- School finder - Find a suitable school
- Wolfsburg magnifying glass - school landscape
- FAQs about the new bus ticket
All further information on school transportation can be found below under "School transportation"
Registration class 1
Start of compulsory education
All children born between 02.10.2019 and 01.10.2020 will be required to attend school in the 2026/2027 school year and must be enrolled. The registration process for school enrollment takes place at Wolfsburg elementary school 1.5 years before school enrollment.
You will receive a letter from the school division in January before registration with the registration form and a digital flyer with the registration times of the individual schools for your school-age children.
Some schools ask you to make an appointment, others can only accept your registration on certain days. Please note the symbols of the individual schools in the flyer.You can also register at your preferred school in Wolfsburg by post during this period.
- 12.05.2025 - 16.05.2025, 12:00 noon
Please note that documents handed in or posted after 12:00 noon on 16.05.2025 cannot be considered.
Please note that in the past, some schools have had a lottery procedure. This always happens when there are more applications than school places available. The following schools had more or the same number of applications as school places in the last application procedures: Alt-Wolfsburg, Wendschott, Grundschule Fallersleben and Bunte Grundschule Wolfsburg.- Freie Waldorfschule e. V.: Registrations are possible all year round via the school office.
- Neue Schule Wolfsburg: Information on the homepage - Registration at the beginning of 2026
Please observe the current regulations and hygiene measures at the time of registration. Should there be any changes to the registration procedure or important information to be observed, you will find all information on the homepage of your preferred school or on the website of the city of Wolfsburg.
School registration video
Video about the lottery procedure
- German: Registration class 1
- Albanian: Regjistrimi klasa 1
- Arabic: تسجيل الصف الأول
- Syriac: تسجيل الصف الأول.
- English: Grade 1 Registration
- Italian: Iscrizione classe 1
- Kurdish: Qeydkirina Pola 1
- Russian: Подача заявки в 1й класс
- Turkish: 1. Sınıfa kayıt
- Ukrainian: Запис до 1
Free choice of school
As a citizen of Wolfsburg, you can register your child at any all-day elementary school in the city. If you have decided on an elementary school, you can register your child there directly by filling out the registration form.
Please note that there are elementary schools with branch offices where registration always takes place at the main location. In individual cases, there may be a lottery procedure if there are too many registrations at one school.
School Entrance Examinations
In the last year before school enrollment, the school entry examination takes place for all school-age children at the Child and Adolescent Health Service of the Health Division.
You will receive a written invitation about two weeks before the examination date. The school entrance examination checks whether your child has developed appropriately for his or her age and is ready for the demands of school.
The school entrance examination is relevant for each individual child in order to identify any necessary support needs at an early stage and to initiate support measures in good time before the child starts school. Participation in the school entrance examination is obligatory.
Optional children who do not turn six until after 01.10. of the year of enrollment can be enrolled earlier upon request. Please make an appointment independently with the desired school. The school management decides on early enrollment based on the child's stage of development.
Postponing school attendance by one school year
For Flexi children who turn 6 in the period from 02.07. to 01.10. of the year of enrollment, school attendance can be postponed by one year by means of a written declaration to the school by the parents or guardians. The informal declaration must be submitted to the school by May 1 before the start of the school year in question. Flexi children are also required to participate in the school entrance examination.
For more information, please visit the website of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs under Information on Flexibilization of the Enrollment Date or contact a school of your choice.
Sometimes it is also necessary to defer school-age children from attending school for a year in order for them to cope well with school. Due to their developmental stage, the children receive special support by attending a school kindergarten for one year or an additional year in kindergarten. The head of the school in which the child is enrolled decides on the deferral and the type of support.
Further information: Deferral from school attendance -
Full day
- Your child will receive educational support and good care from 1st to 4th grade from morning to afternoon.
- All Wolfsburg elementary school offer a comprehensive educational and childcare service five days a week free of charge in cooperation with a youth welfare organization.
- In addition to a healthy and wholesome lunch, there is more time to learn and consolidate what has been learned.
- In the afternoon, the children can choose between study groups, open activities and self-determined play.
- At the beginning of each school year, you can choose whether and on which days of the week your child takes part.
- If you have registered your child, participation on the respective days until 16:00 is binding. Additional, free childcare until 17:00 is possible.
- Registration is valid for one school year.
- At part-time/all-day elementary school, attendance is compulsory for all children on certain days.
Inclusive school
- Pupils with different learning requirements can also be taught together in the general school
- Parents of children with special educational needs have the right to choose whether their child attends a mainstream school or a special school.
- The need for special educational support can be met at both types of school (mainstream school and special school).
- Openly discuss your child's need for support when registering at the school and during the school enrollment examination at the health office.
- You are also welcome to contact the school counseling service of the city of Wolfsburg.
