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Weekly markets

In Wolfsburg exclusively green markets

Only "green markets" are organized in Wolfsburg. At this type of market, the range of goods on offer is limited to food and plants.

Specifically, meat and sausage products, fruit and vegetables, plants, baked goods, poultry, dairy products, herbs, eggs and fish products can be offered and purchased at the markets.

  • General note

    As a visitor to the market, please note that dogs and other animals may not be brought to the weekly market. Exceptions to this rule are guide dogs.

    To ensure that everyone can do their shopping at the market undisturbed, bicycles are not allowed on the market square. However, bicycles may be pushed.

Weekly markets are held on the following days:



08:00 - 13:00

Brandenburg square
Wednesday Town Hall Square and Fallersleben
Thursday Hansaplatz and Westhagen
Friday Brandenburger Platz and Vorsfelde
Saturday Town hall square, Fallersleben and Detmerode

  • Weekly market Brandenburger Platz Market vendors alphabetical
    • Bakery Karsten Claus

      Dairy road
      38550 Isenbüttel
      Phone: 05374 1288 or 05374 417

      Assortment: Baked goods

      Description: Family business

      • Family business since 01.12.1931
      • handmade baked goods according to traditional recipes
      • own sourdough for bread production
      • Market stalls in Fallersleben, Vorsfelde, on the Brandenburger Platz, and in Calberlah
      • a branch in Isenbüttel, overland sales with bakery vending trolleys

      Claus Bakery is also represented at the weekly market in Vorsfelde and Fallersleben.

    • Bakery Twelkemeyer

      Mühlenstraße 1
      38465 Brome
      Phone: 05833 327

      Assortment: Bread, rolls and cakes, snacks and coffee

      Company description

      • Company foundation: 01.06.1997
      • Medium-sized business with around 20 employees
      • Bread, rolls, cakes, snacks, coffee
      • The bakery is a purely artisan business. The entire range of baked goods is produced in-house.


      Verkaufsstand von TwelkemeyerVerkaufsstand von Twelkemeyer

    • Cooper, Friedrich

      Windmühlenweg 4
      29379 Wittingen
      Phone: 05834 879

      Assortment: blueberries from own cultivation, juice, jam, honey

      Description of the farm

      • Cultivation of blueberries on 2.5 ha, season: July - August, production of jams and juices.

      The Böttcher stand can also be found at the weekly markets in Fallersleben and Vorsfelde from the blueberry season (from June/July).

    • Brandt, Hermann

      Main street 32
      38524 Westerbeck
      Telephone: 05371 6447

      Assortment: potatoes, carrots, leeks, celery, eggs and seasonal vegetables

      Description: Westerbeck

      • "Water protection area" Westerbeck,
      • Family business "all own cultivation"
      • Potatoes Seasonal vegetables

      The potatoes are special: simply delicious "firm, semi-firm, floury".

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt, at Hansaplatz and in Detmerode.


      Außenansicht Stand Brandt Marktstand Brandt mit Kartoffeln Eine Waage mit Gewichten

    • Fabbricatore, Angelo

      In the summer months there for you (from June/July)!

      Assortment: fruit and vegetables from own cultivation

      You can also find me at the town hall market.

    • Fresh poultry Janine Sonnenberg

      Erlenkamp 18
      30826 Garbsen/Frielingen
      Phone: 0171-8849353

      Product range:
      Fresh poultry, poultry sausage, honey, pasta, home-made salads, free-range eggs

      Description: I have been working in the fresh poultry section of the weekly market for almost 30 years. Thanks to my experience and my love of the weekly market, I have made it my mission to provide my customers with high-quality, fresh products.

      Trust and frankness are at the forefront of my company philosophy.

      You can also find me at the weekly market in Fallersleben.


      Verkaufsstand von Janine Sonnenberg Sortiment von Janine Sonnenberg Sortiment von Janine Sonnenberg

    • Nursery Dieterichs

      There for you in summer (from March)!

      Junkerhof 1
      38444 Wolfsburg
      Phone: 05308 2827
      Website nursery Dietrichs

      Product range: Potted plants, floristry, vegetables (seasonal)

      Description: Long-established family business in Hattorf with its own horticultural production on 4,000 square meters under glass and 1 hectare of open land for cut perennials and vegetable production. Adjacent store with a wide range of floristry products. Wide range of bedding and balcony plants. Outdoor pots, decorative items and accessories.

      Potted plants: Spring-flowering plants, bedding and balcony plants, hanging baskets, large range of young vegetable plants (including grafted vegetables), seasonal range of flowering perennials.

      Floristry: Fresh seasonal bouquets, also from our own production, decorated planters, grave floristry, Advent arrangements

      Vegetables: Tomatoes and cucumbers from our own production from July to September and pumpkins in various sizes.

      You can also find me at the weekly markets on Rathausplatz and in Fallersleben.


      Bild der Gärtnerei DieterichsBild der Gärtnerei Dieterichs

    • Artisan cheese art Albers

      At the monument 39
      38489 Mellin
      E-Mail: handwerklichekä

      Assortment: Cheese specialties

      Description: The story of our cheese cart began in 2022, when we decided to bring our passion for high-quality cheese specialties to the markets in Wolfsburg. We are a small family business from the Altmark.

      Our range includes a careful selection of Dutch and Allgäu cheese specialties, which are known for their outstanding quality and unique taste. We offer a mixture of popular classics and special artisan cheeses. In addition to young and old matured mountain cheese and Dutch Gouda, our range includes goat's cheese variations, cream cheese, buffalo cheese, game salamis, ham, original barrel butter and much more.

      We attach particular importance to freshness and quality, which you can taste in the special animal husbandry and feeding.
      The focus is on personal advice, because we want every customer to find exactly the cheese that suits their taste.
      You can also find us at the weekly market in Fallersleben on Wednesdays and at the town hall market on Saturdays.


      Verkaufsstand der Handwerklichen Käsekunst Albers Verkaufsstand der Handwerklichen Käsekunst Albers

    • Hosni's poultry country

      Braunschweiger Street 7
      38527 My
      Phone: 015259133175

      Assortment: Fresh poultry (meat and sausages, poultry salad), eggs and pasta

      Fridays only

      You can also find me at the weekly market on Hansaplatz and in Detmerode.


      Verkaufswagen von Elbarbary Verkaufswagen von Elbarbary Verkaufswagen von Elbarbary

    • Menzel Ross specialties

      Westerbreite 4
      38442 Wolfsburg-Fallersleben
      Phone: 05362 62693

      Product range: Meat and sausage products from horses, snacks with sausages from the grill or from the kettle

      Description: Bettina Menzel is probably the only master butcher in northern Germany who runs her own business. The production facility has been located in Fallersleben, Westerbreite 4 since 1983. All products are made in-house! No purchase of industrial goods. Fillet, roast beef, roulades and roasts as meat classics, the popular horse sausages in their own skin, Bockwurst, Knobländer or Krakauer, Bouletten, Wiener or Pfefferbeißer are also on offer. Horse meat is particularly suitable for a healthy diet. It is high in protein, low in fat and low in cholesterol. Horses are not bred for human consumption and do not eat carrion. You can therefore enjoy our horse meat with a clear conscience.

      You can also find us at the weekly markets on Rathausplatz, in Fallersleben, Vorsfelde and Detmerode


      Mitarbeiter MenzelAußenansicht Stand Menzel

    • Feasting station

      At the Strausche 16
      38473 Tiddische

      Assortment: Snacks (bratwurst, currywurst, french fries, hamburgers, cheeseburgers) and drinks (coffee, tea, cocoa and various cold drinks)

      Description: My name is Katharina Zeck and I have been running the Schlemmerstation since 2006. With me and my team you can have snacks like bratwurst, fries, currywurst, hamburgers and cheeseburgers as well as coffee, tea, cocoa and various cold drinks.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt.


      Die Schlemmerstation

  • Weekly market Detmerode market suppliers alphabetically
    • Safwan Alkhalaf - Myth grilled chicken

      Dresdener Ring 39
      38444 Wolfsburg
      Phone: 0170 27890063

      Assortment: grilled chicken, chips, drinks

      You can also find me at the weekly market in Westhagen.

