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Wind instruments

Wind instruments
Wind instruments
Photo: M. Fontanis / Fotolia.com

All woodwind instruments are equally suitable for solo playing, but also especially for playing in ensembles and orchestras. The music school therefore offers wind players a large number of attractive ensembles, such as the recorder catastrophe or the big band. Whether beginner or advanced, there is something for everyone.

In many subjects there are small instruments for students who want to start as early as possible. The subject teachers will be happy to advise you. Rental instruments are available in all subjects except the recorder.

Woodwind instruments

  • Recorder
    A recorder; Photo: Katrin Heidenreich
    One recorder
    Photo: Katrin Heidenreich

    The recorder is a versatile instrument and offers much more than you might think. Starting with learning the soprano recorder, you can develop into an alto, tenor and bass recorder player and even elicit special sounds from the sub-bass, which is over two meters tall. You will get to know the world of early music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, but you can also experiment with very modern sounds. It is a demanding wind instrument that not only paves the way for other wind instruments such as the clarinet or oboe, but also invites you to develop wide-ranging musical skills. Group lessons make learning fun, especially in the first two years.

    This is what the recorder sounds like:

    You can start recorder lessons at the age of 5. No previous musical knowledge is required.

    Where can I get a suitable instrument?
    You can buy a recorder in any good music shop. A beautiful sound can only be produced on a good instrument. Ask your teacher for advice!

    Where can I play along with the recorder?
    There are currently two recorder ensembles at the music school: Flauto Dolce and the Flötenblogger.


    • Katrin Heidenreich
    • Brita Feld
    • Kseniia Konoval

    Teaching locations:

    • City center, Goetheschule
    • Fallersleben branch, Glockenberg School
    • Vorsfelde branch, Ludwig-Klingemann-Haus
    How much do the lessons cost?
    • Information on registration/fee schedule

  • Bagpipe - little drum

    Katrin HeidenreichIf you fancy learning to play a very special instrument, you should think about playing the bagpipes. Adults, in particular, who feel the urge to make music again, who find Irish, English and Scottish folk music, German folk music, but also the sounds of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance interesting, will encounter an instrument that can be unexpectedly versatile. The Hümmelchen is not only an ideal beginner's instrument, but its much quieter sound makes it ideal for home music and ensemble playing. As the fingering is almost identical to that of the recorder, it is very easy to fall back on any existing recorder knowledge when learning.

    It is possible to learn to play the Hümmelchen from the age of 10 to 12.

    The music school can provide recorders on loan.

    After about one year of lessons, there is the possibility of joining the first Wolfsburg Hümmelchen ensemble "Bumblebees".


    • Katrin Heidenreich

    Class locations:

    • City center, Goetheschule
    How much do the lessons cost?
    • Note on registration/fee schedule

  • Transverse flute
    One transverse flute
    One transverse flute
    Photo: Bettina Kuß/Fotolia.com

    The flute is one of the oldest musical instruments known to mankind and is very versatile. It is used in many musical styles and instrumentations: as a soloist, together with others as an orchestral instrument or in chamber music ensembles, in jazz or folklore formations as well as in rock-pop.
    The instrument can be learned in individual lessons or, with a suitable constellation, with a partner in pairs or even in a group of three.

    Due to its close relationship to the recorder, knowledge of playing the recorder is an advantage, but not a prerequisite. The transverse flute can also be learned without any previous musical knowledge.

    A special feature and challenge is the sound production. Have you ever tried to blow a note on a small bottle or a pen cap? It's very similar.

    This is what the transverse flute sounds like:

    Sound sample "Francis Poulenc Sonata for Flute and Piano":

    The ideal starting age is 9 years. Are you only 6 or 7 years old and love the shiny look and sound of a flute? If you are suitable, tall and, above all, motivated and inclined, it is possible to start early from the first year of school. There are suitable children's flutes with a curved headjoint or a "bend", so-called loop or wave flutes.
    Adults can also take flute lessons, fulfill a dream as a beginner or return after a break.
    Where can I get a suitable instrument?
    For the first time, you can borrow an instrument from the music school.
    Good student instruments are available in specialist shops. Please ask your teacher for advice before making a purchase!
    Where can I play the flute?
    Music students can play in our ensembles free of charge. With appropriate teaching and playing experience, you can play in the flute ensemble, the orchestra or the folk ensemble. Ask your teacher about this.


