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Pro-Aktiv-Center in the youth employment agency of the city of Wolfsburg

Das Logo des Pro-Aktiv-CentersThe Pro-Aktiv-Center is an advice center that supports young people in problematic life situations through individual case help. It supplements the services and offers under SGB II and SGB III with the educational instruments and methods of youth welfare. The services are aimed at young people between the ages of 14 and 26 who are disadvantaged in terms of social and labor market policy for various reasons and who need support with their professional integration. To fulfill these tasks, the Pro-Aktiv-Center Wolfsburg receives funding from the state of Lower Saxony and the European Union (Europe for Lower Saxony).
The Pro-Aktiv-Center is part of the Youth Employment Agency in Wolfsburg.

The Youth Employment Agency (JBA) will help you with your professional and personal questions if you live in Wolfsburg. We plan your career path with you and support you in (almost) all situations, even when things aren't going so well.

The logo of the Wolfsburg Youth Employment Agency

Who is the Wolfsburg Youth Employment Agency?

Infopoint Youth Employment Agency Wolfsburg

Porschestraße 2
38440 Wolfsburg

You will find us on the 2nd floor - left side of the corridor / Look for the sign "Tagesansprechpartner*in"

Monday 08:30 to 15:30
Tuesday 08:30 to 15:30
Wednesday 08:30 to 15:30
thursday 08:30 to 15:30
Friday 08:30 to 12:30

Our opening hours don't fit into your life? Then give us a call or send us an e-mail.

Phone: 05361 308999-0

  • But who are actually "we"?

    We are employees of the Wolfsburg Employment Agency, the Wolfsburg Job Center and the Pro-Aktiv-Center Stadt Wolfsburg. We have joined forces in the JBA to create a clear range of services for all young people in Wolfsburg.

  • And who are we "exactly"?

    We are the team of the career counseling of the employment agency

    The career counseling service at the employment agency will help you find the right job for you. One that fits you and that suits you, because - working should be fun. We will inform you about the various training, school and study options and employers that come into question to achieve your personal goal. You can find out more about us, current training trends and tips on choosing a career on our homepage.

    We are the Pro-Aktiv-Center, the youth employment aid of the city of Wolfsburg

    The JBA is always ready to listen to you when you have problems - with your parents, at work, in the official jungle, or because you don't yet know which path is right for you. We advise you independently and confidentially at the JBA and accompany you on your way.

    We are the employment agency of the Jobcenter Wolfsburg

    If you are registered with the job center, we will find out together what is right for your future and help you find an apprenticeship or a job. We also offer you help during your training. Tutoring and guidance from experts are just two examples of our support options.

  • As a JBA, we are there for you when...

    • you do not have a plan yet
    • you want to do an apprenticeship
    • you want to study
    • you are looking for a job
    • you want to go on to school
    • you have other worries and questions

    Then the Youth Employment Agency is the right place for you!

    This counseling is voluntary and you decide when, how long and how intensively you want to take advantage of our counseling.

Note: The Youth Employment Agency is open for consultations with an appointment. Make an appointment! We can be reached by phone or e-mail. You can find our contact information at the top of this page under "Who is the Jugendberufsagentur Wolfsburg?".

Logo of the Jobcenter Wolfsburg
Logo of the Pro Aktiv Center

Link zur Seite von Jobwerk Link zur Seite der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster) Link zur Seite des Jobcenter Wolfsburg (öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster)

Link zur Seite von Jobwerk Link zur Seite der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster) Link zur Seite des Jobcenter Wolfsburg (öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster)

Logos of the EU and the Europe for Lower Saxony initiative
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