    • Brandt, Hermann

      Main street 32
      38524 Westerbeck
      Telephone: 05371 6447

      Assortment: potatoes, carrots, leeks, celery, eggs and seasonal vegetables

      "Water protection area" Westerbeck, family business "all home-grown", potatoes seasonal vegetables

      The specialty are the potatoes: simply delicious "firm, semi-firm, floury".

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt, as well as at Hansaplatz and Brandenburger Platz (on Fridays).


      Außenansicht Stand Brandt Marktstand Brandt mit Kartoffeln Eine Waage mit Gewichten

    • Brink, Oliver

      Rosenstr. 7
      29394 Langenbrügge
      Phone: 05824 2978
      Fax: 05824 3173
      Website Spargelhof Brink

      There for you during the asparagus season!

      Assortment: Field-fresh asparagus - peeled or unpeeled - in different variations as well as green asparagus

      Description: Brink's asparagus is not only known in the district of Uelzen. We are represented at various markets during the season and offer the best white and green asparagus. We offer peeled asparagus for quick cooking, asparagus for preserving and, of course, for all kinds of culinary delights.

      You can find us at the following markets: Langenbrügge, Uelzen, Bodenteich, Rewe Wittingen, WOB Vorsfelde, WOB Rathausplatz, WOB Fallersleben, WOB Detmerode, BS Heidberg, BS Querum, BS Niebelungen, Gifhorn, Munster, Real Uelzen.


      Wurstwaren der Firma BrinkWurstwaren der Firma BrinkVerkaufswagen der Firma Brink

    • Hosni's poultry country

      Braunschweiger Street 7
      38527 My
      Phone: 015259133175

      Product range: Fresh poultry (meat and sausages, poultry salad), eggs and pasta

      You can also find me at the weekly market on Brandenburger Platz (Fridays) and on Hansaplatz


      Verkaufswagen von Elbarbary Verkaufswagen von Elbarbary Verkaufswagen von Elbarbary

    • Kruger's Elm Garden

      Dorfstraße 17
      38173 Evessen
      Phone: 05333 1002
      Website Krüger's Elm-Garten

      Assortment: sweet cherries, tomatoes, plums

      Seasonal trader: from June

      Description: The family business Krüger's Elm-Garten has been around since the mid-1950s. It was founded as a fruit and vegetable business in the fruit-growing settlement in Evessen (since 1976 also with a nursery in the village). From the very beginning, the company has marketed at weekly markets in the region, and since the 1980s also at all markets in Wolfsburg. With around 5 hectares of fruit and 1800 m² of greenhouse space, the company places particular emphasis on freshness and quality. That is why our cherries and tomatoes are always a special taste experience.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt and Hansaplatz, as well as in Fallersleben and Vorsfelde.


      Der Stand von Krügers Elm GärtnereiObstplantage von Krügers Elm Gärtnerei

    • Menzel Ross specialties

      Westerbreite 4
      38442 Wolfsburg-Fallersleben
      Phone: 05362 62693

      Product range: Meat and sausage products from horses, snacks with sausages from the grill or from the kettle

      Description : Bettina Menzel is probably the only master butcher in northern Germany who runs her own business. The production facility has been located in Fallersleben, Westerbreite 4 since 1983. All products are made in-house! No purchase of industrial goods. Fillet, roast beef, roulades and roasts as meat classics, the popular horse sausages in their own skin, Bockwurst, Knobländer or Krakauer, Bouletten, Wiener or Pfefferbeißer are also on offer. Horse meat is particularly suitable for a healthy diet. It is high in protein, low in fat and low in cholesterol. Horses are not bred for human consumption and do not eat carrion. You can therefore enjoy our horse meat with a clear conscience.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt, at Brandenburger Platz (on Fridays), as well as in Fallersleben and Vorsfelde.


      Mitarbeiter MenzelAußenansicht Stand Menzel

  • Weekly market Fallersleben Market suppliers alphabetically
    • Bakery Karsten Claus

      Dairy road
      38550 Isenbüttel
      Phone: 05374 1288 or 05374 417

      Assortment: Baked goods

      Description: Family business

      • Family business since 01.12.1931
      • handmade baked goods according to traditional recipes
      • own sourdough for bread production
      • Market stalls in Fallersleben, Vorsfelde, on the Brandenburger Platz in Wolfsburg and in Calberlah
      • a branch in Isenbüttel, overland sales with bakery vending trolleys

      You can also find us at the weekly market on Brandenburger Platz and in Vorsfelde.

    • Cooper, Friedrich

      There for you from July to August!

      Windmühlenweg 4
      29379 Wittingen
      Phone: 05834 879

      Assortment: Blueberries from own cultivation, juice, jam, honey

      Description: Cultivation of blueberries on 2.5 ha

      Season: July - August, production of jams and juices

      You can also find us at Brandenburger Platz (Fridays) and in Vorsfelde.

    • Brink, Oliver

      Rosenstrasse 7
      29394 Langenbrügge
      Phone: 05824 2978
      Fax: 05824 3173
      Website Spargelhof Brink

      There for you during the asparagus season!

      Assortment: Field-fresh asparagus - peeled or unpeeled in different variations as well as green asparagus

      Description: Brink's asparagus is not only known in the district of Uelzen. We are represented at various markets during the season and offer the best white and green asparagus. We offer peeled asparagus for quick cooking, asparagus for preserving and, of course, for all kinds of culinary delights.

      You can find us at the following markets: Langenbrügge, Uelzen, Bodenteich, Rewe Wittingen, WOB Vorsfelde, WOB Rathausplatz, WOB Fallersleben, WOB Detmerode, BS Heidberg, BS Querum, BS Niebelungen, Gifhorn, Munster, Real Uelzen.


      Wurstwaren der Firma BrinkWurstwaren der Firma BrinkVerkaufswagen der Firma Brink

    • Bread Island

      Christian-Pommer-Strasse 13
      38112 Braunschweig
      Phone: 0531 75271
      Website Brotinsel

      Assortment: Organic baked goods

      Description: Discover the variety of our organic baked goods, from savory to sweet, from hearty to fine. We have also recently added a labeled selection of vegan baked goods to our range.

      The artisan tradition and particularly gentle processing make our organic baked goods what they are: natural food with an unmistakable taste.

      The annual certification by the EC organic control body allows us to carry the EU organic seal and guarantees you consistent compliance with organic guidelines.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt and in Vorsfelde.


      Außenansicht BrotinselAußenansicht BrotinselVerschiedene Brote in der Auslage

    • Fresh poultry Janine Sonnenberg

      Erlenkamp 18
      30826 Garbsen/Frielingen
      Phone: 0171-8849353

      Assortment: Fresh poultry, poultry sausage, honey, pasta, home-made salads, free-range eggs

      Description: I have been working in the fresh poultry section of the weekly market for almost 30 years. Thanks to my experience and my love of the weekly market, I have made it my mission to provide my customers with high-quality, fresh products. Trust and frankness are at the forefront of my company philosophy.

      You can also find me at the weekly market on Brandenburger Platz.


      Verkaufsstand von Janine Sonnenberg Sortiment von Janine Sonnenberg Sortiment von Janine Sonnenberg

    • Nursery Dieterichs

      Here for you from March!

      Junkerhof 1
      38444 Wolfsburg
      Phone: 05308 2827
      Website nursery Diedrichs

      Product range: Potted plants, floristry, vegetables (seasonal)

      Description: Long-established family business in Hattorf with its own horticultural production on 4,000 square meters under glass and 1 hectare of open land for cut perennials and vegetable production. Adjacent store with a wide range of floristry products. Wide range of bedding and balcony plants. Outdoor pots, decorative items and accessories.

      Potted plants: Spring-flowering plants, bedding and balcony plants, hanging baskets, large range of young vegetable plants (including grafted vegetables), seasonal range of flowering perennials.

      Floristry: Fresh seasonal bouquets, also from our own production, decorated planters, grave floristry, Advent arrangements

      Vegetables: Tomatoes and cucumbers from our own production from July to September and pumpkins in various sizes.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt and at Brandenburger Platz (Fridays).


      Bild der Gärtnerei DieterichsBild der Gärtnerei Dieterichs

    • Artisan cheese art Albers

      At the monument 39
      38489 Mellin
      E-Mail: handwerklichekä

      Product range: Cheese specialties

      Description: The story of our cheese cart began in 2022, when we decided to bring our passion for high-quality cheese specialties to the markets in Wolfsburg. We are a small family business from the Altmark.

