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Early aids

What is early help?

Early help is all the counseling, support and assistance services that are available to families from the beginning of pregnancy until the child reaches the age of 3 (0 - 3 years) and serve to improve the developmental opportunities of children.

Early support includes health promotion services such as examinations by the pediatrician, courses for babies or breastfeeding groups, the baby visiting service, as well as care and support services for children and parents.

Early support also includes services for families in small and large problem situations, such as visiting and making use of counseling centers, family support, support and development centers or the general social services of the city of Wolfsburg.

All in all, Wolfsburg offers a wide range of counseling, support and assistance services for women and families during pregnancy or in the first years of a child's life.

All of this is bundled in the Early Intervention Network, which also includes the municipal services listed below.

Good work in the field of early prevention requires various professionals who work hand in hand with each other, know about each other, complement each other and learn from and with each other.

The three-minute short film by the National Center for Early Help (NZFH) clearly explains what early help is and how pregnant women and families with support needs can receive the services.

It is aimed not only at parents but also at professionals who accompany and advise mothers and fathers. The film and a search for early prevention services are available at the following link (source: NZFH/BZgA 2019).

  • News

    Early Help Newsletter

    The "Frühe Hilfen" newsletter provides regular updates on the latest developments in the field of early prevention.

  • Early Help Network

    The services for women and families during pregnancy and for children up to the age of 3 that exist in the city of Wolfsburg are bundled and networked in the Early Intervention Network. The goal of the network is to ensure that all early support services work well together, that services are available that are needed and that function well.

    The Early Intervention Network is multi-professional, which means that different professional groups work together. Personnel from pregnancy counseling, health care, early intervention, child and youth services, day care centers and family centers, volunteers and other social services work together.

  • Early help network meeting

    The Early Help Network Meeting is an information format for early help professionals.

    All network partners are invited to contribute their current information and to inform each other about innovations and exchange ideas.
    Are there new colleagues or a new service? Are there any changes in the field of work or a great example of best practice?

    The event is open and deliberately low-threshold. Registration is not required. Simply join in and listen or pass on information.

    The event will take place once a month. Alternating mornings and afternoons.

    Dates 2024:

    Wed., 14.08., 15.00 - 16:00h
    Tue, 10.09., 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
    Wed., 09.10., 15:00 - 16:00h
    Tue., 12.11., 11:00 - 12:00h
    Wed., 11.12., 15:00 - 16:00h

    The access link can be found in the file or can be requested via e-mail fruehe-hilfen@stadt.wolfsburg,de.

    Decorative picture with information on the early help network meeting
  • Family support

    The city of Wolfsburg supports families during pregnancy or after the birth of the baby by offering family support.

    Family support is an important building block in the early help network. It is aimed at all expectant and new mothers and parents who want support or need it for a variety of reasons. However, it is not necessary to have a complex problem situation to be able to make use of family support.

    For the offer pediatric nurses, nurses and midwives with individual training work. They advise, support and accompany families with a lot of commitment and competence in their homes with questions, uncertainties and worries regarding the baby and the associated life situation.

    Specific topics are:

    • Care, nursing and feeding of your child
    • Handling / dealing with your child
    • Building a positive parent-child relationship
    • Everyday life / daily structure
    • Promotion of the development of your child
    • Restlessness, crying, sleep
    • Premature birth or health restrictions with your child
    • Psychological and health stress of one or both parents
    • Multiple birth
    • Single parent, minor with child
    • Difficult and stressful life situation with child

    Family support is a help for self-help. It is individually oriented to the needs of the family. The contents and goals are worked out and determined together.

    Support can begin during pregnancy and usually ends around the child's first birthday. If necessary, family support can also be provided beyond that time. The support is limited to 8.6 hours (in exceptional cases 12 hours) per month, which corresponds to one contact per week.
    It is not necessary to apply for family support, only to contact us to coordinate family support.
    Family support is voluntary. The offer is free of charge for the mothers / parents. The costs of family support are covered by the city of Wolfsburg.

    If you feel addressed or if you have any questions about the offer of family support, the coordination of family support is at your disposal.

