Volunteering in Wolfsburg
We are pleased that you are visiting our site, because it means that the topic moves you and you may want to become active yourself to support a good cause.
There are many reasons why people get involved in charitable causes in their spare time. One thing is certain: Through their commitment, volunteers help make life in Wolfsburg friendlier, more communal and more worth living. We appreciate your commitment to our city!
Under the link Frequently asked questions and on this page you will find extensive and valuable information about volunteering. If you have any further questions, simply contact the Civic Engagement Coordination Office.
New! Volunteer card has become even more attractive and can be applied for purely digitally
The requirements for applying for the volunteer card in Lower Saxony have been adjusted and made easier for you.
The new regulations in detail:
1. volunteer card for active members of volunteer fire departments, emergency services and rescue servicesWith immediate effect, active members of volunteer fire departments who have completed their Truppmann I training and emergency services personnel who have completed their basic training can apply for the Lower Saxony volunteer card without any further proof - the proof of the duration of the commitment that is generally required no longer has to be provided by this group of people.
2. reduction of the minimum duration of commitment from three to two yearsIn order to receive the card, the level of civic engagement previously had to amount to at least five hours per week or 250 hours per year and have existed for at least three years. From now on, the commitment only has to have existed for at least two years.
3. the volunteer card can be applied for digitally on the volunteer serverThank you very much for your commitment!
Volunteer Office
Civic Engagement Coordination Office
Wolfsburg Civic Engagement Network Office
Tel: 49 5361 28-2163
City Hall A, Room 103 | Porschestr. 49 | D-38440 Wolfsburg
E-mail: engagiert@stadt.wolfsburg.de -
wolfsburg_unbezahlbar Instagram channel for volunteering
Volunteering in Wolfsburg has had its own Instagram account "wolfsburg_unbezahlbar " since July 2023. The aim is to create a central place in the world of social media for sharing and presenting voluntary work.
wolfsburg_unbezahlbar is managed by the city's Communications Department and the City of Wolfsburg's Volunteer Office.
Volunteers are invited to contact the central e-mail address insta-ehrenamt@stadt.wolfsburg.de with their content and ideas.
The city is looking forward to active participation from the circle of volunteers.
New platform mein.wolfsburg.de
The new digital platform for participation and engagement is online. You can reach it at any time via this link: https://mein.wolfsburg.de/
An extensive section has been set up for voluntary commitment: The marketplace can be used for search/offer advertisements in various areas and organizations in and around Wolfsburg present themselves and their areas of commitment.
Current dates and the newsletter round off the offer.
Volunteer Day
Campaign on Volunteer Day: Volunteers report on their commitment
Volunteers share their personal experiences in statements and video clips and promote volunteering.
Around one third of all 125,000 people in Wolfsburg are active volunteers. Through their commitment, they help to make life in Wolfsburg friendlier, more communal and more worth living. Even if volunteer work is limited at the moment due to the Corona pandemic, it is still an important social cornerstone - especially in times of crisis.
Note: You can watch the respective video directly on YouTube by clicking on the video link. In this case, please read our notes on the use of social media beforehand.
Picture impressions of volunteers from Wolfsburg
Brochure "Strong in Volunteering
As of September 2019, the volunteer brochure is available in print and can also be viewed online a little further down.
All organizations from the brochure and more can be found updated on the page.You can get them at the info shelf in the entrance area of City Hall A or larger quantities in room A 103 in the office of the Civic Engagement Coordination Office.
Around 100 Wolfsburg associations/organizations present themselves and interested parties can obtain information on key issues relating to civic engagement.Grants from the Civic Engagement Support Fund
The application for is now also available as an online version.
The new online application procedure for the Lower Saxony Volunteer Card is now available.
Below you will find the links to the online application and the online application procedure:
I am ready! How and where can I get involved?
Here you will find a comprehensive overview!
In the brochure "Stark im Ehrenamt" (Strong in Volunteering), you will find information about the various Wolfsburg organizations and the wide range of volunteer activities you can do there.
In addition, you can also find out about job openings on a daily basis on the Wolfsburg platform(www.mein.wolfsburg.de).
Still unsure?