      Our range includes a careful selection of Dutch and Allgäu cheese specialties, which are known for their outstanding quality and unique taste. We offer a mixture of popular classics and special artisan cheeses. In addition to young and old matured mountain cheese and Dutch Gouda, our range includes goat's cheese variations, cream cheese, buffalo cheese, game salamis, ham, original barrel butter and much more.

      We attach particular importance to freshness and quality, which you can taste in the special animal husbandry and feeding.
      The focus is on personal advice, because we want every customer to find exactly the cheese that suits their taste.
      You can also find us at Brandenburger Platz on Fridays and at the Rathausmarkt on Saturdays.


      Verkaufsstand der Handwerklichen Käsekunst Albers Verkaufsstand der Handwerklichen Käsekunst Albers

    • Kruger's Elm Garden

      Dorfstraße 17
      38173 Evessen
      Phone: 05333 1002
      Website Krüger's Elm-Garten

      Assortment: sweet cherries, tomatoes, plums

      Seasonal trader: from June

      Description : The family business Krüger's Elm-Garten has been around since the mid-1950s. It was founded as a fruit and vegetable business in the fruit-growing settlement in Evessen (since 1976 also with a nursery in the village). From the very beginning, the company has marketed at weekly markets in the region, and since the 1980s also at all markets in Wolfsburg. With around 5 hectares of fruit and 1800 m² of greenhouse space, the company places particular emphasis on freshness and quality. That is why our cherries and tomatoes are always a special taste experience.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt, at Hansaplatz, as well as in Detmerode and Vorsfelde.


      Der Stand von Krügers Elm GärtnereiObstplantage von Krügers Elm Gärtnerei

    • Menzel Ross specialties

      Westerbreite 4
      38442 Wolfsburg-Fallersleben
      Phone: 05362 62693

      Product range: Meat and sausage products from horses, snacks with sausages from the grill or from the kettle

      Description: Bettina Menzel is probably the only master butcher in northern Germany who runs her own business. The production facility has been located in Fallersleben, Westerbreite 4 since 1983. All products are made in-house! No purchase of industrial goods. Fillet, roast beef, roulades and roasts as meat classics, the popular horse sausages in their own skin, Bockwurst, Knobländer or Krakauer, Bouletten, Wiener or Pfefferbeißer are also on offer. Horse meat is particularly suitable for a healthy diet. It is high in protein, low in fat and low in cholesterol. Horses are not bred for human consumption and do not eat carrion. You can therefore enjoy our horse meat with a clear conscience.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt, at Brandenburger Platz (on Fridays), as well as in Detmerode and Vorsfelde.


      Mitarbeiter MenzelAußenansicht Stand Menzel

    • Orchard Carsten Kundt

      Carsten Kundt
      Auf der Buche 141
      38822 Halberstadt OT Aspenstedt
      Phone: 0174 3132314

      Assortment: apples, pears, cherries, apricots, peaches, wine, soft fruit, plums, damsons, apple juice

      : Regional is the first choice! Carsten Kundt's plantations are located in the northern Harz foreland, sheltered from the Brocken, on the sunny southern slope of the Huys. The small family business pays particular attention to using pesticides as sparingly as possible and protecting beneficial insects. All the fruit is marketed regionally in the farm store and directly at nearby weekly markets. This means that customers can contact the producer directly with any questions they may have. At the same time, the short transportation routes ensure that nothing is lost in terms of freshness and quality.

      You can also find us at the town hall market and in Vorsfelde.

    • Tyrolean farm stall

      Uwe Füllkrug, Tiroler Bauernstandl
      Peiner Weg 7, 31303 Burgdorf
      Phone: 0151 23807740

      Product range: Tyrolean specialties, bacon and cheese

      Description : The Tiroler Bauernstandl has been in existence for over 36 years and we have been selling these products at the weekly markets for over 12 years.

      The Tiroler Bauernstandl continuously supports the production-related survival of traditional Tyrolean mountain farming.

      Our bacon, ham, cheese and some specialties come from the Tyrol region, the cheese is made from pure hay milk.

      We are a partner of "Bio vom Berg" and are a certified member of the "Bio Austria" association.

      Our weekly ordered articles are stored in cold storage in Kramsach (Tyrol) by the Tyrolean farmers and dairies and delivered to us once a week in refrigerated vehicles to our cold store in Burgdorf. This enables us to provide you with absolutely first-class goods.

      We try to avoid any kind of plastic, which is why we have banned all plastic bags and use cheese paper and paper bags. Customers are welcome to bring their own containers and place them on the counter, where we will then fill them.

  • Weekly market Hansaplatz Market suppliers alphabetical
    • Brandt, Hermann

      Main street 32
      38524 Westerbeck
      Telephone: 05371 6447

      Assortment: Potatoes, carrots, leek, celery, eggs and seasonal vegetables

      Description: "Water protection area" Westerbeck, family business "all home-grown", potatoes seasonal vegetables

      The specialty are the potatoes: simply delicious "firm, semi-firm, floury".

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt, as well as at Brandenburger Platz (Fridays) and in Detmerode.


      Außenansicht Stand Brandt Marktstand Brandt mit Kartoffeln Eine Waage mit Gewichten

    • Fish trade Jens Grundstedt

      Magdeburger Street 4
      31311 Uetze
      Website fish trade Jens Grundstedt

      Product range: Fresh fish, smoked fish, salads and marinades

      Description: Welcome to Seefisch-Feinkost Grundstedt - your specialist for fish.

      Twice a week, our goods are personally selected by us in Hamburg and Bremerhaven and transported to our location in Uetze without interrupting the cold chain. This ensures that you are served only the highest quality goods in the best freshness.

      With our two self-drivers, we serve you at various weekly markets in our region from Tuesdays to Saturdays.

      Trout is freshly smoked on site in all our vehicles - so it couldn't be fresher!

      In addition to the usual year-round fish varieties, such as cod, saithe and redfish, we always do our best to delight you with seasonal fish specialties.

      In spring, for example, we start with May plaice, in summer we offer gilthead bream, salmon cutlets and prawns for the barbecue, in October the mussel season begins, delicious recipes for mussels in tomato broth are available on request from the sales clerk.

      As the year draws to a close, the traditional carp is still very popular. You can of course also get this from us.
      The ski season starts at the end of January. This fish is also known as winter cod. It is a delicacy that is only available fresh in winter.
      Skrei is fished in Norway from January to April. Here it reaches the coast of the Lofoten Islands after having traveled several hundred kilometers from the Barents Sea.
      Due to the fish's long migration, the bright white meat is firm, tender and low in fat, making it ideal for frying and steaming.

      For our younger customers, we offer completely boneless halibut. You can safely prepare this fillet for children as a healthy and protein-rich lunch.

      If you require a fish platter for a special occasion, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you.


      Fischfang vom Fischhandel GrundstedtDas Team von Fischhandel GrundstedtSortiment von Fischhandel Grundstedt

    • Hosni's poultry country

      Braunschweiger Street 7
      38527 My
      Phone: 015259133175

      Product range: Fresh poultry (meat and sausages, poultry salad), eggs and pasta

      You can also find me at the weekly market on Brandenburger Platz (Fridays) and in Detmerode


      Verkaufswagen von Elbarbary Verkaufswagen von Elbarbary Verkaufswagen von Elbarbary

    • Kruger's Elm Garden

      Dorfstraße 17
      38173 Evessen
      Phone: 05333 1002
      Website Krüger's Elm-Garten

      Assortment: sweet cherries, tomatoes, plums

      Seasonal trader: from June

      Description : The family business Krüger's Elm-Garten has been around since the mid-1950s. It was founded as a fruit and vegetable business in the fruit-growing settlement in Evessen (since 1976 also with a nursery in the village). From the very beginning, the company has marketed at weekly markets in the region, and since the 1980s also at all markets in Wolfsburg. With around 5 hectares of fruit and 1800 m² of greenhouse space, the company places particular emphasis on freshness and quality. That is why our cherries and tomatoes are always a special taste experience.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt, as well as in Fallersleben, Detmerode and Vorsfelde.


