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Housing, environment & Transport

Wolfsburg family portal

Button mit Infosymbol"Family is very comprehensively understood as a caring community that is not limited to life with children in a household. Family is everywhere where responsibility and care for one another are lived and actively shaped in family interaction. In this context, care is understood to mean the emotional support, provision, support and care of children, the sick, the elderly, and also people with disabilities by family members."

"Family is very comprehensively understood as a caring community that is not limited to life with children in a household. Family is everywhere where responsibility and care for one another are lived and actively shaped in family interaction. In this context, care is understood to mean the emotional support, provision, support and care of children, the sick, the elderly, and also people with disabilities by family members."

Titelseite der Broschüre Famlienorte in Mitte-WestWhere can I meet other families as a family? Where are exciting playgrounds for my children? And where can I discover nature with my family right now - at Corona time? Parents and their children regularly ask these and similar questions about attractive family places. Therefore, the city of Wolfsburg publishes the flyer "Family Places in Mitte-West".
This makes it easier for young families to find family-oriented offers in their living environment and to use them for themselves. It includes meeting places for children and young people, neighborhood services, advice centers, playgrounds, and sports and leisure facilities. The overview makes it easier for newly arrived families to get settled in the neighborhoods, while families already living there may discover new opportunities in their familiar living environment.

"With the social-space-oriented design of the information offers, we are closer to the realities of families' lives. This allows us to target existing offers for families," says Iris Bothe, Head of Department for Youth, Education and Integration. The flyer is available, among other places, in the family centers, daycare centers, schools and counseling centers in the local council area Mitte-West. An Arabic translation of the flyer will also be available shortly.

  • Inauguration of the painted children's bench

    1 | 22
  • Inauguration playground glossy tub

    2 | 22
  • Inauguration playground glossy tub

    3 | 22
  • Youth Forum

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  • Youth Forum

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  • Youth Forum

    6 | 22
  • Children and Youth Commission

    7 | 22
  • Children and Youth Commission

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  • Children and Youth Commission

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  • Meeting of the Children and Youth Commission

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  • Meeting of the Children and Youth Commission

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  • Children's Advisory Council in Berlin

    12 | 22
  • Children's Advisory Council in Berlin

    13 | 22
  • Children's Advisory Council Annual Planning

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  • Children's Advisory Council Annual Planning

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  • Children's Advisory Council Meeting

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  • Children's Advisory Council Meeting

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  • Children's bookcase

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  • Children's bookcase

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  • Children's workshop

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  • Playground check

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  • Playground check

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Growing Together Groups

Logo Gemeinsam-Wachsen

All information about the Growing Together groups in brief:

  • Educationally supervised playgroup for parents with children aged 0 to 3 years
  • consciously perceive and accompany the child's development
  • Strengthen the parent-child relationship with fun and impulses for everyday life at home
  • Guidance and support from a multi-professional team
  • Exchange with other parents
  • The weekly offer is free of charge
  • registration is not required
  • Of course, the children can also come with their grandparents
Until further notice, all interested families should therefore register with the coordinator by telephone until further notice.

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