is that the child can stay in the same group for many years and build friendships.

  • Child day care/GROSS FAMILY NESTER

    FAMILIENNESTers, on the other hand, describe the care of two to a maximum of five children at home with childminders. The advantages: The child spends time in a family environment in a very small group and childcare times can be arranged more flexibly.

    Further information on child day care can be found on the website of Familienservice Wolfsburg e.V.


    A new concept is the BIG FAMILY NEST, in which a maximum of ten children are cared for by a pedagogical specialist and two childminders. Third rooms are prepared for this purpose, which are designed like an apartment. The BIG FAMILY NEST thus combines the group care of the crèche with the family and home-like character of the Family Nests.

The support concept for language education

In 2015, the city of Wolfsburg set itself the goal of strengthening children's language skills with the "Language Education Support Concept," including long-term training for daycare professionals. The focus is on everyday integrated language education for all children in the facility, the sharpening of their own professional attitude and the support of external language education facilitators. This advanced training format is a novelty in the field of early childhood education and an absolutely unique feature in the state.

From the age of three, children move on to kindergarten. Children over the age of three are cared for in the kindergarten in groups of 20 to 25 children by two specialists.

Information on daycare centers run by the city of Wolfsburg as well as daycare centers run by other organizations can be found on Wolle's World.

Video about the support concept language education Wolfsburg

Application for a childcare place - WOLLES WELT

The expansion of childcare in Wolfsburg is progressing in leaps and bounds. With the online platform Wolles Welt, we offer you the opportunity to register for a childcare place for your child - and to do so from the comfort of your own home. In this way, we are further improving our service offering for you.

  • Wolle Wolfsburg - The children's representative of the city of Wolfsburg

    Wolle Wolfsburg is the children's representative of the city of Wolfsburg

    and looks after all the needs of the little people of Wolfsburg. The cuddly toy wool can be purchased at the Kulturinfo of the city of Wolfsburg for the children's room at home.

  • Parent child day care center - on-site consultation

    Consultation on site

    Our goal is to strengthen parents and in their respective roles and to offer them advice on questions of child questions of child development and upbringing.

    In doing so, it is important to us that we look with esteem on the two the child's two environments, the home and the daycare center. the daycare center.

    Our counseling services for parents:

    If you have questions about the upbringing or development of your parents can seek advice and support from us. For this the child can be seen by us in his or her social environment (at home or in the kindergarten group), in order to discuss with the parents and the pedagogical parents and the pedagogical staff to find explanations for the child's behavior and to to support the child accordingly.

    Our counseling offer for pedagogical professionals:

    The pedagogical professionals are faced with the the challenge of organizing the group's daily routine while keeping an eye on the development development of each individual child.

    Our goal in counseling is to support them in their pedagogical pedagogical competencies, to make them aware of their strengths and resources, and to accompany the process of implementation in practice. practice.

    You can find detailed information about the counseling offer for social pedagogical professionals here.

    Further information about the counseling offer for parents can be found here.

    Call us, write us an e-mail and contact us with your questions, wishes and ideas:

    Parent child daycare center - on-site consultation

    Schiller Street 4
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Mrs. Bromann

    phone: 05361 28-1573
    E-Mail to Mrs. Bromann

    Mrs. Kieß-Backhaus

    Telephone: 05361 28-2862
    E-mail to Mrs. Kieß-Backhaus

  • Child Day Care


    Daycare providers, including GROSSFAMILIEN, are an important and good quality care provider in Wolfsburg's daycare landscape, in addition to the daycare centers and nurseries. You can find more information about daycare on the page of Wolfsburger Familienservice e.V.

  • You would like to support us? We are looking for daycare professionals!

    We are always looking for additional specialist staff for our facilities. On the following page you will find information about our search for specialists for our daycare centers.

  • More information

    Further information about childcare in Wolfsburg

    Family Service

    The Wolfsburg Family Service emerged in August 2007 from the Wolfsburg Childminders Association (Tagesmütterverein e.V.), which was founded back in 1994 and was dedicated in particular to the placement, qualification and professional support of childminders as well as advice and support for parents.

    Here you can find more information.

    Woolen world

    With the online platform Wolle's World, we have been offering you the opportunity to register for a childcare place for your child since February 1, 2014 - from the comfort of your own home.

    Click here to go to the portal

    Overview parent contributions

    Here you will find the current table of parental contributions for attendance at a daycare center and for daycare. The parental contribution table is valid since August 1, 2016.

    Overview map ''Schools and daycare centers in Wolfsburg''

    A guide through Wolfsburg's educational landscape.


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