      Der Stand von Krügers Elm GärtnereiObstplantage von Krügers Elm Gärtnerei

    • Olives king

      M.A. Dadouch
      Hildesheimer Straße 221 a
      30880 Hanover-Laatzen
      Phone: 0177 1756312

      Assortment: Olives, sheep's cheese, goat's cheese, creamy cheese, fresh cheese (with leek, paprika, garlic and turmeric), various types of antipasti, tzatziki, coleslaw, exotic fruits, fresh parsley, fresh garlic and dried fruits (dates, apricots) and flatbread

      Description: Der Oliven-König has been the number 1 A for Mediterranean specialties at the weekly markets in Wolfsburg since 2000.
      We are a family business and also have homemade filled breads with olives and feta cheese.

      We are happy to take orders via WhatsApp or by phone.

      You can also find me at the Rathausmarkt and in Vorsfelde.


      Verkaufsstand von Oliven-König Sortiment von Oliver-König Sortiment von Oliver-König

    • Schulze, Burkhard

      Stendaler Street 34
      38458 Wahrstedt
      Phone: 0173 2063977

      Assortment: Potatoes and vegetables (white cabbage, savoy cabbage, pointed cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, chard, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, spinach, Asian lettuce, oak leaf lettuce, lettuce, herbs, leeks, celery, carrots, beet, onions, pumpkin, beans, peas)

      Description: The small vegetable gardener by conviction! Our nursery is located in Velpke (Wahrstedt), 13 kilometers from the weekly market.

      From 1950 -1992 Otto and Helga Kraul marketed home-grown vegetables and ornamental plants at the Wolfsburg weekly market. From 01.07.1992 I leased the farm from Mr. and Mrs. Kraul and have been running it for 25 years. Since 2015, my son Lennart has also been permanently employed on the farm after completing his vegetable growing apprenticeship.

      We have the following mindset when it comes to producing our vegetables:

      • Cultivation without herbicides (glyphosate)
      • Use of beneficial organisms instead of chemical plant protection
      • honest, regional cultivation (short transportation routes)
      • Diversity instead of monocultures
      • smaller areas instead of agribusiness

      You can also find me at the Rathausmarkt and in Vorsfelde.


      Verkaufsstand von Burkardt Schulze Verkaufsstand von Burkardt Schulze

    • Asparagus farm Oldenburg

      Voigtei 11
      31595 Steyerberg
      Website Spargelhof Oldenburg

      Assortment: Fresh peeled or unpeeled asparagus in different variations, green asparagus and purple asparagus

      Available for you during the asparagus season (April - June)

      Description: We are a family-run farm and have been growing Nienburg asparagus for over 25 years. In our cultivation we rely on integrated methods and the conservation of resources. Our family business has existed for 13 generations and looks back on a long history. We have asparagus in many different varieties: Thick and thin spears, but also adventurously crooked ones. Whether unpeeled or peeled asparagus for quick meals - we have something for everyone.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt (Saturdays) and in Vorsfelde.


      Stand des Spargelhofs Oldenburg Spargelhof Oldenburg

    • Wolfsburg city honey

      Böcklinstrasse 49
      38448 Wolfsburg
      Telephone: 05361-7006040
      E-mail address:

      Product range: Honey from Wolfsburg and the surrounding area, honey creations such as honey with cinnamon, honey with bourbon vanilla, honey with strawberry, honey sweets made by hand from our own honey in the Lüneburger Bonbon Manufaktur, honey gnomes for special occasions - small gifts for confirmation, communion, wedding, Christmas, and much more.

      Description: From the region, for the region.
      We have been running a small beekeeping business in Wolfsburg since 2010. A large proportion of our bees are located directly on orchards in Wolfsburg and pollinate the fruit trees. As this special biodiversity is important to us, we support BUND financially by selling our honey from Detmerode.

      Here you will find delicious, regional honey from Wolfsburg and the surrounding area. We attach great importance to top quality and beekeeping that is as species-appropriate as possible. In summer, we offer a delicacy in the form of comb honey. We fill part of the harvest directly into the jar without stirring - the honey is left in its most natural form and will eventually crystallize. In some years we can offer you pressed honey, drip honey and forest honey.

      In addition to honey, we also make beautiful products from bee products, such as beeswax candles, propolis drops or beeswax wraps.

      You can find the whole range in our webshop:

      There for you from April to November!


      Wolfsburger Stadthonig Wolfsburger Stadthonig

  • Weekly market town hall square market vendors alphabetical
    • Henning Bauck - Bio Gut Bauck

      Bergstrasse 30
      29389 Bad Bodenteich
      Phone: 05824 2346
      Website Henning Bauck - Bio Gut Bauck

      Assortment: Beef, lamb, pork, poultry, other meats and dairy products

      Description: For us, the animal is the center of our attention - both alive and slaughtered. Since December 2004, my farm has been certified in accordance with EU organic regulations and recognized as an organic farm. All the meat from the animals is processed in the farm's own abattoir and butcher's shop.

      We refine the best dairy products for you: Yoghurt, quark and buttermilk as well as cream cheese in different variations.

      You can also find us in Vorsfelde.


      Wurstsortiment von Henning Bauck Henning Bauck Fleischsortiment von Henning Bauck

    • Bella's snack bars

      38170 Uehrde
      Phone: 05332 2939

      Product range: Original Volkswagen Currybockwurst with the original Volkswagen ketchup, bratwurst, kielbasa, chips, potato salad and non-alcoholic soft drinks such as Coca Cola

      Description: We have been a small family business since 1996, a good 20 years now. We have made it our business to write "quality" in capital letters and to convince people that not only quality plays an important role, but also that the goods on offer must always have a good taste so that they can be enjoyed again and again.

      By selling the Volkswagen Currybockwurst for 20 years now, we have convinced many people that the taste of the popularly known "VW Currywurst" bears its name rightly and that we do everything we can to offer this sausage of the highest quality and to live with it.


      Imbisswagen von Bellas Imbissbetriebe

    • Organic farm Wegner

      Ratje 6
      38467 Bergfeld
      Phone: 0170 9889627

      Assortment: organic eggs, egg noodles, beef, lamb and poultry products, seasonal vegetables, ready-to-cook products in jars, home-made egg liqueur, herbal tea, blueberry spread and juice, bread and cakes from the stone oven of the Gifhorn Mill Museum, organic aronia juice

      Description of the farm

      • Small family farm on the edge of the Drömling
      • suckler cow husbandry, sheep breeding, chickens in the chicken mobile
      • certified organic since 2005 with a small farm shop
      • Egg cab with free home delivery service

      You can also find us at the weekly market in Vorsfelde.


      Der Verkaufswagen vom Biohof Wegner Rinder auf einer Weide Freilaufende Hühner

    • Cooper, Friedrich

      Windmühlenweg 4
      29379 Wittingen
      Phone: 05834 879

      Assortment: blueberries from own cultivation, juice, jam, honey

      Description of the farm

      • Cultivation of blueberries on 2.5 ha, season: July - August, production of jams and juices.

      The stand can also be found at the weekly markets in Fallersleben and Vorsfelde from the blueberry season (from June/July).

    • Brandt, Hermann

      Main street 32
      38524 Westerbeck
      Telephone: 05371 6447

      Assortment: potatoes, carrots, leeks, celery, eggs and seasonal vegetables

      Description: Westerbeck

      • "Water protection area" Westerbeck,
      • Family business "all own cultivation"
      • Potatoes Seasonal vegetables

      The potatoes are special: simply delicious "firm, semi-firm, floury".

      The stall is also represented at the markets on Hansaplatz and in Detmerode.


      Außenansicht Stand Brandt Marktstand Brandt mit Kartoffeln Eine Waage mit Gewichten

    • Brink, Oliver

      Rosenstr. 7
      29394 Langenbrügge
      Phone: 05824 2978
      Fax: 05824 3173
      Website Spargelhof Brink

      There for you during the asparagus season!

      Assortment: Field-fresh asparagus - peeled or unpeeled - in different variations as well as green asparagus

      Description: Brink's asparagus is not only known in the district of Uelzen. We are represented at various markets during the season and offer the best white and green asparagus. We offer peeled asparagus for quick cooking, asparagus for preserving and, of course, for all kinds of culinary delights.

