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Health & Social

Help in acute crises

Anyone can experience a psychological crisis. Crises are a subjective, individual experience. They can be emotionally very stressful but can also offer opportunities for long-term positive change. Do not hesitate to seek support in the event of a mental health crisis. It is not always easy to admit to yourself that you don't know what to do next. But it can also be a relief to accept help. Das Logo des Sozialpsychiatrischen Verbundes

In a crisis situation, contact your family doctor or (if available) a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy immediately. It is important that you describe the urgency of the problem very clearly in order to get help as quickly as possible.

Crisis service of the Wolfsburg Social Psychiatric Service

Telephone: 05361 28-2040

The staff can advise you by telephone, but can also arrange appointments in their offices or at your home. The social psychiatric service is not available at all times.

If you leave a message outside office hours, the staff will call you back.

Opening hours

Monday 08:30 - 16:30 Friday 08:30 - 16:30
tuesday 08:30 - 16:30 Saturday 08:30 - 16:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 16:30 Sunday 08:30 - 16:30
Thursdays 08:30 - 16:30 Public holiday 08:30 - 16:30

The social psychiatric service has no blue light!
In acute life-threatening emergencies such as unconsciousness, poisoning, acute suicidal acts or acute aggressive violent behavior, please call the fire department or the police.

Fire brigade/emergency doctor: 112 Police: 110

AWO Psychiatric Center Königslutter

Telephone: 05353 90-0 or 05353 90-1030

In acute emergencies, you can also contact the admission department of the AWO Psychiatry Center clinic. The Central Admission Office accepts patients in emergencies around the clock.

Address: Vor dem Kaiserdom 10, 38154 Königslutter

Help for families, children and young people

City of Wolfsburg, Youth Division

Telephone: 05361 28-2827

The employees of the Social Services department advise, support and arrange help for families with children and young people in difficult life situations. They are also the people to contact if there is a potential or actual risk to the welfare of a child. In urgent cases, you can reach the on-call service of the Social Services Department outside service hours 365 days a year via the Wolfsburg police on 05361 46 46 215.

Wolfsburg Women's Shelter - Telephone: 0536123 86 0

Emergency numbers in the event of illness or injury

Facility Telephone
On-call service for statutory health insurance physicians 116 117
Wolfsburg Hospital, Central Emergency Room 05361 80 15 70
Wolfsburg Hospital, pediatric emergency room 05361 80 24 20
Poison emergency call 0551 19 24 0

Advice hotline and online advice

Telephone counseling

Telephone: 0800 1110333

or 0800 1110222

Around the clock, free of charge, advice also via chat, e-mail and telephone

Wolfsburg children's helpline

Phone: 05361 12345

Children and youth hotline "Nummer gegen Kummer"

Telephone: 116 111

free of charge, advice also by e-mail

Parents' hotline of the "Nummer gegen Kummer"

Phone: 0800 1110550

free of charge, advice also by e-mail


Phone: 02287 71002424

Self-help advice from the Bapk relatives' association
Website: https: //

Help hotline "Violence against women"

Phone: 0800 116016

Around the clock, free of charge, advice also via chat, e-mail and by telephone in 17 foreign languages

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