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Voluntary Social Year, Voluntary Ecological Year, Federal Volunteer Service

Voluntary services for teenagers and young adults

Voluntary social year

  • Voluntary social year

    Experience social professions in practice and get involved in helping other people - this is what the Voluntary Social Year offers, for which places will again be available at the City of Wolfsburg from September 1st.

    Applicants must not be older than 26 and must have completed their full-time compulsory schooling.

    The Voluntary Social Year can be completed in daycare centers and youth development facilities of the Youth Division as well as in all-day elementary school of the School Division.

    If you are interested in a Voluntary Social Year, please send your written application, stating where you would like to work, together with your CV and school report, to the relevant department:


    Frequently asked questions

    The FAQs only refer to the areas of youth and school.

    • From when to when is the FSJ?

      The FSJ at the City of Wolfsburg starts on 01.09. of each year and ends on 31.08. of the following year.

    • What are the requirements for an FSJ?

      To complete the FSJ, you must be at least 16 and no more than 26 years old. You must also have completed your full-time compulsory education.

    • Which facilities are available for the FSJ at the City of Wolfsburg?

      At the City of Wolfsburg, the FSJ is possible in the areas of youth, school, culture, digital and fire department.

      The following facilities are available in the areas of youth and schools:

      • All-day elementary school
      • Daycare centers
      • Building/adventure playgrounds
      • Recreation centers
      • Multi-generation house
      • community center
      • a place in the administration of youth development

    • Seminar days

      The FSJ includes seminar days. These are five days four times a year, which take place at the Stadtjugendring Wolfsburg in Kleiststraße. On these days, the Stadtjugendring organizes a varied program, and you are also given small "homework assignments," such as presenting your own institution. In addition, there will be five reflection days, during which you will present your organization to other FSJs and, in turn, visit other organizations. The reflection days will be presented in the respective follow-up seminar. In the last week of the seminar, you will usually also visit a large city.

      In terms of content, a varied program awaits you during the seminar days. In the last FSJ years, for example, racism, right-wing extremism, culture, gender and gender roles, media use or child poverty were addressed.

    • What do I earn during the FSJ? Are there any intangible extras?

      Participants in the FSJ receive a monthly allowance of currently 644.00 euros. You will usually receive free meals during the seminar days. The City of Wolfsburg will also pay your social security contributions for you - so your FSJ periods will be recognized as full contribution months for pension and unemployment insurance.

    • How long and when do I work during the FSJ? Is secondary employment possible?

      The working hours for employees at the City of Wolfsburg are currently 39 hours per week. These working hours also apply to FSJ employees. As a rule, your working hours will be from Monday to Friday according to the previously determined duty roster of the facility; some facilities also have fixed working hours. If necessary, you may also be asked to work on weekends. The hours that you then work are then reduced again during the week.

      You can also pursue a part-time job in addition to your FSJ. The prerequisite is that

      • this is within the limits of the working time law
        (All your jobs together may not exceed 48 hours per week, which means that you would still have 9 hours per week at your disposal; after the end of the last job of the day, there must be at least 11 hours until the start of work on the next day),
      • the part-time job does not conflict with the FSJ and your duties as an FSJ student, and
      • you report it to your supervisor using a form.

    • Are there any discounts for FSJ students?

      When you start your FSJ, you will receive an FSJ ID card. This enables you to take advantage of the trainee/student discount in many facilities. The city of Wolfsburg also offers a discounted job ticket (Deutschlandticket). Furthermore, the city of Wolfsburg offers a company fitness program called Wellpass, where you can train and swim in participating gyms and swimming pools for a monthly fee of 35.00 euros.

    • Who can I contact if I have more questions than those asked here?

      If you have any questions about the work or pedagogical supervision of the FSJ, you can contact the respective pedagogical supervisor of the preferred FSJ position:

      • Daycare centers to Mr. Henke (phone: 05361 28-2221)
      • Leisure facilities and playgrounds to Mr. Block (phone: 05361 28-2511)
      • All-day schools to Ms. Mrosek (phone: 05361 28-1684)

    • Am I in a facility for the entire FSJ?

