Development contributions and road expansion contributions

In addition to the connection to the supply and disposal network, the property is also connected to the public road and path network.
This results in costs that are partly borne by the property owner. A basic distinction is made between initial construction, so-called development, and road expansion, in which the public road and path network is renewed, improved or extended.
Only land that can be used for construction purposes is subject to development contributions. Road development contributions are levied on all properties that benefit from the public facility.
Development fees
Law on development contributions
The legal basis for this is Section 127 et seq. of the German Building Code (Baugesetzbuch) in conjunction with the Development Contribution Statutes (Erschließungsbeitragssatzung). Measures eligible for contributions are non-pipeline-related public facilities for the initial construction of development facilities.
Definitions- The development enables the constructional or commercial use of a property.
- Development facilities within the meaning of the BauGB are public roads, paths and squares intended for cultivation; public paths not accessible by motor vehicles; collector roads; parking areas and green spaces. The term public in this context means that the road or path is dedicated.
Contributable expenses
are in accordance with § 128 of the building code:
- Acquisition and clearing of land;
- Initial construction of the development facilities (land acquisition, surveying, roadway, roadside greenery, lighting, drainage and borrowing costs)
- Acquisition of development facilities
Distribution is by apportionment to preferred properties. After deduction of a municipal share of 10%, taking into account the size of the plot, the number of stories and any commercial use. In the municipal new development areas, the municipal plots are sold by the City of Wolfsburg in an "all-in" procedure. This means that the total purchase price for the property already includes the development fee. You can find more information on the development of your property in the construction primer.
Road expansion contributions
In its meeting on 28.10.2020, the City Council of the City of Wolfsburg passed the "Statutes repealing the Statutes on the levying of contributions in accordance with § 6 of the Lower Saxony Municipal Charges Act for road construction measures in the City of Wolfsburg (Road Construction Contribution Statutes) dated 07.01.2006".
After this repeal statute was signed by the Lord Mayor and published in the Official Gazette of the City of Wolfsburg on Friday, 13.11.2020, the previous road construction contribution statute will be repealed with effect from 01.01.2020.
This means that road construction contributions may no longer be levied for road construction measures for which the material obligation to pay contributions arose after 31.12.2019.
At the same time, the City Council of Wolfsburg passed a resolution to increase the rate of property tax from 450 percentage points to 495 percentage points to compensate for the necessary road construction measures.