      You can find us at the following markets: Langenbrügge, Uelzen, Bodenteich, Rewe Wittingen, WOB Vorsfelde, WOB Rathausplatz, WOB Fallersleben, WOB Detmerode, BS Heidberg, BS Querum, BS Niebelungen, Gifhorn, Munster, Real Uelzen.

      Wurstwaren der Firma Brink Wurstwaren der Firma Brink Verkaufswagen der Firma Brink

    • Bread Island

      Christian-Pommer-Strasse 13
      38112 Brunswick
      Phone: 0531 75271
      Website Brotinsel

      Assortment: Organic baked goods

      Description: Discover the variety of our organic baked goods, from savory to sweet, from hearty to fine. We have also recently added a labeled selection of vegan baked goods to our range.

      The artisan tradition and particularly gentle processing make our organic baked goods what they are: natural food with an unmistakable taste.

      The annual certification by the EU organic control body allows us to carry the EU organic seal and guarantees you consistent compliance with organic guidelines.

      You can also find us in Fallersleben and Vorsfelde.


      Außenansicht Brotinsel Verschiedene Brote in der Auslage Außenansicht Brotinsel

    • Fabbricatore, Angelo

      There for you in the summer months (from June/July)!

      Assortment: Fruit and vegetables from our own cultivation

      You can also find me on Brandenburger Platz (Fridays).

    • Fischer, Andreas

      Assortment: Fruit and tropical fruit, vegetables


      Verschiedenes Gemüse auf dem Stadt Ein Haufen Kirschen Verschiedenes Obst

    • Nursery Dieterichs

      There for you in summer (from March)!

      Junkerhof 1
      38444 Wolfsburg
      Phone: 05308 2827
      Website nursery Dietrichs

      Product range: Potted plants, floristry, vegetables (seasonal)

      Description: Long-established family business in Hattorf with its own horticultural production on 4,000 square meters under glass and 1 hectare of open land for cut perennials and vegetable production. Attached store with a wide range of floristry products. Wide range of bedding and balcony plants. Outdoor pots, decorative items and accessories.

      Potted plants: Spring-flowering plants, bedding and balcony plants, hanging baskets, large range of young vegetable plants (including grafted vegetables), seasonal range of flowering perennials.

      Floristry: Fresh seasonal bouquets, also from our own production, decorated planters, grave floristry, Advent arrangements

      Vegetables: Tomatoes and cucumbers from our own production from July to September and pumpkins in various sizes.

      You can also find us on Brandenburger Platz (Fridays) and in Fallersleben.


      Bild der Gärtnerei DieterichsBild der Gärtnerei Dieterichs

    • Artisan cheese art Albers

      At the monument 39
      38489 Mellin
      E-Mail: handwerklichekä

      Product range: Cheese specialties

      Description: The story of our cheese cart began in 2022, when we decided to bring our passion for high-quality cheese specialties to the markets in Wolfsburg. We are a small family business from the Altmark.

      Our range includes a careful selection of Dutch and Allgäu cheese specialties, which are known for their outstanding quality and unique taste. We offer a mixture of popular classics and special artisan cheeses. In addition to young and old matured mountain cheese and Dutch Gouda, our range includes goat's cheese variations, cream cheese, buffalo cheese, game salamis, ham, original barrel butter and much more.

      We attach particular importance to freshness and quality, which you can taste in the special animal husbandry and feeding.
      The focus is on personal advice, because we want every customer to find exactly the cheese that suits their taste.
      You can also find us on Wednesdays at the weekly market in Fallersleben and on Fridays at Brandenburger Platz.


      Verkaufsstand der Handwerklichen Käsekunst Albers Verkaufsstand der Handwerklichen Käsekunst Albers

    • Farm Heath Garden

      Jan Schladebeck
      Kürsterberg 29
      29399 Wahrenholz
      Telephone: 05835 8298

      Assortment: about 40 different types of vegetables and potatoes (Linda) in Bioland quality from own cultivation, fruit from organic farming

      Description: Hof Heidegarten from Teichgut has been reliably supplying Wolfsburg's weekly market with its freshly harvested home-grown produce for 33 years, whatever the weather. Seasonal vegetables from the open field and greenhouse are grown at Schladebeck in certified organic quality out of personal conviction in the second generation.

      If you would like to get to know our family business personally, we look forward to welcoming you to our farm on Fridays from 10:00-17:00 with the opportunity to buy more organic produce.


      Stand vom Hof Heidgarteen Blumen Stand vom Hof Heidgarteen

    • Jurken Micha

      Saturdays only

      Gardelegener Straße 117 b
      39576 Stendal
      Phone: 0170 8311876
      Website Jurken Micha

      Assortment: cucumbers, sauerkraut, oils, eggs

      September 1994, a little man didn't know what to do! In his deep despair, he spoke to a good friend and confided his thoughts to him. This melancholy moment was the start of something really big. He spoke of an idea that would change the world - JURKEN. After thinking about it for a while, the now-named Jurken Micha decided to put this idea into practice. At first, the project seemed difficult. He started his career with a small range of products at markets in the Spreewald, the birthplace of - JURKEN. However, he soon realized that the competition was far too great and he looked for new markets in Saxony-Anhalt. Some time later, he realized that - JURKEN - was very profitable and tried his luck in the Wild West. With only minor teething troubles, he made his breakthrough there. The demand for Jurken could not be satisfied and he had to expand his empire. But these small, simple markets became too monotonous for him, so he had the idea of traveling to European markets. So he traveled all over Europe on his then silver steed to bring the - JURKEN - to the man.
      He spared no expense or effort, no distance was too far for him to reach his goal of becoming the biggest JURKEN SELLER in Europe. A few intrigues and plots later, Jurken Micha decided to devote himself to family life again and returned to the weekly markets he frequented in the region. He quickly realized that people were longing for him and they bought more and more - Jurken. One day there were riots because there were no longer enough - JURKEN - and time did not leave Jurken Micha unscathed, and his empire needed more space. The result was that a new, larger stall was needed. With the help of some friends, this mission was accomplished and today he has about 500% more products, including - JURKEN, EGGS and other SPECIALTIES.

      You can also find me in Vorsfelde.


      Stand von Jurken Micha Stand von Jurken Micha

    • Kruger's Elm Garden

      Dorfstraße 17
      38173 Evessen
      Phone: 05333 1002
      Website Krüger's Elm-Garten

      Assortment: sweet cherries, tomatoes, plums

      Seasonal trader: from June

      Description: The family business Krüger's Elm-Garten has been around since the mid-1950s. It was founded as a fruit and vegetable business in the fruit-growing settlement in Evessen (since 1976 also with a nursery in the village). From the very beginning, the company has marketed at weekly markets in the region, and since the 1980s also at all markets in Wolfsburg. With around 5 hectares of fruit and 1800 m² of greenhouse space, the company places particular emphasis on freshness and quality. That is why our cherries and tomatoes are always a special taste experience.

      You can also find us at Hansaplatz, as well as in Fallersleben, Detmerode and Vorsfelde.


      Der Stand von Krügers Elm GärtnereiObstplantage von Krügers Elm Gärtnerei

    • La Sicilia

      Buschkamp 25
      30853 Langenhagen
      Phone: 0176-32036645

      Product range: Italian delicatessen: sweets, salami, cheese, antipasti, olive oil

      Description: Our company has been around since April 2022. We work with love to offer you our delicious Italian delicatessen and pastries, all strictly freshly made from high quality ingredients. We offer Italian sweets, sausage specialties and Italian olive oil.

      We look forward to bringing you a little closer to Italy.


      Verkaufsstand von La Sicilia Das Sortiment von La Sicilia Das Sortiment von La Sicilia

    • Menzel Ross specialties

      Westerbreite 4
      38442 Wolfsburg-Fallersleben
      Phone: 05362 62693

      Product range: Meat and sausage products from horses, snacks with sausages from the grill or from the kettle

      Description : Bettina Menzel is probably the only master butcher in northern Germany who runs her own business. The production facility has been located in Fallersleben, Westerbreite 4 since 1983. All products are made in-house! No purchase of industrial goods. Fillet, roast beef, roulades and roasts as meat classics, the popular horse sausages in their own skin, Bockwurst, Knobländer or Krakauer, Bouletten, Wiener or Pfefferbeißer are also on offer. Horse meat is particularly suitable for a healthy diet. It is high in protein, low in fat and low in cholesterol. Horses are not bred for human consumption and do not eat carrion. You can therefore enjoy our horse meat with a clear conscience.