      The assignment takes place in a facility; you can find the facilities in the job advertisement. Basically, no changes are planned. If you are interested in a specific position and would like to spend one or two days there, this can certainly be arranged.

    • What are my activities during the FSJ?

      During your FSJ, you will accompany as many activities as possible that a trained educator or social pedagogue also performs, so that you can gain a precise insight into the professional field. This includes, for example, playing with the children in the daycare centers, helping them get dressed or eating breakfast; in the all-day elementary school, looking after, supervising and playing, or in the leisure facilities, providing activities.

    • Is an FSJ also possible on a part-time basis?

      It is also possible to complete the FSJ on a part-time basis. The prerequisite for this is that you complete the FSJ for at least 20 hours per week and that you have a legitimate interest in doing the FSJ part-time. A legitimate interest exists if you are caring for your own child or a close relative, have a severe disability or cannot complete the FSJ full-time for other health reasons.

    FSJ in the area of all-day elementary school

    • FSJ in the area of all-day elementary school

      You will complete your FSJ in the school division at a Wolfsburg elementary school. There you will be part of the multi-professional all-day team of educators, social assistants, social pedagogues and other pedagogical staff and work together with teachers.

      You will be involved in extracurricular educational and support activities in classes, for groups or individual children, which take place in the classrooms, function rooms or support rooms, in the schoolyard, on the school grounds or at extracurricular places of learning. In conjunction with the lessons and supplemented by a joint lunch, you will create varied school days for children between the ages of 5 and 11.

      During the vacations, too, your imagination and commitment are in demand: for a colorful range of joint activities, discoveries and adventures.

      The following schools offer FSJ placements in the school division:

      • Laagberg School, Masurenweg 9, 38440 Wolfsburg, Germany
      • Regenbogenschule, Dessauer Strasse 1, 38444 Wolfsburg
      • Elementary school Fallersleben, Am Alten Gut 10, 38442 Wolfsburg
      • Wohltberg Elementary School, Danziger Straße 17, 38440 Wolfsburg
      • Heidgarten Elementary School, Zum Heidgarten 42, 38448 Wolfsburg
      • Bunte Primary School, Detmerode site, Bonhoefferstrasse 33, 38444 Wolfsburg
      • Colorful elementary school, location Westhagen, Stralsunder Ring 45, 38444 Wolfsburg


      City of Wolfsburg
      School division
      Nicole Mrosek

      Phone: 05361 28-1684
      E-mail to Ms. Mrosek

    Logo des BmFSFJ

    The Voluntary Social Year is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Voluntary Ecological Year

Federal Volunteer Service

  • Federal Volunteer Service - Time for Others

    The Federal Volunteer Service replaced the Civilian Service, which was suspended at the end of June 30, 2011, and is an offer to women and men of all ages (after completing compulsory schooling) to get involved in social, ecological and cultural activities or in the areas of sports, integration, civil defense and disaster control for the common good.

    As a rule, the Federal Volunteer Service lasts twelve months, in exceptional cases six, eighteen or twenty-four months. It is to be performed on a full-time basis, but for volunteers over 27 years of age, part-time service of more than 20 hours per week is also possible. The Federal Volunteer Service is accompanied pedagogically and also includes attendance at seminars. Free room and board as well as pocket money of up to 357.00 euros per month can be agreed upon with the sponsor. The Federal Volunteer Service is subject to compulsory social insurance and the months worked are thus recognized as full contribution months for pension and unemployment insurance. The contributions are paid by the assignment sites.

    The Wolfsburg Clinic offers the opportunity to complete the Federal Volunteer Service.

    • Contact

      Wolfsburg Clinic

      Mr. Wrase

      Phone: 05361 80-1896

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