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Housing, environment & Transport

Wolfsburg family portal

Button mit Infosymbol"Family is very comprehensively understood as a caring community that is not limited to life with children in a household. Family is everywhere where responsibility and care for one another are lived and actively shaped in family interaction. In this context, care is understood to mean the emotional support, provision, support and care of children, the sick, the elderly, and also people with disabilities by family members."

"Family is very comprehensively understood as a caring community that is not limited to life with children in a household. Family is everywhere where responsibility and care for one another are lived and actively shaped in family interaction. In this context, care is understood to mean the emotional support, provision, support and care of children, the sick, the elderly, and also people with disabilities by family members."

Titelseite der Broschüre Famlienorte in Mitte-WestWhere can I meet other families as a family? Where are exciting playgrounds for my children? And where can I discover nature with my family right now - at Corona time? Parents and their children regularly ask these and similar questions about attractive family places. Therefore, the city of Wolfsburg publishes the flyer "Family Places in Mitte-West".
This makes it easier for young families to find family-oriented offers in their living environment and to use them for themselves. It includes meeting places for children and young people, neighborhood services, advice centers, playgrounds, and sports and leisure facilities. The overview makes it easier for newly arrived families to get settled in the neighborhoods, while families already living there may discover new opportunities in their familiar living environment.

"With the social-space-oriented design of the information offers, we are closer to the realities of families' lives. This allows us to target existing offers for families," says Iris Bothe, Head of Department for Youth, Education and Integration. The flyer is available, among other places, in the family centers, daycare centers, schools and counseling centers in the local council area Mitte-West. An Arabic translation of the flyer will also be available shortly.

Wohnhäuser im Sonnenschein

Living in Wolfsburg

Eine Schwangere Frau sitzt auf einem Spielgerüst

Pregnancy and birth

Eine Frau mit ihrem Kind auf dem Spielplatz

Child care and pre-school education

Eine Frau sitzt vor einem Wohngebäude

School, training and studies

Eine Familie sitzt in Sitzkugeln

Education and partnership

Ein Vater begleitet seinen radfahrenden Sohn

Compatibility of family and career

Eine Gruppe Reisender mit Gepäck


Ein Vater und seine Tochter nutzen ein Outdoorfitnessgerät

Health care and promotion

Ein Musiker mit seiner Gitarre

Experience culture

Ein Junge mit seinem Skateboard

Sports and pools

Ein Mann und eine Frau sitzen im Gras

Play, leisure and recreation

Ein Junge beobachtet eine Schnecke

Environment and nature

Ein Pärchen sitzt auf einer Bank

Conflicts, crises and emergencies

Eine Familie geht spazieren

Senior citizens in Wolfsburg

Eine Seniorin geht spazieren

Social commitment, participation and co-design

Ein Paar sitzt auf einer Bank

Funeral services and mourning

Der Familienwegweiser steht vor dem Rathaus

Further service addresses and family discounts

  • Living in Wolfsburg

    Living in Wolfsburg

    In addition to its outstanding importance as the "job engine of the region," Wolfsburg has also distinguished itself in recent years as a place to live for numerous families.

    The high demand for both rental and owner-occupied housing has triggered the current housing offensive. A comprehensive range of apartments and attractive plots of land, embedded in a good infrastructure, then offer a variety of options for families to realize their individual ideas.

    A targeted subsidy program supports young families in particular in acquiring residential property. Further information is available from the marketing team of the City of Wolfsburg, the BauBürgerBüro, the housing associations and a large number of private providers. Learn more...

  • Pregnancy and birth

    Pregnancy and birth

    Around 1,300 children are born each year in the gynecological clinic at Wolfsburg Hospital. The gynecological clinic has been significantly modernized in recent years, which has led to an optimization of the quality of care.

    You can rely on individualized obstetric care with various birthing aids such as delivery beds, birthing stools and Petziballs. Furthermore, you can use acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy and the relaxation bath.

    In a separate room there is a birthing tub, which allows you to give birth in a relaxed atmosphere. Learn more...

  • Childcare and education at preschool age

    Childcare and preschool education

    In today's world, the compatibility of family and career is the basis for a city's future. Wolfsburg recognized care and early childhood education years ago as an important core issue for Germany's most dynamic economic region.

    Wolfsburg's families have a choice between care options of equal value:

    In the crèche, in (cross-age) kindergarten groups or in the FAMILIENNEST and GROSS.FAMILIENNEST, the day care for children in Wolfsburg - all four concepts are qualitatively at a high level of care, all four have their own concepts in which pedagogical focal points are worked out.

    Wolfsburg's outstanding educational standard is made up of many building blocks - three professionals per daycare group and cross-age kindergarten group, flexible solutions in FAMILIENNESTern, the continuous education and training of professionals, and an intensive program to retain and promote daycare staff and nannies. Learn more...

  • School, training and study

    School, training and study

    Education is a high priority in Wolfsburg. An outstanding range of education offered by Wolfsburg's schools should enable all children and young people to achieve the best possible educational qualifications for them. This goal requires continuous, qualitative school development, which also includes structural and spatial aspects.

    The city of Wolfsburg is currently responsible for about 50 general and vocational schools with a wide variety of offerings. In addition, there are 7 independent schools, such as the denominational schools or the Waldorf school.

    A comprehensive range of all-day elementary schools, separate school profiles, reliable vacation care and individual learning opportunities enable children to lead a self-determined life and get off to a good start in their careers. Rising student numbers and the ongoing expansion of the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences in Wolfsburg are creating further prospects for the future. Many schools continue to be renovated and built as part of the school modernization program.

    The places of learning of the future need a variety of options to be able to implement modern educational requirements. The differences between individual students are increasing, and individual support is becoming more and more a focus of everyday school life. Since the school year 2013/2014, the inclusive school was introduced in Lower Saxony and thus also in Wolfsburg. An inclusive school is a school for all children. Whether with or without disabilities - all children are unique, with different talents, strengths and weaknesses. This diversity is an opportunity for all children.

    In Wolfsburg, extracurricular places of learning represent a significant enrichment of the educational landscape. High-quality content is taught, for example, at the Autostadt, phæno and the NEST nature discovery station. Learn more...

  • Education and partnership

    Education and partnership

    A number of questions are always on the minds of families in various life situations. The choice of the right
    care for the children, parenting issues, educational opportunities for adults, ...

    Specialized counseling centers offer their help in case of separation or divorce, which can be an important support for you.
    important support.

    Learn more...

  • Compatibility of family and career

    Compatibility of family and career

    Both the successful return to work and the successful reconciliation of family and career depend on numerous influencing variables. Both require considerable flexibility on the part of both employees and employers and affect the daily lives of families.

    You can receive support through the following consulting services. Learn more...

  • Migration


    The city of Wolfsburg differs from other large cities because, starting from the development of the Volkswagen plant, demographics and international relations have been shaped in a special way.

    Wolfsburg's still short history has been characterized by immigration from the very beginning. By far the largest part of today's older population moved in during the course of barely 60 years.

    In Wolfsburg today, the proportion of people with an immigrant background is close to 33.8%, with Italians making up the largest group with about 6,700 inhabitants. Due to the open borders of the EU and the international employer Volkswagen AG, the number of immigrants from Poland, Mexico, China, Brazil and India has increased in recent years. Among children and adolescents from 0 to 16 years of age, the percentage with an immigrant background is much higher and already reaches or exceeds 50 % in some districts.

    These figures make it clear that people who themselves or their parents have moved from abroad are no longer a marginal group, but already make up a significant part of the population.

    The integration of immigrants is a task that constantly accompanies the city. Learn more...

    Related links:

    • Integration department of the city of Wolfsburg

    Back to the overview of topics

  • Health care and promotion

    Health care and promotion

    Counseling services and preventive measures, professional help in an emergency, and targeted support are provided by the healthcare system in Wolfsburg.

    The Wolfsburg Clinic in particular is continuously being expanded and modernized to ensure the best possible care. Learn more...

  • Experience culture actively

    Experience culture actively

    Actively experiencing culture: Wolfsburg is home to numerous facilities and institutions, some of international significance.

    The broad spectrum ranges from diverse cultural offerings in the fields of visual arts and music to opportunities to expand historical and architectural knowledge while having fun to family-friendly major events.

    Exhibitions with supra-regional appeal round off the life of Wolfsburg's cultural landscape. Learn more...

    Related links:

    • Museums
    • City Library

    Back to the overview of topics

  • Sports and baths

    Sports and baths

    There are plenty of opportunities to engage in sporting activities in Wolfsburg. A distinctive variety of clubs, attractive and modern sports facilities and an extensive range of private providers enable a wide spectrum of sports, wellness and recreational activities.


    The first league qualities of VfL Wolfsburg speak for themselves and with the Grizzly Adams of EHC Wolfsburg
    the city also holds its own in the German Ice Hockey League (DEL).

    The Allerpark, in particular, offers numerous opportunities in summer and winter to engage in active sporting activities
    and to recover from everyday stress. Learn more...

  • Play, leisure and recreation

    Play, leisure and recreation

    After kindergarten or school, an extensive network of playgrounds, youth centers and recreational homes offers interesting opportunities for leisure activities.

    Cultural activities for children and young people and volunteer involvement round out the range of offerings. Learn more...

    Further links:

    Back to the overview of topic areas

  • Environment and nature

    Environment and nature

    The Agenda 21 forums offer Wolfsburg citizens opportunities to get involved in the future-oriented development of our city.

    The Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (German League for the Environment and Nature Conservation) offers natural history excursions and nature experience events for parents with children.

    The Wolfsburg Nature Conservation Association is committed to preserving biodiversity and protecting biotopes.

    Wolfsburg's urban forest is closely intertwined with the city and, with its extensive forest areas, invites visitors to engage in sports, rest and relaxation. The forest also provides a pleasant climate. Learn more...

    Further links:

    Back to the overview of topics

  • Conflicts, crises and emergencies

    Conflicts, crises and emergencies

    Counseling services in case of conflicts, support in individual emergencies, crisis management assistance, but also preventive solution concepts help you to cope with difficult situations. Learn more...

    Further links:

    Back to the overview of subject areas

  • Senior citizens in Wolfsburg

    Senior citizens in Wolfsburg

    Individual and independent advice, support and the organization of assistance, as well as discussions in your familiar surroundings, are offered by the Lower Saxony Senior Citizens and Care Support Point.

    The Seniors' Council is committed to the interests of older people in Wolfsburg. Learn more...

  • Social commitment, participation, co-design

    Social commitment, participation, co-design

    In Wolfsburg, diverse points of contact offer the opportunity to stand up for others and make a difference. The participation of children and the consideration of women's and family issues in urban planning underline Wolfsburg's family-friendliness to a particular extent.

    Political involvement and the work of the foundations based in Wolfsburg offer further opportunities to positively shape the future of our city.The pronounced voluntary commitment of Wolfsburg's citizens is a decisive basis for the many facets that enhance life in our city. Learn more...

  • Funeral services and mourning

    Funeral services and mourning

    When a person dies, it arouses deep emotions in the bereaved. At the same time, the death raises many questions and uncertainties for the bereaved. In addition to clarifying the purely organizational processes of a funeral, it is often more a matter of being able to give space to one's own grief and reflect on time experienced together.

    You can receive comprehensive advice, assistance and support from your church/faith community, local funeral homes, Hospizarbeit Region Wolfsburg e.V., the cemetery administration of the city of Wolfsburg and, within the framework of grief counseling, from the Arbeitskreis Stille Wiege and the Wolfsburger Elfen Helfen e.V. (Wolfsburg Elves Help). Learn more...

  • Other service addresses and family discounts
  • Training

    Intercultural family education - training of district mothers

    The training

    The city of Wolfsburg offers young migrant women with children training to become district mothers.

    The goal of the training of district mothers is that they can subsequently be active as "bridge builders" in different institutions.

    With their acquired knowledge, district mothers are active as cultural mediators in contact with migrant parents and pedagogical staff in day care centers, family centers, schools or other places of work. District mothers point out offers of advisory and helping institutions to migrant families in their environment - they accompany the parents to facilities and institutions and mediate in case of language problems.

    • offers a place to meet other mothers from different cultural backgrounds and supports the participants in their own integration
    • complements the experience with their own children with psychological insights into child development
    • offers information about language support in families living together in several languages
    • shows the offers of social help in the areas of youth, social and health care
    • helps with the re-entry into working life after years of intensive work in the family
    • supports in finding their own fields of work.

    The district mothers receive qualification by being trained by qualified pedagogues over a period of 10 months.

    Free childcare is provided during the group lessons.


    Ursula Cremer

    Youth Division (02-6)

    Intercultural family education

    District mothers training

    Seilerstraße 3, 38440 Wolfsburg

    Telephone: 05361 28-1736

    E-mail: ursula.cremer@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Sarra Mahouachi

    Assistant in the district mothers training

  • World Week of Birth 16-20.05.2022

    From 16 to 20 May 2022, the Netzwerk Frühe Hilfen will be organizing a World Birth Week in Wolfsburg for the second time. During this week, various activities and events in the city will draw attention to the special time around birth and the first time with the baby.

    Further and up-to-date information can be found in the link below.

  • Early Help Network

    The services for women and families during pregnancy and for children up to the age of 3 that exist in the city of Wolfsburg are bundled and networked in the Early Intervention Network. The goal of the network is to ensure that all early support services work well together, that services are available that are needed and that function well.
    The Early Intervention Network is multi-professional, which means that different professional groups work together. Personnel from pregnancy counseling, health care, early intervention, child and youth welfare, day care centers and family centers, volunteers and other social services work together.

    Here you can find some of the partners in the Early Intervention Network in the form of the Early Intervention Map. The network is constantly being developed and supplemented by new institutions and actors.

    You can download the overall concept for early assistance here.

    • (PDF - opens in a new window)

    Early Help Newsletter

    Here you will find our newsletters on the topic of early help:

    Note: The following documents are available for download here in *PDF format and will each open in a new window).

