The aim of nature conservation is to protect nature and the landscape on the basis of their own value and as a foundation for human life and health, also in responsibility for future generations (§ 1 Federal Nature Conservation Act).
Nature conservation is thus a public task and serves the state objective enshrined in Article 20a of the Basic Law.
The Lower Nature Conservation Authority
- places valuable areas and objects under protection (landscape protection areas, nature reserves, natural monuments)
- grants exemptions according to the ordinances for protected areas (including tree protection ordinances) and species protection regulations
- participates in the preparation of development plans and building permit procedures
- maintains the compensation register
- carries out maintenance measures in protected areas
- supports the protection of species and biotopes
- is responsible for the approval of soil mining projects
- issues permits for the relocation of wasps and hornets
Nature reserves (NSG)
On the territory of the city of Wolfsburg there are the six nature reserves (NSG) listed below. Detailed information on the individual nature reserves can be found on the pages of the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal and Nature Conservation NLWKN (opens in a new window) in the form of so-called "profiles". Simply click on the respective link of the nature reserve.
- Fact sheet NSG "Allertal between Gifhorn and Wolfsburg
- Fact sheet NSG "Barnbruch
- Fact sheet NSG "Barnstorfer Forest
- Fact sheet NSG "Düpenwiesen
- Fact sheet NSG "Ilkerbruch
- Fact sheet NSG "Southern Düpenwiesen
- Fact sheet NSG "Valley lowland in the Barnstorfer Forest
- Fact sheet NSG "Wendschotter and Vorsfelder Drömling
- Overview of nature reserves in Wolfsburg
Protected landscape areas (LSG)
Overview map of Wolfsburg's nine protected landscape areas (LSG) - as at 2024
Natural Monuments
- Overview of natural monuments in the area of the city of Wolfsburg
- Ordinance overview of the natural monuments
- Decree for the protection of natural monuments in the district of Gifhorn from 08.12.1949
- Ordinance for the protection of natural monuments in the city of Wolfsburg from 23.03.1971
- Ordinance on natural monuments in the city of Wolfsburg from 04.11.1986
- Ordinance on natural monuments in the city of Wolfsburg from 22.06.2011
- Decree for the protection of a natural monument in the city of Wolfsburg (Alter Teich) from 08.12.1977
- Decree for the safeguarding of natural monuments in the area of the city of Wolfsburg (13 oak trees in Fallersleben) from 17.03.1977
- Decree on the declaration of the "Almker Mergelgrube" as a natural monument from 15.01.1985
Natura 2000/FFH Directive
Natura 2000 is an interconnected ecological network of protected areas in Europe. Natural and near-natural habitats and endangered wild animals and plants are to be protected and preserved here.
In May 1992, the European Community unanimously - i.e. also with the vote of the Federal Republic of Germany - passed this resolution for the improvement of the Community's nature conservation policy.
The basis of the Natura 2000 network is the Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, also known as the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC of the Council of 21 May 1992).The abbreviation FFH stands for
- Fauna = animal world,
- Flora = plant life,
- Habitat = habitat of certain animal and plant species.
Bird sanctuaries
General map of the bird sanctuaries in Wolfsburg
- Frequently asked questions
- Laws, ordinances, statutes Environment and nature conservation
- Wolf sightings - information, contacts and tips
- Consideration of species protection during demolition and renovation of buildings
- Approval of an intervention in accordance with Section 17 (3) of the Federal Nature Conservation Act
City of Wolfsburg N. N. Department of Environmental and Climate Protection Head of department Lower Nature Conservation Authority Town Hall B Randolf Fiebich Porschestraße 49 Deputy Head of Department 38440 Wolfsburg Telephone: 05361 28-1686 E-mail to the Lower Nature Conservation Authority