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The guiding principle of cycling

24 target formulations form the core of the cycling mission statement, which is based on the motto "safer - faster - more comfortable". They form an agenda whose goals are to be achieved by 2025.

It is an ambitious program that, for the first time, provides a citywide guiding basis for action to promote cycling in Wolfsburg. They cover the entire spectrum of cycling: Infrastructure, services, public relations, institutional anchoring, impact monitoring, and so on.

The 24-point program

  • Promote cycling

Promoting cycling serves the goals of environmental and climate protection and increasing people's quality of life. Promoting cycling is also a strategically important goal of Wolfsburg's urban and transport development.

  • Increase the share of cycling
The share of bicycle traffic is to be steadily increased. A target value of 25% is set for the core city by 2025.
  • Strengthening the environmental alliance and putting cycling on an equal footing with other modes of transport

The means of transport of the environmental alliance are better linked with each other. The interests of cycling must be given equal priority to other modes of transport in all transport planning projects.

  • Increase traffic safety

The traffic safety of cyclists must be the basis for all road and traffic planning measures.

  • Ensuring safety for schoolchildren

The topic of "school route safety" is to be taken into account in the area of infrastructure and as part of public relations work at all secondary schools. In addition, the fun of cycling is to be conveyed through suitable campaigns.

  • Promote bicycle use in commuter traffic

To this end, existing collaborations will be further cultivated and expanded. Winter service will be given greater consideration on important main bicycle routes and school routes.

  • Strengthen bicycle tourism

Recreational cycling and cycle tourism in Wolfsburg must be strengthened and promoted.

  • Create a cycling concept

The city of Wolfsburg is creating a cycling concept that identifies concrete projects and measures to implement the guidelines.

  • Review and update cycling network

The existing cycling network will be checked for plausibility and continuity and further developed into a structured network system for everyday and leisure cycling. Continuous maintenance of the routes is to be ensured.

  • Improve route infrastructure

The new planning and further development of the path infrastructure is carried out according to uniform criteria in line with the state of the art and with regard to the requirements of a growing and faster cycling traffic in the future. Overall, measures for the route infrastructure are carried out taking into account the increasing use of pedelecs.

  • Establish high-speed bicycle connections

In the event of positive test results with regard to possible high-speed bicycle connections, the city of Wolfsburg will work intensively to establish such connections.

  • Ensure accessibility of the city center

The city center as a whole as well as the typical transport destinations (shopping, educational, leisure facilities as well as the train stations) must be directly and easily accessible by bicycle.

  • Examine opening up the central pedestrian zone for bicycle traffic.

The central pedestrian zone should be opened to bicycle traffic, initially as a test phase (e.g. for one year). By evaluating the test phase, it can be examined whether a permanent arrangement is justifiable and what this might look like. In addition, an attractive offer for bypassing the central pedestrian zone must be created.

  • Give appropriate consideration to bicycle traffic at intersections

At the larger intersections in the course of the important bicycle connections, bicycle traffic is guided according to the principles of visibility, comprehensibility and directness. All cycling traffic relationships will be adequately considered.

  • Improve bicycle parking facilities

The city's provision of bicycle parking facilities that meet requirements at all major cycling destinations (shopping, educational, recreational facilities, and business and residential locations) must continue to be improved.

  • Improve bike&ride offerings

Sufficient capacity for safe and weather-protected bicycle parking and other services will be created at public transport stations and stops. At least a basic supply of parking spaces will be installed at selected bus stops in the city districts.

  • Provide signposting in line with requirements

The existing signposting will be checked promptly for completeness, especially in the area of recreational bicycle connections, and supplemented if necessary. Regular control, maintenance and care of the signposting is guaranteed; the responsibilities for this are to be clearly defined.

  • Communicate intensively

The coordination of the individual stakeholders on cycling continues to take place in working groups with the participation of the cycling coordinator. Communication is intensified both within the administration and between the administration and politics or the associations.

  • Engage regionally

The city of Wolfsburg will make its contribution in the area of regional cooperation. Membership in the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fahrradfreundlicher Kommunen Niedersachsen/Bremen e.V." (AGFK-Nds) will be sought in the near future.

  • Improve cycling climate

Regular (at least once a year) cycling campaigns with special publicity take place. Wolfsburg continues to participate in the "Stadtradeln" (city cycling) campaign and supports the "Fahr Rad" (ride a bike) competition for schoolchildren.

  • Intensify public relations work

Overall, cycling in the city of Wolfsburg is to be promoted more intensively. In addition to the usual print media, digital platforms will also be used.

  • Create service offers

The city of Wolfsburg is examining which services (e.g., air pumps, luggage stations, lockers, issuing repair kits, setting up Bike-o-mat) it can offer or initiate itself.

  • Review measures

The required action is regularly updated. The achievement of the goals is checked, documented and published with success and effectiveness controls.

  • Provide personnel and finances

The necessary financial resources and adequate staffing will be secured to implement cycling promotion in Wolfsburg.

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