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Blocking of information in the case of requests to the civil register

  • General information

    In principle, anyone can obtain information about a specific person from the population register upon request. However, you can have information blocked in the population register if you as the person concerned or another person could be at risk to life, health, personal freedom or similar interests worthy of protection by disclosure of your address.
    The information block only has an effect on inquiries from the private sector (private individuals, companies, lawyers and similar). Authorities and other public bodies will continue to receive information, but they will be expressly informed of this fact.

  • Requirements

    There must be facts that justify the assumption that the person concerned or another person may be endangered in terms of life, health, personal freedom or similar interests worthy of protection as a result of information from the population register (Section 51 of the Federal Registration Act).
    The application for an information block must be submitted in person to the registration office (City of Wolfsburg, Citizen Services, Room B 015).

  • Required documents

    • Identity card or passport
    • Documents proving the interest worthy of protection (for example, report to the police, court decisions, confirmation of the employer)

  • Fees

    free of charge

  • Deadlines

    The information block is entered for a limited period of two years. You can apply for an extension.

  • Special features

    Once the information block has been entered, the registration office may only provide information if a danger to you can be ruled out. You will be heard before the information is provided.

  • Contact

    Citizen Services
    City Hall B, Room 015

    Phone: 05361 28-1234
    Fax: 05361 28-2090

    Write an e-mail

    Please draw a waiting mark or use the online appointment system.

    You can also use this service in the administrative offices Fallersleben and Vorsfelde take advantage of this service.

  • Forms
By using this function, you agree that the data may also be transferred to third countries, outside the European Economic Area, without an adequate level of data protection (especially USA). It is possible that authorities may access the data without any legal remedy. You can revoke your consent at any time. Further information: Privacy policy