      You can also find us at Brandenburger Platz (on Fridays) and in Fallersleben, Detmerode and Vorsfelde.


      Mitarbeiter MenzelAußenansicht Stand Menzel

    • Orchard Carsten Kundt

      Carsten Kundt
      Auf der Buche 141
      38822 Halberstadt OT Aspenstedt
      Phone: 0174 3132314

      Assortment: apples, pears, cherries, apricots, peaches, wine, soft fruit, plums, damsons, apple juice

      : Regional is the first choice! Carsten Kundt's plantations are located in the northern Harz foreland, sheltered from the Brocken, on the sunny southern slope of the Huys. The small family business pays particular attention to using pesticides as sparingly as possible and protecting beneficial insects. All the fruit is marketed regionally in the farm store and directly at nearby weekly markets. This means that customers can contact the producer directly with any questions they may have. At the same time, the short transportation routes ensure that nothing is lost in terms of freshness and quality.

      You can also find us in Fallersleben and Vorsfelde.

    • Occhipinti, Salvatore

      Saturdays only

      Klieverhagen 20
      38440 Wolfsburg
      Phone: 0179 4913345

      Assortment: Salsiccia (Italian coarse sausage)


      Stand von Occhipinti Angebot von Occhipinti Stand von Occipinti

    • Olives king

      M.A. Dadouch
      Hildesheimer Straße 221 a
      30880 Hanover-Laatzen
      Phone: 0177 1756312

      Assortment: Olives, sheep's cheese, goat's cheese, creamy cheese, fresh cheese (with leek, paprika, garlic and turmeric), various types of antipasti, tzatziki, coleslaw, exotic fruits, fresh parsley, fresh garlic and dried fruits (dates, apricots) and flatbread.

      Description: Der Oliven-König has been the number 1 A for Mediterranean specialties at the weekly markets in Wolfsburg since 2000.
      We are a family business and also have homemade filled breads with olives and feta cheese.

      We are happy to take orders via WhatsApp or by phone.

      You can also find me at Hansaplatz and in Vorsfelde.


      Verkaufsstand von Oliven-König Sortiment von Oliver-König Sortiment von Oliver-König

    • Ram, Heinrich

      Main street 9
      38518 Gifhorn-Kästorf
      Phone: 05371 75672

      Assortment: eggs, potatoes, onions, jam, honey, seasonal vegetables

      Description: Together with my wife and daughter we have been running a small farm in Gifhorn-Kästorf for many generations. With us you get your products directly from the producer, we stand for regionality and freshness.

      The heart of our farm is our chickens, which we feed with home-grown grain. True to the motto "Know what's inside", we grow our own feed grains such as wheat, maize, barley, oats and lupins as well as tasty alfalfa hay. As you buy directly from the producer, our eggs reach you directly, which means we can guarantee exceptional freshness.

      We get our potatoes directly from a neighboring farmer who also grows old potato varieties such as the Blue Swedes or the delicious Bamberg-style croissants. Seasonal vegetables such as pumpkins and zucchinis are also included.

      We also source our honey from the Gifhorn region, and our wide range of jams is also made locally: where possible, the fruit comes from our own farm or the region, and only exotic fruit is sourced from the wholesale market. We cook fresh and without artificial additives every week. Do you have any ideas for delicious jam creations? We will be happy to try to realize your wishes!

      You can also find us at the weekly market in Vorsfelde.


      Familie Ramme Sortiment der Familie Ramme Sortiment der Familie Ramme

    • Salamone

      Assortment: Honey

    • Feasting station

      An der Strausche 16
      38473 Tiddische

      Assortment: Snacks (bratwurst, currywurst, chips, hamburgers, cheeseburgers) and drinks (coffee, tea, cocoa and various cold drinks)

      Description: My name is Katharina Zeck and I have been running the Schlemmerstation since 2006. My team and I serve snacks such as bratwurst, chips, currywurst, hamburgers and cheeseburgers as well as coffee, tea, hot chocolate and various cold drinks.

      You can also find us on Brandenburger Platz (Fridays).


      Die Schlemmerstation

    • Schulze, Burkhard

      Stendaler Street 34
      38458 Wahrstedt
      Phone: 0173 2063977

      Assortment: Potatoes and vegetables (white cabbage, savoy cabbage, pointed cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, chard, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, spinach, Asian lettuce, oak leaf lettuce, lettuce, herbs, leeks, celery, carrots, beet, onions, pumpkin, beans, peas)

      Description: The small vegetable gardener by conviction! Our nursery is located in Velpke (Wahrstedt), 13 kilometers from the weekly market.

      From 1950 -1992 Otto and Helga Kraul marketed home-grown vegetables and ornamental plants at the Wolfsburg weekly market. From 01.07.1992 I leased the farm from Mr. and Mrs. Kraul and have been running it for 25 years. Since 2015, my son Lennart has also been permanently employed on the farm after completing his vegetable growing apprenticeship.

      We have the following mindset when it comes to producing our vegetables:

      • Cultivation without herbicides (glyphosate)
      • Use of beneficial organisms instead of chemical plant protection
      • honest, regional cultivation (short transportation routes)
      • Diversity instead of monocultures
      • smaller areas instead of agribusiness

      You can also find me at Hansaplatz and in Vorsfelde.


      Verkaufsstand von Burkardt Schulze Verkaufsstand von Burkardt Schulze

    • Sea fish delicatessen Kropp

      Seeweg 4
      31311 Uetze
      Phone: 0173 5434303
      Website Seefisch-Feinkost Kropp

      Product range: Fish products of all kinds, fresh fish, smoked fish, home-made salads

      Description: Seefisch-Feinkost is a small family business based in Uetze. Michael Kropp and his brother-in-law Jens Grundstedt supply the weekly markets in Celle, Gifhorn, Wolfsburg and the surrounding area with their 4 vehicles. Our specialties are homemade salads and smoked products, which are produced in the hall completed in 2017.

      You can also find us in Vorsfelde.


      Stand von Seefisch Kropp Familie Kropp im Stand Sortiment von Seefisch Kropp

    • Asparagus farm Oldenburg

      Voigtei 11
      31595 Steyerberg
      Website Spargelhof Oldenburg

      Assortment: Fresh peeled or unpeeled asparagus in different variations, green asparagus and purple asparagus

      Available for you during the asparagus season (April - June)

      Description: We are a family-run farm and have been growing Nienburg asparagus for over 25 years. In our cultivation we rely on integrated methods and the conservation of resources. Our family business has existed for 13 generations and looks back on a long history. We have asparagus in many different varieties: Thick and thin spears, but also adventurously crooked ones. Whether unpeeled or peeled asparagus for quick meals - we have something for everyone.

      You can also find us at Hansaplatz and in Vorsfelde.


      Stand des Spargelhofs Oldenburg Spargelhof Oldenburg

    • Sultan delicatessen

      Saturdays only

      Anderter Street 128
      30559 Hanover
      Phone: 0152 33693359

      Assortment: pickled olives, pickled salads, various fresh cheese creams, pickled sheep's cheese, olive oil, dried fruit, Börek snails with minced meat, cheese, spinach, Turkish sausage, ham, flatbread, sesame rings, party service, catering

      Description: Our company is a purely family-run business and has been in existence for 5 years. The ingredients and products we use are mostly regional (vegetables) and the other products come from the Mediterranean region. We process our products according to tasty recipes from the Balkans, the Orient and the Mediterranean. We are the sultan of delicatessen!


      Sortiment bei Sultan Feinkost

    • Wichman's Hof Vertrieb GmbH

      There for you in summer (from April)!