    Newsletter 2021

    Newsletter 2020:

  • Family support

    Even in times of the current Covid-19 / Corona pandemic, we continue to accompany the families and are open to new requests for the offer of family support. Together with the families, we decide how the contacts will be arranged - whether telephone or personal consultations will take place. In the case of personal contacts, the professionals naturally ensure that the applicable protective measures are observed, such as hand hygiene, safety distance and mouth/nose protection. The health of the families, but also that of the professionals, is paramount. We look forward to meeting you and your child!

    Dear expectant and new parents, mothers and fathers,

    The city of Wolfsburg supports families during pregnancy until around a child's first birthday by offering family support.

    Family support is an important component of the Early Help Network. It is aimed at all expectant and new mothers and parents who would like further support beyond the health-promoting support of a midwife or who need it for a variety of reasons.
    No complex problems are required to make use of family support.

    The service is provided by pediatric nurses, nurses and midwives with individual further training. They advise, support and accompany families in their homes with questions, uncertainties and worries about the baby and the associated life situation.

    Specific topics are

    • Care, nursing and nutrition of your child
    • Handling / dealing with your child
    • Building a positive parent-child relationship
    • Organization of everyday life / daily structure
    • Promoting your child's development
    • Restlessness, crying, sleep
    • Premature birth or health restrictions in your child
    • Psychological and health problems of one or both parents
    • Multiple birth
    • Single parent, minor with child
    • Difficult and stressful life situation with a child

    Family support helps families to help themselves. It is individually tailored to the needs of the family. The content and goals are developed and defined together.

    The support can begin during pregnancy and usually ends around the child's first birthday. It is limited to 8.6 hours (12 hours in exceptional cases) per month, which corresponds to one contact per week.

    Family support is voluntary. The service is free of charge for mothers/parents. The costs of family support are covered by the city of Wolfsburg.

    It is not necessary to submit an application to make use of the family support service, only to make contact. The assessment and referral takes place after an initial meeting with the family support coordinator.

    If you are interested or have any questions about the family support service, please do not hesitate to contact the family support coordinator.

    You can find our current flyer "Family support in the Early Help Network" here (PDF - opens in a new window)


    Nicolle Langer

    Coordination family support
    2nd floor, room 202
    Seilerstraße 3
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Mobile: 0151 - 72 10 93 87
    E-Mail: familienbegleitung@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Family Companions:

    Cindy Christiansen

    Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

    Heidemarie Geffers
    Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

    Anne Landmann


    Qualification of a family, health and pediatric nurse practitioner

    Ina Metheit

    Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

    Sylvia Reiter


    Qualification of a family, health and pediatric nurse practitioner

    Gabriele Schiefelbein


    Ulrike Griese

    Qualification of a family midwife


    Carola hunter


    Qualification of a family midwife


    Stefanie Leitzke
    In further education as a family, health and pediatric nurse practitioner

  • Baby Visiting Service

    Families who live in Wolfsburg and have a baby are contacted by the baby visiting service within the first 8 to 12 weeks of the child's life to offer them advice.

    The Baby Visiting Service welcomes the newborn in Wolfsburg and informs the parents about existing services for families in the city.

    Families receive

    • Information about the baby's first year of life.
    • Information on advice and support services as well as opportunities for relief.
    • Information on kindergartens, crèches and childminders.
    • Information about leisure activities, exchange with like-minded people and much more.
    • ... a small welcome gift for your child.

    The offer is voluntary and free of charge. Families decide for themselves whether they would like a baby visit at home.

    Due to the current infection situation, care is taken to ensure mutual health protection through appropriate hygiene and protective measures. The appointment can also take place on the premises of the baby visiting service, by telephone or by video conference.

    Baby visiting service (flyer)

    New offer:

    Wolles Diaper Café


    Nicolle Langer

    Phone: 0151 72 10 93 87
    E-mail: nicolle.langer@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Rosemarie Springer

    Phone: 0151 72 60 59 63
    E-mail: rosemarie.springer@stadt.wolfsburg.de


  • Parenting School

    Birth preparation and the first

    The Parents' School at the Wolfsburg City Hospital is part of the Youth Division and a cooperation partner of the Adult Education Center. The staff members are contact persons for questions concerning the

    Year of life with the baby

    . This includes breastfeeding counseling, prenatal classes, midwife consultations, and also postnatal classes. On the pages of the Wolfsburg Clinic you will find further
    for further information on the extensive range of services.


    Phone: 05361 - 80 1055
    E-mail: elternschule@klinikum.wolfsburg.de
    Office hours: Monday to Friday, 08.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
    Address: Sauerbruchstraße 7, 38440 Wolfsburg, Germany

    Midwife Emergency Phone:

    0160 980 700 47 (available daily 8-12 a.m.)
    Breastfeeding telephone: 0160 222 87 23 (daily, 24-hours available)

    Contact persons:

    Soumea Madjeri post


    Coordination of the parenting school

    Course management, outpatient midwifery care,
    kinesiotaping, acupuncture

    Nele Liebrich

    (Pediatric nurse)

    Coordination of breastfeeding and lactation counseling

    Course instructor, resource-focused parenting consultant,
    breastfeeding and lactation consultant IBCLC

    Katja Kolbig
    (Pediatric nurse, Delfi course and practice instructor)

    The offer is aimed at all women/families who are not yet accompanied by a midwife.

    Midwives in the parenting clinic:

    Midwives provide outpatient midwifery care in the clinic, which means preventive and follow-up care during pregnancy as well as pregnancy counseling.

    Interested parties can contact the Parenting School to make an appointment.

    Esther-Maike Herterich


    Sylvia Meier


    Acupuncture, grief counseling

  • Network Café Early Help/Child Protection

    Networking, network maintenance

    The network café is a non-binding format of the work areas Early Intervention and Child Protection and serves for the , development of a common understanding of the case, quality development and information as well as for getting to know each other and exchange.

    The network café usually takes place on a Wednesday afternoon between 15:30 and 17:30. Each meeting has a different theme. In addition to an input, there is a relaxed exchange on the respective content.

    The target group is the Early Intervention and Child Protection Networks as well as other interested and potential network partners.

    Next date:

    Due to Corona restrictions, a network café could not yet take place in 2021. Therefore, a next date has not yet been set.


    Topic: Media use in young child families

    Speaker: Maik Rauschke, media pedagogue of the city of Wolfsburg.

    02.05.2018, Topic: Presentation of the work of Kinder- und Jugendschutz e.V.
    Speaker: Jürgen Ebbecke, chairman of the association

    07.11.2018, Topic: Presentation of the contact and self-help center KISS.
    Speaker: Axel Pieper, KISS

    04.12.2019, Topic: Shaking trauma
    Speaker: Dr. Heike Steffeck, senior physician at ZEUS

  • Links and information material


    Help phone for pregnant women in need

    Pregnant and the world is upside down?

    No matter what questions or fears you have, you can get help. Anonymously and safely. Experienced advisors are there for you around the clock on the helpline. Free of charge, barrier-free, multilingual. You can also find out more about help services in your area here.
    Help hotline "Pregnant women in need": 0800 40 40 020


    Sexual and reproductive health information in 13 languages


    Zanzu provides information on sexual and reproductive health in 13 languages (spoken and written) in a simple and clear way, facilitating communication about these issues, for example, in the context of counseling.

    Wolfsburg family portal

    The Wolfsburg family portal guides people with children through the various topics in the city of Wolfsburg relating to family, housing, pregnancy and birth, childcare, education and partnership, compatibility of family and career, migration, health, culture, sport, leisure, advice and support services

    You can find further information here: www.wolfsburg.de/leben/familie

    Wolfsburg family blog

    The Wolfsburg family blog offers current information for families in Wolfsburg.
    This includes questions about the financial situation of families, counseling services and assistance in problem situations. In addition, the blog also informs about the current situation in the KiTas and schools around and Corona and provides links to the everyday life in the family.

    You can find more information here: www.familienblog-wolfsburg.de

    Family portal of the federal government

    The family portal of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth provides information and calculators on state family benefits as well as on the different living situations of families.

    You can find more information here: www.familienportal.de

    Counseling services for parents

    The Internet portal of the National Center for Early Help (NZFH) provides information about help and counseling for pregnant women and parents with children up to age 3. Families can find information on early help, counseling services, and baby crying.

    Further information can be found here: www.elternsein.info

    Materials for addressing parents

    The National Center for Early Help (NZFH) offers states and municipalities a comprehensive package of measures with materials for approaching parents and supporting public relations work on site.

    The materials inform parents about the "Nummer gegen Kummer" parents' telephone and the online counseling of the Bundeskonferenz für Erziehungsberatung e.V. as access points to regional early help services. These actors provide initial counseling and can refer families with a need directly to the appropriate regional services.

    The materials help to address parents directly, to raise awareness of early intervention services, and to deepen or expand networking.

    A large number of the materials are available in Wolfsburg.


    Birte Neitzel
    E-mail: birte.neitzel@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Further information can be found here: www.elternsein.info

    Dangers of shaking infants and young children

    Together with the "Alliance against Shaking Trauma", the National Center for Early Support provides information on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs.

    The materials provide parents (and professionals) with specific information on what to do in an overload situation.
    The parent hotline of Nummer gegen Kummer e.V. (0800 - 111 0 550) and the online counseling service (www.bke-elternberatung.de ) can provide direct access to information, counseling and support services in Wolfsburg.
    On the page www.elternsein.info these offers can also be found through a search function.

    Further information, the materials as PDF files and an order form for additional materials (available free of charge) can be found at: https://www.fruehehilfen.de/bundesinitiative-fruehe-hilfen/kommunale-netzwerke/buendnis-gegen-schuetteltrauma.

  • Federal Foundation for Early Assistance

    The Federal Early Help Foundation provides long-term funding for early help networks and ensures support for families with infants and young children. It thus continues the successful work of the Federal Early Help Initiative.

    All children have the right to grow up healthy and free of violence. The first months and years of life are also of outstanding importance for the entire further development of the child. Therefore, it is especially important to support (expectant) parents during this time.

    To achieve this goal, the legislature has stipulated in Section 3 (4) of the Act on Cooperation and Information in Child Protection (KKG) that the federal government establish a permanent fund to ensure early help networks and psychosocial support for families. The fund will be implemented by means of the Federal Early Help Foundation. The administrative agreement has been signed by the federal and state governments. Legal principles are governed by the statutes.

    Since January 1, 2018, the Federal Early Help Foundation has ensured that the structures and services that were established through the federal initiative and have proven their worth can continue to exist. In particular, offers of psychosocial support for families with children up to the age of three are to be further expanded. Details on the implementation of the Early Intervention Fund are described in the administrative agreement and the performance guidelines.

    The federal foundation is guided by the Early Intervention Guiding Principles developed by the National Center for Early Intervention (NZFH) and its advisory board. According to this, early assistance builds on resources and creates low-threshold access for families under psychosocial stress.

    The quality criteria and scientific findings developed by the federal, state and local governments as part of the Federal Initiative for Early Intervention, especially those obtained through the NZFH's accompanying research, also form the basis for quality development and innovation in the Federal Foundation for Early Intervention.

    Source of the text: https://www.fruehehilfen.de/bundesstiftung-fruehe-hilfen, Status: 07.03.2018

    Further detailed information on the Federal Early Help Foundation and its contents can be found at https://www.fruehehilfen.de/bundesstiftung-fruehe-hilfen.

  • Children's Advisory Council

    We need you as an expert!

    In the Children's Advisory Council you can not only support the implementation of children's rights in Wolfsburg, but also contribute your own ideas and suggestions for improvement.

    Here are a few examples of what the Children's Advisory Council has done in recent years:
    • Actions on sustainability and environmental protection
    • Visit to the mayor to ask questions
    • Playground checks and playground participation
    • Trip to Berlin to the Bundestag

    The Children's Advisory Council runs for one year at a time and is linked to the school year. We usually meet once a month. Is this a good fit for you?

    • Are you between 10 and 13 years old?
    • You want to implement your own ideas and topics?
    • Do you want to help shape your own Wolfsburg?
    Here you can find the registration form.

    You can fill out the registration form and send it by e-mail to kjb@stadt.wolfsburg.de or hand it in personally at Seilerstraße 3, 38440 Wolfsburg.

  • Youth Advisory Council

    We need you as an expert!

    In the Youth Advisory Council you can not only contribute your own ideas and suggestions for improvement for the city of Wolfsburg, but also discuss your wishes and opinions with politicians four times a year in the Children and Youth Commission. This way, adults don't decide about you, but with you!
    Your voice counts!

    Here are a few examples of what the Youth Advisory Council has done in recent years:

    • Actions on the topic of places of fear in Wolfsburg
    • Video conference on the topic of "Digitalization in schools
    • Workshops (for example on the topic of "Cyberbullying")

    The Youth Advisory Council runs for one year at a time and is linked to the school year. We usually meet once or twice a month (on-site, hybrid or digital).
    Is this a good fit for you?

    • Are you between the ages of 13 and 27?
    • You want to talk about youth-related topics at eye level with administration and politics?
    • Do you want to bring about change in Wolfsburg?

    Here you can find the registration forms:
    Registration form (underage)
    Registration form (adult)

    You can fill out the registration form and send it by e-mail to kjb@stadt.wolfsburg.de or hand it in personally at Seilerstraße 3, 38440 Wolfsburg.

  • Child friendly municipality

    The Child-Friendly Municipality is a project of the "Child-Friendly Municipalities" association, which is supported by UNICEF Germany and the German Children's Fund.

    The project focuses on the municipal implementation of children's rights in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child with the participation of children and young people. The participating cities can be awarded the "Child-friendly municipality" seal during the course of the project. It is valid for a total of four years, after which the city must reapply for the seal.

    The city of Wolfsburg has been a child-friendly municipality since 2014 and is one of the first cities in Germany to take part in the project.

  • Children's rights

    The rights of the child were adopted by the member states of the United Nations on 20.11.1989. The United Nations is also called UNO (United Nations Organization). With this, children worldwide get their own rights. These rights were summarized in the so-called Convention on the Rights of the Child, which consists of 54 articles (sections on specific topics). All countries except the USA have signed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and since then have endeavored to comply with these rights. In Germany, the children's rights have been valid since 1992.

