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Health & Social

Investigation and expert service

This division of the public health department works primarily for other authorities and public institutions.

We determine whether the health requirements for claiming certain social benefits are met or whether the person being examined is physically suitable for certain occupations.

  • Court reports, e.g. adoption, fitness for detention, fitness for work
  • Certificates, for example HIV, ability to take examinations, ability to take a cure, ability to attend school
  • Examinations in accordance with Social Security Codes II and XII and the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, e.g. need for care, additional needs, health food allowance, medical treatment, ability to work, integration
  • Employment examinations
  • Examination in accordance with the Lower Saxony Civil Service Act, e.g. reduction in hours, fitness for duty
  • Examination of eligibility for state aid
  • Expert opinions for citizens' services, e.g. fitness to drive, fitness to carry weapons, fitness to travel, fitness to drive, asylum seekers
  • Prostitute counseling in accordance with Section 10 of the Prostitute Protection Act
  • Inspection of death certificates
  • Environmental medicine
  • Travel medicine consultation (currently not offered due to the pandemic)

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