Finding a suitable volunteer position and a satisfying activity is not that easy, but a few preliminary considerations can make the search easier. To help you get started, we have prepared a checklist of questions to help you find an organization and activity. Because one thing is clear: the clearer the agreements between you and the organization, the higher the chance of finding a fulfilling activity.
Wolfsburg Civic Engagement Network
13th Meeting of the Civic Engagement Network
On 09.05.2023, interested parties of the network met in the council meeting room and followed the lecture of Matthias Marx, EngagementZentrum GmbH, on the topic of "Volunteer recruitment and volunteer management". The speaker showed measures and ways to recruit and retain young volunteers. An exercise sequence, experience reports and exchange rounded off the evening.
A small excerpt from the presentation is attached; the complete lecture cannot be published for copyright reasons.
For questions about the presentation and the topic presented, Mr. Marx can be reached at matthias.marx@engagementzentrum.de.
12th Meeting of the Civic Engagement Network
On the occasion of the International Day of Volunteering, a live talk on the topic of "Youth Involved" took place at the Markthalle Wolfsburg on 05.12.2022. This event was combined with a network meeting.
The evening focused on the question of how young people find their way into volunteering and which approach motivates them to take on a commitment. The event was streamed live.
11th Meeting of the Civic Engagement Network
On June 30, 2022, interested parties from the network and representatives of various Wolfsburg foundations met at Wolfsburg Castle. The focus of the event was to get to know each other and to exchange ideas.7th meeting of the civic engagement network
7th meeting of the civic engagement network
The Civic Engagement Network met on 05.12.19 for a dialog event.
Around 40 participants were able to discuss their questions and suggestions regarding civic engagement with Mayor Mohrs and City Councilor Borcherding.
6th Meeting of the Civic Engagement Network
6th Meeting of the Civic Engagement Network
On Monday, May 20, 40 participants met at the Alvar Aalto House of Culture at the invitation of the Civic Engagement Network.
The event focused on the topic of "Balance and a culture of recognition in the life of associations", which was presented by Gabriele Lang, independent consultant at fokus EHRENAMT. Input, exchange and a work phase alternated and the participants were able to check whether their own association is well positioned in this area and take away new ideas.
The network's office then presented further plans for 2019. The evening concluded with an exchange and discussions in small groups.4th meeting of the civic engagement network
4th meeting of the civic engagement network
Contributors of the network met at the AAK on 12.06.2018. The event focused on the keynote speech by Jennifer Knake on the topic of volunteer management.
There was also a current status report on the topic of the online platform and the upcoming engagement-relevant events.
In the workshop phase, the participants were able to examine their own organizational culture from the perspective of engagement-friendliness. The participants had an intensive exchange with each other and were able to take away valuable information and new impulses.
3rd meeting network civic engagement
3rd meeting network civic engagement
On Monday, November 20, the Civic Engagement Network met again at the Alvar Aalto House of Culture.
There was new information and impetus from the circle of 30 participants. Among other things, a possible online platform for Wolfsburg and also the project Intercultural Civic Engagement were presented.
In subsequent workshops, these topics as well as the work on the network itself were discussed. The insights of the evening were again manifold and the joint work as well as the successful exchange will be continued.
Documentation of the event2nd meeting network civic engagement
On Tuesday, June 13, the Civic Engagement Network met at 5 p.m. in the Alvar Aalto House of Culture.
The focus of this exchange and information meeting was on the topic of "Youth and civic engagement". First City Councilor Werner Borcherding welcomed the participants on behalf of the City of Wolfsburg. After a keynote speech by Mr. Frederik Boog from the Stadtjugendring, workshop work followed. Here, club representatives had the opportunity to reflect on how the structure and participation in their own organization could be made more youth-friendly.
The findings were diverse and helpful for further work in the clubs and associations.
1st meeting network civic engagement
1st meeting network civic engagement
The 1st network meeting for civic engagement took place with around 70 participants in the indoor swimming pool on Schachtweg. The first results of the work on improving the framework conditions for volunteers were presented, and in a workshop phase the discussions on the topics "Dialog with schools to involve young people", "Appreciation tools and public relations", "Qualification offers", "Establishment of a search-offer platform" and "the work on the network itself" were continued intensively. The meeting concluded with the presentation of the new honorary work label "You are priceless".