    • Contact

      Nicolle Langer

      Coordination Family Support
      2nd floor, room 202
      Seilerstraße 3
      38440 Wolfsburg
      Mobile: 0151 - 72 10 93 87
      E-Mail to Mrs. Langer

      Family companions

      Cindy Christiansen
      Pediatric nurse

      Heidemarie Geffers
      Pediatric nurse

      Anne Landmann
      Nurse, qualification of a family, health and children's nurse

      Ina Metheit
      Pediatric nurse

      Sylvia Reiter
      Nurse, qualification of a family, health and pediatric nurse practitioner

      Gabriele Schiefelbein

      Ulrike Griese
      Midwife, qualification of a family midwife

      Carola Jäger
      Midwife, qualification of a family midwife

      Stefanie Leitzke
      Qualification of a Family Health and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

      Britta Burgdorf
      Qualification of a Family Health and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

  • Baby Visiting Service

    Families living in Wolfsburg who have a baby are contacted by the Baby Visiting Service within the first 8 to 12 weeks of the child's life to offer them a counseling service.

    The Baby Visiting Service welcomes the newborn to Wolfsburg and informs parents about existing services for families in the city.

    Families receive

    • Information about the baby's first year of life.
    • Information on counseling and support services as well as relief options.
    • Information about kindergartens, day nurseries, child minders.
    • Information about leisure activities, exchange with like-minded people and much more.
    • ... a small welcome gift for your child.

    The offer is voluntary and free of charge. Families decide for themselves whether they want a baby visit at their home.

    Due to the current incidence of infections, care is taken to protect each other's health through appropriate hygiene and protective measures. The appointment can also take place on the premises of the baby visit service, by telephone or by video conference.

  • Wolles Info Café

    WOLLES INFO CAFÉ offers pregnant women and new parents many answers to questions about pregnancy and the new life situation with the baby as well as the opportunity to exchange ideas and make contacts.

  • Parenting School

    The Parents' School at the Wolfsburg City Hospital is part of the Youth Division and a cooperation partner of the Adult Education Center.
    The staff are the contact persons for questions relating to birth preparation and the first year of life with the baby. This includes style advice, open breastfeeding groups, breastfeeding preparation, Baby ABC, birth preparation courses, midwife consultations and postnatal courses.

    • Courses offered by the Parents' School:
    • The services of the midwife outpatient clinic:

      The midwives provide outpatient midwifery care at the clinic, which includes preventive and follow-up care during pregnancy as well as pregnancy counseling.
      The service is aimed at all women/families who are not yet accompanied by a midwife.
      Anyone interested can contact the Parents' School to make an appointment.

      • Advice on questions during pregnancy
      • Postpartum counseling for women who have not found a midwife for home care
      • Pre-natal acupuncture and acupuncture for complaints
      • Taping
      • Registration for birth in the delivery room
      • Instructions for breast milk collection during pregnancy for women with diabetes during pregnancy

    • The services of the breastfeeding consultants:

      • Style consultation on the maternity ward and in the pediatric clinic
      • Outpatient style advice (appointments after discharge from hospital)
      • Breastfeeding advice for acute breastfeeding difficulties
      • Advice on natural weaning if you wish to wean
      • Advice on difficulties with the introduction of complementary foods
      • Laser therapy
      • Breastfeeding hotline

    • Contact

      Parents' school: 05361 - 80 1055
      Breastfeeding advice: 05361 - 80 3839
      Breastfeeding hotline: 0160 - 22 28 72 3 (Mon. - Fri. 07:00 - 14:00)

      E-mail to the Parents' School

      Sylvia Meier (midwife)
      Katja Kolbig (pediatric nurse, lactation consultant, IBCLC)
      Birgit Grimm (nurse, breastfeeding consultant)
      Esther Herterich (midwife, head of the breastfeeding group)

  • Links and information material

    Letters for parents

    The letters for parents contain a variety of useful assistance and practical tips for mothers and fathers in the first years of their child's life. Some of the offers are free of charge, others are subject to a charge. Under the link you have access to all letters for parents according to the age of your child. Further information can be found on the individual websites.

