General information
The aim of the registry is to protect people from dangerous dogs and - if something does happen - to quickly locate culprits.
The registry serves to identify a dog, to determine the dog's owner and to gain knowledge about the dangerousness of dogs depending on breed, sex and age.
The registration is carried out by Kommunale Systemhaus Niedersachsen GmbH (KSN) on behalf of the state of Lower Saxony.
Every dog owner must register his animal with the Central Registry.
14,50 Euro (plus VAT).
By telephone or in writing:
23.50 euros (plus VAT)
Since March 2013 there is a registration obligation.
Every dog must be reported to the central register before it reaches the age of seven months. If the dog is older than six months at the time of commencement of dog ownership, the information must be provided within one month of commencement of dog ownership.
Special features
Registration for dog tax is detached from the registration.
Therefore, if you register your dog in Wolfsburg, you must also register the dog. -
Responsible office
Registration online:
Registration online:
Registration by phone:
0441 39010400
Registration in writing:
KSN Kommunales Systemhaus Niedersachsen GmbH
Alsace Street 66
26121 Oldenburg
General inquiries about dog ownership, but not registration:Ordnungsamt
City Hall B, Room 012Phone: 05361 28-1234
Fax: 05361 28-2090