Documentation of the event
There is a great willingness to continue working on the common topics and the network is happy to welcome new interested parties.
Would you like to be involved in strengthening volunteering in Wolfsburg in one of the network's working groups? Then please contact Ms. Birgit Maaß, Managing Director of the Civic Engagement Network, on 05361 28-1997 or send an e-mail to engagiert@stadt.wolfsburg.de.
The city of Wolfsburg has invited other representatives of the city's society to establish a network for civic engagement. Over 170 people from various clubs, associations and organizations attended the founding event of the network, which addresses the question "What can and do we want to do together to strengthen volunteering in Wolfsburg?". The idea of founding the network goes back to the support concept for voluntary work.
If you are interested in participating in the Wolfsburg Civic Engagement Network, please contact the Civic Engagement Coordination Office on 05361 28-1997 or via email(engagiert@stadt.wolfsburg.de).
Documentation of the founding meeting: Wolfsburg Civic Involvement Network
Are you already involved in the Civic Engagement Network? Then thank you very much for your commitment to this group!
Not yet familiar with the network? Then this brochure some information on its objectives and working methods.
Interested? The Civic Engagement Coordination Office will be happy to receive your call or e-mail.
Advantages for volunteers
Lower Saxony Volunteer Card
Commitment pays off! In Wolfsburg, there are various initiatives that value your volunteer activities. On this page you will find an overview of the various initiatives and the benefits you can take advantage of.
By awarding the Lower Saxony Volunteer Card, the City of Wolfsburg would like to thank volunteers for their many years of intensive commitment. Holders of the Ehrenamtskarte receive discounted admission to many public and private institutions and to events of various kinds throughout Lower Saxony and Bremen, regardless of their place of residence.
Initial and renewal applications for the Lower Saxony Volunteer Card can only be registered under the following link:
For more information on the Lower Saxony Volunteer Card, click here:
The lifesaver card
On 01.04.2017, the Lebensretter card was introduced in Wolfsburg. A bonus card that is a sign of recognition for particularly active volunteers at the Wolfsburg aid organizations that provide fire and disaster protection.
The aid organizations (Wolfsburg Volunteer Fire Department, DRK Kreisverband Wolfsburg e. V., THW Ortsverband Wolfsburg, DLRG Ortsgruppe Wolfsburg e. V./Vorsfelde e. V., Kreisverbindungskommando Wolfsburg, Malteser Hilfsdienst e. V.) apply for the card for active volunteers as soon as they meet the requirements. The card is always issued on April 1 of each year. The card is valid for one year.
Volunteers report
Our society could not exist without volunteerism. Volunteers are indispensable for a functioning and socially oriented community, because they shape city life and provide invaluable services for local people. Whether saving lives, raising funds for a good cause, accompanying refugees to offices and doctors, sorting clothing donations or lending a hand in emergency situations - volunteering is as diverse as life itself. On this page, you can learn more about the personal experiences of people in Wolfsburg who have volunteered. The testimonials provide an insight into the many activities and benefits that volunteering offers. They also provide an insight into the motivations of the people who volunteer in their free time. (Data in images and text as of 2017)
Jens Thurow
Rail rider, hiker of the Harz Mountains, local politician / volunteer with the district liaison command for the last six years
Briefly describe your volunteer work?
As head of the District Liaison Command in Wolfsburg, together with nine soldiers I am the military advisor for the civilian authorities with regard to the support options provided by the Bundeswehr in the event of a disaster. If a serious disaster or natural event occurs, support from the Bundeswehr can be requested. This assistance by the Bundeswehr is coordinated by me.
How long have you been an active volunteer?
I have been an active reservist in the German Armed Forces since 2011. I have also been involved in the volunteer fire department for 30 years.
What do you like best about your charity?
The different deployment options make it so varied to be active as a reservist. We also have quite a variety of training opportunities, which means we can gain valuable experience. The camaraderie is also a bonus.
How do you reconcile volunteering and your job?
Most of our exercises take place at the weekend. That makes it easier to get involved. I'm also lucky that, as a state civil servant, I have an employer who benefits directly from civil-military cooperation. For this reason, I get a lot of support from my employer in carrying out my voluntary work.
What exactly do you do during the weekend exercises?
