General information
The hunter's examination is conducted by the public order office of the city of Wolfsburg and takes place twice a year (spring and fall).
Passing it is a prerequisite for obtaining a hunting license.
The hunter's examination consists of three parts: the hunting shooting, the written examination and the hunting ground tour with oral examination.
Preparation for the hunting examinations is carried out in the Wolfsburg area by the Jägerschaft der Stadt Wolfsburg e. V., among others, as a six-month course and the Barnbruch hunting school as a two-week compact course.
More information on the individual courses is available on the respective websites or by calling the relevant contact person:
Jägerschaft der Stadt Wolfsburg e.V.
Six-month course
Mr. Ralph Schräder
Telephone: 05361 8944777Barnbruch Hunting School GmbH
GF: Yvonne Munte
info@jagdschule-barnbruch.de -
- Reliability
- Valid liability insurance for the use of weapons
- Transfer of the examination fee
Required documents
- are to be obtained from the respective institute
- Identity card
- Are officially announced in the local press
- Are also available on the Internet in due course (approx. eight weeks in advance)
Special features
- Participation in a preparatory course by a hunting association or a recognized hunting school.
- The first part of the examination, the hunting shooting, usually takes place at the end of a year, the two other parts of the examination, the written and the hunting ground examination, in April or May of the following year.
Public Order Office
City Hall B, Room 012Phone: 05361 28-1234
Fax: 05361 28-2090