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Housing, environment & Transport

Parental leave and parental allowance

After the birth of a child, parental leave and parental allowance are an important support for families in Wolfsburg.

Parental leave

Parental leave is intended to enable mothers and fathers to take intensive care of their child in the first weeks and months of life. The unpaid leave from work can be compensated by entitlement to parental allowance and child benefit.

Working mothers and fathers who look after and raise their child themselves are entitled to parental leave. During parental leave, the employment relationship remains in place and there is an entitlement to return to work at the previous working hours.

  • Who is entitled to parental leave?
  • How do I apply for parental leave?
  • How and where can I get more information about parental leave?

Parenting Benefit

Parental allowance enables families to take time for their child by providing financial support for a good start to life together after the birth.
Both working and non-working parents can claim parental allowance during this initial period. It secures the economic existence of families and helps fathers and mothers to better reconcile family and career. Parental allowance gives working parents in particular the opportunity to interrupt or reduce their employment.

Parental allowance is available in three variants, which can also be combined:

  • Basic parental allowance
  • Parental allowance plus
  • Partnership bonus months

You can find more detailed information on parental allowance on the website of the Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Explanatory film - Parental allowance

  • Where can I get free advice on all aspects of parental allowance?
  • Who is entitled to parental allowance?
  • How high is the parental allowance?
  • How long can I receive parental allowance?
  • How and where do I apply for parental allowance?
  • What documents do I need to enclose with my application?
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