    A selection of the most important children's rights:

    • Right to education
    • Right to parental care
    • Right to privacy and non-violent upbringing
    • Right to participation
    • Right to protection (for example in war and on the run)
    • Right to play, leisure and rest
    • Right to equal treatment
    • Right to health
    Children's rights explained in a child-friendly way

    Children's rights in wording

  • Youth Forums

    As a child- and youth-friendly municipality, the city of Wolfsburg places a major focus on expanding child and youth participation.

    In the future, the opinions of children and young people are to be included in all urban planning and developments as well as in decisions made by the municipality. In regular city-wide or social-space-oriented youth forums and surveys, children and young people should be able to contribute their interests and concerns for improving their immediate living environment.

    In particular, this involves the design of spaces that meet their needs for leisure, play and recreation.

  • Playroom planning

    In and around Wolfsburg there are around 180 playgrounds and ball fields, which are equipped in different ways and are geared to the various interests of children. The playgrounds are looked after and maintained by the city of Wolfsburg.

    Here you can find a map with all important places relevant for children and young people

    The Children and Youth Office is in regular exchange with the Green Division and discusses what is next on the playgrounds and ball fields.
    In addition, playground checks are held on a regular basis, where participating children can rate the playgrounds they visit. The results of the playground checks are then taken into account during maintenance, redesign and new planning.

    For new playgrounds, playground participations are held so that children can help decide what the finished playground should look like.

  • FAQs - Frequently asked questions about playgrounds
  • The team

    In the children and youth office you will find:

    Bianca Liegner

    Graduate Social Pedagogue
    Phone: 05361 28-1498
    E-mail: bianca.liegner@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Katrin Dedolf

    Diplom-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH), LL.M. Eur
    Phone: 05361 28-1990
    E-mail: katrin.dedolf@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Marten Charles Müller
    Social Worker/Social Pedagogue (B.A.)
    Phone: 05361 28-1528
    E-mail: marten-charles.mueller@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Lea Sophie Becker
    Social worker/social pedagogue (B.A.) in the year of apprenticeship
    Phone: 05361 28-2738
    E-mail: lea-sophie.becker@stadt.wolfsburg.de

  • Voluntary Social Year Politics

    You have finished school?

    You are between 16 and 27 years old?

    You want to orientate yourself professionally, you want to work with children and young people and at the same time get to know the work with administration and politics? Then apply for the FSJ Politics in the Children and Youth Office Wolfsburg!

    You can expect:

    • Writing press releases, homepage, Facebook and Instagram contributions
    • Preparation, support and implementation of participation projects (e.g. children's advisory council)
    • Chance to realize your own project
    • Planning and implementation of events (for example, World Children's Day)
    • Collaboration on the action plan "Child-friendly community
    • 12 months full of new impressions on September 1
    In addition to the many insights into youth development and the field of work of the Children and Youth Office Wolfsburg, the FSJ offers politics:

    • Social security
    • Entitlement to child benefit
    • Monthly allowance
    An application is possible here.

  • Apprenticeship year (social work/social pedagogy)

    Every year in March, a social worker/social pedagogue joins our team to obtain state recognition.

    The year of recognition offers insights into a comprehensive field of work in which the focus is on the realization of children's rights and children's interests within Wolfsburg. For this purpose, there are not only staff resources for child and youth participation, but also for play space planning.

    What does the work in the children and youth office mean?

    • Participation in the implementation of planning participation
    • Representation of the interests of children and young people within the city administration
    • Accompaniment and participation in the play space commission and the children and youth commission
    • Initiating, accompanying and advising participation projects
    • Organization and implementation of committee meetings (Children's Advisory Council and Youth Advisory Council)

    Among other things, we offer:

    • Independent work in a supportive team
    • Creative freedom and realization of ideas
    • The possibility of work shadowing in various areas of the city administration
    • Getting to know a wide range of administrative processes and networking opportunities
    For further information, please refer to the current job advertisement.

  • Information material
  • Related links

    The Children's and Youth Office has put together a few websites where you can discover lots of great things. It is well worth a visit:



    ZDF Logo


    Kuppelkucker (children's portal of the German Bundestag)

    Mitmischen (Portal to the Bundestag)

    Outdoor children

    German Children's Fund

  • Newsletter

    With a newsletter, the Youth Development Department informs at regular intervals about current topics and developments in the field of action of child and youth work in Wolfsburg. The newsletter is aimed at voluntary and full-time staff active in youth work in Wolfsburg as well as interested parties from politics, administration and civil society.

    • Newsletter 02/2018 ()

    • Newsletter 01/2018 ()

    • Newsletter 04/2017 ()

    • Newsletter 03/2017 ()

    • Newsletter 02/2017 ()

    • Newsletter 01/2017 ()

  • Vacation offers

    The City of Wolfsburg's youth development facilities offer a colorful mix of activities during the vacations, even in Corona times. There is something for every age group, from reliable all-day programs to camps, day trips and workshops. It goes without saying that the applicable hygiene regulations are adhered to.

    You can find the wide range of vacation offers from the Youth Development Agency together with many other vacation offers from other providers at www.ferien-wolfsburg.de. You can register there and then book the offers of the youth promotion quite comfortably online.

  • Voluntary service (FSJ) in children and youth work

    Every September, the City of Wolfsburg, Youth Development Department, offers young people the opportunity to complete a voluntary social year (FSJ) in children's and youth work. There are currently 12 possible areas of assignment. The FSJs help to shape the everyday life and the offers in the youth centers, on the active playgrounds, in the multi-generation house, in the mobile work and directly in the youth welfare office and thus have the opportunity to contribute with their ideas and own projects. They help to organize and carry out the child- and youth-oriented offers and actions, also take over logistical services and work in the pedagogical teams.

    Anyone who has completed their compulsory education (9th grade) and is no older than 26 can apply for an exciting and interesting year in children's and youth work. Report cards and grades are not fundamentally important for the application. Decisive are social motivation, sociability and empathy as well as interest in working with young people.

  • Symposium "Giving young people space!"

    Under the title "Giving young people space!", the youth development department of the city of Wolfsburg organizes an annual symposium on current topics and issues in child and youth work. The symposium is aimed at actors in youth work and youth policy in Wolfsburg.

    Symposium "Giving space to youth!look for the RIGHTS! (06.05.2017)

    Youth work in the context of right-wing populist taboo breaking and border crossing!


    Right-wing populist attitudes include law-and-order attitudes, latent xenophobia, chauvinism and anti-democratic tendencies. Several long-term studies show that approval of right-wing populist statements is relatively stable. Right-wing populist and Euroskeptic parties are gaining influence not only in the Federal Republic of Germany, but in almost all European societies. Right-wing populists specifically exploit subjective feelings of disadvantage, which do not necessarily have to be accompanied by actual disadvantages, and fuel criticism of democracy or of parties and politicians. The good results for right-wing parties in both the European and national elections show that right-wing populist currents are increasingly attractive, especially to young voters. The proportion of young voters who are approached via social networks and won over to get involved is high.

    The symposium will explore several questions:

    • How can the causes, rise and spread of right-wing populism be explained?
    • Is this pattern of attitudes a danger to democracy?
    • What influence does right-wing populism have on the local environment?
    • How can we deal with right-wing populist attitudes and statements in a pedagogically appropriate way?
    • How can youth work have an effect and make its contribution to democratic education?

    What can you do as social workers, leaders of open institutions or in other functions where you work with youth and young adults to recognize the threat?

    10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    House of Youth

    Registration deadline is the

    Symposium "Give young people space! Focus: Sexuality (28.05.2016)

    Invitation symposium 2016


    (Youth) sexuality is an important topic in youth (education) work that is often neglected. With the symposium "Give young people space! Focus: Sexuality" this important topic is taken up and made tangible for the youth work in Wolfsburg.

    28.05.2016 09:00 to 16:00 House of Youth

    Registration deadline is

    Binding registrations can be sent by e-mail to jugendfoerderung@stadt.wolfsburg.de stating the name, the organization and the desired workshops (morning/afternoon).

    Symposium "Give young people space! (30.05.2015)

    Invitation symposium 2015

    The 2013 youth survey enabled those responsible in the city of Wolfsburg and those involved in youth policy to take a targeted look at the current living and leisure situation of young people in Wolfsburg. And not (as so often) from the point of view of adults, but from the point of view of young people.

    The symposium was intended to contribute to dealing with the results of the youth survey and to provide answers to current challenges of youth work and extracurricular youth education.

  • Children and youth rooms

    Whoever is looking for a place to play, build, chill, find friends ... is looking for a place to play, build, chill, find friends ... will certainly find it in one of the many facilities of the youth promotion.
    Starting with the facilities for the "little ones" (from 6 years) up to the youth centers for the "big ones" (up to 25 years), there is certainly something for everyone.

    You can find more information about the individual leisure and educational offers, the active playgrounds and the youth centers here.

  • Youth protection

    Dialogue reduces social conflicts

    We pursue a preventive approach

    Streetlife sees itself as an offensive reaction to the phenomenon of "conspicuous youths" in Wolfsburg.
    The offensive team is made up of staff from the Wolfsburg-Helmstedt police department, 6th police department (juvenile delinquency) and the municipal departments of youth / youth development - and citizens' services / public order office.

    Main areas of work

    • Legal protection of minors
    • Violence counseling for young violent offenders
    • Outreach work with young offenders
    • Own public relations
    • Quality assurance
    • Test purchases

    Current topics, the different fields of work as well as an introduction of the individual team members can be found on the Streetlife homepage.

    Dialog Office for the Protection of Minors


    The starting point for the establishment of the Youth Protection Dialogue Office is the phenomenon of young people radicalizing for militant jihad in Syria, which has changed intercultural dialogue and democratic coexistence for the worse and intensified it.

    The Youth Protection Dialogue Office in Wolfsburg has the task of protecting children and young people from danger and strengthening them in the face of impairments of all kinds. In the search for their identity, we want to give young people space and orientation and show them possibilities without having to join orientations that are hostile to democracy and freedom.

    The aim is to further develop the promotion of intercultural understanding, the creation of communication opportunities as well as the interaction and participation of the different cultures in Wolfsburg.

    To this end, the Dialogstellen Jugendschutz offers networking, prevention and dialog with involved people and institutions, so that can and should sustainably participate in democratic processes, social as well as political activity, especially migrant organizations.

    Further information is available here.

  • The multigenerational house

    Since August 22, 2008, the Freizeitzentrum Nord has officially been a multigenerational house in Wolfsburg and thus one of 500 houses in Germany that are supported by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs. Multigenerational houses should not only be a day meeting place, but also unite all generations under one roof, promote their contact with each other, offer assistance in everyday life and make mutual learning possible.

    Our multi-generation house is an open day meeting place for young and old. The house is open to everyone and offers a variety of opportunities to spend your free time actively, meaningfully and creatively. We see ourselves as a center for communication and encounter.
    If you would like to use our offers or rooms, make your own offers, get involved or contribute in any other way, please contact us!


    In the entrance area of our house you will find our cafeteria with a large play corner. Big and small, old and young are always welcome and can enjoy Eva's delicacies from the kitchen or Brigitte's dream cakes and tarts. Of course, everything is homemade and prepared with lots of love and experience.

    There is a delicious lunch menu from 12:00 to 13:30 on Mondays to Thursdays. The very hungry can of course also have breakfast on these days from 09:00.

    Our insider tip: The "mother-child breakfast", of course also for dads, grandmas & grandpas, every Friday from 09:00 to 12:00.

    For 5.50 euros, 1 adult and 1 child up to the age of 5 get a delicious breakfast plate with a variety of surprises. Please register if possible.

    Further information about the multi-generation house in Wolfsburg can be found here.

  • The Jobwerk


    is the youth employment service of the city of Wolfsburg.

    is there for young people up to the age of 27

    • who are looking for help and support on their way into working life
    • who want to improve their chances on the training and job market and to live independently and autonomously
    JOBWERK offers
    • career guidance
    • Career entry test
    • Applications and job search
    • Job interviews
    • Advice on personal problems
    • Information for parents
    • Qualification and employment in the JOBWERK youth workshop
    • Training as a parts finisher
    • Training as a specialist in the hospitality industry
    Further information on the Jobwerk and the Youth Employment Agency can be found under the following two links.

    Caritas Wolfsburg acts as a cooperation partner for youth vocational assistance.

  • Children and youth office

    Opening hours:

    The Children and Youth Office in Wolfsburg has been a contact point for children and young people since 2000. The focus is on children's rights, in particular the right of children "to be involved in all matters affecting them".

    Monday: 10:00 - 12:00
    Thursday: 13:00 - 16:00

    We are also happy to arrange an appointment outside of opening hours.

    The children and youth office:

    • is a contact point for children and young people
    • provides information on children's rights, participation and representation of interests
    • identifies the interests of children and young people in the "public sphere"
    • advises and initiates participation projects
    • involves children and young people in play area planning and the like
    • is a "caretaker" for children's playgrounds and youth locations (playgrounds, football pitches, etc.)

    You can find an overview of playgrounds in Wolfsburg here.

    Further information on the Wolfsburg Children and Youth Office can be found here.

  • Children's cultural program

    The children's culture program "Best Places" is a network for district-oriented children's cultural events. It offers tailored, continuous cultural mediation - in projects, performances, workshops, actions, in leisure facilities, on supervised playgrounds and open-air.

    Learn more here.

  • Fan Project Wolfsburg

    Are you between 14 and 18 years old, play Fifa17 and would like to compete with other players?

    Take on the VfL Wolfsburg Fifa17 Challenge and enter the "Grand Final" in the Volkswagen Arena as a team.

    Register directly at the youth centers or facilities and take part!

    "Open door" and registration for the U18 rides

    We are a permanent contact for all fan activists and institutions involved in soccer.

    Both in daily business and at home and away games, we always have an open ear and are in the middle of the action.