    • Nicola Bodenstein-Polito
    • Brita Feld
    • Kseniia Konoval
    Teaching locations:
    • City center, Goetheschule
    • Fallersleben branch, Glockenberg School
    • Detmerode branch, Waldorf School
    • Vorsfelde branch, Ludwig-Klingemann-Haus
    How much do the lessons cost?
    • Information on registration/fee schedule

  • Clarinet
    Magnus Maaß on the clarinet

    Johann Christoph Denner invented the clarinet (Italian clarino = clarinet) in 1690, and thanks to its warm and romantic sound, it quickly won its rightful place in orchestras.

    The clarinet is a very versatile instrument. Not only in the orchestra and in chamber music, but also in jazz, dance, klezmer and light music, it has taken its rightful place.

    This is what the clarinet sounds like:

    Sound sample "Johannes Brahms Sonata for Clarinet":

    Pupils can start from around the age of 9. An earlier start may be possible from the age of 7 with the smaller C clarinet. Previous musical knowledge is not compulsory. An important prerequisite, however, is that the two front, upper and lower incisors are present. Braces are not an obstacle. Lessons usually begin with a rental instrument, which can be borrowed from the music school.

    Where can I get a suitable instrument?
    Your teacher will be happy to advise you!

    Where can I play the clarinet?
    You can play the clarinet free of charge in the music school's orchestra as well as in various ensembles at the music school.


    • Gennadij Margulis
    • Carola Bäumler

    Teaching locations:

    • City center, Goetheschule
    • Fallersleben branch, Glockenberg School
    • Detmerode branch, Waldorf School
    How much do the lessons cost?
    • Information on registration/fee schedule

    Meike Schwertmann, 14, plays "Introduction & Rondo" by Charles-Marie Widor, accompanied by pianist Hung Do. Her clarinet teacher Gennadiy Margulis has been teaching Meike since she was seven years old. During this time, she has won several state prizes and a national prize at the "Jugend Musiziert" competition. She is a member of the Lower Saxony Youth Symphony Orchestra as well as the Lower Saxony State Youth Wind Orchestra. She was recently awarded a scholarship from the Sparkassenstiftung Gifhorn-Wolfsburg for culture and social affairs.

  • Oboe
    An oboe; Photo: Katrin Heidenreich
    One oboe
    Photo: Katrin Heidenreich

    The word oboe comes from the French and translates as "hautbois" = "high wood".

    This is what the oboe sounds like:

    Sound sample "Pan by Benjamin Britten":

    The oboe is one of the most popular woodwind instruments due to its unmistakable sound. Famous composers have written beautiful solos for the oboe. Well-known pieces featuring the oboe include Sergei Prokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf" (duck motif) and the main theme from "Swan Lake" by Peter Tchaikovsky. But the oboe is also frequently used in modern film music. Ennio Morricone composed a great oboe solo (Gabriel's Oboe) for the movie "The Mission".

    If you are 8 years old, you can start playing the oboe.

    Where can I get a suitable instrument?

    The music school provides instruments suitable for children, which are easy and fun to play.

    Where can I play the oboe?

    You can play the oboe free of charge in the music school orchestra as well as in various ensembles at the music school.


    • Shih-Yun Huang

    Teaching locations:

    • City center, Goetheschule
    How much do the lessons cost?
    • Note on registration/fee schedule

  • Bassoon
    A bassoon
    Sergii Ryzhkov/Fotolia.com

    Bassoon comes from the Italian word "il fagotto" (German: "the bundle") and is a woodwind instrument, just like the oboe.

    You don't blow into the bassoon, which is two meters and sixty centimetres tall, from the top end. The s-shaped metal bow, which guides the air into the instrument, sits approximately halfway up. The double reed is placed directly between the lips; this influences the sound and volume. Because the bassoon is the longest woodwind instrument, it is also the lowest. In the lower register, the bassoon sounds full and dark, in the middle register it can sing beautifully, in the upper register it can sound nasal and wistful.

    This is what the bassoon sounds like:

    As soon as you can grasp the keys effortlessly, you can start bassoon lessons. In most cases, this is the case from around the age of 10.

    Where can I get a suitable instrument?
    There are special instruments of a smaller design for earlier beginners. Where possible, the music school provides children's bassoons as rental instruments for the first year of lessons.

    Where can I play the bassoon?
    You can play the bassoon free of charge in the music school's orchestra as well as in various ensembles at the music school.


    • Martin Peter

    Teaching locations:

    • Stadtmitte, Goetheschule

    How much do the lessons cost?

    • Note on registration/fee schedule

  • Saxophone
    A saxophone
    A saxophone
    Daniele Pietrobelli/Fotolia.com

    The saxophone is a very versatile instrument that is suitable as a first instrument without prior knowledge. It can be found in a wide variety of genres. In addition to jazz, rock and pop music, the saxophone can also be found in classical music, although it is historically one of the youngest instruments.

