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The following offers from the area of advice and assistance are free of charge.

All employees are subject to the legal duty of confidentiality.

We wish you every success in resolving your concerns. If you would like to talk about your experiences with the services offered by the department, we are at your disposal by appointment.

  • The Wolfsburg Educational Guidance Center

    Our counseling and support services are aimed at children, adolescents, parents and caregivers from Wolfsburg, the district of Helmstedt and the district of Gifhorn. The services are free of charge.

    All staff members are bound to professional secrecy.

    We are there for

    • Children
    • Teenagers
    • parents
    • educators, social workers, social pedagogues, teachers, and so on.


    Call us and contact us with your questions, wishes and ideas.

    Educational counseling
    Braunschweiger Street 12
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 28-1161
    E-Mail to the educational counseling

    You can also use our online form to register for educational counseling.

    Opening hours

    In case of crisis, a conversation is possible at short notice.

    Without prior appointment

    Monday: 16.00 to 18.00 o'clock
    Thursday: 11.00 to 12.00 o'clock

    Bus connection

    Bus stop "Theater
    Line 202, 213, 218, 230

  • Certifications

    Please understand that notarization is only possible by prior appointment.

    Note: Certifications are also possible at any other youth welfare office, a notary or at the registry office (only paternity, maternity acknowledgement and declarations of consent).

    What documents can be included?

    • Acknowledgement of paternity
    • Consent to acknowledge paternity
    • Acknowledgement of maternity
    • Joint declaration of custody (if the parents are not married to each other)

    The above mentioned documents can be recorded even before the child is born.

    In the event that the mother is still married and the husband is not the father, the acknowledgment of paternity can be made if the divorce petition is already pending and the husband is willing to have the declaration of consent to the acknowledgment of paternity of a third party notarized.

    • Recognition of obligation to pay maintenance for minor children and adults until they reach the age of 21.
    • Recognition of obligation to pay childcare maintenance in accordance with section 1615 l of the German Civil Code (BGB)
    • Further possible certifications are regulated in paragraph 59 SGB VIII.

    For all certifications, an interpreter must be consulted if there is insufficient knowledge of the German language.

    What documents are needed for the notarization?

    • Identity card or passport
    • Acknowledgement of paternity (in case of joint declaration of custody)
    • Letter from the youth welfare office/lawyer in which the amount of maintenance has been determined (in the case of maintenance obligation certificates)

    All certifications are free of charge at the Youth Division.

    Negative certificate (confirmation of the mother's sole custody)

    The Youth Welfare Office at the mother's place of residence is responsible for issuing the negative certificate.

    The prerequisite is,

    • the parents have never been married to each other
    • no joint declaration of custody has been certified
    • there is no custody order

    The negative certificate can be requested by telephone or in person.

  • Advice and support in maintenance matters

    Who can receive advice and support?

    • Mothers or fathers who are the sole carers of a minor child with regard to the child's maintenance or maintenance replacement claims, even if they are still married to each other but living separately
    • Young adults up to the age of 21 with regard to their maintenance entitlement
    • Mothers or fathers who are not married to the other parent and who care for their child alone with regard to their own entitlement to childcare maintenance under section 1615 l of the German Civil Code (BGB)

    Advice and support on questions concerning custody and access rights can be obtained from the General Social Service.

    Who should I contact?

    At the Youth Division of the City of Wolfsburg, responsibility is determined by the first letter of the last name of the child or adult. Please make an appointment for a personal consultation in which all open questions will be clarified.

    What is provided within the scope of counseling and support?

    • Clarification of the legal situation
    • Support in the assertion of maintenance claims
    • Calculation of the maintenance claim, if information about the income situation is provided voluntarily
    • Advice on the assertion of maintenance claims, e.g. advance maintenance payments

    Within the scope of counseling and support, no representation can be provided in court proceedings. Representation can only take place within the framework of a guardianship.

    For more information, please refer to the section on assistance.

    General information on child support

    • A child is entitled to maintenance from the parent with whom he or she does not live.
    • This presupposes that the parent liable for maintenance is capable of paying. The ability to pay is given if the parent liable to pay maintenance is in a position to pay child maintenance on the basis of his or her personal and economic circumstances without falling below his or her own deductible.
    • The ability to pay is determined by the income situation and the number of maintenance obligations.
    • If the minimum maintenance cannot be paid, fictitious income can also lead to the ability to pay under certain circumstances due to school and professional training.
    • Children of full age are entitled to maintenance from both parents, provided they are still in school or vocational training.
    • Maintenance can be calculated if the income statements of both parents are available. Child benefit and the child's own income are taken into account in the maintenance requirement.
    • There may be a claim to childcare maintenance under Section 1615 l of the German Civil Code (BGB) if the mother or father is unable to work because of raising and caring for the child, or if their income is insufficient to cover their own maintenance needs. The claim to maintenance begins at the earliest four months before the birth and continues for at least three years after the birth.

    The Düsseldorfer Table is used as a benchmark for calculating maintenance.

  • Parenting School

    The Wolfsburg Parents' School is a cooperative venture between Wolfsburg Hospital and the Wolfsburg Adult Education Center.

    It offers expert courses and competent counseling and support services for expectant parents and young families on all aspects of pregnancy, birth and the first months of a child's life. In addition, it supports the well-being and personal responsibility of parents before and after birth.

    The Parents' School makes an important contribution to ensuring that parents in the family-friendly city of Wolfsburg experience a good start to life with child(ren).

    They are accompanied by an expert team of doctors, pediatric nurses, midwives, lactation consultants, nutritionists and teachers.

    The spectrum of the Wolfsburg Parenting School includes diverse offers, such as:

    • Individual consultations
    • Courses for parents-to-be on the first time with the newborn baby
    • Acupuncture during pregnancy
    • Birth preparation courses
    • Delivery room tour
    • Midwife consultation
    • Baby massage
    • Prague Parent-Child Program
    • Breastfeeding counseling
    • Baby meeting
    • Reconstruction courses
    • First aid (for babies and toddlers) and much more

    The individual course offerings can be found in the semester program of the VHS Wolfsburg.


    Mrs. Marina Hartwig
    Hugo-Junkers-Weg 5
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 8939080
    E-mail to Mrs. Hartwig

    For further information please visit the homepage of the VHS Wolfsburg.

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