Public tenders
All tender and award documents can be downloaded free of charge from the German Procurement Portal free of charge. There you may also find important information for bidders. The basic version of the portal is free of charge.
You can also use the German Procurement Portal to send us your bid electronically, either with an advanced electronic signature or with a qualified electronic signature.
Bids and any amendments or corrections must be received by the City of Wolfsburg before the deadline for submission of bids.
Current tenders and orders placed
Tenders for construction work (VOB)
VOB 25-0139Käferschule
Reislingen (new building area), hydraulic lift
Submission: 24.04.2025, 10:45 a.m. -
VOB 25-0151DP
2025 - Braunschweiger Straße out of town - road construction work
Submission: 16.04.2025, 10:30 a.m. -
VOB 25-0144New building
for the Leonardo da Vinci elementary school Kreuzheide - 3.12 Screed work
Submission: 15.04.2025, 10:30 a.m. -
VOB 25-0141New
fire station Kästorf - Carpentry, timber construction and façade work
Submission: 22.04.2025, 10:15 a.m. -
VOB 25-0130New
main building Ratsgymnasium - TP 03 - 03.300.09 Screed work
Submission: 22.04.2025, 10:00 a.m. -
VOB 25-0137New construction of
Wolfsburg professional fire department - VE 31 - Media technology
Submission: 10.04.2025, 10:30 a.m. -
VOB 25-0142Moorkämpeschule
- Renovation of slab area Landscaping works - Civil engineering works
Submission: 15.04.2025, 10:15 a.m. -
VOB 25-0143Replacement of
fire protection doors house G1- 6, dismantling and disposal of the existing fire protection doors. Delivery and installation of the new fire protection doors
Submission: 08.04.2025, 10:45 a.m. -
VOB 25-0132City of
WOB - School location Beuthener Strqaße, metal construction work
Submission: 08.04.2025, 10:30 a.m. -
VOB 25-0116New
main building Ratsgymnasium - TP 03 - 03.300.01e Construction site equipment - substitute performance
Submission: 15.04.2025, 10:00 a.m. -
VOB 25-0136Pump station
Tappenbeck - Pillar jib crane, lot 1: Civil engineering works and crane foundation/ lot 2: Delivery and assembly of column-mounted jib crane
Submission: 08.05.2025, 10:15 a.m. -
VOB 25-0127Renewal of
the floodlight masts in Barnstorf, Fallersleben and Kästorf - Renewal of the floodlight masts
Submission: 02.04.2025, 10:30 a.m. -
VOB 25-0126Herzbergstadion
- renovation of athletics facility, irrigation work, sports field construction work, installation work for irrigation system
Submission: 03.04.2025, 10:00 a.m. -
VOB 25-0110DP
2025- HNS FR West Einm. Oststr. - road works
Submission: 08.04.2025, 10:00 a.m. -
VOB 25-0129H-Haus
Elevators Cabin lining - Interior lining
Submission: 01.04.2025, 11:00 a.m. -
VOB 25-0098New building
for the Leonardo da Vinci elementary school Kreuzheide, 3.08 Metal construction work III - locksmith work
Submission: 27.03.2025, 10:45 a.m. -
VOB 25-0107Wastewater treatment plant
Stahlberg Wolfsburg - New construction of a fine screening plant, lot 2: Technical equipment and machine technology
Submission: 27.03.2025, 10:15 a.m. -
VOB 25-0080New
main building Ratsgymnasium Wolfsburg, 03.300.07 Facade work VHF plaster
Submission: 26.03.2025, 10:00 a.m. -
VOB 25-0077Renovation
Vorsfelde school center, VE-537 Partition curtains sports hall 1
Submission: 25.03.2025, 10:15 a.m. -
VOB 25-0069New building
for the Leonardo da Vinci elementary school Kreuzheide, plastering work
Submission: 25.03.2025, 10:00 a.m.
VOB 25-0139Käferschule
Tenders for services and supplies (UVgO/VgV)
VgV 25-0150Procurement of
handling excavator for Wolfsburg Waste Management and Street Cleaning (WAS) - Replacement procurement of handling excavator (power class 85-120 kW).
Submission: 24.04.2025, 10:15 a.m. -
UVgO 25-0115Framework contract
- expert inspections according to NBauO, inspections of asbestos-containing BSK etc.
Submission: 24.04.2025, 10:00 a.m. -
VgV 25-0134External
services for the responsible electrical specialist (vEFK) and the explosion protection officer (ESB) for the Wolfsburg drainage companies - assumption of the task of the responsible electrical specialist including the entrepreneur responsibility as well as the explosion protection officer
Submission: 16.04.2025, 10:00 a.m. -
VgV 25-0100New construction
of two sports halls at the Fallersleben school center site - planning services for heating/ventilation/sanitary/building automation
Submission: 10.04.2025, 10:00 a.m. -
UVgO 25-0109Service contract for
building and window cleaning, lot 1: Building cleaning / lot 2: Window cleaning
Submission: 25.03.2025, 10:45 a.m. -
VgV 25 0029Gesamtplanung
Schulzentrum LdV Kreuzheide - Engineering services thermal building physics (energy concept, quality assurance)
Submission: 01.04.2025, 10:15 a.m. -
VgV 25 0072Cleaning service
in the period 01.07.2025 to 30.06.2028, LOS-wise contract for maintenance, glass and outdoor cleaning of the "phaeno"
Submission: 01.04.2025, 10:00 a.m. -
VgV 25 0071Refurbishment
Beuthener Straße 9-13, House C,D,E,F, 38440 Wolfsburg, equipment loose furniture
Submission: 26.03.2025, 10:15 a.m.
VgV 25-0150Procurement of
Further award procedures
Orders placed by the municipality
The contracts awarded by the City of Wolfsburg can be found on the German Procurement Portal (DTVP).
City of Wolfsburg
Council and Legal Affairs Division
Central Procurement Office
City Hall A, Rooms 901 - 905
Porschestraße 49
38440 WolfsburgTelephone: 05361 28-1766
Fax: 05361 28-2057