District mothers in Wolfsburg
Learning together for women from different countries
With their acquired knowledge, district mothers are active as cultural mediators in contact with migrant parents and pedagogical staff in day care centers, family centers, schools or other places of work. District mothers point migrant families in their environment to offers of counseling and helping institutions - they accompany the parents to facilities and institutions and mediate in case of language problems.

Intercultural Family Education - District Mothers Training
The city of Wolfsburg offers young migrant women with children training to become district mothers.
The aim of the training for district mothers is that they can subsequently be active as "bridge builders" in various institutions.
The training
- offers a place to meet other mothers from different cultural backgrounds and supports the participants in their own integration
- supplements experiences with their own children with psychological insights into child development
- provides information about language support in multilingual families living together
- shows the offers of social assistance in the areas of youth, social affairs and health
- helps with re-entry into working life after years of intensive work in the family
- supports them in finding their own fields of work.
The district mothers receive a qualification by being trained by qualified teachers for an entire school year.
Once a week, there is a practical day in a practice to apply what they have learned.
A regulars' table takes place on Wednesdays. Our regulars' table is an open meeting place where we can exchange ideas, make new contacts and learn from each other. Wednesday, 10:00 to 12:00
City of Wolfsburg
School Division
Department of Youth Welfare in Schools
Head of district mothers training
Zahra Abbassi
Seilerstraße 3
38440 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 28-1736
E-mail: zahra.abbassi@stadt.wolfsburg.deCity of Wolfsburg
School Division
Head of Department Youth Welfare in Schools
Julia Rohde
Porschestr. 2
D-38440 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 308 999 15
E-mail: julia.rohde@stadt.wolfsburg.de