This is seen as the best contribution to peace in our world and it does not always require formal agreements, such as a town twinning or a city friendship, for good friendly encounters.
The city of Wolfsburg enjoys a large number of international contacts. The number of visits by delegations from all over the world has risen sharply in recent years.

The City of Wolfsburg is open to all international relations and pursues them according to the motto "The world as a guest with friends".
Cooperation with partner and friendship cities is often not only at an official level. Exchanges should also be cultivated and promoted, particularly in the areas of youth, education, culture and sport. In addition, involvement in the area of municipal development cooperation is being expanded.
Activities and meetings of Wolfsburg associations, schools and institutions with facilities in the partner and friendship cities of the city of Wolfsburg can be supported in accordance with the funding guidelines.
In order to meet the growing demands of globalization, the "International Circle of Friends of Wolfsburg e. V." was founded on 29.03.2006 to support the city of Wolfsburg in expanding and maintaining its international relations.
In particular, the aim is to strengthen and promote Wolfsburg's image and reputation as an international, open and future-oriented city.
Visit from Italian twin and friendship cities
To mark the tenth anniversary of the friendship between the cities of Popoli and Wolfsburg, delegations from the Italian friendship city of Popoli and the Italian partner province of Pesaro-Urbino visited Wolfsburg from June 21 to 25. An extensive program of events and experiences was on the agenda for the guests.
Trip to Italy 2022
Lord Mayor Dennis Weilmann traveled to Italy with a delegation in September 2022. The Wolfsburgers spent the first few days in the town of Popoli in Abruzzo to mark the 10th anniversary of the city friendship. Citizen travelers from the Internationaler Freundeskreis Wolfsburg e.V., led by honorary citizen and co-founder of the friendship, Rocco Artale, were guests here at the same time. The delegation then traveled to the Italian partner province of Pesaro-Urbino, with which Wolfsburg has maintained official contacts since 1975.
Visiting guest from Japanese friendship city Toyohashi
As part of an employee exchange between the City of Wolfsburg and the City of Toyohashi, the employee from Toyohashi, Ariel Bukowsky, spent two months in Wolfsburg in October and November 2022. During her stay, she spent time in the Representation and International Relations Department and gained an insight into the work activities.
Trainees as guests in the friendship city of Toyohashi
As part of the employee exchange program, dual student Djulsuma Ramovic also completed a mandatory internship at Toyohashi City Council in August and September 2022.
Trip to the Bielsko-Biala City Days
In September 2022, a small delegation led by Mayor Andreas Klaffehn traveled to the Polish twin town of Bielsko-Biala. There they took part in the Bielsko-Biala City Days. During the two-day visit, cultural events took place throughout the city.
Visit from Bielsko-Biala on the occasion of the "50 years of the Wolfsburg Fire Brigade Association" celebrations
Also in September 2022, a delegation led by City President Jaroslaw Klimaszewski visited Wolfsburg to celebrate "50 years of the Wolfsburg Fire Brigade Association". In addition to attending the ceremony, a varied program was on the agenda.
The Wolfsburg and Bielsko-Biala fire departments have maintained close and regular contact for many years.
Successful participation in the Wolfsburg Marathon 2022
For the 15th edition of the Wolfsburg Marathon, the city once again expected sporting visitors from its partner and friendship cities.
In addition to runners from Halberstadt and Bielsko-Biala (Poland), athletes from Chattanooga (USA), Jendouba (Tunisia) and Pesaro (Italy) also took part in the sporting event.
Visit by Lord Mayor Dennis Weilmann to the Friendship City of Sarajevo April 2023
Mayor Dennis Weilmann accepted the invitation to the celebrations of Sarajevo City Day on April 6, 2023. Mayor Benjamina Karic and Mayor Weilmann took the opportunity for a personal meeting and agreed to intensify cooperation in the cultural and youth sector between the two cities. The town twinning with Sarajevo has existed since 1985 and will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2025.
60 years of the Elysée Treaty April 2023
On April 26, 2023, a multimedia lecture by Mr. Ingo Espenschied on the topic "60 years of the Elysée Treaty" took place in the auditorium of the Ratsgymnasium. The political scientist and Europe expert Ingo Espenschied gave a vivid lecture and a lively presentation style that took the audience on a narrated journey through the history of Franco-German history, from the Elysée Treaty to the Aachen Treaty. Lord Mayor Dennis Weilmann opened the event and drew attention to the 60-year anniversary with our French twin town Marignane. The event was organized in cooperation with the International Circle of Friends of Wolfsburg.
Europe Day May 9, 2023
To mark Europe Day, Mayor Weilmann and the mayor's office flew four flags on the fountain in front of the town hall. Due to the two twinning anniversaries taking place this year with Marignane in France and Bielsko-Biala in Poland, both national flags were also hoisted. Pupils from Eichendorff and the other European school also took part. In Wolfsburg, 4 schools hold the title "European School".
Inaugural visit by French Embassy Councillor Cyril Blondel to City Hall on May 12, 2023
On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition "Friendships-Communal Works from Dada to Today" on May 12 at the Kunstmuseum, Lord Mayor Dennis Weilmann welcomed the embassy councillor Mr. Cyril Blondel before the event in the town hall. During the bilateral meeting, the relationship between Wolfsburg and the French twin town of Marignane was discussed as well as the school links between Wolfsburg schools and the schools in Marignane. Mr. Blondel signed the guest book of the city of Wolfsburg.
Ceremony on the occasion of the partnership anniversaries of the city of Wolfsburg, 60 years of Marignane & 25 years of Bielsko-Biała on July 1, 2023 at 5:30 pm, in the Garden Hall of Wolfsburg Castle
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary with the French twin town of Marignane and the 25th anniversary with the Polish twin town of Bielsko-Biala, an official delegation from France headed by Mr. Gérard Terrier, Deputy Delegate of the City of Marignane for Culture and Partnerships, and a delegation from the Polish twin town of Bielsko-Biala headed by Mr. Jarosław Klimaszewski, Mayor of the City of Bielsko-Biała, visited Wolfsburg. In addition to the official speeches, the three-country trio of music students from Wolfsburg, Marignane and Bielsko-Biala provided the musical backdrop to the official ceremony in the castle.
International Circle of Friends Wolfsburg e. V.
The Internationaler Freundeskreis Wolfsburg e. V. (IFK) aims to support the city of Wolfsburg in developing and maintaining its current and future international relations. By promoting understanding, tolerance and friendship between people from different countries and cultures, a contribution is made to international understanding.

At the same time, the aim is to promote Wolfsburg's reputation and profile as an international and cosmopolitan city.
The IFK offers interested citizens a forum for an exchange of information, opinions and experiences on international topics.
Among other things, the IFK supports the city of Wolfsburg in the maintenance and development of town twinning and friendship relations with the aim of promoting youth, education, culture and sport in particular.
Ms. Christin Schnaithmann is a member of the IFK Executive Committee as a representative of the administration.
City of Wolfsburg
Representation Department & International Relations
Christin Schnaithmann (Head of Department)
Porschestraße 49
38440 WolfsburgPhone: 05361 28-2204
Fax: 05361 28-1828