Inclusive schools for children with special educational needs
School enrollment
Isabella Sommerfeld
05361 28-1696
E-mail: einschulung@stadt.wolfsburg.deSchool counseling
05361 28-2325
E-mail: schulberatung@stadt.wolfsburg.deSchool transportation
School transport team
05361 28-2317 (Bus ticket)
05361 28-1647 (exempt school transport)
E-mail: schulbefoerderung@stadt.wolfsburg.deFull day
Nicole Mrosek
05361 28-1684 or 0160 94468644
Registration class 5
General information about registration for class 5
After the fourth grade, your child will attend the fifth grade of a secondary school. This transition is an important step in life. We therefore recommend that you find out about the individual profiles and options of all schools. In Wolfsburg, the secondary schools are predominantly public, i.e. run by the city. There are also independent schools. A wide range of open and partially integrated all-day schools, school profiles and individual learning opportunities give your children the chance of a self-determined life and a good start to their careers.
A city-wide school district applies to secondary schools. This means that if you live in Wolfsburg, you are free to choose a school for your child. However, due to rising pupil numbers, some schools may have more applications than places available. This may affect some elementary school as well as grammar schools, comprehensive schools and secondary schools. At these schools, lottery procedures must be carried out. Due to the lottery procedures, it may happen that your child does not get a place at the first chosen school. In the past, however, this has mainly affected pupils from out of town. Nevertheless, it is advisable to think about an alternative school as a precaution.
The city of Wolfsburg provides sufficient capacity for each type of school throughout the city.When registering at the secondary school, the original 4th grade report card must be submitted. This will remain with the school until written confirmation of admission. Important: Please also bring your birth certificate and proof of measles protection with you when registering. It is not possible to register at several schools at the same time.
The registration days for secondary schools for the 2025/26 school year can be found in the following overview:
City-run schools
Registration period
All municipal schools (integrated comprehensive school, Hauptschule, Realschule, Oberschule, Gymnasium)
05.05.2025 to 08.05.2025, 12:00 noon Late registration dates for all schools under municipal sponsorship
19.05.2025, until 20.05.2025, 12:00 noon Independent and church-run schools
Registration period
New school
12.02.2025 - 22.02.2025 (please note the parents' information evening, 12.02.2025, 17:00) Eichendorffschule - grammar school
03.03.2025 - 06.03.2025 (by appointment)
Eichendorff School - Secondary School
03.03.2025 - 06.03.2025 (by appointment) Freie Waldorfschule Wolfsburg
Registrations are possible all year round via the school office Further information on the individual registration dates can be obtained from the school website or the secretary's office of the respective school.
- Secondary schools in Wolfsburg - overview, locations and information
- Overview graphic of the Wolfsburg school system
- Information events at secondary schools for the 2025/26 school year
School counseling of the school division
Phone: 05361 28-1129
E-mail to the school counselingVideos on registration and the lottery procedure at secondary schools
Admission of out-of-town students
Admission of out-of-town students
The city of Wolfsburg welcomes students from neighboring districts and cities!
Students who do not live in Wolfsburg have the opportunity to enroll at a school within the city of Wolfsburg under certain conditions.
It may happen that some schools have more registrations than school places available. This may affect some elementary school, grammar schools, comprehensive schools and secondary schools. In this case, lottery procedures have to be carried out at these schools. This may mean that students from outside the region do not receive a place at the first school selected. It is therefore advisable to think about an alternative school as a precaution.
Pupils from the districts of Gifhorn and Helmstedt who wish to enroll at a secondary school in Wolfsburg
The city of Wolfsburg and the districts of Gifhorn and Helmstedt have agreed on options for pupils from certain districts of Gifhorn and Helmstedt to attend a Wolfsburg secondary school. More information can be found in the respective flyer.
Pupils who wish to attend an elementary school or who do not live in the district of Gifhorn or Helmstedt.
In order to register at an elementary or secondary school in Wolfsburg, an application for an exemption must be submitted. You can obtain the necessary application from the school responsible for your child in the school district of your district or city.
City of Wolfsburg
School Division
Porschestraße 74, 3rd upper floor
38440 Wolfsburg
School counseling
Phone: 05361 28-1129
E-Mail to the school counseling
Phone: 05361 28-1696
E-Mail to Team Enrollment
Advice and support
You can't find answers to your questions on our homepage or you need further information? Please contact the school advisory service of the city of Wolfsburg.
Opening hours
Monday - Tuesday. 08:30 - 12:30
Thursday. 10:00 - 17:30
Friday. 08:30 - 12:00 and by appointmentContact
Porschestrasse 74,
38440 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 28-1129
E-Mail to the school counseling
School transport/pupil transport
Safe way to school
Since 1981, a working group made up of representatives from the administration, the police and the city parents' council has been ensuring safe routes to school in the city of Wolfsburg. School route plans showing the recommended route to school have been drawn up for each elementary school.