      Dorfringstrasse 5
      27336 Häuslingen
      Phone: 05165 91047
      Website Wichman's Hof

      Assortment: asparagus, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, red/black currants, gooseberries, blackberries, mirabelles, plums, plums, beans, sweet corn, tomatoes, pumpkin (all home-grown)

      : Wichman`s Hof stands for natural product diversity and exceptional freshness. The idyllically situated farm in Groß-Häuslingen was first mentioned in a document in 1563 and has been in the family ever since. Since 1982, Fritz Rüpke, a qualified engineer, has allowed the traditional farm to grow continuously and, with the help of his employees, has managed to turn it into a specialty farm that is capable of developing and competing and whose name is on everyone's lips today. Natural products of the best quality and optimum freshness to always meet the high demands of customers has been the company maxim for 35 years now.
      The exclusively hand-picked harvest of all products requires a well-organized harvesting process with fast processing, highly motivated employees and a great deal of work, but this pays off noticeably in terms of quality.

      In order to be able to offer healthy, tasty and natural fruit and vegetables, Wichman`s Hof looks for varieties that are robust and less susceptible to disease even before sowing and planting begins. Natural and conscientious cultivation is a matter of course.

      There are around 200 employees working on the family farm's huge fields at any one time, and up to 350 over the entire six-month harvest period. But despite the large number of employees, the farm manages to maintain a family-like relationship with all its staff. By buying up and renovating surrounding farms, it has been possible to provide staff accommodation for harvest workers from different countries, some of whom have been supporting the family business every season for over twenty years. There is also a soccer pitch and volleyball court on the well-kept staff grounds, which are designed to provide fun and relaxation after a hard day's work. At the end of the asparagus season, Fritz Rüpke's family organizes a big thank-you party on the farm especially for all employees, as well as for the village community at the end of the entire season, with all kinds of delicacies and live music.

      In addition to asparagus, strawberries, blueberries and cherries, Wichman`s Hof also grows raspberries, gooseberries, red and black currants, plums and damsons, as well as tomatoes, cucumbers and sweetcorn. Every year from April to October, this healthy variety is then offered at various weekly markets in the Heidekreis, but also as far away as Cuxhaven and Göttingen. A large strawberry field near Rethem also invites you to pick your own strawberries.

      Übersicht Stand Wichman´s Hof VertriebÜbersicht Stand Wichman´s Hof Vertrieb

  • Weekly market Vorsfelde Market suppliers alphabetically
    • Bakery Karsten Claus

      Dairy road
      38550 Isenbüttel
      Phone: 05374 1288 or 05374 417

      Assortment: Baked goods

      Description: Family business

      • Family business since 01.12.1931
      • handmade baked goods according to traditional recipes
      • own sourdough for bread production
      • Market stalls in Fallersleben, Vorsfelde, on the Brandenburger Platz, and in Calberlah
      • a branch in Isenbüttel, overland sales with bakery vending trolleys

      Claus Bakery is also represented at the weekly market in Fallersleben and Brandenburger Platz (Fridays).

    • Henning Bauck - Bio Gut Bauck

      Bergstrasse 30
      29389 Bad Bodenteich
      Phone: 05824 2346
      Website Henning Bauck - Bio Gut Bauck

      Assortment: Beef, lamb, pork, poultry, other meats and dairy products

      Description: For us, the animal is the center of our attention - both alive and slaughtered. Since December 2004, my farm has been certified in accordance with EU organic regulations and recognized as an organic farm. All the meat from the animals is processed in the farm's own abattoir and butcher's shop.

      We refine the best dairy products for you: Yoghurt, quark and buttermilk, among others, as well as cream cheese in different variations.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt.


      Wurstsortiment von Henning Bauck Henning Bauck Fleischsortiment von Henning Bauck

    • Organic farm Wegner

      Ratje 6
      38467 Bergfeld
      Phone: 0170 9889627

      Assortment: organic eggs, egg noodles, beef, lamb and poultry products, seasonal vegetables, ready-to-cook products in jars, home-made egg liqueur, herbal tea, blueberry spread and juice, bread and cakes from the stone oven of the Gifhorn Mill Museum, organic aronia juice

      Description of the farm

      • Small family farm on the edge of the Drömling
      • suckler cow husbandry, sheep breeding, chickens in the chicken mobile
      • certified organic since 2005 with a small farm shop
      • Egg cab with free home delivery service

      You can also find us at the town hall market.


      Der Verkaufswagen vom Biohof Wegner Rinder auf einer Weide Freilaufende Hühner

    • Cooper, Friedrich

      Windmühlenweg 4
      29379 Wittingen
      Phone: 05834 879

      Assortment: blueberries from own cultivation, juice, jam, honey

      Description of the farm

      • Cultivation of blueberries on 2.5 ha, season: July - August, production of jams and juices.

      You can also find us at the weekly market in Fallersleben and at Brandenburger Platz (Fridays).

    • Brink, Oliver

      Rosenstr. 7
      29394 Langenbrügge
      Phone: 05824 2978
      Fax: 05824 3173
      Website Spargelhof Brink

      There for you during the asparagus season!

      Assortment: Field-fresh asparagus - peeled or unpeeled - in different variations as well as green asparagus

      Description: Brink's asparagus is not only known in the district of Uelzen. We are represented at various markets during the season and offer the best white and green asparagus. We offer peeled asparagus for quick cooking, asparagus for preserving and, of course, for all kinds of culinary delights.

      You can find us at the following markets: Langenbrügge, Uelzen, Bodenteich, Rewe Wittingen, BS Heidberg, BS Querum, BS Niebelungen, Gifhorn, Munster, Real Uelzen.

      In Wolfsburg you can also find us at Brandenburger Platz (Fridays) and in Fallersleben.


      Wurstwaren der Firma BrinkWurstwaren der Firma BrinkVerkaufswagen der Firma Brink

    • Bread Island

      Christian-Pommer-Strasse 13
      38112 Braunschweig
      Phone: 0531 75271
      Website Brotinsel

      Assortment: Organic baked goods

      Description: Discover the variety of our organic baked goods, from savory to sweet, from hearty to fine. We have also recently added a labeled selection of vegan baked goods to our range.

      The artisan tradition and particularly gentle processing make our organic baked goods what they are: natural food with an unmistakable taste.

      The annual certification by the EC organic control body allows us to carry the EU organic seal and guarantees you consistent compliance with organic guidelines.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt and in Fallersleben.


      Außenansicht BrotinselVerschiedene Brote in der AuslageAußenansicht Brotinsel

    • Jurken Micha

      Saturdays only

      Gardelegener Straße 117 b
      39576 Stendal
      Phone: 0170 8311876
      Website Jurken Micha

      Assortment: cucumbers, sauerkraut, oils, eggs

      September 1994, a little man didn't know what to do! In his deep despair, he spoke to a good friend and confided his thoughts to him. This melancholy moment was the start of something really big. He spoke of an idea that would change the world - JURKEN. After thinking about it for a while, the now-named Jurken Micha decided to put this idea into practice. At first, the project seemed difficult. He started his career with a small range of products at markets in the Spreewald, the birthplace of - JURKEN. However, he soon realized that the competition was far too great and he looked for new markets in Saxony-Anhalt. Some time later, he realized that - JURKEN - was very profitable and tried his luck in the Wild West. With only minor teething troubles, he made his breakthrough there. The demand for Jurken could not be satisfied and he had to expand his empire. But these small, simple markets became too monotonous for him, so he had the idea of traveling to European markets. So he traveled all over Europe on his then silver steed to bring the - JURKEN - to the man.
      He spared no expense or effort, no distance was too far for him to reach his goal of becoming the biggest JURKEN SELLER in Europe. A few intrigues and plots later, Jurken Micha decided to devote himself to family life again and returned to the weekly markets he frequented in the region. He quickly realized that people were longing for him and they bought more and more - Jurken. One day, there were riots because there were no longer enough - JURKEN - and time had left its mark on Jurken Micha, and his empire needed more space. The result was that a new, larger stall was needed. With the help of some friends, this mission was accomplished and today he has about 500% more products, including - JURKEN, EGGS and other SPECIALTIES.

      You can also find me at the Rathausmarkt.


      Stand von Jurken Micha Stand von Jurken Micha

    • Kruger's Elm Garden

      Dorfstraße 17
      38173 Evessen
      Phone: 05333 1002
      Website Krüger's Elm-Garten

      Assortment: sweet cherries, tomatoes, plums

      Seasonal trader: from June

      Description: The family business Krüger's Elm-Garten has been around since the mid-1950s. It was founded as a fruit and vegetable business in the fruit-growing settlement in Evessen (since 1976 also with a nursery in the village). From the very beginning, the company has marketed at weekly markets in the region, and since the 1980s also at all markets in Wolfsburg. With around 5 hectares of fruit and 1800 m² of greenhouse space, the company places particular emphasis on freshness and quality. That is why our cherries and tomatoes are always a special taste experience.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt, Hansaplatz, as well as in Fallersleben and Detmerode.