We use simulation games to train for the event of a disaster, such as a power outage, a storm or similar. Important for us are the processes and procedures as well as communication within the Bundeswehr and with other rescue organizations in Wolfsburg.
What would you tell someone who has never volunteered before?
The sense of community and the positive feedback are a great feeling. You simply have to experience that for yourself.
What do you get out of volunteering?
The satisfied feeling of having made a contribution to society.
Why do you volunteer? What is your motivation for getting involved?
For me personally, regional ties are what counts.
What tips do you have for those interested in volunteering?
There are many ways to get involved in volunteer work. It has never been easier to help shape your personal environment.
Besides helping others, what else does volunteering do for you personally?
Through my volunteer work, I am always learning new things. I can also put this knowledge to good use in my job.
Daniela Gomoll
fun-loving, curious, responsible / active as a volunteer since 2009
Briefly describe your volunteer activities.
As a volunteer member of the German Life Saving Association (DLRG), I teach children how to swim. I am also a water rescuer at Allersee.
How did you come to volunteer?
I completed a voluntary social year with the DLRG. There I not only made new friends, but also learned a lot for my future life. So I decided to continue as a volunteer member with the DRLG. In the meantime it has become a me.
How long have you been an active volunteer?
I have been a volunteer member of the DLRG since 2009. So already seven years.
How can someone become a member of your charity?
It's very simple. You can fill out an online form on our website www.wolfsburg.dlrg.de and become a member. But you can also simply drop by our clubhouse at Schillerteich and talk to the people there.
How do you reconcile volunteering and your job?
Time management is the name of the game.
What would you tell someone who has never volunteered before?
Just join in! You will not regret it!
What do you get out of volunteering?
Life experience, self-confidence and fun.
Why do you volunteer? What is your motivation for getting involved?
The gratitude and joy of the children and adults when they receive their swimming badge is a great feeling.
What tips do you have for those interested in volunteering?
Don't be shy! You can learn anything if you want to!
Andreas nickel
Andreas nickel
IT-interested, hiker, hobby photographer / active volunteer for 20 years
Briefly describe your volunteer work?
At Malteser Hilfsdienst e. V. I am employed in many different ways. On the one hand, I am a paramedic and on the other hand, I am the honorary managing director. In the ambulance service, I look after visitors at events and provide help in emergencies - from simple band-aid application to life-saving emergency measures, there's everything there. Disaster management and extended rescue services are all about being prepared for major incidents. For example, an incident could be a traffic accident with several injured people, which the regular rescue service cannot handle immediately because the number of injured people exceeds the capacity of the surrounding hospitals. As an honorary managing director, I am responsible for the administration of the Malteser office.
How did you come to volunteer?
I used to be involved in a political youth organization and in the trade union youth. But that didn't fulfill me completely. So I decided to become active in an aid organization. I looked around at several aid organizations and initially decided on the German Red Cross (DRK). After a few years, I switched to Malteser Hilfsdienst.
Why did you choose your charity?
I think Malteser International has a very effective training concept. I also liked the centralized approach, i.e. money and support go where they are needed, so you are independent locally. In addition, many of my friends are active in Malteser International, which is of course an added bonus.
In the end, it really doesn't matter which aid organization you choose. If it comes to a mission, it doesn't matter which logo a volunteer wears on his or her chest, because we work together as a team. Often you even make friends beyond the borders of your own aid organization.
How long have you been an active volunteer?
I have been active as a volunteer for about 20 years and with the Malteser for about twelve years.
What do you like best about your charity?
I like the centrally organized structure of Malteser. So there is one registered association in Cologne where everyone is a member. So it doesn't matter where you support.
How can someone become a member of your charity?
The best thing to do is simply contact the Maltesers. For us, it doesn't matter what qualifications a person brings with them, because anyone can help. That's why we don't have any age restrictions. Help is always needed.
How do you reconcile volunteering and your job?
Here I must clearly thank my employer, who has recognized that volunteering is important. Since you can decide for yourself how much time you want to invest in volunteering at Malteser International, it's easy to reconcile work and volunteering.
What would you tell someone who has never volunteered before?
