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Economy & Digital

Smart Parking

With the Smart Parking project, we want to manage and optimize the parking space in the Smart City Wolfsburg in an intelligent and environmentally friendly way. To this end, sensors are being installed in a test parking lot that use object recognition software to record the occupancy status. The sensors count both the passing vehicles at the entrance and exit as well as the parked cars in the parking spaces. In this way, the occupancy status of the parking space can be determined and visualized accordingly for citizens.

The visualization of free parking spaces can reduce traffic searching for a parking space. Citizens can find a free parking space more easily. This also reduces emissions (exhaust fumes, noise). In a further step, the data collected will enable the optimization of parking space availability within the city of Wolfsburg. In the long term, the implementation of the project will offer citizens an improved traffic flow. The long search for a parking space will be eliminated and the travel time into the city will be reduced.

  • Smart parking test field: the parking lot on Meckauerweg becomes smart

    The sensors installed on Meckauerweg, also known as the Hühner-Rudi parking lot, use AI-supported object recognition to detect both parked vehicles and moving search traffic. They were developed by Starwit Technologies GmbH, a young start-up from Fallersleben. The technology is based on a modular system consisting of sensors, software and a central computer module at the parking lot. Unlike conventional ground sensors, these are attached to a ten-metre-high mast from which the entire parking area is monitored.

    Further information can be found in our flyer:

  • Contact

    City of Wolfsburg
    Department of Digitalization and Economy

    Porschestrasse 32
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 28-1234

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