    Depending on your height, you can start lessons at the age of 10.

    Where can I get a suitable instrument?
    The music school provides instruments on loan. The teachers will be happy to advise you on buying your own instrument.

    Where can I play the saxophone?
    At the Wolfsburg City Music School, you can demonstrate your skills on stage in the Big Band, the WoodWindWölfe saxophone ensemble or a jazz/rock/pop band.


    • Carola Bäumler
    • Niko Finke

    Teaching locations:

    • City center, Goetheschule
    • Detmerode branch, Waldorf School
    How much do the lessons cost?
    • Information on registration/fee schedule

  • Brass instruments

  • Trumpet
    A trumpet (furtseff/Fololia.com)

    The trumpet is a very old instrument, which was already known in antiquity, but in its present form it originated in the Middle Ages. Initially an important signaling instrument, it quickly developed into a popular instrument in church and court music.

    Learning to play the trumpet requires concentration and constant practice - but it's worth it. You can play a variety of musical genres with the trumpet, from jazz to classical to popular music. As an instrument, it is not only a real highlight in terms of sound.

    This is what the trumpet sounds like:

    Who 8 years old can start playing the trumpet.

    Where can I get a suitable instrument?
    The music school has some instruments on loan, if you want to buy your own trumpet you can ask your teacher for advice.

    Where can I play the trumpet?
    If you are sufficiently proficient, you can play in the BigBand Wolfsburg, the music school orchestra or various jazz bands.


    • Johannes Rosenberger
    • Géza Gál
    • Tom Schmeichel

    Teaching locations:

    • City center, Goetheschule

    How much do the lessons cost?

    • Information on registration/fee schedule

  • Trombone

    The trombone is a versatile instrument from the brass family. The sound can be gentle, majestic or very crisp and can even be further influenced with various mutes.

    This is what the trombone sounds like:

    You can start lessons from the age of around 11. No previous musical knowledge is required.

    Where can I get a suitable instrument?
    Depending on availability, instruments can be borrowed from the music school or purchased in music stores at very reasonable prices.

    Where can I play the trombone?
    You can play the trombone in orchestras, brass bands, symphonic wind orchestras, big bands, jazz combos, brass sections in pop, ska, funk and reggae bands, but also as a soloist. There are many compositions from all eras that were written especially for this instrument. There is a big band at the music school in which you can play the trombone.


    • Andreas Barkhoff

    Teaching locations:

    • Stadtmitte, Goetheschule

    What do the lessons cost?

    • Reference to registration/fee schedule

  • Tuba

    The tuba is the largest and therefore deepest instrument in the brass family. The sound can be gentle, majestic or very crisp. It often forms the musical foundation of an ensemble due to the low pitch of the notes.

    You can start lessons from the age of around 12. No previous musical knowledge is required.

    Where can I get a suitable instrument?
    Depending on availability, instruments can be borrowed from the music school or purchased from a music store.

    Where can I play the tuba?
    You can play the tuba in orchestras, brass bands, symphonic wind orchestras and also as a soloist. There are also compositions written especially for this instrument.


    • Andreas Barkhoff

    Teaching locations:

    • Stadtmitte, Goetheschule

    What do the lessons cost?

    • Reference to registration/fee schedule

  • Horn
    One horn

    "Good things take time" Playing the most original of all wind instruments is something for people with stamina.
    Once you know how to play it, it's a pleasure for everyone, players and listeners alike!

    The horn is not at all suitable for group lessons at the beginning, but later on even more so, as it covers a huge range, from very high to very low. Horns can therefore play everything that you would sing in a choir, and there are countless pieces for horn quartets, for example.

    This is what the horn sounds like:

    You should already have permanent front teeth when you start playing a brass instrument, so you should be around 7 to 8 years old and preferably already play the recorder or piano.

    Where can I get a suitable instrument?

    The music school has excellent loan instruments available so that you can try out at your leisure whether you want to stay with the horn and then get a nice instrument of your own. Your teacher will help you to find the right instrument on the large market of new and excellent second-hand instruments (a well-maintained brass instrument can last a very long time).

    In the horn class at the music school, there is a lot of practicing in groups of three, four or more, with the aim of eventually playing in the large orchestra.


    • Lars-Tjorven Mahl

    Teaching locations:

    • City center, Goetheschule
    • Detmerode branch, Waldorf School
    How much do the lessons cost?
    • Information on registration/fee schedule

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