Just give it a try. There are few ways to expand your horizons so much. In addition, it is a very rewarding task. Without volunteers, our social fabric would not function. It can quickly happen that one needs help oneself. If you want to help, you don't necessarily have to become a paramedic either. There are also other rewarding tasks, for example in social volunteering, in the field of technology, in administration or in first aid training.
What do you get out of volunteering?
It is a very good balance to job and family. Furthermore, this volunteer work keeps me mentally fit and flexible. I've also found that it broadens my view of the world, because you come into contact with people you wouldn't normally come into contact with. In addition, it is a good feeling to have helped people.
Why do you volunteer? What is your motivation to get involved?
If you want to make a difference, you also have to pitch in. Aid organizations often work together and support each other. Together, you can make things happen that would make an individual despair.
What was your most interesting/successful/notable assignment?
From the Love Parade to the Day of Lower Saxony, I've been through a lot. But the most remarkable moments are always the small ones. For example, driving a terminally ill woman to her own and last birthday party in the "Malteser Herzenswunsch ambulance".
Anything else of interest?
It doesn't matter which aid organization you help with, the main thing is that you help. If you don't want to get more involved, you should at least attend a first-aid course. You need it not only for your driver's license, but also everywhere else, because 80 percent of emergencies happen among acquaintances, and then a lack of knowledge can be fatal.
Tagrid Siber Tischer
Goes by the name Dodo and loves to travel and summer and has been an active volunteer for over a year
Briefly describe your volunteer work!
I am an active member of the Technisches Hilfswerk (THW) in Wolfsburg and work as a local youth leader. So I take care of all activities of the THW youth. That means I organize and plan youth services and their training. In addition, I am responsible for public relations on the topic of youth and represent the THW youth to the outside world.
How did you come to volunteer?
My husband has been a volunteer member of THW for years. I have always heard a lot about his missions. Through his stories and tales, he was able to inspire me for this honorary office.
Why did you choose your charities?
Due to my husband's commitment, I was constantly confronted with the topic. So I had clear ideas about what THW does. His testimonials inspired me, so I decided to join THW.
How long have you been an active volunteer?
I have been an active member of THW since May 2015.
What do you like best about your charity?
On the one hand, I like the activities themselves, and on the other hand, it's a good feeling to know that I can help other people in emergency situations and also use what I've learned myself in my private life at any time.
How do you reconcile volunteering and your job?
In THW it is quite easy for me, because many activities and exercises take place after work and often on weekends.
What would you tell someone who has never volunteered before?
Let us convince you to volunteer with THW. You won't regret it and you'll be doing something good.
What do you get out of volunteering?
In the meantime, THW has become a second family for me. Not only is it fun to build a camaraderie with the various members, but you can also simply use your free time wisely to do good.
Klaus Meier
Grandpa, fisherman, family man and active volunteer with the DRK since 1978
Briefly describe your volunteer work!
At the German Red Cross (DRK) in Wolfsburg, I am responsible for all volunteer matters. For example, I am the contact person for the state association, district association and local associations within Wolfsburg. In addition, I take care of the training and registration of our emergency forces, prepare cost overviews for all areas and procure required materials and vehicles.
Why did you choose your charity?
I liked the basics of the DRK. Values such as humanity, unity, independence and neutrality are very important to us. The social aspect convinced me. In addition, the work at the DRK is very diverse.
How long have you been an active volunteer?
I have been an active volunteer since 1978.
What do you like best about your charity?
The DRK is the largest aid organization in Wolfsburg and worldwide. I can quench my thirst for knowledge here in very many areas.
How do you reconcile volunteering and your job?
I had a conversation with my employer Volkswagen. I talked openly about all the things I do for the DRK and that volunteering means a lot to me. Fortunately, I receive a lot of support.
What would you tell someone who has never volunteered before?
Come by and see for yourself. The camaraderie speaks for itself.
What do you get out of volunteering?
My honorary position with the German Red Cross does involve a lot of work. But when I look into the happy eyes of people I have been able to help, it makes up for everything else.
Why do you volunteer? What is your motivation for getting involved?
I am committed to making a positive difference for those around me.
What tips do you have for those interested in volunteering?
Come and see. Anything else would be just words now. It is important to see the glow in the eyes of the emergency personnel when they talk about their experiences.
