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Housing, environment & Transport

Parental impulses

Impulse lectures for mothers and fathers with children between 0-6 years of age

Dear mothers and fathers, dear professionals, dear interested parties,

In the period from June to December 2023, there will be so-called parent impulses in Wolfsburg. These are small lectures on topics that mothers and fathers deal with in the early childhood phase. Together and in exchange with professionals as well as other
mothers and fathers, they will have the opportunity to learn something new and delve deeper into selected topics.

If you would like to learn more about the individual events, you can view the program booklet under the following link. Here you will also find contact information for the individual providers or for registration.

The events are sponsored by the Federal Foundation for Early Support, so participation is free of charge for all interested parties.

Plakat zur Aktionswoche Elternimpulse

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