    Our central goal has always been to work for a creative, colorful, self-responsible and happy Wolfsburg fan culture.

    Among other things, the club organizes regular bus trips to Wolfsburg's away games for young people between the ages of 12 and 17.
    The U18 trips are accompanied by staff from the fan project and are intended to give young people the opportunity to "practice driving away".

    Every Wednesday from 15:00

    Fan table

    every Wednesday from 18:00

    The entrance to the fan project is located under the north staircase, in the north curve of the VOLKSWAGEN ARENA (Nordkurvensaal).

    Current information, offers and upcoming events can be found on the homepage of the fan project Wolfsburg.

  • Publications

    On the following page, the youth development department makes various publications available for download. In addition to conference documentation, you will also find various activity reports from the fields of action of youth development in the city of Wolfsburg.

    Give space to blob youth

    On this page, the youth development department makes various publications available for download.

    In addition to conference documentation, you will also find various activity reports from the fields of action of youth development in the city of Wolfsburg.

    Note: The documents offered here are available for download in *PDF format and each opens in a new window.

    Figures, data and facts on child and youth work - 2021 (leaflet)

    Youth work counts! Overview of the most important facts, figures and data on child and youth work by the City of Wolfsburg's youth development agency. The data and facts are based on the 2021 statistics on child and youth work of the public agency for youth work in Wolfsburg.


    (Wolfsburg, 2021)

    Figures, data and facts on children and youth work - 2020 (leaflet)

    Youth work counts! Overview of the most important facts, figures and data on child and youth work by the City of Wolfsburg's youth development agency. The data and facts are based on the 2020 statistics on child and youth work of the public agency for youth work in Wolfsburg.


    (Wolfsburg, 2020)

    Figures, data and facts on children and youth work - 2019 (leaflet)

    Youth work also counts in 2019! Overview of the most important facts, figures and data on child and youth work in Wolfsburg.
    The data and facts are based on the 2019 statistics on child and youth work of the public agency for youth work in Wolfsburg.
    The compilation is now published for the third year.


    (Wolfsburg, September 2019)

    Results of the user survey of open child and youth facilities 2019

    Open child and youth work is a dynamic field of work. What is modern today may be outdated tomorrow. Therefore, within the framework of quality development, it is not only relevant to optimize structural and organizational processes. Also the own practice of the child and youth work is to be examined again and again, to what extent the existing offers are still oriented at the needs and the life world of the children and young people.

    In the summer of 2019, Jugendförderung Wolfsburg conducted a user survey in the youth facilities of the city of Wolfsburg. For a demand-oriented child and youth work, it is of high importance for the youth promotion of the city of Wolfsburg to find out what is relevant for the young users and what they need to feel comfortable in the facilities and to visit them. The results are published in this brochure.


    (Wolfsburg, December 2019, 8 pages)

    Child-friendly community - action plan of the city of Wolfsburg 2019-2021

    The Council of the City of Wolfsburg has already decided on 19.09.2018 to extend the "Child-Friendly Municipality" seal process for the period from 2019 to 2021. The present action plan "Child-Friendly Community - Action Plan of the City of Wolfsburg 2019-2021" now describes the measures to be implemented as part of the process until 2021.


    (Wolfsburg, August 2019, 24 pages)

    Framework concept of open child and youth work

    Framework concept Wolfsburg

    Childhood and adolescence are increasingly shaped by the performance expectations and demands of the adult world. Children's and young people's everyday lives are taking place earlier and earlier and, above all, for longer and longer in educational institutions. Open child and youth work (OKJA) must respond to these changing conditions and face the challenges that come with them. With the framework concept adopted by the Wolfsburg City Council in July 2015, the OKJA is positioning itself as an active part of Wolfsburg's educational landscape.


    (Wolfsburg, August 2019, 28 pages, 2nd edition)

    Giving girls space! (Brochure)

    Various child and youth work organizations have joined forces in the "Girls" working group. They are committed to recognizing the needs and concerns of girls and young women, uncovering prejudices and gender stereotypes, and raising awareness of disadvantages. These guidelines form the basis for joint action.


    (Wolfsburg, March 2019, 4 pages)

    "Queer? - So What!" (brochure)

    A handout on the topics of sexual and gender diversity and gender-sensitive writing. The brochure is part of the annual campaign "Giving space to diversity!" of the youth development department of the city of Wolfsburg.


    (Wolfsburg, April 2019, 8 pages)

    Open all-day elementary school under the auspices of the Open Child and Youth Work (OKJA) using the example of the Youth Promotion Wolfsburg (brochure)

    Open child and youth work (OKJA) faces a variety of challenges and is in a constant process of transformation. The progressive expansion of all-day schooling in particular is becoming increasingly prominent. The current discussion about an individual legal entitlement to all-day school care is further fueling the debate about the status and future of open child and youth work. In the following brochure, both the conceptual set-up and the special features of a sponsorship by an institution of open child and youth work are to be presented as examples.


    (Wolfsburg, August 2018, 4 pages)

    Professional internship/year of recognition in child and youth work

    Every year, the City of Wolfsburg, Department of Youth Development, offers four graduates of the "Social Work" program the opportunity to complete a one-year internship in order to obtain state recognition. The one-year professional internship (year of recognition) for social workers in the fields of action of open child and youth work is based on the Ordinance on the State Recognition of Professional Qualifications in the Field of Social Work and Therapeutic Education (SozHeilVO).

    We welcome interest and meaningful applications. Further information can be found in the brochure.


    (Wolfsburg, March 2018, 6 pages)

    Children and Youth Office of the City of Wolfsburg (brochure)

    The City of Wolfsburg's Children and Youth Office was established in 2000. It is a central point of contact for the concerns and interests of children and young people in Wolfsburg, which are collected there and then communicated to the administration and politicians in a transparent and comprehensible manner. The primary objective of the Children and Youth Office is to implement the right to participation according to Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, i.e. the right of children and young people to be involved in all matters affecting them. Further tasks of the Children and Youth Office are the coordination and implementation of the action plan "Child-Friendly Community" of the city of Wolfsburg (a catalog of measures to increase child-friendliness) as well as the participation of children and young people in the planning, redesign and reorganization of playgrounds, recreation areas and ball fields in Wolfsburg.


    (Wolfsburg, August 2016, 12 pages)

  • Documentaries and films

    A picture or a film says more than 1000 words! For this reason, the Youth Development Department produces small or larger film contributions at irregular intervals in order to make the various activities and forms of offering "visible". Children and youth work cannot be described, you have to experience it to understand it.

    A picture or a film says more than 1000 words! For this reason, the Youth Development Department produces small or larger film contributions at irregular intervals in order to make the various activities and forms of offering "visible". Children and youth work cannot simply be described, you have to experience it to understand it.

    20 years fan project (2017)

    With VfL Wolfsburg's promotion to the first Bundesliga, the Wolfsburg fan project also began its work in 1997 and has continued to develop ever since. Since its inception, the fan project has been run by Wolfsburg's youth development department and has become a recognized institution over the past 20 years. The fan project enjoys a high level of acceptance among fans and partners within the local network of the city, club and police. This film, produced during the 2016/2017 Bundesliga season, provides an impressive insight into the various areas of activity and work of the Wolfsburg fan project and takes a look behind the scenes of an important and unusual form of youth work in Wolfsburg.

    A playmobile on the road (2015)

    The Spielmobil has now been on the road in Wolfsburg for 35 years. It is a converted furniture trailer that is stuffed to the rafters with play equipment, craft materials and much more.

    Opening Skaterpark Wolfsburg (01.06.2015)

    The skate park in Allerpark provides skaters from Wolfsburg and the region with one of the most modern facilities in northern Germany. Mayor Klaus Mohrs inaugurated the facility in the presence of guests from politics and administration as well as many skaters on June 1. The film tries to capture and reflect this special day.

    Air jumps 2015

    Aerial jumps 2013

    From 07 to 09 June 2013, the Luftsprünge took place at the Schillerteich in Wolfsburg. The colorful festival for children and their families takes place every two years and attracts up to 25,000 visitors each time. To mark the city's 75th birthday in 2013, the festival was documented in the form of a film.

    Air jumps 2013 (short version)

    Air jumps 2004

    Aerial jumps 1992

    Aerial jumps 1988

  • Grants and promotion

    Promotion of youth communities

    The city of Wolfsburg grants subsidies for qualified leisure and educational work of the Wolfsburg youth communities. Find out more here...

    The city of Wolfsburg grants subsidies for qualified leisure and educational work of the Wolfsburg youth communities. In addition, young people from Wolfsburg who take part in measures organized by youth communities outside Wolfsburg are also subsidized. This is intended to support the independent youth work organizations in their efforts to provide timely extracurricular recreational and educational work. Eligible to apply are the youth communities recognized as worthy of support, not private individuals.

    Grants may be applied for:

    • Leisure activities at home and abroad
    • International meetings
    • Lump-sum allocations for regular work
    • Fees for youth leaders
    • honorary commitment
    • Investments
    • socially disadvantaged participants in leisure activities and international encounters
    • initiatives particularly worthy of support

    The target group of the promotion are:

    The target group of the promotion are:

    • Wolfsburg children and young people between 6 and 27 years of age
    • Juleica holders
    • Persons with disabilities also over 27 years

  • Download forms
  • Juleica

    The Youth Leader Card (JULEICA) is the nationwide standardized ID card for volunteers in youth work.

    It serves as legitimation and proof of qualification for the holder. In addition, the Juleica is also intended to express social recognition for voluntary work.

    You can find information on training as a youth leader on the Stadtjugendring Wolfsburg website

    Further information can be found on the JULEICA website

  • News and events

    Group for fathers separated from children

    On Monday, November 1, at 6:30 pm.

    Once again this year, the parenting advice service of the counseling department of the youth division of the city of Wolfsburg invites you to a group offer for fathers living separately from their children. the information meeting will be held at the parenting advice center, Braunschweiger Straße 12, 38440 Wolfsburg.

    Normally, no father - whether of a baby or a teenager - would wish to live separately from his child. Without a common daily routine, one misses out on a great deal of what the child experiences. In addition, there are disappointments, worries and frustration.

    Accepting changes, recognizing one's own strengths, facing up to a new situation despite fears, and recognizing and using room for maneuver even in the face of uncertainty - this is the focus of the group by and for fathers.

    A protected space is offered in which to discuss one's own experiences. Participation in the free offer is based on voluntariness.

    The offer is moderated and accompanied by Markus Mende from the educational counseling. Ten meetings are planned. Depending on the further course of the pandemic and the infection, the meetings will take place either in person (2G arrangement) or digitally.

  • Advice centers from A to Z

    Wolfsburg offers you the right help for every situation in life. We have compiled the facilities, contact persons and contact options for you here.

    To view the overview of Wolfsburg's advice centers, please click here

  • The psychosocial counseling guide
    Kunstartnet / pixelio.de

    Wolfsburg has further expanded the diversity for people seeking advice. However, people seeking advice and advice services must come together. With the counseling guide, we provide an online reference work that clearly presents the counseling services and makes it easier to make contact.

    Institutions and self-help groups present their counseling services for people in a wide variety of life situations. The entries are organized by topic and divided into individual sections. The respective offers of the institutions can be found there. An alphabetical index makes it easier to search for specific services. This online offer of the counseling guide is supplemented and expanded according to the information from the Wolfsburg institutions.

    We would like to thank all the professionals who have contributed to providing this comprehensive overview of psychosocial counseling in Wolfsburg.

    We hope that you will make active use of the counseling guide as a source of information - this would be the best confirmation of our work!

    Psychosocial help for young people

    The Youth Welfare Service has set out to make access to the wide range of support services more tailored and customer-friendly.

    An important milestone on this path is our psychosocial counseling guide, which has proven itself as a virtual reference work for those seeking advice as well as for counselors from other disciplines. Now we are going one step further: we are supplementing the counseling guide with target group-oriented help for young people.

    Under "Psychosocial support for young people" you will find a list of issues and problems specific to young people. For each question, competent contact persons or counseling centers with experience in the target group are named, who can make an offer of help for the young people, their parents or caregivers.

    We know: Young people and their questions, their problems and their coping strategies change, often very quickly. Youth welfare services must constantly adapt to this. That's why our "Psychosocial support for young people" website is regularly revised, expanded and supplemented.

    We would like to thank the project group, which consisted of six employees from public and independent youth welfare services and schools, for developing the project.

  • The Wolfsburg Parent Training

    ... is a free offer to all Wolfsburg parents with children up to 12 years.

    What do I have to do if I want to participate in the parent training?

    By the way:

    Check under "Dates" to see when and where a parent training course that suits you is offered and contact the childcare center directly. They will tell you whether there is still a place available in the course you want.

    Wolfsburg parents of children aged 0 to 12 can generally take part in parent training courses at all Wolfsburg daycare centers, regardless of whether your child attends a daycare center or not. However, it is usually advantageous for you to participate in parent training at the daycare center your child attends.

    Russian-speaking parents can take part in a special course offered by the "MeiNZ Integration Center" in cooperation with the Youth Division.


    Mrs. Jakumeit

    Educational counseling center
    Braunschweiger Str. 12
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 28-1161
    E-mail to Ms. Jakumeit

  • News

    Press release 21.12.2020

    Municipal Dialogue Unit for the Prevention of Extremism Included in the Federal Project on Deradicalization

    Since 2015, the city of Wolfsburg has taken the initiative to address the issue of Islamism prevention by creating the "Dialogue Center for the Prevention of Extremism" - organizationally integrated into the Youth Department - as a local coordination and counseling center. This was triggered by the discovery of increased departures of mostly young Wolfsburg residents to IS regions since 2014. Since 2017, returnees, some with children, have been returning to Wolfsburg.

