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Politics & Administration

Water withdrawal fee

Banknotes; Photo:

The state of Lower Saxony charges a fee for the withdrawal of water in accordance with the Lower Saxony Water Act (NWG).

Chargeable water withdrawals


  • the extraction and discharge of water from surface waters
  • the abstraction, extraction and discharge of groundwater

The water abstraction fee is set and charged by the lower water authority.
The amount depends on the quantity and intended use of the water withdrawn. For the calculation of the fee, the quantity must be recorded using suitable measuring devices (in accordance with the recognized rules of technology and calibratable), entered in an operating log and reported to the lower water authority.

The fee is set by written notification for an assessment period of one calendar year. If the resulting fee does not exceed EUR 260, it will not be charged.

The following documents must be submitted:

Further information can be found on the website of the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection

Contact person:

Gisela Lampe

Phone: 05361 28-1960


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