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Vocational Orientation

Vocational orientation is part of general education at school and an essential link between the education and employment systems.

The aim of career guidance is to ensure training ability through early practical and systematic measures and to strengthen the students' career choice competence.

Vocational orientation is a joint task performed by various partners from business, the employment agency, schools and young people/parents. The successful transition from school to vocational training is a complex developmental task in adolescence that can only be successfully shaped together.

  • Ostfalia

    More than 2,600 young people study at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Wolfsburg Campus.

    The range of courses offered at the Ostfalia Campus, centrally located in Wolfsburg, is broadly diversified according to the motto of the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences "It's the mix that counts".

    The degrees are nationally and internationally recognized. They offer graduates a wide range of opportunities to position themselves in the global job market.

    The practical relevance of the degree program is a particular challenge. Here, students can demonstrate the practical application of acquired theoretical knowledge during their studies. This is advantageous when looking for a job later on.

    Visit the websites of the Wolfsburg faculties:

    • Faculty of Automotive Engineering
    • Faculty of Economics
    • Faculty of Health Care

    More than 8,000 students are enrolled at Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences with campuses in Wolfenbüttel, Wolfsburg, Salzgitter and Suderburg.


    Coordination university
    Torsten Koch

    Phone: 05361 28-2223
    Fax: 05361 28-1899
    E-mail to Mr. Koch

    UniverCity Award

    Since 2002, the city of Wolfsburg has been awarding prizes to students at the university who show particular commitment beyond their studies. It is guided by the goal of promoting student activities in the city and making Wolfsburg more attractive as a university location.

    Move-in bonus for students

    Living in Wolfsburg pays off! Students who register or change their main place of residence in Wolfsburg at the start of the respective semester will receive a move-in bonus of 250 euros.

    Further information can be found in the PDF file below.

    Links and downloads

  • TU Braunschweig

    Research and teaching, campus life and services of our Carolo-Wilhelmina are based on our common values and goals. They are the result of an intensive strategy process and were adopted by the Senate and University Council in November 2013.

  • Vocational education in your adult education center

    Competence and knowledge are of outstanding importance for the development and preservation of personal identity as well as for social participation. But society is being shaped more than ever by development and innovation. Consequently, the demands on employees are growing.

    That's why continuing vocational training is an indispensable part of our program offering. It starts with skills such as learning ability and language skills and extends to qualification courses related to qualifications.

    You will also find offerings for professional advancement in pedagogical, business management and technical areas. Events on cross-cutting topics that strengthen professional and personal skills round out the offerings.

    Various training courses are organized for specific target groups - especially in the area of IT programs - for beginners and advanced users.

    Especially in the professional context, knowledge is quickly outdated. The knowledge in the EDP area must be constantly updated. For this reason, it is important to be open to new things and to remain curious in order to meet the requirements of the job market. By successfully passing exams (Xpert, VHSConcept,...) you document the level of knowledge you have acquired. Expand your professional and social skills.

    The spectrum of the Volkshochschule Wolfsburg includes diverse offers, such as:

    EDP applications

    • Smartphone/Tablet
    • Windows
    • Office
    • Xpert European Computer Passport
    • Image editing
    • Web design

    Work and profession

    • Communication
    • Presentation/Moderation
    • Self-management/motivation
    • Conflict management
    • Application training
    • commercial practice

  • Voluntary social year

    This year, the city of Wolfsburg is once again offering young men and women who have completed their full-time compulsory education and are no older than 27 an opportunity for career orientation.

    For one year, there is the possibility to complete a voluntary social year in the children and youth area of the Youth Division and thus gain insight into the activities and tasks of educators and social pedagogues.

    The FSJ also makes it possible to usefully bridge waiting periods, for example until the start of a course of study. In some cases, universities and colleges count the FSJ as an internship when accepting students.

    One place is available at each of the daycare centers in Vorsfelde, Mörse, Fallersleben and at the clinic, at the Bauspielplatz Westhagen, the adventure playground Buntspecht in Vorsfelde, the Aktivspielplatz Fallersleben and at the open all-day elementary school Detmerode and Westhagen, at the Freizeitheim Detmerode, the Freizeit- und Bildungszentrum Westhagen, the Mehrgenerationenhaus and in the administration of the Youth Development Department.

    The service in the practical work is full time. In addition, there are at least 25 seminar days.

    Volunteers receive a monthly salary and are covered by non-contributory health, nursing care, pension, unemployment and accident insurance. In addition, they are entitled to child allowance during their voluntary service in accordance with the Federal Child Allowance Act (Bundeskindergeldgesetz).

    The voluntary service is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).


    Questions about the FSJ

    Mrs. Wallner
    Porschestrasse 74
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 28-1684
    E-mail to Mrs. Wallner

    Questions about the fee as well as the contract

    Mrs. Sülflow
    Porschestrasse 74
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Phone: 05361 28-2003
    E-mail to Mrs. Sülflow

  • Wolfsburg Youth Employment Agency
    Logo Youth Employment Agency

    The Wolfsburg Youth Employment Agency brings together a wide range of services offered by the City of Wolfsburg, the Employment Agency and the Job Center for young people from the 8th grade onwards, thus providing easy and clear access to advice and support services under one roof.

    Individual counseling and comprehensive support for young people in all matters relating to training, study and access to the labor market are at the forefront of the Youth Employment Agency. In this way, young people are accompanied from school through to training/graduation and integrated into the primary labor market.

    The Youth Employment Agency also provides advice and support in the event of transitions and/or dropouts in the system. Another advisory service is assistance in clarifying financial support (vocational training allowance (BAB), benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG), unemployment benefits or similar).


    Wolfsburg Youth Employment Agency
    Porschestrasse 2
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Jörg Lüllmann
    Phone: 05361 4368364

    Hans Jürgen Klinge
    Phone: 05361 4649210

    E-mail to the Youth Employment Agency


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