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Housing, environment & Transport

Advice and assistance offered by the city of Wolfsburg

Welcome to the page of the Counseling Department of the Youth Division!

You can reach the Consulting Department at the telephone number 05361 28-1161 or the e-mail address erziehungsberatung@stadt.wolfsburg.de.

Children at home - and now???

At the following link, we offer a number of tips on how to keep your children meaningfully occupied with learning, playing, crafting, cooking and baking during the current difficult times at home.

Consulting services

The services offered by the Counseling Department are generally free of charge; all employees are subject to the legal duty of confidentiality.

Your feedback is an important factor for the professional further development of our services. We would be pleased if you would send us suggestions for improvement, complaints or criticism, descriptions of helpful experiences with the department or other concerns. We promise to respond to and process your feedback promptly.


Phone: 05361 28-1161 or 05361 28-1162
E-mail: erziehungsberatung@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Educational counseling Braunschweiger Straße 12
38440 Wolfsburg

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