If you are interested in becoming active in the city of Wolfsburg's Heimatpflege or if you have any questions, please contact the city's Heimatpfleger Christiane Hartmann directly by email:
You can find up-to-date information on the Instagram account:
Interesting facts about the history of the city of Wolfsburg
The city of Wolfsburg was founded in 1938. Its span of history is thus relatively short. Nevertheless, the city of Wolfsburg is steeped in the tradition of a long and eventful history. And this doesn't just refer to the local and city districts that have belonged to Wolfsburg since 1972.
Let's take the old village of Heßlingen. Today it belongs to the city center and most probably existed already in the early Middle Ages. As a border area, the entire Wolfsburg region was for centuries a bone of contention between the sovereigns of Brunswick and Lüneburg/Hanover, Magdeburg and Brandenburg, and later Prussia. Historically, Wolfsburg has a lot to offer. Archaeological finds even indicate that people have been settling here for around 5000 years!
However, modern care of local history is not limited to historical matters, such as preservation of monuments, family research, care of private museums, collections, archives, scientific work, the preservation of Low German or the conception and organization of folkloristic events. Last but not least, it is about nature and environmental protection, cultural landscapes as well as village and urban development, i.e. current Wolfsburg topics.
It therefore seems exemplary and consistent that the city of Wolfsburg attaches importance to the preservation of local history and institutionally safeguards it in the combination of honorary office and public mandate.The city's local historian is the contact person for the independent local historians who are active in the local and city districts. In this way, Wolfsburg promotes a broad and sustainable discussion and identification of the local people with their living environment, which can help to set the standards straight.
Incidentally, home is not to be viewed statically: People are and have always been mobile. One has to acquire one's homeland. It becomes tangible when people actively engage with their living environment.
Current news of the city home care
Farming in the Middle Ages: vault bakers
Vault bakers emerged in the period from the 14th to the 18th century. They were a widespread form of agriculture. To this day, vaulted fields can be found under forests. They are recognizable by the evenly undulating terrain formation.
In the following document you will find more information about the origin and use, about the distribution and the protection of the Wölbäcker.
A great day at Burg Neuhaus: after years of research, the digital exhibition "Heimschule Burg Neuhaus 1947 - 1980. Education through education" was opened in the Knights' Hall at Burg Neuhaus, Burgallee.
Due to the pandemic, local historian Heinrich Oys and Elke Fuchs from the archive team of the Freundeskreis Burg Neuhaus have created the extensive exhibition digitally. They were supported by Frank Wolters, Chairman of the Freundeskreis Burg Neuhaus e.V., who digitized the extensive photo collection, and media designer Annika Buntzoll, who set up the exhibition on the Freundeskreis homepage.
April 10, 2022 marked the 75th anniversary of the opening of the residential school at Burg Neuhaus near Wolfsburg. This is reason enough to tell the story of this educational institution, which became a second home to around 2,000 children and young people in the 33 years of its existence.
Velstove on Instagram
Velstove's local historian, Christiane Hartmann, has been on Instagram since March 28.
Reports on other activities from the care of local history
03.05.2021 // More trees in Mörse
Ulf Geffers, local historian in Mörse, and his colleague in local history, Willi Lieven, want to work to make a dream come true: Mörse should become "the village of trees". As representatives of the working group "Our village has a future", in which all Mörse associations are represented, they now planted a columnar oak in front of the fire station at the bus stop. This choice was not accidental. "The columnar oak is a slender tree that can live to be a hundred years old without being perceived as competition by the neighbors," Lieven explains. So, he says, no one has to worry about masses of foliage or a sprawling canopy. The young tree had been donated by the owner of Mörser Nursery Lieven, Michaela Hofer. Geffers and Lieven, as "the tree-casting team from Mörse", have been ensuring for some time that the younger trees can better withstand drought conditions
Bookcase in Sandkamp
The people of Sandkamp are proud of their new bookcase, which has been standing here on the Lindenberg for a few days now. It was erected with the help of the cultural association "Dorfgemeinschaft Sandkamp e. V." and the local heritage preservation on the traditionally central village square and handed over to its intended use in the presence of the local heritage preservationists Annemarie Klein and Helga Schönijahn.
31.03.2021 // Low German activities in Nordsteimke
On April 4, 7:30 p.m. on TV 38.
"Röhrenklump" is the theme of the new episode of "Plattdütsch underwegens", which the local historian of Nordsteimke, Siegfried Mahlmann, has now put together for TV 38. Potatoes, cabbage (sometimes) and bacon are the main ingredients of this hearty traditional Nordsteimke winter meal. If you pay close attention when the little film is broadcast or later on You Tube/"Plattdütsch underwegens", you can certainly recreate the recipe. -
Preservation of local history is a top priority in Vorsfelde
Many have helped, and now a showcase project of Vorsfeld's Heimatpflege has been presented to the public: A bronze casting of the historic old town, made by Nils Hoy. The miniature model has been on display in its permanent place behind St. Peter's Church since this weekend. The lynchpin of the campaign was Sandra Straube and the Vorsfelde "Advent Gnomes," who then enlisted the help of the Heimatverein Vorsfelde. Funds came from the City of Wolfsburg from the "pot" of support for volunteering, from the Bürgerstiftung Wolfsburg, the Braunschweigische Sparkassenstiftung, the Vorsfelde Lions and, last but not least, from the chargers of the Vorsfeld Christmas Market and the local council of Vorsfelde.
"Together, we can achieve so much," said Dr. Meinhardt Leopold, who is responsible for the local heritage. And there is more to come. There are plans to equip individual houses in the sculpture with a QR code so that further information about 867-year-old Vorsfelde can be accessed. -
German National Library archives Wendschotter Chronicles
The German National Library in Frankfurt has requested the two publications of local historian Werner Scholz on Wendschott for the purpose of archiving them for scientific purposes of town and village development. Scholz had published the volumes "Wendschott. Ein Dorf im Wandel der Zeit" and "Wendschott. Ein Dorf wächst" published in 2015 and 2020.
Home Flicker
"Heimatflimmern" is the name of a joint project between M2K and the local heritage preservation group of the city of Wolfsburg and the city's local heritage preservationist Dr. Marlis Oehme. Every Saturday, a historical photo from the local heritage collections is posted on Facebook. A great deal of research and collecting is also done on history in Wolfsburg's 19 local districts. This task is carried out by the local historians and local history societies, who work on a voluntary basis.
Oehme is enthusiastic about the commitment: "It's incredible what treasures are unearthed here week after week!" It's not just about the history of buildings or people, but also about the history of nature conservation, because that's also part of the job of local history preservation.
22.03.2021 // Homeland preservation tidies up
The "forest cleaning campaign" for Brackstedt was in the hands of local historian Marie-Luise Kelting and her group from Brackstedt Förderkreis. Kelting was very pleased with how it went. "In large numbers young families participated, many were also in previous years!" It goes without saying that the entire Kelting family also set out for a clean town over the weekend.
11.01.2021 // Velstove: showcase about preservation of local history
In Velstove, local history keeper Christiane Hartmann has now installed a showcase where she regularly informs about local history. As she heard, the box, which originated from the Vorsfeld station, was to be dismantled. Without further ado, the dedicated local history keeper took the initiative: "The showcase is somewhat leaky due to its age and a broken lock," says Hartmann. "So I bought a wooden plate plus magnetic paint and magnets and laminate in the info sheets."
Meanwhile, the contents have already been replaced once. The Christmasy gave way to info about winter bird feeding with a little bird lore and a craft tip for kids. At the same time, there is general information about local heritage preservation and the working group for local heritage preservation in Wolfsburg.