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Health & Social

Heat etiquette

Tips for hot days

For the current warm season, the Health division would like to provide some tips on how to get through the hottest time of the year in good health. Vulnerable groups such as the elderly, chronically ill people, infants and young children are particularly at risk during hot spells.

We recommend the following measures:

  • Avoid physical activity, especially during the hottest part of the day (around 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and when ozone levels are high.
  • For example, postpone shopping, physical activity or sport until the cooler morning hours.
  • Only ventilate early in the morning and at night. Windows, blinds and curtains should remain closed during the day. External shading on windows, such as roller shutters, provide more effective protection against heat than internal shading (e.g. curtains).

  • Cool your body with simple methods such as a cooling foot bath. Cooling body lotions or a thermal water spray can also provide relief.
  • Make sure that you and others do not spend too long in parked cars in hot weather.
  • Various medications can cause problems in the heat. If you regularly take medication, you should discuss this with your doctor at an early stage. Certain medications lose their effectiveness in a warm environment. Therefore: keep them cool!
  • Wear loose, light and breathable clothing. This allows air to circulate around your body.
    Light-colored clothing reflects sunlight. The body heats up less than with dark clothing.
  • If possible, ensure that there is a slight movement of air around you.
  • Use a fan if necessary.
  • When outdoors, protect your head and face in particular with sun cream with UV protection, sunglasses and a hat, as the brain is particularly at risk of overheating.
  • The feeling of thirst only sets in when a lot of fluid has already been lost. Therefore: drink a glass of water every hour - even if you are not thirsty. Recommended drinks in hot weather: tap water, mineral water, chilled herbal tea with no added sugar, tea with mint and lemon. Important: do not drink ice cold!
  • Eat light, fresh and cool food. Eat several small meals with as much water content as possible, e.g. fruit, vegetables and salad.
  • Avoid highly sugared and alcoholic drinks (including beer!), as they dehydrate the body.
  • Protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, dairy products, pulses and nuts should also be avoided or reduced, as they increase body heat.

The city of Wolfsburg is currently drawing up a heat action plan that bundles and promotes municipal measures to protect the population and their implementation.

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