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People from more than 140 nations live in Wolfsburg, with a corresponding diversity of languages and cultures.

It is important to the city that all people feel welcome and at home here. Language, education and leisure culture are an important key to this.

  • Language education and promotion
    © clipdealer

    Language education and promotion along the educational biography

    Language is an important prerequisite for a self-determined and independent life. And vice versa, when children and young people fail at school, a lack of language skills, in this case German skills, is often a reason.

    In Wolfsburg, therefore, an overall concept for promoting language skills "along the educational biography" will be developed over the next few years, which will coordinate and further develop existing measures in this area. The goal is to ensure that as many children as possible learn German at a level that will enable them to be successful in school and at work.

    Close cooperation between educational institutions is necessary in order to support children and young people in developing their language skills in a well-coordinated manner - from daycare to vocational training. In the school sector, however, this also requires the promotion of German language skills not only in German lessons, but also a systematic combination of language and subject learning in all school subjects.

    In order to achieve this goal, not only parents but also other players in Wolfsburg's educational landscape are involved.

    The language education and support project thus makes a significant contribution to the city of Wolfsburg's overall inclusion project.


    Contact person for the overall project and for language education and promotion in schools

    Mrs. Dr. Kirchner

    VHS Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 8939081
    E-mail to Dr. Kirchner

    Contact person for language education and promotion in day care facilities for children

    VHS Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 8939082

  • Migration-Integration
    © kirsch-m

    The city library has current media available in various languages. About sixty international associations and intercultural interest groups are active in Wolfsburg.

    Christian churches, Jewish communities and Muslim communities are anchor points for believers from a wide variety of countries. Institutions of the Diakonie, Caritas, Paritätischer or the city offer intercultural meeting places for children, mothers, fathers and seniors in the neighborhoods.


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