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Education, culture & Sports

Kita sings

For 15 years now, the City of Wolfsburg's music school has been using this project to encourage Wolfsburg's pre-school children to sing. Every year, the music school and the participating daycare centers motivate around 550 preschool children, teachers from around 28 daycare centers and, last but not least, the families to sing with Kita Singt.

During the course of the project, the music school invites all participants to the daycare week at the music school - a good opportunity to perhaps discover their favorite instrument. On the open day, a first performance takes place on the stage in the large hall or in the schoolyard of the music school as part of a joint rehearsal with the Kita-Singt-Band.
The daycare singing team visits the daycare centers and supports the teachers in practicing the songs so that everything is ready for the big final performance - this time as part of the 7th Regional Music Festival in the baroque garden of Wolfsburg Castle. As every year, thunderous applause from an enthusiastic audience can be expected.

The current songs of the year 2025


Witches' dance floor

Knight Klipp von Klapperbach


Two long queues

Wool Wolfsburg

At the summer party on the meadow

If you're happy

All other songs from previous years

How good it is that the sun exists

Shaking fish

Rolli, the pirate

Jepo I tai tai je

In the land of Zimbi

The day begins on our barge

The frog put on shirt and pants

The musical tap

Dragon motley

I know a cowboy

Old McDonald had a farm

Surfing on the quarry pond

The cowboy Jim from Texas

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