School transport
The City of Wolfsburg is responsible for the transportation of school-age students who are resident or ordinarily resident in Wolfsburg.
In principle, a distinction is made between transport on regular services (collective school season ticket) and transport for impaired pupils on exempted school transport.
You can find all the bases for entitlement to transportation in the following statutes: -
School Catering
School is an important place to influence the nutritional behavior of children and young people. Balanced school catering helps to increase the receptiveness for learning. For this reason, school meals should be age-appropriate, balanced and wholesome and should be based on the quality standards of the German Nutrition Society and the D-A-CH reference values.
School catering in Wolfsburg is based on a modular system consisting of Cook & Chill and frozen products, which are supplemented by dairy and fresh products. Meals are always prepared on a daily basis at the school sites in regeneration kitchens by Wollino GmbH.
City of Wolfsburg
School Division School Catering Team
Porschestraße 74, 3rd upper floor
38440 WolfsburgPhone: 05361 28-2343 and -2307
E-mail to the School Catering Team-
All-day elementary schools
All all-day elementary school are equipped with a canteen. Most of the locations have a regeneration kitchen in which the food can be prepared on site. For organizational reasons, hot meals are served at some locations. This means that the food is prepared at another regeneration site and delivered promptly to these schools
An overview of the elementary school served by Wollino can be found here under the menu item "Our locations".
Billing is carried out directly by the City of Wolfsburg on the basis of a fee schedule.
The elementary school in Fallersleben is an exception; here the school catering is organized by the school itself.Menu plans
You can find the current menu plans on the Wollino homepage.
Information on registration, billing, concept, fees and statutes
Secondary schools
The canteens and kiosks at the secondary schools are mainly managed by Schulverpflegungs GmbH Wollino.
Menu plans
The current menu plans of the secondary schools can be found on the Wollino homepage.
Information on registration, billing, concept, fees and statutes
Subsidy options / education and participation package
Subsidies from the federal government (education and participation package) also make it easier for pupils from families receiving social benefits to take part in lunchtime meals. Information on this can be obtained from your school office or by calling the service numbers listed below. You will receive the Wolfsburg Education Card from the office from which you receive benefits (e.g. job center or social welfare office).
To ensure that every child has the opportunity to take part in this concept, the city of Wolfsburg supports families with a low income. This includes, for example, recipients of social benefits such as housing benefit, child supplement, unemployment benefit II, social assistance benefits according to SGB XII or benefits according to the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.
You can check whether you are entitled to a reduction in the fee at the Social Services Department (Town Hall B, Room 104).Contact
For all questions regarding billing and subsidies for elementary school:
City of Wolfsburg
School Division
School Catering Team
Porschestraße 74, 3rd floor
38440 WolfsburgTelephone: 05361 28-2343 and -2307
E-mail to the school catering teamFor all questions regarding billing and subsidies at secondary schools:
Wolfsburger Schulverpflegungs GmbH - Wollino
Carl-Grete-Straße 35
38448 WolfsburgTelephone: 05363 816302-23
E-mail to Wollino
All-day elementary schools
Language education services
Foreign languages
In addition to language education integrated into everyday life and the further development of the first language, children and young people also learn foreign languages at school. Germany as well as all other members of the European Union have committed themselves to the goal of trilingualism, i.e. in addition to the main language of that country, all young people must learn two other languages.
English is the first compulsory foreign language in Lower Saxony and is therefore offered at all elementary school from the 3rd grade onwards (with the exception of Peter-Pan-Schule). At many elementary schools in Wolfsburg, however, English is already taught from the 1st grade. Other foreign languages offered at elementary schools are Italian, Spanish, Russian and French.
At all secondary schools (with the exception of Peter-Pan-Schule), English is taught from the 5th grade. In addition, foreign languages are offered in Spanish, French, Latin, Italian, Russian and Chinese.
Bilingual profiles
Some schools offer bilingual profiles in which one subject is taught predominantly in a foreign language. Wolfsburg's elementary schools offer bilingual instruction in English, Spanish and Italian. At secondary schools, bilingual profiles can be chosen with English and Italian as the languages of instruction.
Language of origin teaching
Bi- or multilingualism has long been a reality for many students in Wolfsburg. It is both a special qualification and an important component of identity and belonging. In order to maintain and expand the bilingualism or multilingualism of these students, Wolfsburg schools offer programs to promote their language of origin.
At the elementary school, instruction in the languages of origin is offered in Albanian, High Arabic, Italian, Russian and Polish. In the secondary sector, there are lessons in English and Spanish.
