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Climate protection

The climate protection team is concerned with promoting climate protection measures and sustainability in Wolfsburg. We are working on reducing CO2 emissions and adapting to climate change.

Through cooperation with citizens, companies and associations
measures for a sustainable future are planned and implemented.


Environmental photo challenge for the winter season

Take part! Everyone can do something good for the environment in the comfort of their own home during the cooler months of the year!

A cooperation between the NaturErkundungsSTation NEST, the climate protection team of the environmental department of the city of Wolfsburg, the Stadtforst Wolfsburg and the city library.

Our area of responsibility

  • Shaping climate protection and climate adaptation as a municipal matter and cross-sectional task of the administration
  • the development of action plans for municipal climate protection
  • Planning, implementing and further developing climate protection projects
  • Implementing and further developing the 100% climate protection master plan
  • the development and implementation of municipal heat planning


City of Wolfsburg
Environmental and Climate Protection Head of department
Climate Protection Department
Telephone: 05361 28- 1960
Am Mühlengraben 1
38440 Wolfsburg Randolf Fiebich
Deputy Head of Department
Phone: 05361 28-1686

Your contact persons:

Specialist responsible/climate protection manager:
Armin Herglotz
Room 10

Telephone: 05361 28-5193

Stefan Baumgardt
Room 10

Telephone: 05361 28-5192

Laura Gerloff
Room: 9

Phone: 05361 28-5194

Climate adaptation manager:
Josepha Lansing
Room 9

Phone: 05361 28-5195

Agenda 21/Agenda2030:
Ingeburg Schoß
Town Hall Room B 430
Phone: 05361 28-2513
Climate protection:
Sophie Holtzum
Room 9
Phone: 05361 28-1005

Central e-mail to:

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