General information
The main contact for tax identification numbers is the BZST (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern).
If you do not know your tax ID, you can contact the Citizen Services in person, where you can be informed of your tax ID within the framework of a certificate for which a fee is charged (7.50 euros).
To find out your tax identification number, you must appear in person at the Citizen Services.
Required documents
Special features
You can also obtain your tax identification number online via the Internet from the Federal Central Tax Office request it.
Citizen Services
City Hall B, Room 015Phone: 05361 28-1234
Fax: 05361 28-2090The service is possible at the fast counter. It is not necessary to draw a waiting ticket.
You can also use this service in the administrative offices Fallersleben and Vorsfelde take advantage of this service.