    The topics of "radicalization and deradicalization in the Islamist environment" continue to be topical and in focus throughout federal policy. For this reason, the Federal Ministry of the Interior has launched the project "MoDeRad - Model Municipality Deradicalization" and would like to support the municipal level in the implementation of sustainable and effective deradicalization work in this way(https://www.bmi.bund.de/DE/themen/sicherheit/extremismus/deradikalisierung/moderad-modellkommune-deradikalisierung/moderad-node.html). The projects are intended in particular to test new methodological-theoretical approaches in dealing with radicalized individuals and their environment in practice at the municipal level.

    The city of Wolfsburg successfully applied with the topic "Youth welfare in the context of Salafism/Islamism" and, together with its partners from the independent youth welfare, AWO Bezirksverband Braunschweig e.V. and Remenhof gGmbH, will be financially supported by the federal government with 60,000 euros in 2021.

    Iris Bothe, City Councillor for Youth, Schools and Integration, felt it was extremely important for the city to apply for this model project and sees great opportunities in this funding and participation in the project: "It is confirmation that the city of Wolfsburg already had the courage a few years ago to actively deal with this difficult topic area and to work on it together with many actors and partners in the city society."

    With the federal funding, the city of Wolfsburg and its partners are now being supported on their way to developing effective measures within the framework of outpatient and inpatient youth welfare for affected children from returning families and their relatives. The need for help varies greatly. There are currently no specialized youth welfare services in the region that are geared and prepared for families with a Salafist/Islamist background. This is now to change as part of the joint cooperation and with the help of MoDeRad in Wolfsburg. "In this way, we are also breaking new ground here and can certainly contribute to the further development of this field in the Federal Republic of Germany in networking with the AWO district association, Remenhof gGmbH and other project sponsors," emphasizes City Councilor Iris Bothe.

  • Tasks and offers

    In cooperation with clubs and associations as well as interested institutions, the Dialogue Unit for the Prevention of Extremism develops strategies and action concepts tailored to specific situations that lead to the promotion of democracy and diversity.

    The focus of the Dialogue Unit is on the development of methods, action concepts and the establishment of networks against violence, misanthropy and all forms of extremism, especially the radicalization of young people in the neo-Salafist scene. The aim here is to jointly identify ways and possibilities for turning away from violence-related and extremist ideology and to counteract it at an early stage.

    The following are some of the offers:

    • Individual talks with private individuals, institutions and associations
    • Initiation of information events, symposia and qualification/training courses
    • Referral to various counseling centers in the region
    • Offer or referral to offers of assistance
    • Networking and linking of different levels such as civil society, associations, municipal level and authorities

  • Extremism prevention

    A change that is not tangible at first

    Radicalization is always a process. A person is not radical overnight, but changes himself and his views gradually, often insidiously and initially unnoticed by family, friends, and other caregivers. Every radicalization process is different and individual. Gradually, the ideas and goals strengthen, take on more and more space, and become more ideological and radical. The further this process progresses, the more difficult it is to reach this person - and the end of radicalization can be the use of violence.

    We are at your side,

    • if you are not sure whether your observations are already radicalization and you would like to be advised on this.
    • if you would like to know how to recognize radicalization and how to act on it.
    • if you need concrete help.

    For more information, please see the flyer or brochure or contact us directly.


    Phone: 05361 28-1628

  • Federal program: DEMOCRACY live!

    In this course, actors of the city of Wolfsburg can apply for funding for measures/projects and actions. Further details can be found under the following links:

    The city of Wolfsburg has been included in the federal program "Live Democracy!" since June 2015. The program, funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, supports the offensive dialog of the Youth Protection Dialogue Office locally and systematically and promotes a wide variety of measures and projects that serve to promote democracy and prevent extremism. Within the framework of local "Partnerships for Democracy," the city of Wolfsburg is setting out to develop an overall strategy together with those responsible from local politics and administration as well as activists from civil society.

    For more information on the federal program "Democracy Live!", please click on the following links:

    • Guideline "Partnership for Democracy

    Infodienst Radicalization Prevention - The Challenge of Salafism

    An offer of the Federal Agency for Civic Education

    The info service contains background information and practice-related materials on the challenge posed by Salafist currents. It is aimed at all professional groups that come into contact with the topic in the course of their work - for example, in school and extracurricular education, in public administration, social work or work with those affected.

    Part of the service is a nationwide database of initiatives that offer advice, on-site measures, training or materials. The Infodienst regularly sends out a newsletter with the latest news, publications, dates and training courses.

    Click here for the Radicalization Prevention Info Service: www.bpb.de/radikalisierungspraevention

  • Leaflet Youth in Radicalized Space

    In the phase of adolescence, young people are searching for their identity and a place in society. They want to belong and help shape society in their own way. At the same time, they distance themselves from parents, teachers and other authority figures, sometimes in a provocative way. This leaflet is intended to inform, sensitize and help provide initial answers.


    (Wolfsburg, December 2015, Leaflet)

  • Contact

    Coordination and Expert Office Partnership for Democracy Wolfsburg

    City of Wolfsburg

    Dialogue Center for the Prevention of Extremism
    Schiller Street 4
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Jan Schaller-Helmchen
    Phone: 05361 28-5008

    Christian Radatus
    Phone: 05361 28-1628

    E-mail: dialogstelle@stadt.wolfsburg.de

  • Further information

    Nationwide offers

    Exit Offer - Out of Terrorism and Islamic Fanaticism (HATIF)

    of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV). HATIF is aimed at people who want to break away from the Islamist scene.


    Phone: 02 21/ 792 - 69 99
    E-mail: H ATIF@bf v.bund.de

    Counseling Center "Radicalization

    of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). For people seeking advice and support because they fear that a person in their environment is becoming Islamist radicalized.

    Phone: 09 11/ 94 34 343
    E-mail: beratung@bamf.bund.de

    Tip Line - Call Against Terror and Violence (HiT)

    For persons who have indications of possible planning of Islamist-motivated acts of violence or terrorist attacks.


    Phone: 02 21/ 792 - 3366
    E-mail: HiT@bfv.bund.de

    Regional offers

    Center for Democratic Education

    Heinrich-Nordhoff-Strasse 73,
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 891 305-0
    E-mail: info@zdb-wolfsburg.de
    Internet: www.arug-zdb.de

    Counseling Center for the Prevention of Neo-Salafist Radicalization beRATen e. V.

    Herschel Street 32
    30159 Hanover
    Phone: 0511 70052040
    E-mail: info@beraten-niedersachsen.de
    Internet: www.beraten-niedersachsen.de

    Ufuq e. V. Consulting and Information

    Wissmannstrasse 20-21
    12049 Berlin
    Phone: 030 98341051
    E-mail: info@ufuq.de
    Internet: www.ufuq.de

    Violence Prevention Network e. V.

    Old Moabit 73
    10555 Berlin
    Phone: 030 91 70 54 64
    E-mail: beratung@violence-prevention-network.de
    Internet: www.violence-prevention-network.de

  • Recreational homes, youth clubs and youth centers

    There is a large selection of recreation centers, youth clubs and youth centers in Wolfsburg. You can get an overview here.

    An overview of youth centers in the surrounding area can be found here.

  • Active playgrounds

    Fallersleben active playground

    Active playground Fallersleben

    Our focus is on working with the primal elements and animal-assisted pedagogy. The Fallersleben Active Playground offers children the opportunity to live out their urge to move in nature. They gain elementary experience in dealing with fire, earth, water and air. We also promote manual dexterity with the support of natural materials.

    Adventure Playground Pivert

    Adventure playground Buntspecht The outdoor area of the adventure playground is characterized by nature experiences and elementary experiences. Around the eco-pond, the flower and vegetable garden with fruit trees, visitors can gain numerous experiences through care and observation.
    Art pedagogical topics are taken up in the various annual projects, in the vacation offers and in the daily playground work.

    Bauspielplatz Westhagen

    Bauspielplatz Westhagen

    Westhagen construction playground The focus is on "open" - experiential educational work with children aged 6 - 12 years. The playground offers children work and recreation areas for playing, doing handicrafts, etc. The outdoor area has various functional areas, such as a fire pit, a shack building area, a water and mud area and a small pond for rafting etc.

    You can find more information about the facilities on offer at the respective active playgrounds, opening times and contact persons here.

  • Skater facility at the Allersee

    The skate sculpture in Allerpark provides skaters from Wolfsburg and the region with one of the most modern facilities in northern Germany. Mayor Klaus Mohrs inaugurated the facility in the presence of guests from politics and administration as well as many skaters on June 1.

    The skate sculpture in Allerpark has been modernized over the past few months and expanded to 2,000 square meters. It consists of flat and uphill riding areas in various degrees of difficulty, as well as obstacles such as railings, steps and a fire hydrant, and a lowered, organically designed figure, the Bowl. These elements are framed by generous and connecting flat ride areas and blend harmoniously into the landscape architectural design of Allerpark.

    You can find the film of the opening here.

  • Playmobile

    The playmobile helps to improve the children's play environment, to give children back their play spaces and to show them how to play on streets, yards, soccer pitches, meadows, schoolyards and playgrounds.

    You can find more information on the playmobile at the City of Wolfsburg's youth development office.

  • Youth Mobile

    The Youth Mobile is a minibus that has been converted into a mobile youth space.

    The offer includes:

    • Sports (StreetSoccer facility)
    • Billiards
    • Foosball
    • Parlor games
    In addition, social training courses, counseling services, cooperation with various clubs, facilities and institutions, as well as referral to counseling centers upon request are offered.

    You can also find out more about the sporting activities on offer:
    • JuPo CUP and Wolfsburg Leisure League.

    You want to know more about the social training courses of the city of Wolfsburg? Then take a look at our concept (*PDF - opens in a new window)

  • Recreational and educational activities

    Media education offers

    Do you have problems with your computer?
    Do you have questions about Facebook & Co?
    How can I get music legally and free of charge?
    You want to know how to defend yourself against cyberbullying?
    Do you want to create your own YouTube video?

    We are happy to answer all these questions and more on the subject of media:

    Maik Rauschke

    Phone: 05363 9769742

    or simply send us an e-mail.

    Youth Initiatives

    You would like to get involved in a youth club?
    You would like to become a youth group leader (JULEICA)?
    You would like to work in the self-administration of the Jugendhaus Ost?
    You have a project idea and need support?

    You can get information about these topics here:

    Jens Ninnemann
    Phone: 05361 54245

    or simply write an e-mail .

  • Aerial jumps

    The Luftsprünge Festival usually takes place every two years. The next festival for Wolfsburg's smallest residents will not take place until 2017.

    To get a better impression of the event, take a look at our videos as well:

    • Luftsprünge 2013
    • Children's voices Luftsprünge 2013

    You can find more information on the Luftsprünge pages.

  • Framework concepts
  • Advanced training and education

    The Child Protection Coordination Office offers training and continuing education to educational institutions and other interested groups in Wolfsburg on the protection mandate in the event of a risk to the well-being of children. Basic knowledge about child protection is imparted:

    • Legal basics
    • Forms and signs of endangerment
    • Procedures
    • Involvement of parents, children and adolescents
    • Cooperation with institutions and counseling centers
    • Overview of the most important assistance for families in Wolfsburg
    The aim of the events is to sensitize participants to child protection and to give them more confidence in taking action to fulfill their duty to protect. There is also an opportunity for participants to present their own case studies.

    The content and schedule of the training sessions are tailored to the needs of the individual facility.

    Note: The following files are available for downloading in *PDF format and will open in a new window in each case

    Basic training course "The duty to protect in the event of a risk to the well-being of a child

    In-depth training on the "Protection mandate in the event of a risk to the well-being of a child

    Training "Internal Child Protection

  • Child Protection Network

    In September 2010, the Youth Business Unit founded the Child Protection Working Group. It is an association of representatives from various fields of work and different professions who are in contact with children and young people and their families in their professional context.

    The goal is a close networking of local actors in child protection with a regular intensive exchange of experiences. Understanding of the other professional role is to be promoted and qualified support given in individual cases. Because only if all relevant agencies know from each other who is responsible for what and where the limits of the other lie, can they cooperate effectively to protect children.

    The members of the Child Protection Working Group meet four times a year to discuss and exchange information about current developments in child protection.

    The institutions and services linked in the child protection network currently include:

    • Educational counseling center of the city of Wolfsburg
    • Wolfsburg Family Court
    • Representation of pediatricians
    • Early Childhood Education Advisory Service of the City of Wolfsburg
    • Social welfare department of the city of Wolfsburg
    • Pediatric clinic of the hospital Wolfsburg
    • Child and youth protection Wolfsburg e.V.
    • Streetlife
    • Wolfsburg Police

  • Expert advice in child protection

    The assessment of a risk to the well-being of a child is a complex process and can be emotionally very stressful. Professionals from educational, social and medical fields who are in professional contact with children, adolescents and their families have a legal right to advice from an "insofar experienced specialist". The legal basis is §§ 8a, b SGB VIII (Child and Youth Welfare Act) and § 4 KKG (Act on Cooperation and Information in Child Protection).

    "Insofar experienced professionals" have specific knowledge, methodological procedures and practical experience in the assessment of risk situations. They provide advice on all issues relating to the best interests of the child:

    • Assessment of the risk of endangerment after perception of (weighty) indications.
    • Exploration of resources and development potentials
    • Preparation and follow-up of meetings with guardians
    • Dealing with the child or adolescent at risk
    • Development of a concept for help and protection, if necessary with the involvement of other institutions
    • Involvement of the youth welfare office
    • Clarification of responsibilities, procedural issues
    • Weighing up the requirements of confidentiality and child protection

    The case consultation can take place as an individual, team or management consultation. If necessary, a follow-up meeting is also possible. The consultation is free of charge and is conducted anonymously.

    Flyer: Specialized counseling in child protection Wolfsburg

    The professionals with in-depth experience have formed a working group for the exchange of information and experience as well as anonymous case discussions. Further interested parties are welcome at any time. The members meet quarterly. Information on the current dates can be obtained from the Child Protection Coordination.

