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Insurance office

Pension applications and information

You can obtain information and answers to your questions about statutory pension insurance here at the insurance office

Your pension application will usually be recorded here together with you and forwarded to the German Pension Insurance for a decision. The pension you can expect now or in the future will be explained to you on the basis of your relevant documents.

You can also receive further information on other areas of social insurance (unemployment, health, long-term care and accident insurance).

By browsing through these pages, you will hopefully gain interesting insights into a complex area of benefits.

By the way, the services of the insurance office are free of charge. Regardless of whether you submit applications, obtain information or require certifications or confirmations of documents for pension purposes.

  • Contact

    Karin Stein
    Phone: 05361 28-2370
    E-mail to Karin Stein

    Town Hall B, Room B 114 (1st floor)
    Porschestrasse 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Postal address

    City of Wolfsburg
    Social Affairs Division (03-02)
    Insurance Office
    P.O. Box 10 09 44
    38409 Wolfsburg

    Office hours (without appointment): For information and brief matters

    Tuesday: 08:30 - 12:00
    Thursday: 13:00 - 17:00

    Appointments by appointment: For pension applications

  • Tasks of the insurance office

    The insurance office is the lower insurance authority. The tasks of the insurance offices are defined in Section 93 of Book 4 of the Social Security Code (SGB IV):

    (1) The insurance offices shall provide information on all social insurance matters and perform the other tasks assigned to them by law or other legislation. The Land governments may delegate individual tasks of the insurance offices to the municipal authorities by statutory order; the Land governments may further delegate this authorization to the supreme Land authorities.

    (2) The insurance offices shall accept applications for social insurance benefits. At the request of the insurance institution, they shall clarify the facts of the case, provide evidence, comment on the facts relevant to the decision where necessary and forward documents to the insurance institution without delay.

    (3) The insurance office in whose district the beneficiary has his/her place of residence or habitual abode or place of employment or activity at the time of the application shall be responsible. If no such place exists within the area of application of this Code, responsibility shall be based on the place where the requirements of sentence 1 were last met.

  • The pension

    Let's face it ...

    • Do you know your way around the "jungle" of pension laws?
    • Do you know how many types of pension there are in detail?
    • Do you know the requirements for drawing a pension?
    • Can you estimate the amount of your future pension?

    The statutory pension insurance system is subject to a constant process of adjustment in order to keep pace with social and economic change, so that the so-called intergenerational contract continues to function and the financing of pension benefits is secured. Get a first impression of today's pension types here and get in touch with your contact person for further questions.

  • Application procedure and information

    The Insurance Office can provide you with information on the following topics:

    1. pension applications

    • due to full or partial reduction in earning capacity
    • due to reaching an age limit (62 - 63 - 65 - 67)
    • for surviving dependants

    2. reassessment and continued payment of pensions

    3. pension applications under supranational or intergovernmental social security agreements

    4. registration for health and long-term care insurance for pensioners

    5. account declarations, pension information

    6. supplementing the insurance history with

    • periods of training
    • periods of illness
    • Periods of unemployment
    • External pension periods (FRG)

    7. determination of

    • child-raising periods and
    • periods taken into account due to child-raising

    8. applications for contribution payments for

    • voluntarily insured persons
    • self-employed persons

    9. applications for reimbursement of contributions

    10. applications for benefits for participation (rehab)

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