Cindy Kraßmann
Geriatric nurse, VfL Wolfsburg fan, animal lover and volunteer firefighter since 2005
Briefly describe your volunteer work!
The activities of the Wolfsburg Volunteer Fire Department are many and varied: rescue, protect, save, extinguish. In addition to the normal training and operational duties in my local fire department in Fallersleben, I am the city spokesperson for the Wolfsburg Fire Department. I also train comrades in first aid.
What does it mean to be a city women's representative?
As the city women's representative, I always have an open ear for the women of the fire department. I am a person of trust, so to speak, which means that women can approach me at any time if they need to talk.
How did you come to volunteer?
My father is an active member of the Fallersleben Volunteer Fire Department. I have been raving about the fire department since I was a child. When I was 10 years old, my parents let me participate in a service of the Fallersleben youth fire department as a surprise. I liked that so much at the time that I decided to join the volunteer fire department.
How long have you been an active volunteer?
Now I have been active in the Fallersleben Volunteer Fire Department since 2005.
What do you like best about your charity?
I like helping people. I also like the camaraderie among each other.
How can someone become a member of your charity?
The best thing to do is to contact the local fire department. There you can also do a taster service and gain a first insight into the work of the volunteer fire department.
Can children also join the volunteer fire department?
In general, you can join the youth fire department from the age of 10 and become an active member of a local fire department from the age of 16. There are currently two children's fire departments in Wolfsburg (Heiligendorf and Wendschott). There, children from the age of 6 are introduced to the tasks of the fire department in a playful way.
What would you tell someone who has never volunteered before?
It's a good feeling to be active as a volunteer.
What is your motivation for volunteering?
I put myself in other people's shoes. The idea of not being able to get help myself in an emergency worries me. I get involved in the hope that I can persuade other people to volunteer themselves.
Besides helping others, what else does volunteering do for you personally?
I have made new friends through my volunteer work. It's a varied hobby where you always learn something new. -
Volunteering also brings you further personally. Many volunteers take advantage of the opportunity to receive further training and/or education during their work. Often, many institutions train their volunteers themselves and/or allow their active members to participate in further training measures.
Wolfsburg educational institutions
Volunteering is an important topic for the city of Wolfsburg. For this reason, many Wolfsburg educational institutions also offer qualification and further training opportunities on the topic of volunteering in their programs.
fan - Volunteer Academy Lower Saxony
The Volunteer Academy of Lower Saxony is a community of educational institutions in Lower Saxony and stands for continuing education in all areas of civic engagement. The offers are aimed at volunteers and honorary workers.
Proof of competence
Important qualifications that volunteers have acquired through their activities can be documented with the statewide certificate of competence - whether for career advancement or further volunteer work.
With a newsletter on the topic of civic engagement, the city administration provides information on important topics related to volunteering. You can subscribe here.
The Wolfsburg Volunteer Label
"You are priceless"
"You are priceless"
The city of Wolfsburg supports volunteering in Wolfsburg in a variety of ways. One sign of appreciation is the "You are priceless" label, which the city administration has developed together with representatives of various aid organizations.
The "You are priceless" label is a sign of thanks and recognition for the work of the many volunteer public welfare organizations that are committed to their community on a daily basis and thus help to shape a strong urban society in Wolfsburg. The label was primarily created for the many Wolfsburg clubs, associations, foundations and organizations that are active on a voluntary basis. It serves the purpose of highlighting and bundling the diverse volunteer activities in Wolfsburg in order to generate attention and interest in the topic of volunteering throughout the city.
Join in and use the label, because one thing is clear: people who volunteer in their free time deserve a special "thank you".
If you would like to use the "You are priceless" label for your club, association, foundation or charitable organization, we will be happy to make it available to you in various formats (eps, jpg, pdf, png, tif). You are welcome to request the label at publikationen@stadt.wolfsburg.de.
The colleagues at the Civic Engagement Coordination Office of the City of Wolfsburg are available to answer any further questions you may have (by e-mail to engagiert@stadt.wolfsburg.de or by telephone on 05361 28-1997 or -2163). -
Grants, projects and more!
Support fund for civic engagement
The City of Wolfsburg supports volunteer work in the city area with the Civic Engagement Fund. Associations, initiatives and individuals who are involved in and for Wolfsburg can apply for up to 1,000 euros from the fund each year. See above for the application form.