    If you have any questions about the letters for parents, please contact Ms. Britta Kempf by phone or e-mail, 05361 - 28 2609

    Helpline for pregnant women in need

    Pregnant and the world is upside down?

    No matter what questions or fears you have: you will receive help. Anonymously and safely. Experienced advisors are there for you around the clock on the helpline. Free of charge, barrier-free, multilingual. You can also find out more about help services in your area here.

    Help hotline "Pregnant women in need": 0800 40 40 020

    Sexual and reproductive health information in 13 languages

    Zanzu provides information on sexual and reproductive health in 13 languages (spoken and written) in a simple and clear way, facilitating communication on these topics, e.g. in the context of a counseling session.

    Wolfsburg Family Portal

    The Wolfsburg family portal guides people with children through the various topics in the city of Wolfsburg relating to family, housing, pregnancy and birth, childcare, education and partnership, compatibility of family and work, migration, health, culture, sports, leisure, counseling and support services.

    Wolfsburg Family Blog

    The Wolfsburg family blog offers current information for families in Wolfsburg.
    This includes questions about the financial situation of families, counseling services and assistance in problem situations. In addition, the blog also informs about the current situation in the KiTas and schools around and Corona and provides links to everyday life in the family.

    Family Portal of the Federal Government

    The family portal of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth provides information and calculators on state family benefits as well as on the different living situations of families.

    Counseling services for parents

    The Internet portal of the National Center for Early Help (NZFH) provides information about help and counseling for pregnant women and parents with children up to age 3. Families can find information on early help, counseling services, and baby crying.

    Materials for addressing parents

    The National Center for Early Intervention (NZFH) offers states and municipalities a comprehensive package of materials to address parents and support local public relations work.

    The materials inform parents about the "Nummer gegen Kummer" (number against sorrow) parent phone and the online counseling of the Bundeskonferenz für Erziehungsberatung e.V. (Federal Conference for Educational Counseling) as access points to regional early help services. These actors provide initial counseling and can refer families with a need directly to the appropriate regional services.

    The materials help to address parents directly, to raise awareness of early intervention services, and to deepen or expand networking.

    A large number of the materials are available in Wolfsburg.

    Birte Neitzel
    E-mail to Birte Neitzel

    Together with the "Bündnis gegen Schütteltrauma" (Alliance against Shaking Trauma), the National Center for Early Intervention, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, provides information about the dangers of shaking infants and young children.

    The materials provide parents (and professionals) with specific information on what to do in an overload situation.
    The parents' hotline of Nummer gegen Kummer e.V. (0800 - 111 0 550) and the online counseling service can directly refer parents to information, counseling and support services in Wolfsburg.

  • Federal Foundation for Early Assistance

    The Federal Early Help Foundation provides long-term funding for early help networks and ensures support for families with infants and young children. It thus continues the successful work of the Federal Early Help Initiative.
    Logoleiste Bundesstiftung  FH und BMFSFJ RGB

    All children have the right to grow up healthy and free of violence. The first months and years of life are also of outstanding importance for the entire further development of the child. Therefore, it is especially important to support (expectant) parents during this time.

    To achieve this goal, the legislature has stipulated in Section 3 (4) of the Child Protection Cooperation and Information Act (KKG) that the federal government establish a permanent fund to ensure early help networks and psychosocial support for families. The fund will be implemented by means of the Federal Early Help Foundation. The administrative agreement has been signed by the federal and state governments. Legal principles are governed by the statutes.

    Since January 1, 2018, the Federal Foundation for Early Support has ensured that the structures and services that were established through the federal initiative and have proven their worth can continue to exist. In particular, offers of psychosocial support for families with children up to the age of three are to be further expanded. Details on the implementation of the Early Intervention Fund are described in the administrative agreement and the performance guidelines.

    The federal foundation is guided by the Early Intervention Guiding Principles developed by the National Center for Early Intervention (NZFH) and its advisory board. According to this, early assistance builds on resources and creates low-threshold access for families under psychosocial stress.

    The quality criteria and scientific findings developed by the federal, state and local governments as part of the Federal Early Help Initiative, especially those obtained through the accompanying research of the NZFH, also form the basis for quality development and innovation in the Federal Early Help Foundation.

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