A fleet of around 20 refuse collection vehicles is on the road every day in the city on defined routes. Around 7,500 waste and recyclables containers are emptied every day.
Recyclable materials collected in this way, such as biowaste and waste paper, are recycled and returned to the material cycle. Residual materials are thermally recycled and used to generate electricity, which leads to a reduction in the need for other power plants and contributes to the energy turnaround that has been initiated.

Disposal planner/disposal dates
The waste disposal planner is intended to inform you of the most important collection dates. You will find all the emptying dates for the gray, green and blue garbage cans as well as the collection dates for the yellow bags. The locations and times of the mobile collection of hazardous waste and electronic waste are also included. The correct disposal route is also described here.
How do I dispose of what?
Residual waste, organic waste and garden waste, waste paper, glass, lightweight packaging and bulky waste are just some of the types of waste. With the help of the waste ABC, you can quickly find out how to dispose of your waste correctly.
Compost and garden waste
You want your garden or balcony to be green and blooming - WAS has small and large quantities of Compost PLUS, our natural fertilizer and soil conditioner, for you!
More garden waste than space in the garbage can? In the fall, WAS offers special tours in the city and districts to dispose of bulky garden waste. There is also the option of purchasing additional organic waste garbage cans or, if there is a temporary increase in demand, sacks for disposal, or delivering the garden waste to the waste disposal center for a fee.
Bulky waste
Do you have bulky waste? A collection of a maximum of 5 cubic meters per appointment can be ordered free of charge up to four times a year. If the quantity of 5 cubic meters provided per appointment is exceeded, disposal will be carried out and an additional fee of 30.00 euros will be charged for each additional cubic meter of bulky waste. Find out what belongs with bulky waste and what has to be disposed of elsewhere and book your bulky waste appointment online now.
Yellow bags
The disposal of yellow bags is not a municipal task, but a service provided by the private dual systems. If you have any questions or problems regarding the disposal of yellow bags, please contact Remondis directly.
REMONDIS Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH, An der Alten Tonkuhle 10, 39164 Stadt Wanzleben-Börde
Hotline: 0800/1 22 32 55, e-mail: info-wanzleben@remondis.de
Wolfsburg waste disposal center
You will find the Wolfsburg waste disposal center between Fallersleben and Weyhausen at Weyhäuser Weg 3. A wide range of disposal options are offered during opening hours. You can also obtain the high-quality compost PLUS there.
Problem waste (PROSA)
Small quantities of problem waste (up to 25 kilograms or up to 10 fluorescent tubes) from the private sector are accepted free of charge at the mobile collection points. Larger quantities can be delivered directly to the Wolfsburg disposal center.
Electronic scrap collection (ELSA)
Small electrical appliances (up to 40 centimetres in length) can be handed in free of charge at the mobile collection points. Large electrical appliances such as washing machines, electric stoves, monitors, televisions and computers are also collected from private households free of charge on call. Make an appointment online now! All types and sizes of appliances can also be delivered to the Wolfsburg disposal center.
Wolfsburg's road network has a total length of around 500 kilometers, of which around 220 kilometers are to be cleaned by WAS. The streets and cycle paths included in the public street cleaning are also looked after by WAS as part of the municipal winter service. All other streets must be cleared by the citizens themselves.
Industry-specific waste requires industry-specific disposal solutions. Waste for disposal must be handed over to the public waste management authority - in Wolfsburg this is WAS.