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Politics & Administration

The brochure provides an overview of the topics, activities and objectives of strategic education management.

Publications of the Strategic Education Management

Through the "Family Coordination Office" of the City of Wolfsburg, the two-year project "Family Perspective on Site. Fabi im "Das WEST"" with various social space-oriented family offers was approved and implemented by the Protestant family education center (Fabi) in Wolfsburg in "Das West" in the Mitte-West district.-West district. An evaluation report is now available.

Cover picture of the 2014 - 2018 child-friendly community action plan

The 1st "Child-friendly municipality" action plan was adopted by Wolfsburg City Council on October 1, 2014 and implemented between 2014 and 2018. It contains measures to increase child and youth friendliness in Wolfsburg and aims to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at local level."

On July 3, 2019, the 2nd "Child-friendly municipality" action plan of the City of Wolfsburg was adopted by the Wolfsburg City Council. It contains extensive measures for the integration of children's rights into administrative action, for the structural anchoring of child and youth participation and for the expansion and consolidation of participation formats in the city of Wolfsburg."

The final report of the City of Wolfsburg takes stock of the implementation of the measures from the second action plan in the period from 2019 to 2023, focusing on the progress and successes in the fulfillment of the measures, but also on the critical examination of goals not yet achieved in the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the City of Wolfsburg."

The regular monitoring of child and youth participation is a measure from the City of Wolfsburg's "Child-friendly municipality" action plan. The 2022 monitoring report records and documents all activities, projects and procedures of all active business and specialist departments for the year 2022 that took place with the participation of children and young people. The monitoring report provides information on the number and intensity of the participation processes carried out, as well as the number and age group of the target groups reached."

"Brief report: How digitally competent is Wolfsburg?

This question serves as the starting point for the current DigComp - Digital Competencies - project of the City of Wolfsburg's Strategic Education Management department. The project was funded as part of the Education Integrated funding program from 2019 - 2022."

On October 5, 2022, the city of Wolfsburg published the framework concept "School Integration Management" (SEM) in cooperation with the Regional State Office for Schools and Education, Braunschweig.

Based on the vision of full participation in education for children and young people with health problems and an improvement in equal opportunities with regard to the achievement of educational qualifications (prevention of dropouts), the concept was developed in a participatory manner and presented to all schools and network partners in October.

The SEM framework concept contains various steps that enable an early, structured and coordinated approach to absenteeism with sick leave and excuses.

In order to show children and young people with or after health problems ways to learn successfully, the framework concept sets out a legally compliant procedure for gradual reintegration.

All schools in Wolfsburg's educational landscape thus have a concept at their disposal that they can adapt to their own school processes. The "Strategic Education Management" department of the City of Wolfsburg is coordinating and evaluating the implementation phase.

For further information please contact:
Cordula Lüken (Project Manager)
Phone: 05361 28-1745

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