Early Birds Project - a bilingual language project in kindergarten and school
The Early Birds project initiated by Prof. Dr. Hahn offers children the possibility of a continuous bilingual language program. They can start this as kindergarten children at the Edith Stein daycare center and continue it as elementary school students and as high school students at the Catholic Eichendorff School as well as at the Käferschule and the Ratsgymnasium. The children learn the respective language through "immersion" and listening to the language by native speakers (immersion method).
International Baccalaureate at the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium
Bilingual education has been offered at Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium (ASG) since 2004 and in March 2021, ASG was recognized as a candidate school for the IB Diploma Programme. ASG has now received certification and has been an official IB World School since the start of the 2023/24 school year. This means that the ASG is authorized to award the internationally recognized English-language IB Diploma in addition to the Lower Saxony Abitur (general higher education entrance qualification).
Further information can be found here: Website of the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium on the IB Diploma -
City Pupil* and City Parent Council
City Student* Council (SSR)
The Wolfsburg City Pupils' Council is made up of all school representatives from the city's schools (except elementary school). This means that every school in the city has a voice in this body to help decide on local education policy affecting pupils and to help shape it to a certain extent.
The tasks and competencies of the City Pupils' Council are regulated in the Lower Saxony Education Act. As a supra-school body, the City Pupils' Council must be involved in school development planning and all important school policy matters - similar to the City Parents' Council. It represents the interests of pupils with regard to the co-design and improvement of the school environment.
The City Pupils' Council has two seats on the school committee. The City Pupils' Council is elected every two years.
This is the composition of the City Pupils' Council for the school years 2024/2025 to 2025/2026:
- 1st spokesperson: Curtis Krehl
2nd spokesperson: Julian Krell
Assessors: Leon Wesa, Ole Schulze, Chimaobi Kirchberg, Nikoletta Geipel
Interested students who are not elected representatives of their own school are warmly welcomed and are welcome to contribute their ideas and opinions. The SSR's meetings take place regularly in Wolfsburg at the Stadtjugendring, Kleiststraße 33.
At the meetings, for example, it is also discussed how these representatives of the local student body can express themselves on relevant topics in the school committee and how they would like to actively contribute to the political process through their voting rights or in the form of their own submissions to this committee.
You can contact the SSR at any time by e-mail and ask when the next meeting will take place.
E-mail to the city student council
For further information, please contact the School Division:
Isabel Barnieck
Telephone: 05361-281077,
E-mail to Ms. BarnieckCity Parents' Council
The Wolfsburg Parents' Council has the task of promoting cooperation between schools and parents, the public, the school authorities and the school authorities. The City Parents' Council is also represented on the school committee with two voting members.The City Parents' Council is particularly involved in matters of school development planning, in all significant structural and organizational changes to schools, such as splitting, merging, dissolving and reorganizing, changes to school types and the introduction of school experiments.
However, it is also involved in issues such as equipping schools with teaching and learning materials, teacher supply, school safety, youth protection, student exchanges, school and study trips - to name but a few. The parents' council is elected every two years.
The current composition of the Parents' Council for the 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 school years:
- 1st Chairperson: Bettina Daft
- Deputy Chairperson: Jessica Wirth
Assessors: Martin Fricke, Sonja Brodt
The meetings usually take place every 3rd Tuesday of the month (except during the vacations) at 19:00 in the council meeting room of Wolfsburg Town Hall. They are generally open to the public so that schools that do not have the right to vote can also send their delegates.
E-mail to the city parents' council
For further information, please contact the Schools Division:
Isabel Barnieck
Telephone: 05361-281077
E-mail to Ms. Barnieck -
School Board
Overview of all members
As a municipality, the city is responsible for many areas of daily life. But the city administration does not make all the decisions. Many political bodies work together to produce decisions for the benefit of the city and its citizens.
Several figures sit at the same table. The political bodies of the city of Wolfsburg are elected in local elections. The most important body of the city is the city council. However, there are also other bodies that prepare, discuss and help shape the political decision-making process in the city.
The school committee supports the council of the city of Wolfsburg in its work. It consists of council members, parent, student, teacher, employer and employee representatives.
The School Committee also serves as a platform for Wolfsburg's school community so that a proactive exchange between schools and politics can take place.
The school committee discusses matters relating to the school division, including the technical and financial planning of the budget as well as follow-up costs and reporting during the year.
For further information, please contact the school division secretary's office:
Phone: 05361 28-2883 -
Youth welfare in schools
Youth welfare at school supports children and young people with problems in their school, family and circle of friends.
- Information about school cancellation due to weather conditions
- Information for Ukrainian pupils on school-leaving qualifications
City of Wolfsburg
School Division
Division management
Porschestrasse 49
38440 WolfsburgTelephone: 05361 28-2883
E-mail to the school secretariat