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Education, culture & Sports

Inclusive (educational) city

The fundamental attitude of the administration is the creation of an inclusive educational landscape.
Poster motif of the education campaign with the inscription: Wolfsburg on the way to becoming an inclusive education city
Poster motif of the education campaign with the inscription: Wolfsburg on the way to becoming an inclusive education city

The city of Wolfsburg actively supports inclusion in educational institutions along the educational biography (early intervention, daycare centers, transitions, schools, transition from school to work, training, continuing education). Education is open to everyone along the educational biography. With this attitude of values supported in the city of Wolfsburg (see also Wolfsburg's understanding of education) , profound processes of change will be initiated in the coming years. To implement the strategic goals in the area of inclusion and the associated change processes, a cross-departmental project "Inclusive (Education) City" was initiated in 2012, which is based in the Wolfsburg Education Office.

Gradually, strategically important fields of action are being addressed in sub-projects as part of a targeted overall process toward an inclusive (educational) city.

The development of inclusion in Wolfsburg starts with the daycare centers and the general education schools. A key feature of the development of inclusion is the associated paradigm shift. It is not the individual who has to adapt to existing systems (e.g. daycare, school, university), but the systems have to change so that everyone has a place in them. This may involve a change of attitude among the actors in Wolfsburg's educational landscape, which is both a challenge and an incentive.

Thus, inclusion is the recognition of diversity (heterogeneity) in education and upbringing. Difference is normal - disability, impairment, social or cultural background is seen as enrichment. Everyone benefits equally from being included in society. Enabling active participation in society, recognizing and removing existing barriers is the goal of inclusion.

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