    Quality standards for professionals with in-depth experience in Wolfsburg

  • Notification in the event of suspected risk to the welfare of a child

    If you have noticed serious indications of a possible risk to the well-being of a child, please make use of the expert advice provided by a specialist with in-depth experience in child protection to assess the risk and decide on further steps. You will find the contact persons and contact details in this flyer. For a report to the General Social Service / Youth Welfare Office, please use the Child Welfare Risk Report Form. The reporting form, contact details and further information of the General Social Service can be found here.

  • Further information
  • Basics of our work

    The basis on which work is done in Wolfsburg family centers and how the development of the family centers is coordinated and controlled is written and defined in the framework concept for Wolfsburg family centers 2010. It also describes how funding is regulated and the criteria for expansion. The complete framework concept can be found here.

    Uniform quality criteria

    The "Forum Familienzentren" (Forum for Family Centers) brings together coordinators, management, representatives of the childcare providers and the childcare department of the City of Wolfsburg to form a working group. It meets at regular intervals and develops the content of the work. Here, quality criteria for Wolfsburg family centers are further developed together with professional and political committees, which apply to all family centers.

    "Daycare centers provide care, education and upbringing for children. In family centers, parents also receive advice and support on issues relating to education and successful everyday family life - close to home."

    The Wolfsburg Family Centers Seal - A Sign of Good Quality

    All Wolfsburg family centers are recognizable by the quality seal "We strengthen families". The seal stands for uniform quality criteria that are lived and implemented in the family centers.

    Meeting the needs of parents and children

    Parents are the first and most important caregivers for their children. Family centers assume that all parents want to offer their children the best development opportunities. However, today's social changes present families with major new challenges. Children need loving and strong parents who have a lot of confidence in themselves and their children. Family centers want to strengthen parents in their educational tasks. They develop open offers for parents and families in the immediate residential environment, both for the families of their own daycare center and for families from the neighborhood. Providers can be parents and other cooperation partners in addition to the family center.

    Family centers network with other institutions that also offer services for parents. This gives parents a good overview of offers that are easy to reach. Every three years, the Wolfsburg family centers simultaneously conduct a parent survey. The results provide information about the needs of parents and children in the respective district. From this information, the coordinators of the family centers gain valuable approaches for the further development of their work.

  • Guiding principles of the Wolfsburg family centers

    The family center sees itself as part of the social environment

    • and continues to develop its work in this regard.
    • The family is at the center of the work. Every child and his or her family are welcome.
    • A culture of mutual respect between children, families, staff in the family centers and external cooperation partners is the basis of the joint work.
    • Family centers invest in a suitable pedagogical concept, e.g. the "early excellence approach", in order to provide all children with optimal educational opportunities.
    • The positive view: Family centers base their work on the strengths and competencies of children and families. Finding out, observing and promoting these is the central concern of the pedagogical work and methodical approaches in the family center.
    • Parents are involved in the pedagogical work of the daycare center as experts of their children: Within the framework of the educational partnership, parents and the family center meet as partners who place the education of children as a joint task at the center of their relationship.
    • A positive relationship between child and adult forms the basis for the child to discover the world with its innate curiosity.
    • Children and parents are involved in shaping everyday life in the family center: At the same time, the staff at the family center ensure that everyday life at the facility becomes more transparent for families. A high flow of information, joint goal setting and attitudes promote a climate of mutual appreciation.

  • St. Raphael Catholic Family Center

    A place for meeting, enthusiasm and relationship

    Our family center is a place where children feel comfortable with their families and experience that they are welcome and accepted with their joys and sorrows. Characterized by a family atmosphere, the focus of our family center is the upbringing, education and care of children aged 1 to 6 years. We see ourselves as a network where people of different cultures and generations in different phases of life and family can connect. Our family center enables families to experience support, to develop commitment, to create community and to live it. We invite all families from our district and beyond to participate in our open offers.

    Small and large

    In our multi-age groups, continuity is created in the relationships of the children with each other, the children with the educators and the educators with the parents. This is the basis for social learning and for the development of self-confidence.

    Hand in hand

    Singing and playing together, learning from each other, taking care of each other and shaping everyday life together. We experience this in the scientific, musical and religious education projects for which children of all ages and interested adults meet regularly throughout the year.

    Family center, a place of encounter

    As a family center, we give families the impetus to actively shape their lives together. Our large outdoor area, many adjoining and multi-purpose rooms in our center offer space for old and young to meet, for communities of interest to meet and for the exchange of different ideas and views. Our house is open to people of different religions and world views, whom we meet in an approaching and appreciative way.

    "We perceive the child individually in his or her strengths and competencies and support and promote these in a targeted manner."

    Our offers

    • Parent-Child Groups
    • Growing Together Groups
    • Midwifery courses
    • Sewing workshops
    • Music groups

    Contact and further information

    John-F.-Kennedy-Allee 7
    38444 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 7 48 63
    Fax: 05361 7 40 09
    E-mail: orga@faz-st-raphael.de

    You can find out more here: http://www.faz-st-raphael.de

    Care Offer:

    • 6 groups
    • Inter-age, 1 to 6 years
    • Full day
    • Three-quarter day

    Opening hours:

    • 06:45 - 16:45

  • DRK Children and Family Center Westhagen

    The children are the focus

    In our multicultural house, the focus is on children and their families: the children are encouraged to act independently. Their interest in learning is at the forefront of what we offer. Children are allowed to freely try out new things and gather their own experiences and are accompanied by our staff. In this way, their confidence in their own actions grows. We create meeting places for parents and support them with questions and challenges. In personal conversations, needs are clarified, possible help is offered and, if desired, contacts to counseling centers are arranged. Parents can contribute their ideas and interests.

    The basis of this appreciative attitude towards children, parents and staff is the Early Excellence approach.

    Learning self-determined with fun

    Children approach learning situations in a motivated and active manner. They curiously pursue their interests. In our open house, they find pedagogically designed rooms with different focuses, which they can use freely during the day. Through the cooperation with the music school and the soccer KIDZ, the team of the family center is complemented by further competent educational companions.

    Language as the basis for good communication

    The focus of our family center is the further development of children's language skills. Among other things, we participate in the federal program "Sprachkitas". The goal is to support all children in everyday group activities and also individually. Our employees take the time to listen and encourage children to speak.

    The district as a learning field

    Beyond our family center, it is important to us that children and parents get to know the offers in the district. We regularly use the gym of the Regenbogenschule and the Bauspielplatz, the library and the leisure and education center Westhagen with the children. Parents are always welcome to join us. In cooperation with the Mütterzentrum, we invite parents to international cooking events. For all parents in the district there is the family meeting every two weeks and in summer weekly the playground meeting Westhagen.

    Growing Together

    In our parent-child group for parents with children under the age of 3, the focus is on the parents' relationship with the child and on playing together. Parents become more confident in their role, encourage their children, but also learn to set limits. In order to give the parents additional space for exchange, the parents' breakfast takes place once a month.

    Our offers

    • Growing Together (U3)
    • Parents' breakfast
    • Family meeting
    • Playground meeting

    Contact and further information

    Rostock Street 15
    38444 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 77 26 75
    E-mail: kita.westhagen@drk-wolfsburg.de or fz.kita.westhagen@drk-wolfsburg.de

    Care Offer:

    • Kindergarten: 3 to 6 years
    • Full day
    • Three-quarter day
    • Half day
    • Joint education of children with and without handicap

    Opening hours:

    • 07:00 - 16:00

  • Ev. Paulus Child and Family Center

    Child-oriented, family-oriented, district-oriented

    Children are curious about the world from birth. They use all their senses to discover and explore themselves, others and their environment. These self-education processes are supported by parents at home and by us educators at the Paulus Child and Family Center.

    Our pedagogical concept - the Early Excellence approach

    In the basis of our pedagogical work - the Early Excellence approach - we want to link our experiences with those of the parents. What is special about this holistic approach is a positive attitude towards children, parents and staff and an appreciative attitude that invites everyone involved to work together, thus creating the best possible conditions for children's development.

    Invitation to the educational partnership

    Parents are the first important attachment figures in their child's life. The experiences made in the family and the associated knowledge make them experts on their child. Together we have the opportunity to accompany each child comprehensively. Our concern is therefore to enter into an appreciative educational partnership with all parents.

    Open for the district

    As Wolfsburg's first family center, we have opened up to our neighborhood and are present in the district. Our services are aimed at all interested residents of the district.

    "Welcome culture"

    We experience the diversity of people in our district as a great enrichment. In our house, disabled and non-disabled people, people with different nationalities and religions play, learn and live together. Educational elements such as visits to the families' homes and joint celebrations such as the annual welcome party "Paulus says HELLO!" support this welcoming culture.

    Networked work with cooperation partners

    We work with a variety of cooperation partners. Examples of this are our cooperation with the Laagberg School and our collaboration with the Wolfsburg district mothers.

    For us, acceptance and trust are the most important prerequisites for families to feel comfortable and for children to develop in the best possible way.

    Our offers:

    • Open parent-child meetings
    • Backpack library
    • Playground meeting

    Contact and further information

    Mecklenburger Str. 29
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 3 13 18

    You can learn more here: https://kitas-wolfsburg.de/einrichtung/ev-paulus-kinder-und-familienzentrum/

    Care Offer:

    • 7 groups
    • 141 childcare places for children from 1 to 6 years old
    • Crèche: 2 groups
    • Kita: 3 groups
    • Integrative Kita: 2 groups
    • Full day
    • Three-quarter day
    • Half day
    • Joint education of children with and without disabilities

    Opening hours:

    • 07:00 - 16:30

  • St. Joseph Catholic Family Center

    We speak many languages

    Living values in everyday life

    People from different cultures meet in our family center. We care for children from 14 different countries of origin. Over 70 percent of the families bring their own mother tongue with them and acquire German as a second language. We can absorb this through our staff, as we employ an international team. We can offer our families support in eight languages.

    Values such as trust, consideration, responsibility, solidarity, acceptance and forgiveness are integrated into our everyday life. In our center, every belief is valued. The Early Excellence approach forms the basis for our pedagogical work. We look at each child with a positive view and strengthen them in their abilities.

    Our pedagogical focus

    Mathematics, language and musical education have a special place in our pedagogical offers and in daily play. The children make their first basic mathematical experiences with building blocks and balls. Our language education concept supports the children in their learning and use of the German language. This makes it easier for them to express their feelings and wishes, which has a positive effect on the development of their personality. Singing and making music not only makes our children happy, it also inspires and encourages them.

    Family center as a place of learning for children

    In our partially open work, the children can use many other functional rooms in the house in addition to their own group room. Children can try things out and gather their own experiences. They can conduct experiments with colors, shapes, magnets and water in the experimentation areas at any time. In this way, they experience nature, technology and their environment from a new perspective.

    "We look at each child with a positive eye and strengthen them in their abilities."

    Our offers:

    • Grandma Grandpa Day
    • Father-child forest actions
    • Language workshop for parents
    • Parents meeting and breakfast

    Contact and further information

    Oppelner street 17
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 3 23 67
    Fax: 05361 3 49 18
    E-mail: ochmann@kath-kita-st-joseph.de

    Care Offer:

    • 5 groups
    • Crèche: 2 groups
    • Kindergarten: 3 groups
    • Full day
    • Joint education of children with and without handicap.

    Opening hours:

    • 06:00 - 17:00

  • Ev. Martin Luther Children's and Family Center

    In the heart of the city surrounded by culture and nature

    Our family center is located in a green oasis in the city center of Wolfsburg. Thanks to a complete modernization of the outdoor area, there is a small amphitheater, a variety of equipment and a lot of space for romping, climbing and hiding. The central location offers us a lot of interesting excursion destinations. The music school, the phæno, the theater and the library are all nearby.

    Our pedagogical understanding of the EEC approach Early Excellence Approach

    In order to recognize what the individual child is occupied with, to discover how they learn, to record their individual development, targeted observation and exchange with parents is the basis of our pedagogical work. This appreciative observation focuses on the child with all its strengths and potentials.

    With each other

    Parents are and remain the most important caregivers for their child. Therefore, it is a special concern of ours that we offer conditions that ensure openness, tolerance and interest in each other. We would like to invite families to participate in the "daily life" of the facility, to participate where they want to and to be a competent contact person for them where they need it.

    Music, movement and nature

    Our offer starts with early musical education for children from the age of one. Movement is an integral part of our daily routine. The children experience nature on our large outdoor area, during forest days and projects. We work according to the specialist principle. This means that the staff members are deployed according to their competencies and strengths. In this way, the existing resources in the team complement each other and a high level of professionalism is created. We receive support from our cooperation partners, such as the music school, the VfL Wolfsburg or the phæno, in the implementation of numerous educational offers.


    Our offers in the family center, for interested people in the district, are currently published or/and are available as flyers at different contact points in the district.

    "Our claim is the constant development of our daily work. The best for every child - that is what drives us."

    Our offers:

    Our offers:

    • Early musical education
    • Family and counseling services
    • Everyday integrated language support (HIT)
    • Movement and natural science offers

    Contact and further information

    Shaft way 44
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 1 43 80
    E-mail: kts.martin-luther.wolfsburg@evlka.de

    Here you can learn more: https://kitas-wolfsburg.de/einrichtung/kinder-und-familienzentrum-martin-luther

    Care Offer:

    • 5 groups
    • Crèche: 1 group, 1 to 3 years old
    • Kindergarten: 3 groups, 3 to 6 years old
    • Inter-age: 1 group, 1 to 6 years

    Opening hours:

    • 07:00 till 17:00

    Follow our virtual tour of the family center here

  • Catholic Child and Family Center St. Christophorus House

    The most important thing to give children: Roots and wings. (Goethe)

    Our day begins with the children's morning parliament. Here, ideas are proposed, selected together and then worked out. Doing something, taking action, is very important to us. This concerns children, parents and also the staff - every day. In this way, everyone learns from each other on an equal footing and gets involved in new things together. We are always in exchange with the families, we have conversations with parents. The entire family is involved. We actively seek exchange and thus share different perspectives on the child. For these conversations, a common basis of trust is important, because only then is an open exchange possible.