      Der Stand von Krügers Elm GärtnereiObstplantage von Krügers Elm Gärtnerei

    • Menzel Ross specialties

      Westerbreite 4
      38442 Wolfsburg-Fallersleben
      Phone: 05362 62693

      Product range: Meat and sausage products from horses, snacks with sausages from the grill or from the kettle

      Description : Bettina Menzel is probably the only master butcher in northern Germany who runs her own business. The production facility has been located in Fallersleben, Westerbreite 4 since 1983. All products are made in-house! No purchase of industrial goods. Fillet, roast beef, roulades and roasts as meat classics, the popular horse sausages in their own skin, Bockwurst, Knobländer or Krakauer, Bouletten, Wiener or Pfefferbeißer are also on offer. Horse meat is particularly suitable for a healthy diet. It is high in protein, low in fat and low in cholesterol. Horses are not bred for human consumption and do not eat carrion. You can therefore enjoy our horse meat with a clear conscience.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt, Brandenburger Platz (on Fridays), as well as in Fallersleben and Detmerode.


      Mitarbeiter MenzelAußenansicht Stand Menzel

    • Orchard Carsten Kundt

      Carsten Kundt
      Auf der Buche 141
      38822 Halberstadt OT Aspenstedt
      Phone: 0174 3132314

      Assortment: apples, pears, cherries, apricots, peaches, wine, soft fruit, plums, damsons, apple juice

      : Regional is the first choice! Carsten Kundt's plantations are located in the northern Harz foreland, sheltered from the Brocken, on the sunny southern slope of the Huys. The small family business pays particular attention to using pesticides as sparingly as possible and protecting beneficial insects. All the fruit is marketed regionally in the farm store and directly at nearby weekly markets. This means that customers can contact the producer directly with any questions they may have. At the same time, the short transportation routes ensure that nothing is lost in terms of freshness and quality.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt and in Fallersleben.

    • Olives king

      M.A. Dadouch
      Hildesheimer Straße 221 a
      30880 Hanover-Laatzen
      Phone: 0177 1756312

      Assortment: Olives, sheep's cheese, goat's cheese, creamy cheese, fresh cheese (with leek, paprika, garlic and turmeric), various types of antipasti, tzatziki, coleslaw, exotic fruits, fresh parsley, fresh garlic and dried fruits (dates, apricots) and flatbread

      Description: Der Oliven-König has been the number 1 A for Mediterranean specialties at the weekly markets in Wolfsburg since 2000.
      We are a family business and also have homemade filled breads with olives and feta cheese.

      We are happy to take orders via WhatsApp or by phone.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt and Hansaplatz.


      Verkaufsstand von Oliven-König Sortiment von Oliver-König Sortiment von Oliver-König

    • Ram, Heinrich

      Main street 9
      38518 Gifhorn-Kästorf
      Phone: 05371 75672

      Assortment: eggs, potatoes, onions, jam, honey, seasonal vegetables

      Description: Together with my wife and daughter we have been running a small farm in Gifhorn-Kästorf for many generations. With us you get your products directly from the producer, we stand for regionality and freshness.

      The heart of our farm is our chickens, which we feed with home-grown grain. True to the motto "Know what's inside", we grow our own feed grains such as wheat, maize, barley, oats and lupins as well as tasty alfalfa hay. As you buy directly from the producer, our eggs reach you directly, which means we can guarantee exceptional freshness.

      We get our potatoes directly from a neighboring farmer who also grows old potato varieties such as the Blue Swedes or the delicious Bamberg-style croissants. Seasonal vegetables such as pumpkins and zucchinis are also included.

      We also source our honey from the Gifhorn region, and our wide range of jams is also made locally: where possible, the fruit comes from our own farm or the region, and only exotic fruit is sourced from the wholesale market. We cook fresh and without artificial additives every week. Do you have any ideas for delicious jam creations? We will be happy to try to realize your wishes!

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt.


      Familie Ramme Sortiment der Familie Ramme Sortiment der Familie Ramme

    • Schulze, Burkhard

      Stendaler Street 34
      38458 Wahrstedt
      Phone: 0173 2063977

      Assortment: Potatoes and vegetables (white cabbage, savoy cabbage, pointed cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, chard, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, spinach, Asian lettuce, oak leaf lettuce, lettuce, herbs, leeks, celery, carrots, beet, onions, pumpkin, beans, peas)

      Description: The small vegetable gardener by conviction! Our nursery is located in Velpke (Wahrstedt), 13 kilometers from the weekly market.

      From 1950 -1992 Otto and Helga Kraul marketed home-grown vegetables and ornamental plants at the Wolfsburg weekly market. From 01.07.1992 I leased the farm from Mr. and Mrs. Kraul and have been running it for 25 years. Since 2015, my son Lennart has also been permanently employed on the farm after completing his vegetable growing apprenticeship.

      We have the following mindset when it comes to producing our vegetables:

      • Cultivation without herbicides (glyphosate)
      • Use of beneficial organisms instead of chemical plant protection
      • honest, regional cultivation (short transportation routes)
      • Diversity instead of monocultures
      • smaller areas instead of agribusiness

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt and Hansaplatz.


      Verkaufsstand von Burkardt Schulze Verkaufsstand von Burkardt Schulze

    • Sea fish delicatessen Kropp

      Seeweg 4
      31311 Uetze
      Phone: 0173 5434303
      Website Seefisch-Feinkost Kropp

      Product range: Fish products of all kinds, fresh fish, smoked fish, home-made salads

      Description: Seefisch-Feinkost is a small family business based in Uetze. Michael Kropp and his brother-in-law Jens Grundstedt supply the weekly markets in Celle, Gifhorn, Wolfsburg and the surrounding area with their 4 vehicles. Our specialties are homemade salads and smoked products, which are produced in the hall completed in 2017.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt.


      Stand von Seefisch Kropp Familie Kropp im Stand Sortiment von Seefisch Kropp

    • Asparagus farm Oldenburg

      Voigtei 11
      31595 Steyerberg
      Website Spargelhof Oldenburg

      Assortment: Fresh peeled or unpeeled asparagus in different variations, green asparagus and purple asparagus

      Available for you during the asparagus season (April - June)

      Description: We are a family-run farm and have been growing Nienburg asparagus for over 25 years. In our cultivation we rely on integrated methods and the conservation of resources. Our family business has existed for 13 generations and looks back on a long history. We have asparagus in many different varieties: Thick and thin spears, but also adventurously crooked ones. Whether unpeeled or peeled asparagus for quick meals - we have something for everyone.

      You can also find us at the Rathausmarkt (Saturdays) and Hansaplatz.


      Stand des Spargelhofs Oldenburg Spargelhof Oldenburg

  • Weekly market Westhagen Market suppliers alphabetical
    • Safwan Alkhalaf - Myth grilled chicken

      Dresdener Ring 39
      38444 Wolfsburg,
      Phone: 0170 27890063

      grilled chicken, chips, drinks

      You can also find me at the weekly market in Detmerode.

    • Fish specialties Retzer

      Borsigstrasse 12
      38644 Goslar

      Product range: Fresh fish (freshwater sea fish), smoked fish from our own smokehouse, pickled fish

      Description: We are a two-man family business that we founded in Wolfsburg in 1996. To expand our production facility, we moved to Goslar in 2015. On 300 m² we fillet, salt and smoke the fish in our smoking oven to offer it at weekly markets.


      Verkaufsstand von Fischspezialitäten Retzer Fischspezialitäten Retzer Fischspezialitäten Retzer

  • Information for market suppliers

    Market stalls are approved for a period of at least three months if there is a demand for the goods offered and free stalls are available.

  • Information about the market supervision
    Market surveillance
    © Stefan Deckert and Roman Münchow

    Stefan Deckert and Roman Münchow from the market supervision of the municipal regulatory service are responsible for the smooth running of the weekly markets. They are available as contact persons for the market vendors and also for the visitors of the market.

    Phone: 0175-7208311

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