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Adult Education

The logo of the Volkshochschule Wolfsburg

Adult and continuing education encompasses any activities that serve to deepen, broaden or renew knowledge and action competencies after the first, differently extended phase of education has been completed. It is therefore an elementary component of lifelong learning and includes vocational, political and general education.

The adult education institutions in the city of Wolfsburg are colorful, diverse and deal with different topics. As part of the educational landscape, they are entrusted with the task of accompanying educational biographies, taking social contexts into account, facilitating transitions, supporting families and individuals, facilitating intergenerational learning, promoting the joy of learning and enabling participation.

The Wolfsburg Adult Education Center is the publicly accountable and ideologically neutral adult and continuing education institution of the city of Wolfsburg, which aims to provide open access to lifelong learning. Our offer is aimed at individuals, groups, institutions and companies.

At the Volkshochschule Wolfsburg you have the opportunity,

  • to continue your professional education in commercial, business and technical fields,
  • to catch up on your school-leaving qualifications
  • prepare for university studies,
  • keep fit and healthy,
  • learn new languages,
  • to strengthen and expand their personal skills or to develop their political
  • political, intercultural or creative skills.
Our courses and events are open to everyone, cost-effective and demand-oriented. We accompany you throughout your entire educational biography with qualified staff, new media, a learning-friendly atmosphere and neutral educational counseling.

The VHS Wolfsburg is quality-tested and a publicly recognized adult education institution of the state of Lower Saxony.

  • Vocational education in your adult education center

    Competence and knowledge are of outstanding importance for the development and preservation of personal identity as well as for social participation. Yet society is being shaped more than ever by development and innovation. Consequently, the demands on employees are growing.

    That's why continuing vocational training is an indispensable part of our program offering. It starts with skills such as learning ability and language skills and extends to qualification courses related to qualifications.

    You will also find offerings for professional advancement in pedagogical, business management and technical areas. Events on cross-cutting topics that strengthen professional and personal skills round out the offerings.

    Various training courses are organized for specific target groups - especially in the area of IT programs - for beginners and advanced users.

    Especially in the professional context, knowledge is quickly outdated. The knowledge in the EDP area must be constantly updated. For this reason, it is important to be open to new things and to remain curious in order to meet the requirements of the job market. By successfully passing exams (Xpert, VHSConcept,...) you document the level of knowledge you have acquired. Expand your professional and social skills.

    The spectrum of the Volkshochschule Wolfsburg includes a wide range of offerings,

    such as:

    EDP applications

    • Smartphone/Tablet
    • Windows
    • Office
    • Xpert European Computer Passport
    • Image editing
    • Web design

    Work and profession

    • Communication
    • Presentation| Moderation
    • Self-management | Motivation
    • Conflict Management
    • Application training
    • commercial practice

    Further information and advice:

  • Ostfalia
    Ostfalia University

    Contact person:

    More than 3,300 people study at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Wolfsburg Campus.

    The range of courses offered at the Ostfalia Campus, centrally located in Wolfsburg, is broadly diversified according to the motto of the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences "It's the mix that counts".

    The degrees are nationally and internationally recognized. They offer graduates a wide range of opportunities to position themselves in the global job market.

    The practical relevance of the degree program is a particular challenge. Here, students can demonstrate the practical application of acquired theoretical knowledge during their studies. This is advantageous when looking for a job later on.

    Visit the websites of the Wolfsburg faculties:

    More than 8,000 students are enrolled at Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, which has campuses in Wolfenbüttel, Wolfsburg, Salzgitter and Suderburg.

    Mr. Peplow

    Coordination university
    Tel.: 05361 28-2918
    Fax: 05361 28-2252

    UniverCity Award

    Since 2002, the city of Wolfsburg has been awarding prizes to students at the university who show particular commitment beyond their studies. It is guided by the goal of promoting student activities in the city and making Wolfsburg more attractive as a university location.
    Further information can be found on the links below.

    Move-in bonus for students

    Living in Wolfsburg pays off! Students who register or re-register with their main residence in Wolfsburg on the occasion of the beginning of the respective semester will receive a move-in bonus of 250,- Euro.
    Further information can be found in the PDF file below.

    Links and downloads:

  • Open university

    "Open University Wolfsburg (OHW)" - Shaping Permeability between Vocational and Higher Education

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    A project to secure a highly qualified supply of skilled workers at Wolfsburg as a regional education and business location

    Logo adult education center

    The project, which is funded by the city of Wolfsburg, aims to open up the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences to new target groups. The interlinking of Ostfalia and VHS offerings leads to an opening for individual educational careers and thus to an increase in permeability between the individual educational systems.

    In the long term, the educational landscape in Wolfsburg is to be expanded, the number of people willing to study is to be increased, preparation for university is to be improved, the dropout rate is to be reduced, and the shortage of skilled workers in the Wolfsburg region is to be prevented.

    The cooperation between the adult education center and Ostfalia is intended to increase the proportion of students at Ostfalia with skills acquired in professional practice and thus counteract the declining numbers of applicants with a traditional school entrance qualification due to demographic change.

    A core objective of the project is to develop and implement study preparation and support measures in modular form that contribute, among other things, to reducing threshold fears at the transition from vocational training to university culture and to successful completion of studies. In addition to bridge courses in the areas of mathematics, scientific writing, self-management and time management, insights into study program-specific content will also be provided.

    The program will be supplemented by information events on the range of courses offered by the university, on financing studies, and on the application process. Here, needs must be analyzed and tailored measures based on the existing educational offerings of the project partners must be developed and implemented.

    Prospective students will be informed about the new university access options by the project participants through individual counseling, events and cooperation with business, associations and unions, and will be advised along their individual educational biography.

    Project participants

    Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences/VHS Wolfsburg




    City of Wolfsburg

    Target group

    Employed persons, persons with vocational qualifications who have acquired a higher education entrance qualification at school or at work, and persons with family obligations

    Contact VHS Wolfsburg

    Mrs. Kirsch

    Wolfsburg Adult Education Center gGmbH
    Deputy head of VHS, head of department for continuing education management
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 49 5361 890208-92

    To the homepage of the VHS Wolfsburg.

    Contact Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences

    Mr. Bolze

    Ostfalia, University Development and Communication
    Project Coordinator Open University Wolfsburg
    Robert-Koch-Platz 8a
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Phone 49 5361 8922-22310

    To the Ostfalia homepage.

  • TU Braunschweig

    Research and teaching, campus life and services of our Carolo-Wilhelmina are based on our common values and goals. They are the result of an intensive strategy process and were adopted by the Senate and University Council in November 2013.

    Find out more about the extensive range of services on the pages of the TU Braunschweig.

  • Basic education at your adult education center

    As the leo. level one study from 2011 showed, illiteracy is a phenomenon that affects large sections of our population. In total, 7.5 million adults did not have the minimum literacy skills required in our society. This corresponds to 14.5% of the total population.

    The majority of those affected are employed and many have completed a school or vocational qualification. To ensure that their reading and writing deficits are not noticed by those around them, those affected develop strategies to avoid certain situations, which is one of the reasons why illiteracy is hardly recognized as a social phenomenon in Germany.

    The adult education center offers those affected a space to overcome their difficulties with reading and writing and to have positive learning experiences. In small groups, participants learn the basics of German grammar and spelling and thus improve their spelling, reading and expression skills step by step. We provide information and advice free of charge and discreetly!

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