    Reggio Pedagogy means to act concretely

    Each child is unique and brings with it competencies that we particularly promote. We act according to the principles of Reggio pedagogy, which focuses on the active self-education process of the child. Children can develop individually through their own actions and infect others with their enthusiasm.

    Offers for parents

    We offer various discussion groups and workshops for parents at the family center. Here parents can exchange ideas, strengthen each other and become active together. Likewise, women from different cultural backgrounds meet regularly in the Women's Forum to plan excursions and activities together.

    Cooperation partners help us build networks

    At cooking workshops, mother-child gymnastics or father-child workshops, families can actively use their time together. These regular events are well received. For young parents, for example, we offer the crèche discussion group, where they can make contacts with each other. In this work, we appreciate the cooperation with partners such as the Catholic Marriage and Family Counseling Service, the DLRG or the phaeno and many more, all within walking distance. Our offers are open to all families in the district and are publicized via our homepage kita.wolfsburg.de, as well as press, notices and event flyers.

    "We treat parents and children with appreciation. Every child is unique and brings competencies with them."

    Our offers:

    Our offers:

    • Parent-child workshops
    • Cooking workshops
    • Parent-child group "Stella
    • Nativity discussion group

    Contact and further information

    Ketteler street 1
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 20 67 40 (head office)
    Phone: 05361 20 67 47 (Family Center)
    E-mail: kita@wolfsburg.de

    Care Offer:

    • 9 groups
    • Crèche: 3 full day groups
    • Kindergarten: 6 groups
    • Full day
    • Three-quarter day

    Opening hours:

    • Monday - Friday: 05:45 - 19:30
    • Saturday: 08:00 - 16:30

  • Protestant Child and Family Center St. Annen

    The educational competence of parents is important to us

    Our family center is located very close to the Hellwinkel School, the Reislinger Markt and our district café Anna. This central location is ideal for building family-friendly structures on site. Parents can take their older children to school, run errands at the market and meet other fathers and mothers at the café for an open parents' meeting. In this way, they make personal contacts across cultures. In our daily work, the children are at the center of our pedagogical activities.

    The high quality of education, upbringing and care is the basis of our daily routine and creates the opportunity to involve all parents equally and to jointly perceive and develop the competencies of their children. As a Christian institution, we stand for the teaching of values such as tolerance and friendliness. With us, children and their families experience different religious traditions.

    Early Excellence Concept

    We look at each child individually, recognizing strengths and promoting them in a targeted manner. The basis for this is the Early Excellence approach. In educational partnerships
    with parents, we exchange information with them about their child's learning paths and development. Together, we design educational opportunities for the individual child.

    Partner* of the parents

    We see not only the children, but also the parents with a positive eye and are interested in their strengths, competencies and concerns. Together we develop offers and activities in our child and family center that are open to all families in the district.

    Focus on language education

    We implement language education in everyday life with each individual child. All employees receive internal training with a focus on the topic of language. Our view of the children's interests and abilities helps us to recognize how we can optimally convey content. In order to expand our language offerings, we are in close contact with other institutions, including the Stephanus II speech therapy kindergarten.

    "In educational partnerships with parents, we engage in dialogues about how they view their children."

    Our offers:

    Our offers:

    • Parent-child group
    • Games and books rental
    • Play afternoon
    • Parent-child pottery
    • Information afternoons for parents

    Contact and further information

    Reislinger street 28a
    38446 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 8 90 59 55
    Fax: 05361 8 67 08 12
    E-mail: kts.annen.wolfsburg@evlka.de

    Here you can learn more: https://kitas-wolfsburg.de/einrichtung/kinder-und-familienzentrum-st-annen

    Care Offer:

    • 5 groups
    • Crèche: 1 full day group
    • Kindergarten: 4 groups
    • Full day
    • Three-quarter day
    • Half day

    Opening hours:

    • 07:00 - 17:00

  • Municipal Child and Family Center Vorsfelde

    We are there for all families in Vorsfelde and Wendschott

    Our family center is open to all families from Vorsfelde and Wendschott. In a pleasant atmosphere, we offer parents with children and other family members various opportunities to meet and do things together. Our offers range from "open parent-child-meetings" to "grandparent-grandchild activities". Regular surveys show us what is needed and wanted. This helps us to expand our offerings accordingly.

    We eat healthy!

    Together with parents and children, we regularly cook and bake delicious meals. We use mainly organic ingredients for this. The offer for fathers with their children is also very popular. Together we grill, cook or bake bread on the fire.

    We like to move!

    In addition to a balanced diet, movement is another focus of our facility. In natural movement, children actively explore themselves and their environment. We support this with a variety of movement incentives. We have created many opportunities in our new building.

    We discover strengths!

    We work according to the Early Excellence concept. An important component is the positive view of the children. We pay special attention to the strengths and competencies of the individual child and promote these in a targeted manner. Parents are involved in the developmental processes of their child through regular discussions. Through this cooperation, children are accompanied on their way in the best possible way.

    We and our cooperation partners

    One of our cooperation partners from the surrounding area is the Vorsfelde district library. A librarian comes to our house on a regular basis and introduces books to the children in different ways. Together with VfL Wolfsburg e.V., we provide our children with playful experiences of movement. We regularly visit the Buntspecht adventure playground with our future school children.

    Partnership between the families and the center

    A good cooperation with the families is very important to us. The offers of the family center as well as the events and celebrations are planned and carried out together with the families. Parents financially support our circus project by initiating bazaars, the proceeds of which are used for this project. Our goal is to create the best environment for the children and their families and to strengthen connections with the families.

    Our offers:

    • Parent-Child Cooking
    • Fathers/men-child actions
    • KiFa Mobile "Outdoor games

    Contact and further information

    Carl-Grete-Strasse 24
    38448 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05363 22 67 (KiFa care)
    Phone: 05363 81 29 01 (KiFa offers)
    E-mail: kifa-vorsfelde@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Here you can learn more: www.wolfsburg.de/stadt-kitas

    Care Offer:

    • 7 groups
    • Crèche: 2 full day groups
    • Kindergarten: 5 groups
    • Full day
    • Three-quarter day
    • Half day

    Opening hours:

    • 07:00 - 17:00

  • Municipal Child and Family Center on the Ring, Westhagen

    With us the "whole world comes together

    Our family center is available to all families from Westhagen and the surrounding area. We offer children, parents and families opportunities to meet and get to know diverse cultures. Our offers are developed together by you and with you. In this way, our offers can expand piece by piece.

    We eat multicultural

    Together with parents and children, delicious dishes from many countries of the world are cooked together.

    We learn for life through play

    Play is the work children do to acquire the world. Through play, they acquire emotional, social and other important skills. In play, they try things out and process the many new experiences. Our task is to accompany the child, provide stimulation and create the framework that each child needs for his or her individual learning processes.

    Our cooperation partners

    One of our cooperation partners is the Protestant Family Education Center "FABI", which offers various activities in the house. Furthermore, we work together with the "reading mentors" and regularly visit the district library in Westhagen. We receive a lot of support in our start as a family center through the cooperation with the DRK family center in Westhagen. This has also made it possible for us to offer a "Growing Together Group" from the very beginning. This offer is aimed at parents with children aged 0 to 3 years. In regular group meetings, they learn in a playful way to observe the needs and abilities of their children more closely in order to be able to give them good offers for their further development.

    We welcome all "Welcome

    The diversity of people and their cultures enriches our district to a great extent. At our joint festivals, this diversity is reflected in all areas. Because we appreciate it, we welcome all residents of Westhagen.

    Our offers:

    • Parent-Child Cooking
    • Fathers/men-child actions
    • KiFa Mobile "Outdoor games

    Contact and further information:

    Stralsunder Ring 45A
    38444 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 89 04 03 0 (management)
    Phone: 05361 89 04 03 12 (coordination office)
    E-mail: kifa-ring@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    You can learn more here: www.wolfsburg.de/stadt-kitas

    Care Offer:

    • 10 groups
    • Crèche: 3 groups
    • Kindergarten: 3 full day groups
    • Integration: 4 places

    Opening hours:

    • 07:00 - 17:00

  • Johannes Protestant Children's and Family Center, Vorsfelde-Süd

    Our family house offers meetings for young and old

    Our facility was opened in February 1963 as the first kindergarten in Vorsfelde. In 2012 and 2013, the daycare center was rebuilt and expanded by 500 square meters on the upper floor. The additional space offers a variety of rooms for playing and learning. In addition to the generously designed group areas, other facilities include a movement room, a project room, Joki's bistro and the parent café.

    The daycare center is surrounded by a natural and imaginatively designed outdoor area. We can also use the rooms of our community center at Schlesierstraße 3 for our activities. The facility is located in a quiet residential area of Vorsfeld Südstadt. We have been a child and family center since fall 2017.

    On the way to the Early Excellence approach

    The positive attitude in the Early Excellence approach harmonizes with our Christian image of man. We meet the families at eye level and understand the parents and relatives as partners. We value the roots and experiences of the families and want to accompany the children on their way together.

    Exercise, healthy eating, creativity and music

    We cordially invite young and old to our offerings. In the parents' café, at the family kitchen and when making music, we create opportunities for meeting and exchange.

    Cooperations and partners

    • Elementary school Am Drömling, location Moorkämpe
    • MTV Vorsfelde
    • DRK Senior Center

    "With us, everyone is welcome and finds their place. We live our Christian image of man and are partners with families."

    Our offers:

    Our offers:

    • Parents Café/Parents Breakfast
    • Family kitchen
    • Drum workshops
    • Sewing

    Contact and further information

    Erlenweg 14
    38448 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05363 7 37 78

    Care Offer:

    • 4 groups
    • Crèche: 2 groups
    • Kindergarten: 2 groups

    Opening hours:

    • 07:30 - 16:30

  • Certifications

    Please understand that a notarization is only possible by prior appointment.

    General Notice:

    Certifications are also possible at any other youth welfare office, a notary or at the registry office (only
    paternity and maternity acknowledgments and declarations of consent).

    You can find information about the respective contact person here.

    What documents can be included?

    What documents can be included?

    • Acknowledgement of paternity
    • Consent to acknowledge paternity
    • Acknowledgement of maternity
    • Joint declaration of custody (if the parents are not married to each other)

    The above-mentioned documents can be recorded even before the child is born.

    In case the mother is still married and the husband is not the father, the acknowledgement of paternity can be made if the divorce petition is already pending and the husband is willing to have the consent declaration for the acknowledgement of paternity of a third party notarized.

    • Recognition of obligation to pay maintenance for minor children and adults until they reach the age of 21.
    • Recognition of obligation to pay childcare maintenance in accordance with § 1615 l of the German Civil Code (BGB)
    • Further possible certifications are regulated in § 59 SGB VIII.

    An interpreter must be consulted for all certifications if the German language skills are insufficient.

    What documents are needed for the notarization?

    What documents are needed for the notarization?

    • Identity card or passport
    • Acknowledgement of paternity (in case of joint declaration of custody)
    • Letter from the youth welfare office/lawyer in which the amount of maintenance was determined (in the case of maintenance obligation certificates)

    All certifications are free of charge at the Youth Division.

    Negative certificate (confirmation of the mother's sole custody) The YouthWelfare Office at the mother's place of residence is responsible for issuing the negative certificate.
    Prerequisite is,

    • that the parents have never been married to each other
    • no joint declaration of custody has been notarized
    • there is no custody order

    The negative certificate can be requested by the mother of the child by telephone or after a personal visit upon presentation of the identity card/passport.

    Information on the respective contact person can be found here.

  • Assistance
    Visual Concepts / fotolia.com

    A guardianship can be established for

    • the establishment of paternity
    • the assertion of child support

    The guardianship is a free service offered by the Youth Division.

    The Düsseldorfer Tabelle is used as a benchmark for calculating child support. You can find more information here.

    Who do I need to contact?

    The youth welfare office at the place of residence of the applying parent is responsible.

    At the Youth Division of the City of Wolfsburg, responsibility is based on the first letter of the child's surname.

    Information on the relevant contact person can be found here.

    Who can have the guardianship set up and what documents are needed?

    Who can have the guardianship set up and what documents are needed?

    The guardianship must be applied for in writing.

    Entitled to apply is

    • the parent who is entitled to sole parental care
    • in the case of parents who have joint parental care: The parent with whom the child lives
    • the expectant mother (or her representative if the mother is legally incapacitated)

    Please make an appointment for a personal consultation, during which all open questions can be clarified.

    When does the guardianship begin and end?

    When does the guardianship begin and end?

    • the guardianship comes into effect upon receipt of the application by the Youth Division
    • the guardianship ends by written declaration or when the child reaches the age of majority
    • it cannot be terminated by the guardian himself/herself
    • if the legal requirements cease to apply, the assistance ends by operation of law, e.g. if the applicant parent's right of custody is withdrawn or in the case of joint custody, if the child is no longer in the care of the applicant parent

    What are the tasks of the counselor?

    What are the tasks of the counselor?

    • Request for income documents and calculation of child support
    • Representation in court proceedings for parentage and child support, unless voluntary recognition in the form of a notarization takes place
    • Enforcement of maintenance claims (e.g. by wage garnishment)

  • Official guardianships & -Guardianships
    Visual Concepts / fotolia.com

    Legal basis

    The legal basis for official guardianship and guardianship is regulated in the German Civil Code (BGB):

    Appointed official guardianship according to § 1791b BGB
    Supplementary guardianship according to § 1909 BGB

    Statutory official guardianship pursuant to § 1791c BGB for children of minor mothers
    Adoptive guardianship according to § 1751 BGB

    In the areas of "official guardianship" and "supplementary guardianship", the youth welfare office becomes the legal representative for the child. According to § 55 SGB VIII, this task is assigned to an employee (official guardian) who, according to § 1793 BGB, is to maintain regular personal contact with the child and is to personally promote and ensure its care and upbringing in accordance with § 1800 BGB. In doing so, he is supervised by the family court according to § 1837 BGB and has to report according to § 1840 BGB.

