<img src="/-/media/wolfsburg/images/alle-bilder/jugend/publikationen/deckblatt_2023.png?h=382&w=180&la=en-de" style="width: 180px; height: 382px; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid;" alt="Cover page of the brochure "Facts and figures on child and youth work 2023" usemap="#rade_img_map_1713344505599" /> </p>
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<h3><strong>Figures, data and facts on youth work in 2023</strong></h3>
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Overview of the most important figures, data and facts on child and youth work in Wolfsburg. The facts and figures are based on the 2023 statistics on child and youth work from the public youth work organization in Wolfsburg. The compilation is now in its seventh year of publication.<br />
<p>Wolfsburg 2023, 2 pages</p>
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<area shape="RECT" coords="3,4,179,381" href="https://www.wolfsburg.de/~/Media/Wolfsburg/Statistik_Daten_Fakten/02_Jugend/Publikationen/FB_ZDF_2023.pdf" target="_blank" alt="Click here to open the brochure (PDF - opens in a new window)" /></map>
<img src="/-/media/wolfsburg/images/alle-bilder/jugend/publikationen/deckblatt_jahresbericht_fanprojekt_001.png?h=255&w=180&la=en-de" style="width: 180px; height: 255px; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid;" alt="Cover page of the brochure "Activity Report Fan Project Wolfsburg 2022/2023" usemap="#rade_img_map_1713346818368" /> </p>
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<h3><strong>Activity report Fan Project Wolfsburg 2022/2023</strong></h3>
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<p>The socio-political mission of giving young soccer fans and young adults a positive orientation in life, counteracting violent phenomena and political extremism with social prevention measures, addressing problematic behavior and developing alternative problem-solving approaches together with the fans is lived and is also a primary goal of the fan project work in Wolfsburg.
The activity report provides an insight into the work of the fan project in Wolfsburg.<br />
<p>Wolfsburg 2023, 32 pages</p>
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<map id="rade_img_map_1713346818368" name="rade_img_map_1713346818368">
<area shape="RECT" coords="1,3,179,253" href="https://www.wolfsburg.de/~/Media/Wolfsburg/Statistik_Daten_Fakten/02_Jugend/Publikationen/Jahresbericht_Fanprojekt_22_23.pdf" target="_blank" alt="Click here to open the brochure (PDF - opens in a new window)" /></map>
<img src="/-/media/wolfsburg/images/alle-bilder/jugend/publikationen/deckblatt_2022.png?h=381&w=180&la=en-de" style="width: 180px; height: 381px; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid;" alt="Cover page of the brochure "Facts and figures on child and youth work 2022" usemap="#rade_img_map_1713344674393" /> </p>
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<p> </p>
<td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;">
<h3><strong>Figures, data and facts on youth work in 2022</strong></h3>
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Overview of the most important figures, data and facts on child and youth work in Wolfsburg. The facts and figures are based on the 2022 statistics on child and youth work from the public youth work organization in Wolfsburg. The compilation is now in its sixth year of publication.<br />
<p>Wolfsburg 2022, 2 pages</p>
<map id="rade_img_map_1713344505599" name="rade_img_map_1713344505599">
<area shape="RECT" coords="3,4,179,381" href="https://www.wolfsburg.de/~/Media/Wolfsburg/Statistik_Daten_Fakten/02_Jugend/Publikationen/FB_ZDF_2023.pdf" target="_blank" alt="Click here to open the brochure (PDF - opens in a new window)" /></map><map id="rade_img_map_1713344674393" name="rade_img_map_1713344674393">
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Give youth space! Children and youth office
The consideration of children's and young people's interests and the consideration of children's living environments in all areas of local politics has become an important part of a citizen-oriented understanding of politics. In particular, the right of children and young people to be involved whenever their interests are affected is enshrined in various laws and guidelines.
