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Economy & Digital

Parking guidance system

The city of Wolfsburg would like to better distribute the existing parking search traffic among the existing capacities in order to ensure even utilization of the parking spaces. The aim is to reduce traffic congestion caused by searching for parking spaces. To achieve this, the parking guidance system and the associatedintelligent control of parking search traffic is an important project in the context of Smart City Wolfsburg. As a first step, relevant data sources are to be tapped in order to use them for a digital parking guidance system. The aim is to make this data available in applications that citizens already use for navigation (e.g. Google Maps). Digital signage can also be used on site. The project is currently in the design phase with the aim of starting implementation in 2024.

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    City of Wolfsburg
    Department of Digitalization and Economy

    Porschestrasse 32
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 28-1234

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