Waiver of administrative fees for events organized by associations and organizations
From now on, the City of Wolfsburg will waive administrative fees for activities and services of the public administration for events organized by associations and organizations on a voluntary basis. This is possible for matters within the city's own sphere of action, such as fees for the special use of public areas. Fees from the transferred sphere of action, such as fees under the Lower Saxony Catering Act, cannot be waived.
Associations and organizations that have their headquarters in Wolfsburg and are treated as non-profit or charitable for tax purposes are exempt from fees. A certificate from the tax office is required. Aid organizations are granted exemption from fees if they can provide evidence of the donation seal of the German Central Institute for Social Issues. Political parties are exempt from the fee.Certificate of good conduct in honorary office
Certificates of good conduct required for voluntary work in a charitable or comparable institution are generally free of charge. In addition, unlike in the past, certificates of good conduct are also exempt from fees if volunteers receive an expense allowance for their work. The amount of the expense allowance is irrelevant.
The waiver of fees is particularly important for volunteers in children's and youth work, who often have to submit a so-called "enhanced" certificate of good conduct before starting their activities.
The German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring) has compiled a working aid for those responsible for youth association work on the subject of certificates of good conduct for volunteers in accordance with the Federal Child Protection Act.
The JUGEND HILFT! Fund of the children's aid organization "Children for a better World e. V." supports social projects by children and young people with up to €2,500 per year. Funding is provided for projects in which children and young people have set themselves the goal of improving the situation of other people living in poverty, illness or difficult circumstances.
From 2014, the Klosterkammer Hannover will be providing more money for its "ehrenWERT." funding program. "We have fully utilized the "ehrenWERT." budget this year. This shows us that our program has arrived where we wanted it to: at institutions that promote volunteer projects. That is why we are increasing the funding from 250,000 to 400,000 euros per year," says Klosterkammer President Hans-Christian Biallas. The aim of "ehrenWERT." is to promote the qualifications and commitment of volunteers. Applications can be submitted by associations, parishes and local authorities based in the Klosterkammer's funding area (Lower Saxony with the exception of the old states of Braunschweig and Oldenburg).
The Voluntary Work Strengthening Act - Improved support for voluntary work
The Act to Strengthen Volunteering creates legal certainty, reduces bureaucracy and makes the financial planning of non-profit organizations more flexible. You can find out what has changed in detail in the Ehrenamtsstärkungsgesetz on the page of the Federal Ministry of Finance.
Citizens create knowledge
Citizen Science describes research projects in which citizens participate voluntarily in the collection or duplication of scientific data. The research project GEWISS, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, bundles the potential of citizen science and offers the possibility to search for and post participation projects on its citizen science platform.
Guide to the law of associations
The Federal Ministry of Justice supports association founders, association members and associations with a guide to association law. There is a lot to consider, from the founding to the ongoing operation and termination of an association. If you want to found an association or want to find out about your rights and obligations as a member or organ of an association, this guide can provide a lot of important information and help with references to other sources of information. You can find the brochure as well as sample articles of association, founding protocols, registration with the register of associations, etc. in the following guide to association law from the Federal Ministry of Justice.
It is intended to offer citizens of Wolfsburg and the surrounding area the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information on the subject of foundations in general and on Wolfsburg's foundations in particular.
Since October 1, 2014, the Wolfsburg foundation landscape has been presented at www.stiftungslandschaft-wob.de.
Wolfsburg support concept for civic engagement
Securing and strengthening volunteering - that is the aim of the support concept for civic engagement. The support concept was developed in a multi-stage process and was unanimously approved by Wolfsburg City Council on October 7, 2015. The support concept offers a deep insight into Wolfsburg's civic engagement landscape.
Voluntary social year
For some years now, associations and institutions have also been offering voluntary services, such as the Voluntary Social Year (FSJ), the Voluntary Ecological Year (FÖJ) and, since July 11, 2011, the Federal Voluntary Service (BFD).

State Working Group of Volunteer Agencies and Coordination Offices for Volunteering in Lower Saxony e.V.
The Koordinierungsstelle Bürgerengagement is a member of the