Wolfsburg 2021, 12 pages
<img src="/-/media/wolfsburg/images/alle-bilder/jugend/publikationen/deckblatt_2021.png?h=381&w=180&la=en-de" style="width: 180px; height: 381px; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid;" alt="Cover page of the brochure "Facts and figures on child and youth work 2021" usemap="#rade_img_map_1713344813293" /> </p>
<p><sup>To open the brochure<br />
please click on the image</sup></p>
<p> </p>
<td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;">
<h3><strong>Figures, data and facts on youth work 2021</strong></h3>
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Overview of the most important figures, data and facts on child and youth work in Wolfsburg. The facts and figures are based on the 2021 statistics on child and youth work from the public youth work organization in Wolfsburg. The compilation is now in its fifth year of publication.<br />
<p>Wolfsburg 2021, 2 pages</p>
<map id="rade_img_map_1713344505599" name="rade_img_map_1713344505599">
<area shape="RECT" coords="3,4,179,381" href="https://www.wolfsburg.de/~/Media/Wolfsburg/Statistik_Daten_Fakten/02_Jugend/Publikationen/FB_ZDF_2023.pdf" target="_blank" alt="Click here to open the brochure (PDF - opens in a new window)" /></map><map id="rade_img_map_1713344674393" name="rade_img_map_1713344674393">
<area shape="RECT" coords="3,5,180,380" href="https://www.wolfsburg.de/~/Media/Wolfsburg/Statistik_Daten_Fakten/02_Jugend/Publikationen/FB_ZDF_2022.pdf" target="_blank" alt="Click here to open the brochure (PDF - opens in a new window)" /></map><map id="rade_img_map_1713344813293" name="rade_img_map_1713344813293">
<area shape="RECT" coords="2,35,178,381" href="http://www.wolfsburg.de/~/Media/Wolfsburg/Statistik_Daten_Fakten/02_Jugend/Publikationen/FB_ZDF_2021.pdf" target="_blank" alt="Click here to open the brochure (PDF - opens in a new window)" /></map>
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Facts, figures and data on youth work 2020
Overview of the most important figures, data and facts on child and youth work in Wolfsburg. The facts and figures are based on the 2020 statistics on child and youth work from the public youth work organization in Wolfsburg. The compilation is now in its fourth year of publication.
Wolfsburg 2020, 2 pages
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Facts, figures and data on youth work 2019
Overview of the most important figures, data and facts on child and youth work in Wolfsburg. The facts and figures are based on the 2019 statistics on child and youth work from the public youth work organization in Wolfsburg. The compilation is now in its third year of publication.
Wolfsburg 2019, 2 pages

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Results of the user survey of open children's and youth facilities 2019
In summer 2019, the Wolfsburg Youth Development Agency conducted a user survey in the youth facilities in the city of Wolfsburg. In order to provide needs-based child and youth work, it is very important for the City of Wolfsburg's youth development department to find out what is relevant for young users and what they need to feel comfortable in the facilities and to visit them.
Wolfsburg 2019, 8 pages
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Give youth space! Framework concept for open child and youth work in Wolfsburg 2015
With the 14th Child and Youth Welfare Report, a new understanding of "child and youth welfare in a new responsibility" (14th Child and Youth Report, 5) was coined. Accordingly, child and youth welfare has become a central social actor for the promotion of growing up. Their services reach almost all children and young people.
The framework conditions for growing up have changed, which has also changed the framework conditions for child and youth work in Germany. Childhood and adolescence are increasingly shaped by the performance expectations and demands of the adult world. Parents are becoming increasingly aware that their children's success at school is a key factor in determining their future path in life. The everyday lives of children and young people are taking place in educational institutions earlier and earlier and, above all, for longer and longer (all-day expansion) - starting with nursery and daycare and continuing through to vocational training or university.
Wolfsburg 2015, 41 pages
The following publications are currently being revised and will be available here shortly
Giving girls space! (Brochure)
Various child and youth work organizations have joined forces in the "Girls" working group. They are committed to recognizing the needs and concerns of girls and young women, uncovering prejudices and gender stereotypes, and raising awareness of disadvantages. These guidelines form the basis for joint action.
(Wolfsburg, March 2019, 4 pages)
A handout on the topics of sexual and gender diversity and gender-sensitive writing. The brochure is part of the annual campaign "Giving space to diversity!" of the youth development department of the city of Wolfsburg.
(Wolfsburg, April 2019, 8 pages)
Open child and youth work (OKJA) faces a variety of challenges and is in a constant process of transformation. The progressive expansion of all-day schooling in particular is becoming increasingly prominent. The current discussion about an individual legal entitlement to all-day school care is further fueling the debate about the status and future of open child and youth work. In the following brochure, both the conceptual set-up and the special features of a sponsorship by an institution of open child and youth work are to be presented as examples.
(Wolfsburg, August 2018, 4 pages)
Every year, the City of Wolfsburg, Department of Youth Development, offers four graduates of the "Social Work" program the opportunity to complete a one-year internship in order to obtain state recognition. The one-year professional internship (year of recognition) for social workers in the fields of action of open child and youth work is based on the Ordinance on the State Recognition of Professional Qualifications in the Field of Social Work and Therapeutic Education (SozHeilVO).
We welcome interest and meaningful applications. Further information can be found in the brochure.
(Wolfsburg, March 2018, 6 pages)
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