    The duties of an official guardian:

    The duties of an official guardian:

    The guardian/caretaker represents the child in all legal matters. He or she assumes all parental duties within the scope of the custody rights assigned to him or her. He or she is obliged to act solely in the interests of the ward and is therefore not subject to instructions. For example, the guardian/caretaker submits applications to the authorities, conducts lawsuits, gives consent for operations and manages the ward's assets. The guardian also decides where the child lives and which school he or she attends.

    The guardian/additional guardian must check at regular intervals whether the guardianship/custody is still necessary or whether there is a suitable individual guardian (e.g. relatives).

    Termination of guardianship / guardianship

    Termination of guardianship / guardianship

    Termination takes place at the latest when the child reaches the age of majority. In the case of children of minor mothers, the termination takes place when the mother reaches the age of majority. Termination can also be effected by a decision of the family court.

    You can find information about the respective contact person here.

    You can download the information brochure "Your guardian represents you" here.

  • Advice and support in maintenance matters
    Paragraph cube
    Visual Concepts / fotolia.com

    Who can receive advice and support?

    • Mothers or fathers who are the sole carers of a minor child with regard to the child's maintenance or substitute maintenance claims, even if they are still married but living apart
    • Young adults up to the age of 21 with regard to their maintenance entitlement
    • Mothers or fathers who are not married to the other parent and care for their child alone with regard to their own entitlement to childcare maintenance in accordance with § 1615 l BGB (German Civil Code)

    You can obtain advice and support on issues relating to custody and access rights from the General Social Service.

    Who do I need to contact?

    Who do I need to contact?

    At the Youth Division of the City of Wolfsburg, responsibility is based on the first letter of the surname of the child or adult.

    Please arrange a personal consultation to clarify any questions you may have.

    You can find an overview of responsibilities here.

    What is provided as part of counseling and support?

    What is provided as part of counseling and support?

    • Clarification of the legal situation
    • Support in the assertion of the maintenance claim
    • Calculation of the maintenance claim, if information about the income situation is provided voluntarily
    • Advice on the assertion of maintenance claims, e.g. advance maintenance payments

    Within the framework of counseling and support, no representation can take place in court proceedings. Representation can only take place within the framework of a guardianship.

    You can find more information under the item assistance.

    General information on maintenance:

    General information on maintenance:

    • A child is entitled to maintenance from the parent with whom he or she does not live.
    • This presupposes that the parent liable for maintenance is capable of paying. The ability to pay is given if the parent liable to pay maintenance is able to pay child maintenance on the basis of his or her personal and economic circumstances without falling below his or her own deductible.
    • The ability to pay is determined by the income situation and the number of maintenance obligations.
    • If the minimum maintenance cannot be paid, fictitious income may also lead to the ability to pay due to school and professional training.
    • Children of full age are entitled to maintenance from both parents, provided they are still in school or vocational training.
    • Maintenance can be calculated if the income statements of both parents are available. Child benefit and the child's own income are taken into account in the maintenance requirement.
    • There may be a claim to childcare maintenance under Section 1615 l of the German Civil Code (BGB) if the mother or father is unable to work because of raising and caring for the child, or if their income is insufficient to cover their own maintenance needs. The claim to maintenance begins at the earliest four months before the birth and continues for at least three years after the birth.

    The Düsseldorfer Table serves as the standard for calculating maintenance. You can find more information here.

  • Maintenance advance
    Cmon / fotolia.com

    Who is entitled to maintenance payments under the Advance Maintenance Payments Act (Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz - UVG)?

    A child is entitled to the maintenance allowance if he or she is
    • has not yet reached the age of 18, whereby additional requirements must be met from the age of 12,
    • has a place of residence or habitual abode in Germany,
    • lives here with a single parent, and
    • does not receive, or only partially receives, or does not regularly receive maintenance from the other parent in the amount of the relevant standard amount according to the Standard Amount Ordinance (Regelbetragsverordnung).

    For a claim from the age of 12, one of the following two conditions (shown here in simplified form) must be met:

    1. the child does not receive benefits under Book II of the Social Code or the child's need for assistance can be avoided by the advance maintenance payment, or

    2. the single parent has income of at least 600 euros, with the exception of child benefit.

    How much is the advance on child support?

    For children from 0 - 5 years: 177,00 Euro per month.

    For children from 6 - 11 years: 236,00 Euro monthly.

    For children from 12 - 17 years: 314,00 Euro monthly.

    When is the entitlement excluded?

    Entitlement to the advance maintenance payment is excluded if
    • the applicant parent refuses to provide information about the parent liable to pay,
    • the applicant parent refuses to cooperate in establishing the paternity or residence of the other parent,
    • the other parent has paid maintenance at least equal to the amount of the advance maintenance payment.
    Does the other parent now not have to pay child support?
    The other parent (who is liable to pay maintenance) should not be relieved if the state pays the child maintenance advance. Therefore, any child support claims the child may have against the other parent are transferred to the state in the amount of the advance child support payment.

    What do you have to do to receive advance maintenance payments?

    You must apply in writing for benefits under the Advance Maintenance Payments Act (Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz, UVG). The application must be submitted to the responsible child support advance office - usually the responsible youth welfare office. The responsible youth welfare office is the one in whose district the child lives.

    A printed copy of the application form is available from us. Please bring the birth certificate of the respective child and your identity card with you to the application. If you have recently separated from the father/mother and are now living in separate apartments, please also bring your confirmation of re-registration. Alternatively, you can download the form here.

    An information sheet on the Advance Maintenance Payment Act, which you must sign and submit together with your application, can be found here.

    If your child has already reached the age of 12, you must also provide some additional information. You can find the form here. If your child is 15 or older, please also submit a school transcript along with your application.

    If a lawyer is already working on your case, please bring the correspondence you have had so far.
    If there is already a maintenance order, please also bring this with you.

    Further information on the law of parent and child can be found in the brochure of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.

    Notice on the information requirements pursuant to Art. 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation

    (DSGVO) (*PDF - opens in a new window)

  • Current

    Press release from 17.02.2021


    on 23.02.2021, 19.00 to 20.00 Dr. Martin Bujard

    The Alliance for Families Wolfsburg is launching a new format in cooperation with the Youth Division of the City of Wolfsburg and the Bildungshaus Wolfsburg. The Digital Family Dialogue offers presentations on current family-related topics and promotes exchange with the speakers and participants in the plenary session.

    The event kicked off with his presentation

    "What we can learn from the corona crisis for reconciling work and family life"

    In his presentation, Dr. Bujard summarized the corona experiences of parents. Findings on the current distribution of working and family time, the division of labor in families, opportunities and risks of the home office were presented and then discussed in plenary. Possible trends towards retraditionalization and changing family lifestyles were addressed and a look at the realities of life's rush hour formed the basis for an insightful presentation and a multi-layered discussion.

    After gaining professional experience in the private sector and politics, Dr. Bujard was drawn to the interface between science and political consulting. The habilitated social scientist has been working at the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) in Wiesbaden since 2011, as Research Director since 2015 and as Deputy Director of the Institute since 2020. He conducts research on fertility, family policy and work-life balance.

    He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs and the "Reproductive Medicine Act" working group of the National Academy of Sciences. As President of the Protestant Family Association (eaf), he is an honorary advocate for families.

    Guests in the plenary session were

    Antje Biniek - Equal Opportunities Officer of the City of Wolfsburg
    Jessica Wirth - 1st Chairwoman of the City Parents' Council
    Alexander Paul - Chairman of the city parents' council
    Hendrik Wolf-Doettinchem - Managing Director of Cadera
    and City Councillor Iris Bothe - Head of Department for Youth, Education and Integration
    The links to the available streaming channels and further technical information can be found at


    or directly at

    https:// jugendraumgeben.de/digitaler-familiendialog-3/

    The stream will continue to be available after the event.

    With the kind support of Volksbank eG Braunschweig Wolfsburg and the City of Wolfsburg.

    The Digital Family Dialogue offers 2 follow-up events:

    04.03.2021 19.00 - 20.00 h
    "Help for dealing with children in a crisis"- Anne Kuhnert (educational consultant, trainer & moderator), Bildungshaus der Stadt Wolfsburg
    Additional: Book tips from the city library

    16.03.2021 19.00 - 20.00 hrs
    "Now it's our turn!" - What makes young people tick?
    The SINUS Youth Study 2020 - Felicitas Richter, SINUS:akademie

    Communication from 02.10.2019

    The Bündnis für Familie Wolfsburg invites young people, parents, educators and all interested parties to Hendrik Odendahl's lecture:

    Cyberbullying - When digital fun turns into sad seriousness!

    October 29, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the New School Wolfsburg

    At least one in three pupils between the ages of 12 and 19 has experienced it themselves: cyberbullying, i.e. the deliberate insulting, threatening, exposing or harassing of classmates using the internet and smartphones.
    Many pupils are often unaware of how quickly "harmless jokes" can turn into sad seriousness, which in extreme cases can even lead to suicides or rampages.

    In his lecture on , media educator Hendrik Odendahl will show the variants and dangers of cyberbullying, give advice on prevention and valuable tips for those affected.

    The long-time IT and guidance teacher has been enthusiastic about everything to do with computers and digitalization for 30 years. He works as a freelance media educator and digital trainer in Bavaria.

    Thanks to the support of Volksbank eG Braunschweig Wolfsburg and the city of Wolfsburg, the lecture can be offered free of charge to all interested parties. Registration is not required.

  • Information material
  • Activities of the Alliance for the Family

    Wolfsburg Family Alliance Wins Nationwide Ideas Competition "Shaping Compatibility for Parents in a Spirit of Partnership

    The Wolfsburg Alliance for the Family is one of twelve winners nationwide in the "Local Alliances for the Family" initiative's ideas competition. Local alliances for the family from all over Germany applied with their project ideas on how they want to support local families in reconciling family and working life as partners. Winning the ideas competition now marks the start of a development partnership for the Wolfsburg Alliance for the Family, in which a project idea will be put into practice and an existing project will be further developed.

    The concepts "Consulting Service for Companies" and "Intercultural Fathers' Office" convinced the jury of the ideas competition "Shaping Compatibility for Parents in Partnership," which was called for by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs.

  • Members

    The patron

    "As patron of the alliance, I am committed to ensuring that families and their needs are always in the sights of politics, business, administration and society. If we work together in the alliance to ensure that family and career can be easily combined here and families feel comfortable, then our city will also have a positive future."

    Irina Helm, authorized signatory, Neuland Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH

    "Family friendliness plays a very special role, especially when it comes to housing. I am the divisional head of real estate management at Neuland and a mother of a four-year-old daughter myself. That's why I know firsthand what needs we as landlords have to take into account for families.

    The Alliance for the Family is an excellent forum for me to jointly develop new ideas for "the family-friendly home in NEULAND's portfolio" and to implement innovations."

    Saskia Hoog Dipl.-Ing., Freelance Trainer and Management Consultant Owner of Hoog und Partner - Management Consulting

    "I am involved in the Wolfsburg Family Alliance because I want to help shape family-friendliness in the region in the interests of both families and companies. In doing so, the child is at the center of my thoughts and actions."

    Claudia Kayser, Management Wolfsburg, Volksbank BraWo

    "The family fulfills important functions in our society. It forms a first dense social network, especially for adolescents, and offers support, protection and care for family members. We are committed to the Alliance for the Family because the Alliance strengthens families and helps ensure that they can continue to fulfill their function and thus keep our society fit for the future."

    Gudrun Kneiske-Spitzer

    "The Wolfsburg Alliance for the Family was founded in 2009. My motivation to advance this central topic and to participate with joy is: "Not to lose anyone!" The common path is strong and that characterizes the mindful cooperation in the Wolfsburg Alliance for the Family. Here, cooperation for a livable Wolfsburg is written BIG and tackled courageously."

    Karsten Piehl, Managing Director, Ev. Familienbildungsstätte
    Karsten Piehl, Managing Director, Ev. Familienbildungsstätte

    "I am involved in the local alliance for family because it is important to work together in networks and close cooperation with different partners to improve the living situations of families in Wolfsburg on different levels!"

    Roland Stöckigt, Managing Director Volkswagen Real Estate

    "I am involved in the Alliance for the Family because I consider intact families to be indispensable as the stable foundation of our society. As the father of two children, I believe that families should provide a safe and conducive development environment, especially for children.
    Family friendliness has two dimensions for Volkswagen Real Estate: A family-friendly working environment for our employees is just as important to us as apartments and a residential environment that are geared to the needs of Wolfsburg families."

    • Inauguration of the painted children's bench

      1 | 22
    • Inauguration playground glossy tub

      2 | 22
    • Inauguration playground glossy tub

      3 | 22
    • Youth Forum

      4 | 22
    • Youth Forum

      5 | 22
    • Youth Forum

      6 | 22
    • Children and Youth Commission

      7 | 22
    • Children and Youth Commission

      8 | 22
    • Children and Youth Commission

      9 | 22
    • Meeting of the Children and Youth Commission

      10 | 22
    • Meeting of the Children and Youth Commission

      11 | 22
    • Children's Advisory Council in Berlin

      12 | 22
    • Children's Advisory Council in Berlin

      13 | 22
    • Children's Advisory Council Annual Planning

      14 | 22
    • Children's Advisory Council Annual Planning

      15 | 22
    • Children's Advisory Council Meeting

      16 | 22
    • Children's Advisory Council Meeting

      17 | 22
    • Children's bookcase

      18 | 22
    • Children's bookcase

      19 | 22
    • Children's workshop

      20 | 22
    • Playground check

      21 | 22
    • Playground check

      22 | 22

    Growing Together Groups

    Logo Gemeinsam-Wachsen

    All information about the Growing Together groups in brief:

    • Educationally supervised playgroup for parents with children aged 0 to 3 years
    • consciously perceive and accompany the child's development
    • Strengthen the parent-child relationship with fun and impulses for everyday life at home
    • Guidance and support from a multi-professional team
    • Exchange with other parents
    • The weekly offer is free of charge
    • registration is not required
    • Of course, the children can also come with their grandparents
    Until further notice, all interested families should therefore register with the coordinator by telephone until further notice.

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